Widow Maker Heart Attack: How Does It Happen?

Young men and extensive overlapping clots can cause widowemakers.

Strenuous exercise increases the risk of of heart attack and cardiac arrest. Making sure your fitness club has a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death.

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When Don Stenta turned 50 last January, he decided to train for a half-marathon. As director of student recreational sports at Ohio State University, Stenta oversees six sports and recreation centers on campus and began running regularly on the secondary school’s hidden traffic lanes.

One day after his run, Stenta collapsed and later woke up in the infirmary. He suffered a cardiac arrest on the main line and two Agile Thinking students used one of the facility’s automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) to get his heart going again. his heart They still resuscitated him until medical staff arrived.

The doctors then discovered that there was a 95% blockage in the left anterior descendant (LAD) artery, also known as the “widowmaker” artery, because blockages are almost always fatal here. They can. happen without warning.

‘I am the one who wears useless kilos every time and I have a history of home of heart problem in my old age,” says Stenta. But every time I have normal blood pressure and normal cholesterol levels, I did not think I was really in danger. I was tired during the training but did not realize that it was something to worry about.

Thanks to employee resuscitation and AED training (something every student manager in Ohio needs) heart Damage. After months of rehabilitation, he returned to his own normal routine.

I think AEDs should stick in as many social spaces as possible because they really do save lives,” Stenta says. ‘You only need to use an AED for a few seconds and a few minutes. makes a huge difference.”

For example, why AEDs are relevant in the gym.

While systematic exercise can help strengthen the heart cardiovascular tasks in the long term, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular tasks and builds up concentrated effort for heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest. This applies even more to people who are at higher risk than usual because of lifestyle and genetic factors.

Young, healthy people are the least likely to heart problem during exercise, but it is still possible. happen Paulin February, celebrity trainer Bob Harper, a well-known cross-trainer, felt the “lack of widow heart attack (Harper, 51, says his mother died of a heart attack. a heart attack And his genetics probably played a role for him. (And like Stenta, Harper says he was plagued by dizzy, a key cause of his collapse.)

Harper was saved by a witness who was able to resuscitate Jim and use him. ‘I will never go to a gym without resuscitation again,’ he said. I understand resuscitation and there is an AED somewhere in this gym,” the trainer said this afternoon.

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Widow Maker Heart Attack: How Does It Happen?

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According to the American Heart Association, more than 350, 000 people in the United States suffer from a measured cardiac arrest each year. And almost all of these events . happen People in motion: a 2013 study in the Journal of the Heart Institute of South America showed that sudden unexpected cardiac arrangements in the direction of 136 (or 16%) of 849 social spaces over a 12-year period in Seattle and his county were hampered by all traditional or unconventional exercise.

However, the study also showed that those who had cardiac arrest with classical exercise had a 56% survival rate for those involved in nonstandard exercise (e.g., public centers, church gyms, dance studios, etc.). 34% for people in other social spaces (e.g., shopping centers, airports).

In their own memorandum, the study makers that AEDs occur more frequently in fitness centers than in other spaces and are probably at least partially responsible for these improved opportunities. Usually in small miniature boxes, these devices contain electronic detectors that can be applied to a person heart back into rhythm when he slows down or fights erratically.

Health experts support the widespread placement of AEDs in social spaces, but there is virtually no federal law that does not require the devices in certain spaces. That’s why it’s fundamentally important to make sure you can sweep in your own gym, says Mary Noreen Walsh, president of the South American Heart Institute of Maryland – or to literally ask where it is. Case in point.

AEDs in small gyms and nontraditional training courses are probably less common, some people might want to think about it regularly in a particular room. It has to depend on your personal risk points and your own preferences,” Walsh says. ‘Maybe a group of young people might not consider it, but a group of people in the middle might want to think about it more often.”

According to the American Heart Association, most anti-epilepsy costs between $1, 500 and $2, 000 and may require a physician’s recipe. District ambulance services can provide information on local and state protocols and billing.

Operating the AED

The AED includes step-by-step notes and spoken instructions and is intended for use by untrained observers. Anyone who witnesses a loss of consciousness can administer an AED to an unconscious person whose breathing and pulse are proven to be absent or irregular.

Before administering the AED, bystanders are required to call 911 so help can be requested quickly; if an AED is not immediately available, one person must initiate CPR and two must run to a neighbor. Before using the device, the user must determine the presence of a puddle of water or take the unconscious person to a dry space.

The device instructs the user to expose the person’s bust. and attach Kleefmads with electronic sensors. the dispenser uses these detectors to heart rhythm and, if necessary, instructs the user to press a button to administer an electric shock.

Once the shock is administered, the device will ask the user to resuscitate until medical emergency assistance arrives. Alternatively, it can ask the user to administer the shock after two minutes.

They are advantageous to use. They can be easily removed from the wall or room. When used on time, they certainly save lives,” says Dr. Walsh. ‘But it is very fundamental how aristocratic they are and where they are in an emergency.”

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How else might gym guests stand up for themselves?

Dr. Walsh points out that exercise is generally one of the best ways to reduce the risk of disease. heart Disease is generally a risk, and this despite the cardiac arrest caused by exercise. can happen For everyone, the characteristics between the young and healthy remain very low.

Even when it does happen The outcome is often more important than all other outcomes: according to a 2013 survey by the European Heart Journal, 46% of survivors of cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrest wore all charges, even after age, location modified, capturing 17% of survivors whose cardiac arrest was not exercised The results of the study were as follows. Degree of resuscitation and AED use.

Says Arts Walsh, “The point here is that you need to go to a doctor with a proven track record in aristocratizing an individual’s cardiovascular risk points.” ‘Exercise in general is great, but you can’t always predict every mental event.”

According to Dr. Walsh’s text, this is because not only do you know how to use an AED, but you also know how to resuscitate, and are ready to assist, whether or not there is a defibrillator available. (Resuscitation only does not have the opportunity to revive someone from cardiac arrest, but does have the opportunity to keep him alive until the ambulance is there, and shock cannot be guaranteed).

According to Dr. Walsh’s text, resuscitation must be performed by a certified person. However, in the event of an emergency, she states

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Symptoms and Phenomena of Widowhood

You will not be able to aristocratically determine if you have widowhood or normal heart attack The outdoor symptoms look identical. The most common heart attack symptoms are:

  • Pain or chest pressure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Ugh.
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Despite the title, widows have every opportunity to see someone When this is done to a woman. heart attacks Are you likely to have any of the following unusual symptoms?

  • Jaw or neck pain
  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Symptoms of the flu

Because any type of heart attack This is serious and you should go to the emergency department or call 911 immediately if you have any symptoms.


You have the same warning signals as other forms of flu of heart attacks .

  • Chest pain or discomfort. This is the most well-known sign for ladies and gentlemen. You may experience pain, pressure, tension, or fullness in the center of your chest for several minutes. The feeling may leave and then return.
  • Pain or discomfort in the upper body. Can be felt in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath. Feeling unable to breathe. This can happen with or without chest discomfort. Women report this more often than men.
  • Nausea
  • Cold sweats
  • Ugh.
  • Pain behind the jaw.

Fast healing can save your life. Call 112 immediately. It is almost always better than having someone rush you to first aid. The paramedic has a good chance of trying to resuscitate you heart In case he stops.

As explained in this post:

Medical abstracts now have strict references and come only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, medical journals and associations. The use of tertiary citations is avoided. We link to key informants, umbrella studies, scientific references, and statistics in each memo and state these in the source section at the bottom of the memo. Read the Editorial Policy Statement to learn more about how to make sure your content is clear and relevant.

  • Avoid daily aspirin if your doctor does not prescribe it, advises Fresh Pillar. https: // www. heart . org/nl/news/2019/03/18/dived-daily-aspirin-without-that-arts-the-voorwijt-new-guidelines-advice
  • Entezarjou, A., et al. (2018). The blame ship: impact on short- and long-term surveillance of patients with ST myocardial infarction. https: // openheart. bmj. com/content/5/2/e000852
  • Heart attack Polam (2019). https: // www. CDC. gov/heartdisease/heart_attack. htm
  • Heart attack Polam (n. D.). https: // www. nhlbi. NIH (National Institutes of Health. Gov/Health Topics/Heart-Attack.
  • Facts about Heart Disease. (2019). https: // www. CDC. Gov/HeartDisease/Facts. htm
  • Psychological types of life organization: physical fitness (n. D.). https: // www. nhlbi. NIH (National Institutes of Health. Gov/node/24059
  • Jahnberg. t., et al. (2015). Cardiovascular risk in patients with myocardial infarction following myocardial infarction: national real-world data show the importance of long-term feasibility. https: // Academic. oup. com/eurheartj/article/36/1163/20093202
  • Johansson S. et al. (2017). Trends in mortality and morbidity in first-year survivors of acute myocardial infarction: usual lycosis. https: // bmccardiovascdisord. biomediated. com/ article/10. 1186/s12872-017-0482-9

A widowmaker heart attack is a type of heart attack This is caused by 100% blockade of the left anterior decubital (blue spot) artery. This is also sometimes referred to as acquired absolute occlusion (CTO).

The LAD artery leads powerful blood to the young. the heart so that the heart It gets air, which is important for a strong pump. If blocked, the heart Can he be delayed quite quickly – it is this type of heart attack It is called “widowhood.”

But widowhood is not always fatal. Let’s look a little more carefully at when it comes, what actually has the ability to cause it, and what is healing and healing as you have it.

The symptoms of widowhood are essentially the same as other types of widowhood. of heart attack . And as with other heart attacks You may not even notice it until you the heart attack start (and sometimes even at that time).

Seek immediate emergency medical assistance if you are suffering from any of the any heart attack Symptoms.Some warning signals and symptoms of 100% youth blockade are

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Check for pain coming from your arms, legs, back, neck, or jaw
  • Abdominal pain that feels like heartburn
  • Chest or neck muscle pain that feels like a damn muscle
  • Dyspnea
  • Feeling upset or nervous for no apparent reason
  • Feeling dizzy, winded, or confused
  • Sweating without warning
  • Feeling sick
  • Stopping
  • feeling like your heart is skipping beats

Women are more likely to experience all of these symptoms without chest pain.

A widowmaker heart attack This is caused by an absolute blockage of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. The young transport large amounts of blood through the body. heart For example, if there is no blood flow through the young, the chest cannot breathe. heart He then immediately sits up without air and loses the battle.

This man is usually blocked by cholesterol plaque. This situation is known as sclerosis, often referred to as “arterial confirmation.”

Plaque has the ability to cause blood clots that hide the arteries. In some cases, clots have the opportunity to quickly accumulate and cause immediate 100% blockage, even if the vein is only partially blocked.

Risk Factors for Widow Maker heart attack , as with any heart attack First and most important is the choice of lifestyle or genetic points that affect cholesterol levels. If heart attacks Walking through your own family, you will likely have once. Apart from that, you need to be at risk a heart attack as you get older.

Some of life’s type moments you are at risk of widowhood heart attack include:

  • Smoking regularly or plum cigarettes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Diet is not good for you. heart The diet has large amounts of processed grains, unhealthy fats, full fat dairy products, and sodium.
  • High blood pressure
  • Large amounts of low-density (LDL or “bad” cholesterol) lipoproteins in the blood
  • Low levels of high density (HDL or “good” cholesterol) lipoproteins in the blood.
  • Diabetes or pre-diabetes
  • You do not exercise enough

Genetic factors that can make Are you more fragile a heart attack or other heart conditions include:

  • ras. you are more likely to a heart attack If you are European, African-American, or indigenous South American descent.
  • Genetic condition. Certain (often rare) conditions are passed through one gene (called monogenic disorders). a heart attack Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the open air and hypercholesterolemia may play a role. In some cases, the situation is caused by several genetic mutations (called polygenic disorders). make You are more vulnerable, such as dyslipidemia.

If symptoms are present, move directly to the emergency department. a heart attack The faster a widow is tackled and treated, the greater the chance of healing.

The healing required for 100% youth sealing consists of the correct procedure.

  1. Your doctor will bring in a catheter through a small cut in your leg or gro diameter.
  2. The catheter is delivered by your young gentleman and a small weightless balloon at the end of the catheter is blown out to clear the blockage. These first two steps are called angioplasty.
  3. Your doctor will bring in a stent, a small iron tube made of tiny mesh wire that will help open your prosthesis. heart muscles.

Your doctor can place a longer stent so that the artery is not hidden. Some stay in the artery forever, while others are designed to resolve over time so the artery takes its normal position again.

Recovery is based on the heart attack Can your doctor do one? heart operation. It may still be necessary heart If your doctor finds a blockage in some arteries around your arteries, surgery is necessary. heart .

Some operation options are

  • Extirpation. This is literally like an angioplasty, but the catheter has a small rotating blade to remove plaque buildup.
  • Bypass. The doctor uses a healthy vein or artery from another part of the body to guide blood through a new blood vessel around the blockage.
  • Valve replacement. Your doctor will use a healthy heart valves, often from a human donor or a cow or pig, to replace a blocked or diseased valve.

If your youngster is being treated with angioplasty or stenting, he or she will usually need to remain in the clinic for at least one day to recover. They can then return home after about a week and resume normal activities, such as work or exercise.

When the physician is obligated to perform heart If surgery must be performed, you may need to remain in the clinic for three to seven days before going home.

Perhaps wake up in the intensive care unit (ICU) with different tubes in the chest, remove small stones with water, intravenous (IV) water hose in the arm, and remain alert. heart .

Once home, you must

  • Stay warm, dry, and newly immobilized several times a day and be aware of your surgical incision.
  • Take all the anesthesia or blood thin thin thin thin that your doctor prescribes.
  • Do not exercise or lift anything heavier than 10 kilos until your doctor says it is ok.
  • Participate in any rehabilitation program your doctor recommends for you heart To build strength and others at risk heart attack .

I had a widowmaker heart attack It is still November 2015 and she had to move emergency on bypass. This is a good informative website. I just discovered . my heart attack was a widowmaker.

I too survived a widow maker I had chest pains for 3 days but looked like stomach complaints.Towards the end of the 3rd day I felt I had pneumonia but could not breathe that well. It was the middle of the night and my loved ones took me to the emergency department where they diagnosed me. a heart attack I was operated on and a stent was placed but I com sleep for almost 2 months before going home. At this point I am “6 years old” (actually 64, but in addition to my 6 “episodes”) and after 2 years I had to have a cardiac implant (CCG) to keep me stable and unstoppable. heart I am stable so that I do not stop and do not stop. The entire front headquarters of heart is dead. Was able to make The graduation of my offspring from the institute, and the marriage of my offspring to my daughter. In fact, it is still here. My beloved, for one of the hamburgers, will no longer eat at the jump complaints”. widow maker ”.

I followed the diet and lost 40 pounds seven years ago, but the weight has not gotten worse for my body and age. in February I turned 60 years old. I figured as long as I was stopping the weight, it wasn’t a bad idea to eat what I wanted in moderation. I did cardio and weights 2-3 times a week. a week ago. my heart attack I definitely helped move the loom furniture 3 flights of stairs. I woke up sometime in the afternoon and felt discomfort and a lumpy armpit in my left chest. No pain … Just a little discomfort. I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast cereal. When I returned upstairs I was really out of breath and the discomfort returned. I thought this could be the beginning. a heart attack I took an aspirin. Then I was not in the city so I went to …. I looked at clinics online and my insurance was good … I argued for 3 more hours and when I got back from the post office I went to the emergency department. the EKG was abnormal and after the blood they declared that I was in fact so a heart attack Poleo stayed tonight and the next day there was a stent in my blood, 95% blocked. For example the night before my basic walk in the hospital department. The next day I was home and 3 weeks later back on the right side with another stent, 70% blocked. My cardiologist told me I could exercise again as soon as I felt it . I became effective, 81 aspirin, beta – blockers …. I did not have high blood pressure: …. It was borderline …. They also gave me strong cholesterol meds. I think my vision was Basta … I have the genetics of the founder so the diet is logical. He underwent a bypass operation in 1977. I feel better than ever with my own diet, following the fresh instructions that gave me the parts. I try to eat more vegetables, fruits, fish … I really thought I was doing great with my diet. I wish I knew how long it took me to figure out what it was all about. Can you lie down alone in a month and eat a hamburger and fries? And sometimes a steak? I have stopped processing my lunch beef … I pay attention to my sodium intake etc . Just do it in small doses . I am interested in the value of my cholesteine.

In fact, this website contains more correct information presented in less expensive language than ever before. A source of considerable value, that is for sure. I have never had any special interest in “healthy” foods. heart Notes and recommendations. After the appearance of a few months, emerged in the people’s artery, a practical and quite intimate experiment. Now, let’s say my attitude has changed. The only thing I find disappointing is that I can no longer enjoy roast chicken as I did before.

my nephew just had a heart attack 100% of the young arteries are blocked and only found the next day to see the damage!

This is a great website, since 2 weeks I feel significant pain in my chest and left arm. My secretary assured me to go to a neighborhood clinic where his impartiality is known to be overcome in emergency related situations. the heart I went in and they did some initial testing and an hour later I was in Cath Lab. They told me my heart was 95% blocked. They placed a stent and ordered some medical supplies for me and they told me if I stayed sharp and took my meds and ate well everything would be ok. They said I was very lucky. When the doctor told me: “It was not a bad win, you won the lottery”. They don’t need to turn my ear twice. I would advise against their message. The lesson of my situation is to go to the clinic and listen to the secretary every time I feel chest pains!

In March 2014 I jogged and collapsed on my living room floor. My roommate was resuscitating me until my care providers arrived. I was defibrillated 3 times due to cardiac arrest. They took me to first aid with 95% occlusion. widow maker They performed an angioplasty, placed a stent and I was successful. The only sign was dizziness after running and collapsing. At some point I wanted. to make With the first aid they found other problems such as seizures and heart attacks because my heart enzymes were not elevated (called non-vascular). My mother – law was definitive, she was even resuscitated and I was diagnosed with cardiac arrest. She happened to tell them it was cardiac arrest. my heart What I am trying to say is that it is important to have a lawyer who knows what is going on with the medical staff at the clinic in order to get proper care as soon as possible. My advice is to learn resuscitation.

Thanks for the good info. I look forward to hearing from you.

I had this widow heart attack Saturday morning. Friday night I was working late. My dear friends at Townhide benefited from the weekend. Before heading home we went to eat and threw our laptops in the microcenter. When we got home I told my wife my bust was hurting . I honestly thought that eating snacks had caused it since I had been following the entire 30 program for the past two months. We were going to take a nap; I woke up at 2:30 feeling uncomfortable. I got up and went back to sleep. at 3:30 i woke up again and woke up. I took 2 baby aspirins and a stomach acid inhibitor. I went to the bathroom. I felt pretty sick. My bust was unhealthy and so were both of them. My doctor went to the bathroom and took my blood pressure. 157/106. she recorded him again and did the same thing. She said: put on your own clothes and we will go to the emergency department. I tried to talk to her, but the conversation was short. When I had to deliver the stairs to the road, I walked because I felt quite uncomfortable with the frantic threat. It went through each scar color and approached 100 km/h to the clinic. Every moment was delivered. 15 minutes took. I arrived and the EKG was made immediately and the doctor told me it was indeed so. a heart attack And they were obligated to work immediately. A catheter was inserted into my right POL and 3 stents were placed in my 100% blocked LDA. 1 stent was placed in my RCA. Now, only Tuesday, I wonder what view I had. of heart attack I had and how close I was. Long term rehab is in my near future. My EF was soon my attack 25%. The next day my echocardiogram showed it had risen to 45%. A lot can happen.

  • Mark Shoemaker conversation on April 23, 2015 at 2:38 pm.

Russ, on July 19, 2011, was 43 years old and widowed. My law took me to the clinic with my 2 toddler boys in the back of the car… I am scared… Everything is ok …. I worked diligently in cardiac rehab, my diet has changed and I am doing well … I am going mountain biking for 3 days in Moab, Utah for 3 days … I did the White Rim Trail in Canyonlands (120 miles in 2 days) 6 months after Mayf…

  • Scott Webb chat on January 9, 2016 at 10:39 pm

Thanks Mark. I had the widow maker December 13, 2015. I am 56 years old. I actually had this arranged by the clinic. there were 4 stents. I started with cardiac rehab and lost 16 lbs in 3 weeks. Your expertise encouraged me. I am still worried about the data. God Blessed!

  • Stephen’s conversation on March 8, 2016 at 5:42 am

Had widow maker ojjjhhhhhhhhhjn November 5, 2014. heart Surgery that night. They tried to find the blockage, but in the process the artery itself was about to start bleeding. With all the anticoagulants in my body, the surgery was a haphazard affair. I lost up to 9 units of blood, which finally stopped after 3 days. I am a single father raising two daughters and I will never forget waking up for 4 days and seeing them snuggled up and asleep.

  • Johnny Ryan speaking on April 19, 2016 at 12:19 pm

I gave birth to a “widow” (95% male blocked) on March 11, 2012 at age 48, 6’1″, 205 lbs. I pack my schedule for the day, but still continue to exercise. My cholesterol was 173. As a dramatic coincidence, this was the day we moved the clock forward. I later realized that during the clock change a significant amount of MIS had accumulated; two stents were placed into the cardiac catheter via the femoral artery. I was in a coma during this time and did not wake up until 4 days later. I then spoke to the paramedics and was told the following my heart They stopped and suctioned me for almost 15 minutes and gave my breasts 15 shocks. (I woke up with burns and rashes on my breasts.) Of course, it was a traumatic event. For example, I sorted out a lot of useless things before and after MI. Only at this moment, by the grace of God, am I here. So far, I feel I am coping well with PTSD and gad. I am exploring my limits. I try to help everyone I can help. It flows through this. Because the most powerful thing I have learned is that I cannot solve all the difficulties associated with this type of behavior on my own.

NOTE: Do not attempt to go to the ambulance yourself, do not let your girlfriend drive you, and call 911. The excellent thing about heading to the ER by ambulance is that they will do an EKG, blood tests, road tests, and examine you to see what the problem is. Before you get there, the nobles will be with you, and they will call the ER to prepare for your arrival, and the entire team will be ready to assist you.

  • Lindsey spoke on February 20, 2017 at 7:32 pm

Good advice Bob, I was thinking the same thing. Calling an ambulance is the easy part.

Your mother in law is a fearless woman … My wife said she did not want to take me to the ambulance … Please call 911 and invite me to the ambulance … Your fearless and loving wife may cause you further damage and harm herself and others by driving too fast for example…. My hat from her was categorically rejected, she did no favors to anyone and took you to the ambulance branch. I will strive for what is best for you.

Excellent post. Thank you. Best!

In any case, I am glad you made this, you have a very wise wife. She has helped you through your life. I am sure you will find great healing.

  • Steve to chat on July 8, 2016 at 2:36 am

Devil, I had a maker for Sunday beach trips, and my wife is a nurse. Only on Tuesday I took a walk to the dock. She drove me crazy, but not documented.

Oh. Just creepy kids. What are you doing at the moment to believe this will happen in the future? My mother has a bypass and I worry all the time. I try to force her to eat less meat and animal products, with all the research papers saying people who eat less live longer healthier lives. I also try to get my husband and I to lose weight, move more and eat more than everyone else. We are in our 30’s but I have been trying for years – I am constantly seeing people 40 and 50 years old and think that is very young!

I am 39 and a special runner and lifter. I also had a widow. My extra cardio routine set up my heart least amount of damage. My co-worker went back to work 3 days after surgery and stent placement so I guess I am hooked. my heart attack The stent was placed. This happened on April 4, 2016 and I did not find it unwelcomed. No longer realized due to the stone.

Thursday afternoon while cutting an evergreen I felt a burning pain in my chest and an invisible hand squeezing my throat . My doctor called the hospital and they said I had to come in for a stat. I took a nuclear stress test and on the treadmill I got it! my heart I had a score of up to 140 and the cardiologist said my EKG pattern was abnormal. I felt the same feeling worse. The cardiologist and surgeon waited in my room and then a car came back to my room. I was in or out a short time later; LAD blockade and personal stent were placed. I praise and thank life during Progressive Medicine and the talented medical staff at Providence Hospital in Everett, Washington.

In June 2006, at the age of 37, I suffered a stroke a heart attack as a result of a blockage in the LAD artery in my heart Veldenik went from great feeling to excruciating toe pain in my chest. I took the first exit I saw, got out of the car, walked into the nail studio and collapsed on the floor. By the time the ambulance personnel arrived I was alert and my most significant symptoms were general. I was rushed to the anticipated clinic where my symptoms began again. Right morning I stopped for an overnight study and right morning I had a nuclear stress test. Then I was taken to another clinic. This took me to more clinics than any clinic prepared for healing and two stents were placed in my heart. my heart And 9 years later I am wonderful.

Hi Document… Thanks for the note. I actually have a question for someone else – who I like – was hurt a little while ago a widow maker heart attack . I had my heart attack A few months ago and to be honest … I feel depressed – as if I am depressed or something of that family. That is unusual. Because I doubt if it is considered physical, sensual, or anything else . I am the only one who checks it out after the big one . heart attack ? Is this normal? How long does it take? Is there actually something I can arrange to make myself feel better than ever? etc.? Any recommendations from other widow overschers are welcome!

  • Chris’s Conversation September 9, 2015 at 3:18 am

Dear friend …. Don’t worry about it: …. You definitely have the right to test the “down” For a moment, a view of life and the composition of life. As someone said to me, you two are not serious, 1 heart … make Best of this. if you are using Plavix, stay with it. This organization is uncomfortable, but worth it. If you have a large cordioconsult clinic, go … Brainless Humor: …. Send an electric message to the American Heart Association – they give great feedback. One more leg – you can arrange it!

had a widow maker Jan 2015 ochi I am 66 years old and this was my second stent. And yes, ocho was done through many depressions!

The problem is that the actual assistance groups are quite limited in my environment. No one can relate to the article or the intent of the act. I had WMHA on Jan 13th . Likewise, it is good that most of our old people then take our exercises seriously afterwards. 5 kilometers more than 5 days a week is impossible. Mind you, the diet includes some of the most important points. I currently eat more fiber than most rabbits. Eliminating red meat and most dairy products and the Lipitor kick has definitely helped keep my cholesterol under 120. Read the nutrition labels. I learned the complicated way… You are what you eat! Good luck to you all!

Keep in mind that I am over a year out. But I just wanted to think that you experience yourself more than others on a physical level and sensual. Had. my widow maker After your 9 days. I am usually a strict cookie baker but I was a one year banger. I asked Zoloft and it definitely helped along with running and meditation again. Long term desires for you, happy life 🙂

It was a traumatic skill that really screamed out at me and not without reason. I was all widowed dad, triple blockage in the left leg, 80% of the blockage removed in all 3 months at the clinic, and all started with a bladder infection. I really, really felt that a serious stomach complaint broke out twice in 2 days and drove me away. But thank God I got it sorted out, I am a 61 year old woman.

My husband had this widow maker And I felt anxious and worried because he did not remember anything. I suggest that you purchase a blood pressure monitor to have mental peace of mind and find out with your constant flow to see if the monitoring can control the regenerative use of the heart of the excar fish.

My beloved died at some point and autopsy showed that the youngster had 75% stenosis with thrombosis. The right main florid artery showed a stenosis of 50-60%. Is the young man’s blockage considered a widowmaker?

  • Conversation with Julie Ames September 1, 2016 at 10:05 am

Rich I just stated that the blockade is called a widow maker. I heard This is for the nurse practitioner when I was in the clinic just a few days ago to place a stent in a man. I do not consider it all that bad but that is what was told to me . How sorry I am. to hear For your wife’s passage. I am truly sorry.

I had a widow maker on January 23, 2015. I was in the disposal room of the exchange of shoulders . I was so lucky, we had a stent in the room for up to an hour. I am 30 years old.

  • Lindsay speaks on February 20, 2017 at 7:34 pm

Jim, that is scary. Here you keep repeating that this happens with 30 and 40 year olds. as a mother with 3 young children and a husband approaching 40, that is a lot. Glad this applies to you. God bless you, for example.

I am 36 years old. during february. I had terrible pains in my chest and arms. It didn’t go away, so I went to first aid. 5 minutes later, I die. They resuscitated me and I was fitted with two stents. My stent was 100% blocked and one was behind my heart Cleaning 80. i only have 35%. of heart stent on the left side. I also checked my depression, it is worse than all the others. Still wary due to the fact that I am unlucky going forward. Not easy except at this young age.

  • Jim conversation on October 7, 2015 at 3:12 am.

Also had a friend and 30, 100% blockade. I have never felt depressed, for example, I am more aware of what I have lived through when so many others have died. I have no career, no family that does not depend on me, nothing. So why am I still there? I recognize myself 10 times a day. I have nothing. make sense.

  • Messenger interview on February 1, 2016 at 6:55 pm

God has a project for you. You are still here for a good reason. John 3:16.

You are young but you are not saved for nothing. Enjoy the life you have left. I am 61 years old and every day I find reasons to enjoy my life.

I appeared on December 24th 15 but I will never forget the pain I went through. Then I felt not depressed but it passed quickly because cardiac rehab was there to get me back on track. I think it was the stress of heavy work that led to the heart attack PMLV with stent with possibly R3 placed. i am currently elementary in my guard to eat anything. I am 1 meter 80 years old, weigh 90 kilos, weight useless and do not eat terribly. I do not know why this happened.

My husband too had a heart attack And double bypass at your age. Depression and fear are real, but by all data it is possible to overcome. He will be 60 in July, life is challenging and your life and your skills are helpful. Help others come through. There are many rehabilitation centers for the elderly and people helping the young. Be that person. and make Difference. The Lord has blessed you.

On the last day of the week I had rad bypass surgery. This was done with the help of pump surgery with bone support. I was operated on the first day of the week and went home on Thursday. The good news is that I had very little other chest pain prior to the surgery, except for severe lethargy. They found that during the cardiac catheterization, which was very significant for the stent. I am still amazed at what they actually made and how there was not enough pain afterwards. I wish you the best and hope to see you again soon.

  • Shinbu Talk February 4, 2016 at 8:28 pm

You, my friend are very lucky. It’s much easier than the pump operation, there were 35 stents and 2 ACL grafts. Good luck to you, I think it will stay that way!

My 68 year old husband had a heart attack February 2011 (unconscious on kitchen floor). Young people involved. 100% blockades, and other areas. the heart This revealed 2 blockages of 40% – including 10% blockage and 20 blockages. He was put com sleep. (to make it easier on his heart (and was eventually rushed by ambulance to a more robust clinic for evaluation. He passed all his difficulties, but due to other health issues was unable to undergo the necessary surgery. And later he could not get the knee replacement he needed due to a his heart Disability. It is being treated with an abundance of prescription medications including water pills (furosemide). He pees every 30 minutes – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! That’s not all. If you don’t let yourself be manipulated, it is waiting for you. He was in a wheelchair for 2 years (due to arthritis) and I took care of it at home. He accepts everything that is happening and sometimes complains. It would be very difficult for him to go on vacation. Plane – not once. He takes the drug tramadol for his arthritis. What a life! Yes, he has been a special smoker for years and the last time he smoked was that day he was his heart attack He was at home. His doctor really did not talk about the frequency of this lake. Not surprising that he continues to sleep in his living room chair during the day .

  • A Conversation with Julie Ames September 1, 2016 10:13 am

Im sorry to hear About your husband. Nevertheless, you could not name a brighter place in his life … You. I have many health problems similar to your spouses health problems. The dentist told me he could not retrieve my teeth because of my diabetes. my heart And diabetes! Most of the time it is just another toothache. The only thing I can’t do without is my husband. If I can’t do it, he makes it. You are all he needs.

I went to the clinic on 8/6 for chest pain and shortness of breath. on 8/8 I had a stent placed in my widow maker… I am still suffering from chest pain and my breathing does not normalize . Does anyone have any idea if this is not a bad thing ?

What do you think about calcium heart scan (or mammogram) the heart It failed and previously undetectable heart replace the detection of the disease? I am doing research for a note on this subject and would like to quote you. Best regards.

  • Nancy’s Conversation September 4, 2015 at 10:42 pm

My husband just had a calcium test done. He had an 84% blockage in his PMLV . We opted for surgery but his nuclear stress test showed good circulation so the doctor gave him cholesterol meds. There is little to no operation. His cholesterol level is less than 200. The doctor is the most important cardiac surgeon in the area, so he has to trust his judgment, but he is a bit confused. We went through it with him and he thought it was the best approach.

  • Simbu speaks on February 4, 2016 at 8:34 pm

Open heart Surgery is not for the weak and is not the one cure for for heart disease.84% is important but I have no doubt in your doctor. He kept an eye on your EKG and told me what to look for. For years I was told I could not get AH because my arteries were so small and weak … Then came the day they had no choice … A bypass was created. It took 6 months for all the transplants to go and had to go back to a nearby artery. The surgery itself did not heal me at all. 35 stents and 2 ACL grafts. The operation is performed slowly, if that is even somewhat possible.

I had widow maker I knew nothing about it, I drove 600 miles home, I felt a bad pain in the back of my hand, but I have arthritis, so I ignored it, went home, took a nap, woke up the next morning, the pain spread from my neck to my jaw, my wife called for quick help and took me to the hospital Took me to the lab immediately, they put me on the catheter measuring table, they kept me outside for 2 weeks, I did not want to move, this is 2011, I am taking blood pressure pills, I am doing well so far

  • Bryant Pson Chatz on January 2, 2016 at 2:45 am

I am actually glad you are doing well and that you are doing well . Is there any doubt that you were a widow developer? I have an important artery. the heart Blocked, no. Most people die towards that time; 600 miles takes 10 hours. Not all heart attacks are caused by WindowMaker. Just curious, how much of the LAD was blocked?

Excellent work by Dr. Mustafa, excellent, clear and easy to understand explanations. I am 55 years old and just had 3 stents placed in my coronary arteries 3 days ago at NYU Langone. The procedure was performed by Dr. Coppola, a great physician and a great pioneer in the field of medicine. I treated my founder within 40 years at St. Vincent’s Hospital and when the procedure was over, Dr. Coppola and Dr. Ferras said you are the culprit. widow maker I had no idea what that meant but there she was, my 32 year old wife dressed in black. Anyway, it was like night and day for me, 4 days ago I could run 4 of my own mills as fast as I could run 500 yards, praise be to God, give the medical profession credit to the God of science.

  • Speech by Dr. Murtaza Ahmed September 17, 2015 at 11:41 am

‘God’ had nothing to do with your life. You are required to declare, “Thank God for science for doctors.” The class and the doctors kept you alive. It is truly wonderful that you are doing so well.

  • Mercy’s Speech October 21, 2016 at 7:17 am

You obviously do not believe in God and His plan for all of us. I am a nurse and have witnessed the wonders of science, but ultimately it is God’s project.Two months ago I fired my own brother at age 45 who was a prime example of his own health condition. He had blockages in all of his cardiac arteries, but 75% in the left artery (LAD). At the time he was in the gym, working out with his own daughter. His funeral was attended by more people than the funeral home had ever seen. He was a coach, a mentor, a great founder, and impacted the lives of many during his 45 years on this earth. The Lord has sent us to this earth for a purpose, and when that purpose is accomplished in His eyes, He has the power to arrest us, no matter how unimaginable the lessons of the document may be. My brother’s slogan is, “It’s a matter of influence.” you make His work was fulfilled on earth, and as a result, the Lord created another angel.

  • Amanda speaks, November 5, 2016 at 3:01 am

Your situation is very similar to what actually happened to my brother, who died on October 31 at the age of 43. There is virtually no doubt about it. was widow maker Fieldone was a firefighter and a well model. Virtually no warnings or instructions. For example, the funeral center was packed with firefighters and security guards for numerous siblings. It is not easy to contain how shocked we all are. But God did not want him for anything. I am a nurse myself and I saw a lot. One moment he went well, the next not. He got sick at the fire station and everything was cheap to save him but did not work out. I took him to the clinic in 3 minutes. He was gone. My brother touched many lives. We do not have the autopsy results but I think he did. the widow maker .

If you live, God has a project for you, but if you do not die? My mother died when I was 42 years old. Do you think it was his design for her to die at 42?

I am a 65 year old woman. a heart attack Last Saturday morning at 1:30 am with youth artery ROL. Do not ignore the character there! I am having discomfort from applying non-breast time – shortness of breath, breast discomfort, poor pain, neck and shoulder pain, middle pain (but not all at the same time). Additionally, there is a chila that has been well described to me and it causes the same symptoms. As a result, I have explained almost all the data. And since I have 3 hernias – one in my neck and one in my back, I wondered if my pain still comes from these hernias. Due to my “big” one, I felt pain in my chest more often. My wife and I were in town with a group of friends. During the buffet I tried to dance and after 30 seconds my breasts started hurting. I sat down until it was over and made no arrangements for the rest of the night. within 12:00 I lay down for a nap and my husband arrived. I could not feel comfortable and could not fall back to sleep as I was not in terrible pain yet. Rested there until the “big one” hit me at 1:30 AM. At that time the pressure in my chest was active with sweating and nausea. My husband called the receptionist at the Hyatt and dialed 911. A caregiver was there within 6 minutes. My EKG showed no problems! They did a nuclear stress test on it. the heart It then immediately caused pain and vomiting. After about 15 minutes they finished their analysis. When I returned to my room, they made an ultrasound, which showed a blockage that still contained a drop of blood. Early the next morning, I was operated on to place a stent. The situation at home obliged me to the nobility. My father died at the age of 63 a heart attack 1980. At that time, you are not enough to arrange now. Otherwise, he probably lived much longer as the first individual. heart attack He was 48 years old. Then one of my brothers passed away 4 years ago. a heart attack He was 58 and since then he has had many challenges but he is still alive. His control is not completely friendly. Then in August 2014 my little brother who was 49 at the time passed away. a heart attack With the same young man had his arteries and they had to send him back to the emergency department twice. For example, he was only 5 minutes away from the outpatient clinic and was brought there by another person, thus he was blessed. Had he experienced it for a minute or two, they would not have had the opportunity to remove him. As a result, they would have. has heart damage and increase. heart But it is going well. I am doing well, but the lesson of my situation is don’t wait until you have a signal – especially in a home situation !!!!

  • Conversation with Dr. Murtaza Ahmed on September 17, 2015 at 11:39 am?
See Also:  Pain in the Right Area of the Chest

Hi Janet, thanks for sharing your own situation. Often people ignore early warning signals. a heart attack Or they confuse it with something else, such as gastric reflux or other conditions. Home conditions are considered one of the biggest predictors of coronary heart disease and should prevent people from recognizing the possibility of having it. a heart attack Do not avoid the signs. If there is no mistake at all, seek medical assistance and let a professional find it. Glad it actually worked out for you and all is well.

  • Julie Ames will speak on September 1, 2016 at 10:25 AM

Hello Dr. Ahmed. Just a few days ago I was placing two stents with a young man. There is no . a heart attack But almost all signs. When an abnormal stress test occurs and the round catheter creates an untargeted appearance.60 There are still two blockages below. I still have chest pain. Not as profuse as before and I am still wrapped up in the movement. Is this a normal part of recovery?

  • Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ahmed September 2, 2016 at 5:02 am

No, you experienced yourself more than another stent. test configuration was performed in 60% lesions and qualified its value?

At the beginning of August 2015, when I was busy with acquisitions, I had chest pains. These were not normal chest pains. They were not. a heart attack But as a result they built the EKG, the treadmill. The clinic did a cardiac catheterization and the doctor saw a blockage in the PMLV (small amount of accumulation. There was no stent or similar). This was a worrisome signal to me. Of course I read a lot about it the heart young people and healthy food. I talked to my doctor. I have been on medication for pre-diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure for years, quit smoking 30 years ago, and have been relatively active in physiological exercise. Now I intend to change my eating habits. For example, I don’t like salt, which is fine, because I am not a fan of salt. The next day I go to the supermarket. I want to live longer, so I have to create something. I am not yet 60 years old. Do not miss the agreement of a single doctor.

  • Ed Rodriguez conversation on November 29, 2015 at 11:58 pm

I am curious. Do you have a history of CAD homes in the past? Did your risk moments seem well controlled? Was there your meal? What did it consist of?

I’m 47 and had a heart attack It was almost a year ago and I was “lucky” that I only had 100% occlusion of my SCC. My best friend is a cardiologist (non-interventional) and he was the first one to tell me about the widow maker. He also told me that if I absolutely a heart attack My blockage position that caused my IM was the best case scenario (I still had some heart damage). Anyway, I came across this website and after reading the entire LCA Occlusion Survival Science, I truly know how lucky I am. I took a nuclear stress test this afternoon. As a result I am a bit psychotic and avoid medical drugs I think I find it virtually no problem or good thing that my stent is fully adhered to. I hope all members of the club don’t want to join anyone (I am only a small member) live long and thank Dr. Ahmed for the informative website.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on October 7, 2015 at 6:49 am
  • Rhonda’s Conversation on December 22, 2015 at 3:24 pm

I had open heart I had surgery 2 years ago, took over and put the brakes on. The doctor declared that they declared correctly that they are 100% blocked . My breast statues are always in pain, please help me.

My well-being was intense 62 uncles removed elementary from ventilation and an unweighted balloon in the aorta was removed. The stent worked perfectly, known to God for 911 and helping people perform CPR. I think the actual calcification and deposits are the vessels to report. I am a kidney food specialist. Chemicals, how much monocalcium – phosphate, and almost everything else. My sports uncle contains normal cholesterol.

This is very wonderful for me; my 44 year old husband just kept it up.” widow maker ” massive heart attack 11/11/15. he coded 4 to 2 surgeries (2 stents), was in the activity therapy department for 4 days and had a 3rd surgery on the 5th day (another one). They talk about the fact that he has no real arteries. Due to scar tissue he had to have an artery. a heart attack A few years ago, it is unknown. Our universe is still running and trying to adapt to many things. We have no idea what it is. happen In any case, I appreciate this message to help me understand this better.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on October 7, 2015 at 6:37 am

At the age of 62, I was afflicted by a “widowmaker”. My young husband was blocked. He was so narrow it looked like the thickness of a single hair . I remember it was Thursday night because I had an important business meeting planned for Friday. Shortly before going to bed, I felt a little discomfort in my chest. I took an Alka Seltzer to ease the inconvenience. I still did not feel well and had an important meeting the next day so I decided to go to the local first aid. I actually experienced myself very well. I had never felt anything other than the memory of brief discomfort in the past. Not the usual warning signs. Anyway, when I arrived at First Aid, I was hit hard. heart For the counter. It was a young man. For example, I was treated with a schlander, it is a good thing I was not hurt by the damage my heart The doctors said that if I had stayed home, all the difficulties would have been unacceptable. A stent was implanted and I was prescribed warfarin. A few days later I went home and I felt pretty good. 2 days later I returned to the emergency department suffering from severe pain in my digestion. I decided to puncture my colon. As a result, I had thinned blood, but I had nearly perforated and removed a huge length of colon. I was contacted with a colposcopy bag and was wearing in the direction of 6 months until he was replaced. It was an absolute horror… But now I feel great. I will never give up hope.

I have to keep living to share this beautiful testimony with the world.

  • Rod Fletcher actually speaks on December 17, 2016 at 11:53 AM.

Greetings survivor. I have. my heart attack Three weeks ago, I was now blue. My tennis buddy gave me life saving CPR, the ER doctor placed a breathing machine with paddles and the same night a stent was placed in my PMLV. Since then I have felt better than ever. I have not had a headache in the past 2 days, my blood pressure meds have been adjusted, for which I am grateful and expect to add another 67 years to my current 67 years. We are all lucky, my friends. Let us. make Our lives are worth saving. Cheers.

I dodged a bullet. I swam every time but not that long ago, lost 60 kilos and went from pre-diabetic to perfect blood sugar. I also stopped taking blood pressure meds. Because if I had taken them, my blood pressure would have been very low. So for about 6 months I had very few symptoms of problems – nothing bad with my cholesterol and blood sugar. But last month my blood pressure went from normal to almost towering. I have not become more reliable and have not changed my eating habits at all. I swam in the direction for ages a day, but once in the evening, after a short warm-up, I noticed that my chest felt strained. It didn’t hurt, but it certainly didn’t taste good. I retreated and swam for a few minutes, the authorities left and I finished my workout. Then, as it happened for three nights in a row, I went to my doctor and told him about the sudden rise in my blood pressure and the “gravity” feeling in my chest while training. He referred me to a cardiologist. I told him that this event was not painful and was a rudimentary irritation, but he kept insisting. I went to my cardiologist and told him the same thing. No I do not have diabetes but not that long ago. my heart I was very surprised, but he was adamant. Thus, we planned the next day, but it cost us over $5000 – for example, I came close to canceling because of the price. A “medical credit card” can be used to compensate for some of the price. But fortunately for my husband and cardiologist. I reluctantly agreed. I had very little immediate anxiety about my chest and did not think it was necessary. I also felt it was a hassle that I had to be dragged to the clinic … I love my breakfast . It is important to note that I had a 95% obstruction in my left anterior uterus. I almost became a concrete victim of the “widow maker” . I am 55 years old and after the cost of my own overweight, almost everyone looks at me and thinks I am an athlete of sorts. During the investigation they encounter the being and now tell me how happy I am. In retrospect, I am the most lucrative young man on the planet. I took something I actually showed by way of Naftametric and delivered myself to this cardiologist. (Diabetes, etc.) I decided to refrain from stress checks. a heart attack I also did not experience being glued to my bed or actually being glued to anything in this family. Elementary school was a small complaint of short stuffing in my chest and these two empathetic doctors would have nearly saved my life. Can’t tell you how close I came to ignoring their advice and it was “a bit physical” or based on the stress of my job … And just happily followed – it would almost cost me my life within a few months. Incidentally, my very large focus was all that it cost me. And my insurance company fought hand and tooth to recommend that I go to a cardiologist first. Second – an angiogram instead of a simple treadmill stress test. The cardiologist wanted to see me, not put me on a treadmill. He even had a few things in his report to make I look worse than I actually am. But he did not he that it was wrong. He was absolutely right. Now I am wondering how many people here actually must be … the heart attack Before someone believes them, or ignores a little discomfort in the chest – training is probably intense! When I went to the doctor I gave some signals. I could not lie. I was not capable of lying. I experienced abnormal stuffing in my chest, but rightfully so just to have the opportunity to lead up to this, never dreaming to mention that they actually saved my life. For the next few months at least, I will be grateful to the two members of the medical staff who were almost certainly dead. My widow has once again declined.

  • Dr. Jason L. Guichard, M.D., November 9, 2015 at 6:56 p.m.

Thanks for sharing your own situation. You definitely had a not bad medical professional who took care of you, and not a bad husband who looked out for you!I found the information about WidowMaker useful, and I trust you will consider more relevant information on a regular basis.

On October 25, 2015 I was resting and getting ready for gardening. I felt pain in my upper left side chest. I was concerned and called 911. Ambulance assistance arrived. The medical staff declared to me that they were taking a support ambulance with the branch’s support ambulance upon arrival at Kliniek 7. The medical staff correctly declared to me that I continued to respond when they screamed at me and applied cardiac massage. They were still using the AED. As the great cardiologist told me, it was my young one who was closed at 99%. I am fine, I am home and waiting for cardiac rehab. Even if you hesitate call 911. They said if I wait 10-15 minutes I will be here . May God bless you …

I read them while waiting in the Heart Lab for my husband to recover. He is 57 and has severe reflux. He complained that when he worked on the farm he was attacked and the reflux was beginning to act up. to make His throat closed up tight. He sat on it a few times over the summer and then sent it back home to Louisiana Heath. I forced him to get HBA1C for his home situation. Sugar and cholesterol were fine. He said it now worried him the week or following week as he saw fit. Due to the house situation we decided to remove the cardio again, the LAD was 100% blocked and after the treadmill analysis was placed showed a slight increase in blood pressure and abnormal Vava. This person contracted daily and these unclear signs and the house situation and daily sleep were almost one warning.

My Situation – On September 30, 2015 I ran from the grocery store to the bus stop with goods 20-25 meters away. A walk I made many times.It was within 1/2 mile. I was close enough to see the bench at the bus stop when I needed to crouch down at the concrete truck stop out of breath. After about 10 minutes I was able to to make the bench at the bus stop. I took the bus home and had to stop along the way for a rest – which had never happened before. Later that night I lay down for a nap and then I felt a strong pain in my breast hybrid window and ear! I had no chance to ventilate, except for a small sip of air. Took all night and the next day – I thought I was dying! My breathing was still painful, but I did not want to go to the clinic. The breathing difficulties continued – I went to the clinic on November 12, 2015 with another attack (I went in). I was taken to the operating room 1/2 hour direction from entering the clinic – all my measurements were panicked. I correctly described my widow. maker She is 100% blocked and recovering in case I am injured. This is a situation where you actually do not follow in the footsteps of creation!!!! I am 65 yrs old.

  • Conversation with Dennis on December 4, 2015 at 4:13 pm.

Yesterday, December 3, I walked over 1/2 mile – I followed it up with a few hours committee hiking in olive tree branches broken in a storm, went and hiked for a few hours, altered them and put them in the weeds – and was well tested…. More than I did in one day in the direction of months !

  • Dennis speaks on April 4, 2016 at 11:55 PM

4/4/2016 – Mid-Moon, when I ran 2 1/2 miles with a neighbor cooking this in a week, he kept giving me the opportunity to turn around and go back 1/2. In the end it seemed like he needed a shorter break in his walk than I did. He calculated our walk and we beat his best time, which we did by 56 minutes. This is a refresher report of our life so far, inserted by a friend who was 100% blocked on November 12, 2015.

  • Michael Chat on October 12, 2016 at 9:28 am

Great Dennis!!! Keep protecting our brothers!

Father on September 18, 2015 a heart attack He was in a coma. Last night his whole body was covered in sweat. He imagined the house must have been quite hot. Friday afternoon he woke up with a nasty pain in the entire right side of his upper body and a feeling of deafness. The numb feeling was in his shoulder and chest supply. He wondered if he had fallen asleep by mistake. He showered, chewed and went to work. Again, within 10 am, at work, his whole body felt blown out and unwell. He told his manager he did not feel well and was going home to go home. After his manager interviewed him further, he insisted that my founder go to the emergency department. My founder was skeptical and still thought nothing was happening with him. However, my founder listened to his manager. They did indeed do an EKG and noted high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and tryponin. At the insistence of the emergency department, my founder went to the clinic, where they decided to seal 100% of his jurisdiction and 40% of his PMLV. The doctor performed catheterization, placed a stent in the justice and performed a balloon angioplasty on the PMLV. At this point he is beginning a healthy type of life. I would like to thank my manager and medical staff for saving the life of my 54 year old founder.

I am a 59 year old male who has been in trouble since last january. had heart attack symptoms since last january. in april i went to the clinic with a respiratory tract infection. I told my doctor. my attacks And he did a negative stress test. He took an x-ray of my neck and said I have a compressed vertebra with trapped nerves. It got worse and in September I went to my own doctor and at that moment he sent me for a dye test. I had a 98% blockade from the widow maker. I was lucky it happened. no heart damage. I took BC powder up to 8 times a day . This is definitely the only thing that helped and it feels good that it helped me!

Thanks for your comments, that is a general definition of these that a lay person can pick up on. I am a nurse and it is very common for doctors to talk about the head of the patient and their family, I have seen this in the past and it is very common for doctors to talk about the head of the patient and their family. Great!

A widow maker That is when your husband or wife dies before lying on the ground. You will not survive. a widow maker You will not survive. He will pant and foam beak. In the ambulance, he has a red cord. You are all lucky that you are still alive. the heart attack He has 4 years ago.

Today, 4 months later, after our doctor explained to me his autopsy report, I discovered the cause of my husband’s death. My son, who works as a nurse, said later when we were in the car: “We call it one the widow maker He sent me your website to help me understand what happened to my husband. Your message and video really helped me understand what happened. Our bedroom, and I suspected my own countless effects when my husband struggled to breathe at one point. I kept thinking about what I could have arranged otherwise to help him. He often resuscitates, but now I am considering these things of heart attack I really dont have my head on straight enough. Thanks for explaining it so clearly. I just want him to pull it off but now I am taking it seriously with this guy. of heart attack At some point I arrested him and his bachelor.

People keep asking. widow maker ‘They are probably like me because they faceted it in Medic Oz. He said it’s pretty unsafe too.

Just got back from the health center yesterday. 3rd heart attack Polomy times are pretty lazy zy but I keep thinking elementary, my Lord has everything under control. I had my first personal heart attack 31. 11. 13 And it was my Prada (widwemaker) that was 100% blocked. I have a great doctor who took care of me and saved my life. My 2nd. heart attack On 6/2/15 it was my correct coronary artery and was only 35%. My current one is 26.12.15 I have been in my 3rd heart attack My doctor said this is hereditary and that I must continue to use cholesterol meds to keep it from continuing. I think this shakes me up because I am very persistent and have a hard time taking my meds. Thanks for your video, it definitely helped me absorb more and I think I am My heart staying strong. I am 41 yrs old.

I had a “windmaker” on 2/2/14. heart attack 2/2/14. i was 49 years old. I had 100% young adult blockage and sudden cardiac arrest . My doctor was there to resuscitate me until the doctor was there. When my brother passed away 4 years ago there was no real doubt that it saved my life. He was dead before the ambulance personnel arrived in 10 minutes. There was little warning. I am in the best shape physiologically and eat great. I had virtually no chest pain. I remember nothing. About 4 days after they refreshed my corpse I was com sleeping. I recovered 100% and was back training, snowboarding and diving again.

On New Year’s Eve 2015 I began to feel pain in my jaw on the left side. They are usually closed on Saturdays for a half day, but since they are closed for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, I called them. Aside from the jaw pain, I felt pretty good. Sunday evening into the afternoon morning he woke up with nausea, the urge started, mild nausea, and no ability to lower his mood. He was interrupted from his home practice on the first day of the week and had no availability until that day. The administration advised me to seek emergency care in case his symptoms worsened. Within 3:00 p.m. the doctor called and told me to go to the emergency room. My husband was not home, so he called a friend to take me to the emergency room. I had no acute illnesses, no hypertension, no cholesterol problems, but at one point I had a brother who died at age 53 and another brother at age 44 who was 100. PMLV occlusion rate. The doctor ordered a CT scan and found 70% and 40% with PMLV. They placed a stent. I have an interview with a medical professional next week. My family situation was key to my well-being.

On the morning of December 18, 2015, I sat on the couch waiting for my coffee to brew. I didn’t make any. make This. I felt dizzy and fell to the ground but had no pain or loss of consciousness. I tried to get up but fell again. My supervisor wanted to call me right away, but I told him I needed to rest. As soon as I was told, I got up, drank two cups of coffee, went to the emergency room, and was rushed to the hospital. After running all kinds of tests to detect dementia, the cardiologist finally found a blockage in my PMLV. The next day he was able to insert a stent, but he was astonished to learn that I was still alive because the PMLV was 99% blocked. My heart All went well, and I had no an attack or heart attack. He said I was very, very lucky to be alive. Life is good, although you have to change your personal lifestyle and eating habits. Do not ignore chest pain or dizziness symptoms. Test immediately. Note that routine stress testing may not detect the problem. I was fortunate to have a cardiologist who took extra steps to detect blockages when the chief surgeon at the outpatient clinic told me that most medical professionals would fire me after the first part of the stress test and environmental assessment.

  • Presentation by Brian Thompson March 25, 2016 9:06 PM

How did they detect the blockage? Did they use cardiac catheterization? Of course, you are lucky you are still here.

  • Stacy Lecture March 31, 2016 at 10:03 pm

I am 46 yrs old and within 2 months I went bust. heart Gori, went to a medical professional, and the actual case could be considered. was heart It is natural to have a burning sensation and pain in the abdomen. Well, the doctor turned me away. to heart The doctor ordered a stress test and the results were abnormal, so I went to the hospital. a heart Kat, and I found out that my young man is 95% blocked so they put a stent in. I am horrified, I have never had any health problems. I went to the store to look for good health food and I can not tell you what I am looking for because I can not eat anything at this pace . I try to stop smoking, I take blood pressure meds, quistair, blood thinners, and asplain.

I had a stent placed in Widowem Maker on Dec 16th . They also found a crack in my artery. They said I was lucky to be alive. I am 62 years old and a woman. I dont think so. happen It is not uncommon for women. But I came back to the clinic with a nasty jaw pain and a burning chest of cardiac rehab, I am pretty tired . My blood pressure is pretty low 96/56. They want to do a treadmill test the next day but I will not accept how much walking I can do. Why is my blood pressure so low when everything is organized? I keep using blood thinner (Brilintia). Is this it? make Is my blood pressure minimal? And I take Lipitor 10mg.

  • Conversation with Susan B on March 31, 2016 at 9:10 pm.

It is measured b/p. You will probably stay on the beta blocker and it will keep the heart slow and B/P low

I am a 47 year old male who had 3 stents placed on Tuesday. the widow maker Tuesday. At first I thought I would get an angiogram and stents. As it turns out, I was blocked in 3 spaces at over 99%. Took me a few minutes to choose between an open heart bypass or stent. A disastrous choice. to make But I would choose later, I think it was the right decision. Anyway, I double my efforts to stick to a vegan diet that has been chasing the pectus from angina for 4 months now. I am still working on stress management and looking forward to exercising again when i can walk without chest pain.

My husband did not go to the doctor for 12 years . He finally 26. 10. 15 because he was not feeling well. he passed away on 1/1/15! He had the highest blood pressure and cholesterol and a huge history of home of heart from illness. The doctor ordered a stress test, ECK, and echocardiogram. Everything we were told was clear. He died immediately. widow maker (Was this huge blockage seen in one of these tests? Did you miss it? He went to work and never came home. I do not know that he is under the care of a medical professional and this happened .

  • Conversation with Brian Thompson March 25, 2016 9:17 PM

I am sorry to hear about your loss. Unfortunately, these studies cannot always predict if there will be a heart attack on the road. to happen This is why it is considered the most important cause of death. These tests usually test circulation. the heart Velds one of four rooms the heart There are difficulties. Further investigation will be done on the arteries supplying this video camera. Your husband’s artery can happen … heart was fine. The widow maker Often caused by subsidence of part of the arterial wall. It is quite possible that the artery is not blocked. This would definitely help.

I had an absolute pulmonary function test on May 17, 2014. (I had a complete cardiac study a few years ago, but I thought I did). On the right night I had severe chest pain, sweating, nausea, impotence, shaking. I didn’t know what had happened, but later realized it could. not make Even if I wanted to call someone, I was on the phone. Finally I prayed: “Take me, or make The pain will go away. And I am stupid. Saturday I woke up and felt fine. Sunday afternoon, I did groceries at the grocery store. In my car, and followed by a grocery store employee who called for quick support for me. I deftly entered Finnick’s cath lab and got my man one more stent. Or more bed rest. It was a widow who endured all the hardships I somehow heart muscle damage. In the direction of the appropriate years, I visited countless clinics because they had to deal heart In addition to the problems, COPD, pneumonia, anemia, and wobbly blood pressure. To date I have had 9 stents. There has never been a cardiac arrest, but there have been at least two respiratory arrest disputes (while I was in the clinic or TCU) that required the BIPAP machine (thanks BIPAP). There were times that were really not good on a physical level and intellectually, and required endless presence in the transitional care and daily physiological rehabilitation branches. Once present. But I can succeed again and take the air 24/7 throughout the year and improve my EF assessment my heart My last echocardiogram from a week ago showed virtually no significant change. Yes, there is some degree of heart attacks From the original year, but somehow remained. I can only imagine that I am one of the survivors. Because I have more lessons to learn (including compassion) before I have to leave. My quality of life is more limited than it used to be, but I still have quality of life. I recommend cardiac rehab and pulmonary rehab without hesitation. I would like the clinic to provide more of these videos (not to protect all the information at first) so that patients can begin to understand what happens to them as soon as possible. The transition would have been easier to access online and be aware of everything that happens to me (I also noticed gallbladder disease while in the hospital). By the way, I was not overweight, drank (smoked), had no diabetes, and had low blood pressure. Low blood pressure made itself difficult, especially in terms of position exchange. I was able to take care of it if it happened suddenly. This got better with the help of medication and physical therapy, but was a challenge for a long time during the course. At one point I was 70/40. The loss of our “old me” can be depressing, but it can lengthen our quality of life, learn as much as we can about our history and what we can arrange to help ourselves. We need your help, Pr.

My husband had this heart attack Dec 21 14 years. He fell asleep at night but later awoke with persistent chest pain. Had I waited for an ambulance, he would have died. I took him to a clinic in an adjacent large city 10 miles away. After he drove 125 kilometers, he entered the exit, they joined the machine, a doctor and nurse were there, they gave him two aspirin pills to chew on, and before he was ready, thanks to the doctor and defibrillator, they brought him back, thanks more It was on the table. They stabilized him and took him by ambulance to Calgary. I thought my 42 year old husband must have been fading. They made an angiogram and found that one artery was 100% blocked, the other 95% blocked, and the third 85% blocked.They performed a quadruple bypass on December 29 and placed an ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) on January 7. We were told that this was only 5% of what he had to go through during the night, which we explained to him was a lot of work, and that he had to go through a lot of work to get through the night. He has completely changed his outlook on life, weighs 65 kg and runs 10-15 kl a day. We are now approaching his 43rd birthday, and he is now a very active person, and has been running for over a year now, and has been running for over a year. His heart There is permanent damage to the lower body but he is living and ready to go.

My husband was 44 yrs old and his lipid and cholesterol levels were perfect in Sept 2014. He passed away in august 2015. He was a special runner, former smoker and vegetarian. From his autopsy we learned that he was cut off in his youth, 75% in the left rec bone artery and 75% in the right coronary artery. His doctor’s speech faded. This memorandum was very informative.

I had numbness and pain in my legs and feet. I have an extreme cardiovascular home situation. Brother to brother. a heart attack At the age of 29 my founder had an individual heart attack at the age of 34 and died at the age of 50. attack Polemijn Zus is 57 years old in a house with a blockage and has a stent that replaced a foot for 2 weeks, followed by a footstroke 3 strokes later. She has vasculitis. Thus I was appointed with a cardiovascular doctor. I went to him immediately on behalf of my family. This is a doctor who ignored the earlier chest pain going into character. The doctor in question stated that my leg tests looked good. They were blood pressure cuffs, which were operated on, and then the car was examined. Doppler was also used. At this point, my husband wanted me to go with Hima for a calcium study which my employer recommended as part of the catalyst to lower our insurance. We went and his score was 1 mine was 132 yrs old. I have never smoked. I am ammabatian (meat only fish) and do not use vegetable oil, magalyn oil I am currently on a 6 year direction. I eat lots of vegetables fruits and fiber grains. Your dumas are welcome.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on February 29, 2016 at 2:23 am

It depends on the test data. I suggest you have a cardiologist look at the test yourself and examine the results as each case is different depending on the location of calcium, etc. e. The risk is low, not increased when there are no signs and not low. If the calcium location and its pattern is no longer associated, there is usually no follow-up testing. See for yourself heart Dr says.

I had sharp chest pains in the direction of 2 28 16 hours only 10 minutes. I was shocked from 3 times to 100% blockade, but widow luck was right that I wore out all difficulties in the room.

Just curious, this is the right life for those who have it! a heart attack I am a young man wearing all difficulties and 100% blocked and this has not been corrected.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on March 9, 2016 at 4:58 am

It depends on many points. These include physiological load tolerance and body pumping function. the heart Other risk points. This is personalized for each patient. Almost everyone has the opportunity to live relatively well, especially with the heart preservation features.

  • Elizabeth Babelt on March 15, 2016 at 3:09 am

EF 40%. 2 barrel bypass operation 16 years ago. 66 years old. Uncontrolled diabetes and unable to exercise sharply. not a serious configuration of COPD. Smoker. Sturdy is quite bad. I do not sketch elegant pictures, or yes? I do not sketch graceful pictures, or yes?

My calcium level is 101 and my stress test scored mild PNA sclerosis. I have acute periodic pain on the left side of the sternum, behind the 4th rib bone. The pain is intense and not relieved by a dose of 5 mg nitro. At least dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and basic pain usually ends within 10 seconds and subsides and returns after about 20 minutes. That is normal. happens evenings, when I am inactive, even when I am reading in bed. My cardiologist is apparently not happy when I tell him about the pain, I feel scared. What is next?

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on March 10, 2016 at 4:19 am

Pain is considered atypical and atypical of angina formed by obstruction. But the most important factor here is that you went to an established specialist that you are at low risk as determined by the studies done. It is not easy to give advice about chest pain without seeing the patient, examining the patient, or looking at the tests. But it is comforting to know that you have an expert opinion and that your symptoms are relatively reassuring. Further research could focus on non-derogatory causes of pain, such as gastrointestinal.

Thank you. Very short and easy to understand. For a troublesome young man, I declined founder. heart attack I am not sure what to do about it. Wish he had signs so we could do something about it. He went in and out of consciousness and none of the ambulance personnel could help him. He most likely had signs and we were not aware of them. Huh. I will never get over this. But your demonstration literally explained what happened. Certainly helped me in certain ways.

Hi, I am a 63 yr old woman and on March 18, 2016 i took my first heart film. Its EKG is now negative… Yes negative ….. I will stay on that Monday when they said there will be 2 attacks on my heart and lobster on that Monday … I also have RSD. It is nerve damage. At that time they knew I had a problem. They put a catheter in my left gro radius and then sent me to another clinic. I had to take nitrocapellenics for 8 hours because the clinic had 5 serious cases for me. I woke up 6 times in pain … I screamed for God to take me away but 4 angels were seen behind me and told me, I am not ready to go yet … They put their hands on me changes and procedures were done … That night the surgeon came and I could not trust what he gave me, I had no experience. He stated that the elephant had to be killed … God’s agenda I will tell my story … Life is good.

My offspring died on 17.07.14 at the age of 23 as a result of a train accident . The autopsy results (autopsies are legally required in our state in the case of fatal truck accidents) indicated that my descendant was”. widow maker The coroner wrote that his life expectancy was less than 30 years.” At the time of his death, my offspring had undergone numerous preoperative studies with pending gastric reduction and he had just been approved/designated for surgery. In some of these studies, his heart . There is a history of heart from family illnesses on both sides. My question is: Why is this problem? Why was this problem not mentioned in one of the studies that was just done, especially if it was so serious as the examining physician indicated in his report? In the past, my offspring has only had one “incident” of shortness of breath and chest pains that I once heard about, and that was a case of a man with a very severe chest pain, which was reported by his mother (his mother) and his grandfather on his mother’s side. I was concerned about this issue from the moment of his death and autopsy. Because we did not know anything about it.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on March 28, 2016 at 4:06 am

It is not easy to quote very large numbers without considering the details of the report. It is highly unusual for him to suffer a major arterial injury at age 23, but it is entirely possible. He may have been able to afford the injury, but that does not necessarily mean that trouble is on the way, especially if the stress test results were not remarkable. However, the available studies are not without error and must be combined with clinical judgment. In the final outcome, if a losing battle had been in question, it is very likely that there would have been more indications and that the case would have been properly investigated. The presence of a lesion alone does not imply a life expectancy of less than 30 years, especially if appropriate treatment is given.

I have two stents in my PMLV and they have never failed. a heart attack I have had a lot of problems with my stents and have never had one fail. I was in my 40’s, overweight, smoked and drank. My chest pain was not that bad, but my stress test did not show any blockage. My cardiologist noticed that, in fact, a certain number of my family members had died as widows. attacks He told me to stop smoking and drinking. I lost 35 pounds and increased my exercise routine. He kindly advised me to measure my heart rate immediately after treadmill training and again 10 minutes later, as a quick recovery is essential. 30 years later, I was in China and decided to climb the rugged Great Wall of China. When I stopped to rest I measured my heart rate (124) and wondered if I should continue after 10 minutes of recovery. 10 minutes later it was still (124)! As I slowly lowered myself down, I realized that there were very few critical facilities underground. I returned to the States and sought advice from my doctor. She ordered a dye stress test and noticed that I had two 90% blockages requiring two stents. Up until that point, I had felt pressure in my chest from time to time but thought it was heartburn. I am grateful for my extended life expectancy (I am now 74) and wrote a letter to my first cardiac surgeon (now retired) thanking him for his early advice.

Hi, I am 57 yrs old and would like to thank you for your advice. Received your letter. two heart attacks and heart Confused at 1 o’clock. july 2014. I have 2 dead blood vessels and am on 8 different medications but still weak. I am still worried that Franklin, the founder and my grandfather will die from a heart rupture. I am still trying to understand why, thank you 4 please listen 2 I hope to hear back thank you

Doctor, perhaps the doctor arranged the angioplasty, he did not do any blood tests, no ultrasound, no nothing, he just noticed two points in the report and performed the angioplasty… I am shocked, I think I probably made my mother pale… Please doctor, please answer me: ….

Customer. The doctor could have arranged an angioplasty and created an angioplasty facing 2 months before the report, although no blood tests were done that echoed anything real … I am shocked, I probably have one of my own, my mother faded … Doctor, please give me an answer …

My 42 year old daughter (father side sudden death smoker at age 49, other uncle with sclerosis at age 37 and father side MI at age 56, CABG at age 61, sudden at age 61, apparently in a dream.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed speaks on April 4, 2016 at 1:04 am

Life expectancy is impossible to predict and some people in this story have the opportunity to continue it badly to keep excel. Supervision and management are relevant. Recommend being very cocky as changes in risk factors are very likely. Pretty brutal lipid-lowering therapy. Changes the kind of life. Insights and further guidance on the signs that must be investigated. Blood pressure management. Diet. Exercise. These moments are among the best we have.

I was curious how 99% were missed after claiming chest pain, and heart Moving pit and other baggage …. Almost all EKGs have been made and there have been none.There has been a specialty since April 22, 2016 heart attack they call the widow maker How did I miss all the complaints? I spoke to my medical professional and nothing was made. They all stated it was a concern. attacks , panic attacks Veldank “God” that I was at the outpatient clinic on time, I ran from the ambulance service to Cath Lab, they did not have time to prepare.

On January 11, 2016 I participated in a perfect hip prosthesis. I am a 53 year old woman. The day after my surgery, I had pressure in my chest. and heart Burning feeling, but I didn’t think anything about it.The second day it happened again, only this time I had pins and needles everywhere in my chest. It took about 15 minutes. During this time I had more pressure and a lazy zy feeling, so I told the nurse that something strange was happening. Was it a side effect of the operation? Heartburn? No, I had a heart attack! Couldn’t believe it? I managed to call my own husband at work at work before I walked out the door to another clinic where they had a cath lab! I had surgery and needed blood, but my body refused the transfusion. That is why I had to wait until it was safe to make the angio. I had a 75% blockage on my young man and got a stent. Worth it. hear They call it the widow maker: …… … Not now, Mr. Raper.

  • Karen Murphy will chat on May 3, 2016 at 7:21 pm.

PS // I forgot to mention that I endured all the preparation checks at Flag and Pennant. Apart from my history I have no other health problems. of heart in my family.

My last angiogram was 2 years ago and there was 50% blockage in the anterior region. my heart I knew nothing about this space until the doctor told me about it. The doctor was very eager to tell me. My cardiologist had never talked to me about this unless he had my family there. This week I wish I had not told my own doctor that I suffer from angina and have a small blockage for me. the heart What my dentist called. Never. heard from this term before I decided to look into it. No one knows how serious this is or if the blockage gets worse, I could die from this, in fact the widow maker I have had mouth surgery as well as a knee replacement this summer and a major back operation a year ago. My current fear is that I realize that these procedures I am now considering. For example, I only had 3 minutes at the Nidiv mill because I had severe angina and therefore obligated to have one angiogram done. My psychologist left it to me. He nicely stated that my ECG looked different than ever before, but nicely stated that my ECG was abnormal every time. I remember him telling me years ago that he was afraid of him … Now I am the one I am afraid of ! Your advice is most welcome. Thank you very much ..!

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I am now 73 years old (5 years older than me) and had forgotten that he died an unexpected death when he was 40 years old . Fortunately, the medical staff was where he turned black in the future. He opened heart surgery and the problem was solved, but from that moment on he was almost dead until he implanted the breakdown. Thank God and then his doctor. He is still with us. Another thank you.

I was told I have 100% blockage in my left lingual artery. This was discovered by my neurologist after an MRA. He said he did not realize why I did not have a perfect stroke . or heart attack I had an MRI a few months ago and he said i had a mini facility. He told me he could not lift the blockade. I am going to do more research now and i will try to keep the peace but i am really worried. Does this mean I am seeing a widow?

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed conversation on May 21, 2016 at 4:44 am

When the neurologist arrested her with MRI. the heart Arteries have one option of head and neck barrels.

This is my birthday when the stent was placed. Last year, May 26, 2015, I had a stent on a man with 99% occlusion.I was testing on May 23, 2015.I had a stent on a man with 99% occlusion.I had a stent on a man with 99% occlusion. I was exhausted from the myriad of things. I ended up napping all day. I thought about the possibility of giving up. The day before (22nd) I remember feeling nauseous and inhaling the smell of gas. It made me sick. I also had pain in my neck. But I thought it was due to stress and lack of sleep. I did not understand the elaboration of the scent. on may 23, at 10 pm, I discovered my blood sugar level. Diabetes 2 was established in 2014. As a result, my blood glucose level for the drug was close to 170. There was no opportunity to lower my blood glucose. There was no option to remove. I was tired but decided to sit on the treadmill to lower my sugar. I walked in less than 3 minutes and looked disoriented. I had no energy at all. I felt like I had not slept for days. When I was on the treadmill I started to feel anxious. Then my outer upper arm became impenetrable. As if someone had placed an elastic band around it or the blood pressure cuff was very impenetrable. I was still short of breath. I waited 10 minutes, I think I had an anxiety attack. attack Velddit has not gone away. I woke up my husband and he brought me to first aid. My blood pressure was normal and EKG was normal. But I remember they gave me nitroglycerin and I ate a lot of aspirin, they gave me an IV and took blood. It was all blurry. It was all blurry. Then the doctor came in and told me nicely that my troponin was most valuable. I could do it. a heart attack They gave me more drugs, but virtually no significant manipulation as I have seen in these publications. They kept checking my troponin every few hours. They said if it kept rising, it was bad. If it falls, nothing is wrong.On May 26, early afternoon, I was transferred to an angiogram. I got the stent. To this day I am still processing everything.In June 2015 I went to cardiac rehab but stopped after 2 months because I still have health problems. I have undertaken this task but at the moment will start in June 2016, proper month. I think everyone on this page is right. I am still fighting. I am 42 years old. I did follow up with counseling but it definitely did not help with my fears. I often start to worry and think that there might be someone else out there. heart attack I think i may have PTSD or some kind of fear. I would start with a doctor.Essylstyn reverses the program for heart disease. It is a strict vegetable diet. But I can no longer overcome this fear. Does anyone else feel alone? My whole world view has changed. Everything I need is not relevant. I am changed. I have two boys and they are the world to me. Does anyone feel that way? I am grateful to be alive and grateful to the medical world. But I am not. Maybe I need to join an aid group.

  • Judy Kelsey chats on June 2, 2016 at 3:26 pm

So many people have this same situation but I still have chest pains and they are not likely to find anything on EKG. make I feel I only have real experience but I have a heart attack 2 behind 2 and I am Image 2 and now want to touch me because of COPD. I feel I am fighting for my life.

I am 47 years old. Why couldn’t you perform the function before? a heart attack My left top is “widowed mother” and it turns out that I have taken it upon myself so you had in mind that my chances of survival are almost literally non-existent. why can’t you get another analysis to see how far along you are 4 years later? You say the “dye” is unsafe, but I think the stent or any other procedure in my case is very dangerous. It could have fatal consequences. attack Would you rather be the key and the man? I am afraid, please answer. Kim

  • Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ahmed on June 17, 2016 at 3:29 am

Please read my post titled, “Given in Awning, Saved My Life.” I wrote about it a while back but there was no benefit once to cure 20-30% of lesions with stents.

  • Kim Miller will be speaking on June 17, 2016 at 9:15 am

I appreciate you but it is appropriate to state that no one has risen from 20-30 in 4 years to be significant when no one chooses to monitor these days.

  • Kim Miller conversation on June 17, 2016 at 9:39 am

And thanks for taking the time to respond.
Left main and quite a few of the guys 20/30 values.

My dad died of heart I am 62 years old and my illness was tied to alcohol and smoking in the past, so I feel that after 4 years IV only overcame it and my blockage had a chance to freeze much sooner than normal. Please don’t blame me about past difficulties, they are a sign of many things and I can’t turn back the clock, in fact I feel every time is my time and it scares me. Thank you.

Please answer, I do not have a cardiologist, no one definitely help me understand

  • Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ahmed June 22, 2016 at 3:05 am

You hit the nail on the head with your own advice. Spot on.
My lament dol’s, Bruce, with your partner. Thanks for sharing this info to help others.

That was a great video, and I am so glad you shared it with us! I am a stenographer in court and as a result I edited the transcription of a cardiologist I had on my plate. She used “The Man” and I researched him for accuracy in my transcription. This video is solid. make It made it much easier to write another cardiologist on the certificate because I literally know what they are talking about. Reporters want this information. to make Makes our job easier. Thanks for the informative video.

Well, my mother is currently in a closed clinic and only does the upper lobe if the kidney is better than the other kidney. the heart attack She had one last Friday. I have no doubt that she is fine, but after reading all of this I am curious if there is a way to “check”? heart ? I have done stress tests before and now I am “worried”. I am 54 yrs old and have not smoked for the past 3-1/2 yrs. What should i do to prevent me from a heart attack ? Or is that a moot question? Good food, exercise? No, I read all these notes and people were 100% healthy until they turned 40. What can I do to prevent this? Thank you.

My uncle is serious heart attack June 30, 2016, and then as told about coronary angiography, shows that 3 arteries form 100% block and another 2 are 99% and 80%. I am very scared, please give me your good suggestion.

  • Conversation with Dr. Mustafa Ahmed July 8, 2016 at 4:07 am

Sounds like surgery is the best option if he is a candidate

My uncle is serious heart attack June 30, 2016, and as told about coronary angiography, out of 3 arteries, 100% blocked, another 2 are 99% and 80%. I am very afraid of your favorable suggestion. What is the measure of survival to prevent, thank you.

I had a heart attack On June 21 (did not know at the time) I thought it was indigestion / something was stuck in my digestive tract. I also remember having small attacks during the day but they soon improved. I took a nap in the afternoon, I was awakened by a signal from a telemarketer that something was blocking my digestive tract. Shortly thereafter I felt something stuck in my digestive tract, followed by a burning sensation between my shoulder blades, which soon became a pain from my armpit to my fingers (like an electric shock). I felt nauseous, out of breath, and my jaw hurt. We went to the emergency department of the nearest health center where an ECG, blood tests and X-rays were taken. A few hours later, the doctor came in with the blood test results and said I was in fact one a heart attack I was actually the only one. The next day was the angiogram. The cardiologist found a 95% blockage in the PMLV where the stent was placed. All my other arteries were smooth and not hidden. I have excellent blood pressure and cholesterol levels but am not overweight. All I have is a house situation: the founder and my two brothers have it had heart attacks .

So I once had a stent put in my PMLV, which was a great idea, and I am now a little overweight. No heart attack But the blockade caused 90% of my chest pain. I started on anti blood plate meds including aspirin daily. About a year later I started having the same pain again. Doctor chats, comes in and does a stress test on a treadmill. After the stress test he says, “Everything is fine! Two weeks later, it is full. on heart attack Two weeks later it is full. The stent was almost 99% blocked. That’s why they put the stent in. I asked the question: can you stent a stent? They said yes. Everything comes with an ambulance. You will get much better value if you do. I spent an hour in the ambulance lobby and stayed in bed for another 5 hours. And as they expected, expected, expected, expected, the blood tests finally showed an increase in troponin content (testimonial). a heart attack It took another 9 hours to reach the X-Ray Laboratory. I would not consider it. I think insurance companies believe that stents are much more cost effective than bypass operations. But what is really best for the patient in the long run? That is the question. I think the point is that stents are a short-term solution. After a while they are hidden and you are back.

I came across this website after hearing a surgeon pronounce the text “widow” when he was then under active treatment. my heart attack Veldme is a 49 year old female, quite functional, I reside in the countryside and collect big cows, meat goats, chickens. I work for the Wongoerstig agency at the best rates. 31 years old, 3 grown men. No extra stress as far as I know. I had my rotator cuff repaired on June 4, 2016. After the surgery I began to have headaches at least once a day to the cranial cause and soon had pressure in my chest. This usually happened in the evening when nursing, steaming and wet. I actually thought I had just had a brain tumor but the chest pain had me worried about this. I went in each time, took hydrocodone (from shoulder surgery) and ate some TUM. The pain went away each time.On July 15 my husband and I went to a weekend meeting related to his work. The pain started that day. I was at the conference all day. I had a terrible headache, pretty strong chest pain, shortness of breath and pain in my jaw, incredible nausea. This did not go away and not even with the normal medications I took myself. My husband called the ambulance service. At the time I was taken to a first meaning trauma clinic. As it turns out, I had 3 blockages in the 70-99% spectrum on my husband. There was also a 100% blockage in the central RCA. 4 stents placed in 2 stages through both liesslagaders. I am certain. of heart Medication problems and high blood pressure. I believe it was caused by work related stress (Illinois Governor refusing to sign a one year local government budget). The elementary school is very appreciative of the mythical cardiotime of the clinic. I am actually glad we made this trip, it was a great experience. We live one hour from the nearest hospital. heart When I get home, I don’t think I can tolerate all the difficulties. My family was probably enough to hear me talk about it, so thank you for keeping me going for a while. In short (too late), never ignore these signals. make . Hugs to you all.

Thanks for all the situations. Chef. make I feel a little more myself than anyone else.4 years ago I went home on a Friday afternoon (I was a long road truck driver) and noticed a strange feeling in my chest. I thought it was just something I ate . Saturday I was still feeling pain in my chest but on Sunday afternoon I forced my wife to take me to the ambulance branch. They immediately took me to another clinic with a cath lab. I had a a heart attack Field Sovereign, if I knew then what I know now, my chest was completely blocked. I got two stents and looked fine; three days later I was dismissed. Exactly through the moon I had another heart attack The field stent was blocked. I remember coming from another boat and the cardiologist said the stents were blocked and he was not going to make his like my heart because he had done his personal private rounds. Just at that moment he told me I could be satisfied that I lasted 2″. widow maker ” heart attacks He held me for a few more days to observe the “homemade” bypass. After the release I really started replacing meals up to the point where I lost 60 lbs. I am now diagnosed with congestion. heart Rejection. I also have a mitral valve prolasp. I am so lucky to be here now and thankful I can wake up every morning. I appreciate all the circumstances. It inspires me to do my best. to make Even more changes in the type of life is done in such a way, because it is very possible.

So I have no questions, and I will try to to make Form an informed decision. I took the nuclear stress test. I kept it full for up to 4 days. period at 9:40 sec. heart 141 value. I thought I did fine, I am 59 years old. My cardiologist saw me that afternoon and the next morning I had it a heart catheter measurement through my wrist. I was was wide awake and communicated with the doctor constantly. He explained I was doing fine. There was a time when I felt pain in my wrist. my heart that I had never felt before. He said that was when he let the catheter pass through the artery. He belatedly said we should not stay. There is a 100% blockade on the widow’s maker arteries, and he also said it had been there a while. My body is building additional arteries around the blockade and that is what the arteries feed on. my heart Polemon stated the following. ‘I think it’s good that I’m entering the stent, but if I add a depot that will probably come down, if he can’t forget it, I have a chance to own it. a heart attack On the table. He stated that the third option is a single bypass where the young man replaces the faithful breast artery and this would be the permanent option. For some reason, he stated, the arteries are never blocked. They also said they could place it with the help of a viewing maneuver running between the rib bones so the sternum would not break. There were no signs other than the larynx. This is painful as if it is doing physiological exercise in the cold autonomously from such. I had few signs on the treadmill, but they were actually the EKGs in the heart small state fabric. My choice is to stay with what I have and apply medication to limit it. my heart I will evaluate if it is bypass with the required risk. Thanks for all kinds of concepts. I am 59 years old, I am in pretty good shape do not drink, do not smoke, do not walk 5k or have been on a treadmill.

Sorry to write, this self disorder challenge is destroying me

I am 54 yrs old and overweight. I am quite active. I work hard (mechanic), jet ski, UTV, swim, travel, play ECT hard. At some point I feel an annoying pain in my chest and both arms hurt. My wife and one daughter were with me. They were concerned. I explicitly told them it was ok for me to sit up. It is basic thermal shock. But it took over 30 minutes before I was able to work again. I blew him up. The first day of week 15 – I definitely felt the same pain helping my neighbor with the car recycling we work on. I didn’t feel good, went home (next to the door) and told him to rest and be silly. The next morning I went back to work and felt really bad. I had very little energy, I was listless, my brain was a blur and my arms were pretty weak. As a result i quit my job and when i went home i felt better than ever. Then i called my own doctor. Because my wife threatened me with everything she should arrange later because I was dead. The doctors assistant said she would go to first aid at that time, but I met him for an overhead appointment to make Best conclusion I came to! I am still on this side of the popularity of God’s grace!

  • Bobby MCC speaks on August 22, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Sorry for the correction, but when looking at the clinic’s paper it was LAD Artery.

My husband had a LAD heart attack July 6. He was a 41 year old intense, relatively lucrative guy. His heart attack It happened on a squash track during heavy training. He did not pant or sweat. He was unconscious. There was an ambulance to support the adjacent work that went to him immediately. There was an AED device they used. The ambulance arrived 8 minutes later. They had special fresh equipment to treat it. heart attacks They took him to the clinic and he never started again. his heart He never came to consciousness again. I was in the outpatient clinic before I left his life support. I have had it for 6 years. My husband was a stay at home dad. We miss him. And I prayed at the clinic. I really prayed for him that he would stay alive. He did not do it.

On December 30, 2016 I had.” widow maker ” that trumps ALL widow makers At that moment I was 42 years old and had just left Clinic E where my husband had an MRI done on his back. We went to lunch, some streets away from the clinic. We had just eaten and I started to feel quite nauseous! Then I had terrible pain in my chest and arms! He hit hard and hard. I told my husband I wasn’t feeling well and was going to go to the bathroom. To my face he had a chance to explain that something was wrong and said he went with me. I said no! LOL, I kept my bust and told him I was in real pain and my arm was very sore. He said nicely that we have to fit. For example, 3 to 4 minutes after the start of the depending on the direction of heart attack we were doing first aid. I felt nauseous, tried to withdraw and lost control of my bowels with the most annoying pain in my chest and arms. They quickly arrested me, took off my clothes, made 2 EKG’s back to back and prepared me for Kat labs and injected into both hands. My husband was wondering if they could give me nitro, and the ER doc told him: “good, its like that”. of heart attack What I had really didn’t help. There was a crack in the plaque at the top of the left lager, creating two blood plugs. Once in the man, and once in the upper radial where the artery is the “Y”. there were two cardiologists in the Cath Lab who worked together and placed two stents. 5 days later I went back to first aid with a diagnosis of TIA (mini stroke). At this point I am doing very well. The hot summer in Arkansas was very difficult for me and my heartbeat went out to 158. I am still quite dizzy. I am still quite dizzy when I get up and start to wander. happens In October 2016 I had a good appointment with my cardiologist. My doctor put me on Brilinta the first month and then switched to Plavix along with Carvedilol (generic Coreg). All arteries are clean. My doctor stated that most people my age have plates and that the plate rupture was actually caused by the cause. my heart attack When I came to the outpatient clinic, my EF was 22% after stent placement. The cardiologist said my EF was in the 50% range. For example, I had the basic good fortune of being near a clinic. The doctor said that if I had been 20 minutes away from the clinic I would not have been able to endure all the hardships; I would not have been able to stay in the clinic. I want to thank Jesus and all the medical professionals who gave their lives to save other lives. ❤

You were invited, Chris. I had a window. maker In my case, my left ventricle was 99.999% blocked. my heart I went into the field, woke up and had contractions and they said to me. You are the most blessed person alive.” I asked how they knew it was 99, 999 and they told me it was the aorta. my heart It only slowed down one platelet at a time, otherwise it would have been 100%. For example, I was shocked by this post. It is well written. If you are in doubt about your signs, look into nuclear stress, cardiac stress, etc… It is not uncommon to see signs in the delicate ways of SCD, but very delayed response. Great article! My situation is at https://www. google. com/amp/www. climbing. com/. amp/news/luckiest-man-alive-and-the-widow-maker/

Autotorge changed my lyrics. the first one is “99. 999℅ obstruction of the left main artery of the left ventricle”. my heart . Also, “…posterior spindle artery. my heart Once platelets were found to have passed through, resulting in my artery having capillary volume…”

Actually, I only had my own siblings decline because of widowhood, but I am curious if that is a genetic factor. My brother was only 58 years old and at some point died in his sleep from this tragic accident. heart attack Paul we also lost my great grandfather at the same age with the same diagnosis. I am only 53 years old and I am wondering if this has affected the direction my life has taken.

Doctors… As mentioned on the net, what is the significant effect (if any) of vinegar + honey + garlic + ginger + lemon juice on the formation of coronary plaque… Some have noted that the juice may actually shrink the plaque in the arteries.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed, speaking on October 11, 2016 at 3:40 am

Of course, there is no accepted evidence, and no regular doctor would ever advise it as a drug.

  • Dr. Mustafa Ahmed, speaking on October 13, 2016 at 3:43 AM

If you are uncomfortable with the advice, I would not want someone to reassure you about your chest pains and have you undergo a second treatment. Ask the first Dr. for more reassuring comments about your symptoms, such as how creepy they are for you.

I had just experienced it. On August 11 of this year I felt pain in my chest that radiated up to my left arm and chin. By the time the ambulance personnel arrived the pain had pulled away and I felt much better. They put me on the monitor and everything looked good, but as a precautionary measure I went to the infirmary. My circulation was fine, they held me last night and the next morning for a stress test. The results of the stress test were abnormal and as a result I stayed at the clinic one more night the next day and took an entertainment test the next day. These results came back fine. I was discharged from the clinic and after seeing my cardiologist I was told he had contacted a cardiologist. I went to this position and got in 2 1/2 hrs from what was delivered or 2 times to 2 hrs. It went so badly they actually had to stand on both feet to set the time limit. I was actually lucky that he pulled it off .

Hi, very informative emails and pictures before and after the procedure. Invisible diseases are the hardest to deal with. and heart Disease is at the top of this list. I actually have something in common with you as I have also had the need to feel invisible diseases. For this I launched a free app called “Ophil” (www. Reachout. Life. heart Illness. Pity and desire is all we are looking for and the app is another tool to get in touch with someone who is concerned. Thanks Sunil.

12 years ago there was a quadruple bypass, in fact 100% youth blockade. I went to the doctor and he called to make Stress test appointment with a cardiologist who was on the first floor of their office. They had a cancellation and my doctor took me to his private office and was there when the cardiologist performed the nuclear test. About a minute later I was on the treadmill and they paused him and said they would take pictures of the clinic in about an hour. After seeing the pictures I was taken to a clinic 30 miles away where the cardiologist performed a cardiac procedure and recommended a stent due to a blockage and a space where he could not stent me. The next morning I was operated on and 3 days later I went home and blessed to still be alive. I don’t really believe I felt definitely healthy until about 6 months later when I fell into a depression. But now, and in the direction of the last few months, I get dizzy when I get out of bed at night, and even when I lay down it seems a bit illuminating. Now that I have stacked wood, everything is great, but the last hour when healed my legs and hip joints and dizziness hurt. For example, God has blessed me by giving me these extra years with my family. Thanks for giving me my report.

My husband had a heart attack Yesterday (as I am still awake today)… We did not know what was going on but I assured him we were going to first aid. As soon as we arrived he was checked in, rushed to the room, EKG, a few questions and was told what was really going on. a heart attack A few minutes later he was in Cat’s lab. Almost an hour and a half later a cardiologist came in and told him to have a stent because his myocardium was 100% blocked. I asked him for more specific information and he said: “We will refer you to this form. of heart attack as the widow maker The blockage was up to Y.” He told me we were there on time, otherwise he would not have been there the next day.D. In general, I am thankful for the doctors and ER staff, nurses, etc. for their understanding.D. I thank God that he supervises our family. Our family standards include four children… 9, 2, 17 and 5 months. Thank you for releasing this message. Even later, as the cardiologist explained to me, I still did not understand it . Now I feel more worried than ever about him (hopefully) never again! happen Weather! God bless and health is never bad!

My husband had a “ widow maker ” attack Christmas Eve, 2013. He was 32 years old at the time, our little baby of 3 months slept quietly from less than 15 meters from the room where he collapsed and his ambulance brothers were busy with him. We live in a small city with a poorly equipped clinic and we took him by Starlight (helicopter ambulance) to a nearby large city. He was at the clinic for two months and got four stents. When I read all these stories makes It feels like it happened yesterday and my brain is flooded with memories of things I pushed to the back of my head and haven’t thought about in a while. Bless you all – you are all doing a great job. It is not easy to overcome – as a sick person and as a family member of a sick person. Glad he is still with us.

On Sunday, October 4, 2015, there was a year of taxes intermittently pretty smooth stuffing, and within a month from there were feelings with the e-puppy. my heart Up to my feet. Woke up early with smooth chest, left juice pain (tongue bite) and felt pain in shoulder/upper part. Went for the support I needed, EKG was ok, heart enzymes slightly elevated but normal. My dad had 40 tires on me. Fortunately I was held last night and the next morning GXT was made. I prayed it was ok and that too happened! My mind went to W. Lark, where Katlab noted a 95% blockade of young people. widow maker I had painful headaches every day for a month. Many weekends were lost and I went back to work with non-shelter services. After reading the info on this website I am very thankful that I am still alive. I believe God has more intentions with me …….

  • Lillian’s conversation on November 6, 2016 at 3:02 am

Forgot to mention that they actually placed the stent once.

I just had the widow maker Thanksgiving. I never had any problems and was quite healthy. I had a great workout and shower, followed by cutting up a turkey and ham. It took me 45 minutes to settle the plate and was almost ready when I thought I had heartburn. I tried everything to slow him down. Finally I called the ambulance and when they drank, it was more than anything. I said it was more than anything and sent them on their way. Then he came back and the ambulance was not gone yet. Oh, thank God. I went to him and it got pretty bad. Sirens and roaming, we were gone. To go through a few months, I got another joint and two joints. I am only at the clinic for two days. So far it has worked out pretty well. I am 50 years old and have never had a problem. I think God has some baggage that I need to deal with. That baggage can end without warning. I have been lucky. I believe God is dedicated and I love more to spread in His name. I will be on top now.

What do you do when your doctor tells you that you have a 100% blockade on the rear judge agent? I am not told any more. There are a total of 13 stents and there are 2 stents. heart There was a bypass operation. I have history. of heart I have illness in my family. The founder died at 65 and my twin as well as my aunt died at 56. I am 62 years old and have controlled diabetes. I eat pretty well and through my current doctor I was told I should be dead for a long time. I have had a hard time with this. heart issue for 16 yrs.

Very informative Dr. Ahmed, great resource. had a widow in August 2014, 95% blocked. I got a bare iron stent. The next day I noticed an unchanging sensation on the left side of my chest. I also began to feel a small pain in my chest which I was told was excitement. When I experienced no fear, I discussed it with the medical staff. Finally, they credited me with an angiogram in February that said the evil iron stent was 95% blocked. The medication leak was placed inside the existing stent (2 bullets averted in 6 months!). Since the placement of the two stents, I developed a feeling that the sensation in my chest was outlined in numbness in my left arm, upper shoulder, and upper left leg. It still causes pain in my left arm, active, bed-ridden, annoying pain in my left shoulder (and sometimes annoying pain in my right shoulder and arm, sometimes shots from the stent area, unnatural tastes and smells, sometimes unusual sensations of iron making my windpipe feel like an iron tube and my breathing not working. Most frightening of all, most sensations I had when I had my heart attack Anxiety through the window, stuffing in my arms, a feeling of utter hopelessness. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, on Jan 16th, deep cramps and pain started in my left shoulder and arm and increased in the BUT area and legs. I repeat I have immune problems (age 62), have had low IgG throughout my life and hate stents. The doctor tells me it is virtually impossible.18 months later the rheumatologist who treated me begins to take over my concept. He treated me in vain for shoulder arm syndrome (with the certainty that it was caused by the heart attack High dose prednisolone gave me diabetes 2 and osteoporosis. The stent has definitely saved my life, but in reality I no longer have a life of my own. It has been one hell of a ride. Curious if it is possible to remove a stent from someone so young? I asked this question to my cardiologist and he correctly said that no one arrives here with a stent. I am still curious if other stent recipients have the same bad skills. Apologies for the lack of release, but it is not easy to sketch a story without going into detail. Thanks for reading 🙂.

I have worked in an office setting for 30 years and have been a member of the Beintrain team for the past 3 years. I recently started my own cardio workout after switching to Beintrain earlier this year. I was approaching 50 and wanted to be in good shape. I met Size at a nearby lab and while he was soon walking down the highway I had a hard time regulating my breathing. I thought I was out of shape. That night I googled.” heart attack He then forced me to think about my symptoms. A few days later I woke up at 3 am with a nasty jaw pain. I got up and found some aspirin. I just found a Tylenol PM, took two tablets and went back to bed. The jaw pain seemed to disappear and was followed by a dental footprint that lasted for 30-40 minutes. While I was in bed I decided to go back and google “heart attack cooling”, I said to myself, if we have a match we will go to the ambulance service in that location. Great, but there was a match. We went to the emergency department and after much research I was told I had a heart attack. a heart attack I never had chest pain. I had no pain in my arms. I never had “traditional” chest pain. heart attack Symptoms! While I was on first aid, I checked a little discomfort from my ear to my throat, had two stents installed, one in my chest, one in my arm, and one in my chest. my heart I had 100% blockage in my man and 99% blockage in my branches . Listen to your dead body, if I had expected chest pains I probably would have died. I would feel well enough, but my intellect would be affected. The “silent” presence. heart attack Perhaps it will be narrower than having the classic signs, such as never pointing out the reality that something is actually seriously wrong.

My husband had a widow maker heart attack One moment he was fine. He felt what he thought was reflux after a big meal. For example, we went to the clinic because he was feeling pain in his hand. I insisted that we sort it out. When we arrived there, the pain was gone. They tried to resuscitate him for 30 minutes. They got it. a heart Eventually, Beth said, the cardiologist could not release him on bail and said evil had happened. He had his friend 100% blocked. But he tried, given his young age. I believe they did a balloon rage plasmaplasty. They said he had a 10% chance of survival, and that was not the case. make It was. It was February. I am still in shock and it is not easy to accept. I was 5 months pregnant with my 4th child when this happened. The new baby is now 6 months old and my other boys are 8, 6 and 4. It is absolutely terrible and not easy to trust that this has a chance. happen At the seemingly healthy age of 38, my boy must grow up without a founder of his own. After all, he has had heart disease (70% in one of his arteries). Absolutely unimaginable. He did not smoke, did not drink, he was not a useless weight An unqualified disaster. 8-16-16.

I had a “ widow maker ” heart attack It was over 4 months ago and on a physical level I still have nothing but myself. I can hardly walk and all my joints hurt. Every time I talk to my cardiologist, all I get is. I hear ‘Put it all in everything. It can take up to 6 months before I feel better”. I see others who report they go back to work a week later and feel better. It can be quite discouraging!

  • Christina’s Conversation January 1, 2017 at 4:03 pm.

You are still alive and I am so happy for you. Praise yourself for being happy for you. You have another chance at life. There is nothing hard in fact. Only make the most of it.

  • Roger speaks on January 30, 2017 at 4:17 pm

That’s rude! What does it take to make someone else believe in a higher power? Nothing! No one will prompt you. I am not a believer and do not go to the temple, but it is not up to me to ock laugh at others. Please shut out and emphasize that you are different. In fact, forced me through my surgery and fear of death (my doctor actually said there was a pretty good chance that I was not that make it), during my course and during my course. In fact, just in case anyone says “keeping your mouth shut won’t help”. Well, that probably isn’t the case! make There is a difference at the end, but it certainly helped me get over with the horror stories. And the nurse laughed at (most of) my jokes. Finally, just in case someone needs it for his own invisible reassurance of God in Heaven, who are we to question it’s usefulness? There is no need to be the science police as no one here reports scientific comments. If it doesn’t make you feel better then leave.

I am 47 years old and shared the following heart attack With male on January 8, 2016. No signs from the past. Pretty healthy type of life, but I did not exercise the way I should have. I had just returned the day before from a visit to my daughter in Charleston (4 hour drive) and we actually had 7 inches of snowfall that day. My husband travels to Atlanta every night and this “happened” Saturday evening / Sunday afternoon so he stayed. Dizziness, nausea, pressure to the chest, reverse inversion and sweating occurred within 7 hours of the chest pain starting. My blockage was 100% and they brought a stent to my wrist. In addition they had to chain the artery and then go through my legs to place a weightless balloon to stop the bleeding. I now feel better and autonomously speak of such things, in fact “Keyser” … I thank the citizen for his grace and mercy. Yes, only the doctor arranged the position and I look forward to being able to tell him how grateful I am to him, but only God gave him and his other team the knowledge and skills to carry out the procedure. I admit that it is not easy to understand why God dies, others endure all the difficulties, but its not up to us to ask the question.

Has anyone ever done a calcium scan like that ….. But I dont think they can tell you if you have a high calcium score if you have a blockage. 0 no table. less than 5% may be heart to get sick. Your risk. a heart attack Very low.1 “” 10 small amount of plaque. Your chances are less than 10%. heart to get sick. Your risk. a heart attack Low. At least you can quit smoking, eat more than others, and exercise more.11 “” 100 plaques. You are mildly heart Disease. Your chances of being a heart attack Ordinary. Talk to your own doctor, starting with quitting smoking, eating more, exercise programs and any other therapeutic treatments you need.101 “.” . 400 You have a small amount of plaque. You have. heart disease and plaque can block arteries. Your chances of a heart attack Low or high. Your caregiver may want to do more research and start treatment. there are over 400 plaques. You have a 90% or greater chance of blocking plaque 1 in your arteries. Your chances a heart attack to get priority. Your care provider will be willing to do more research and initiate treatment.

Dr. Moustafa, great job, and very informative, this is a comment I have tried to get directly from my own cardiologist and perhaps did not succeed because it is actually in an outpatient clinic and not all are the same. At least they aren’t. heard The widow of the operating table conditions, and my wife was near me, and they had already visited the dark, it was scary, my catheterization was complete, I can now run 7 miles, I organize this first, driving a person with chest pain, and catheter measurements are If you need it sort it out, it makes your life easier and again great job, Dr. Mustafa.

My compassion is for all who have lost someone in his life, at 57 years old I had a heart attack 100% locked. By the time I arrived at the clinic by ambulance it took an hour. I have an enormous amount of heart muscle damage. My heart I changed myself because of the scar tissue on my body . my heart veldnu I am curious how many years I have to exist. I developed my own diet, ran and watched. But I was told that it could also be hereditary. Now I think I can find a conclusion to help them extend my life. Good luck to you.

Well, I had a conflict on July 7, 2016. I am an active runner and swimmer, eat well and do everything to take care of myself. My wife has been fighting breast cancer for a year. It goes well with her. I have had practically no symptoms except for the fact … heart I thought the burn came because of all the spicy meals I ate this week, I had a hard time training this week, I could not arrange it to the elementary school, the elementary school did not feel good. On the night of the conflict I woke up with a burning sensation in my chest. I woke up my wife who had just had surgery. For example, I turned out not to be and told her I had to go to the clinic. Something told me to go. I got up and chewed an aspirin (no doubt). I went to the clinic. This is about 1.5 km from my house (one of the most pointless but best things in my life). I was lucky to find parking right in front of the door. I went to the counter and said I thought I had a serious case. of heart burn or a heart … Then she collapsed on the floor, no breath on her wrists or outside, 4 minutes of resuscitation and 2 different rounds and she brought me back. About a minute later I had no shock in the wrists and another round with resuscitation for another 2 minutes. She managed to bring me back twice. I was sent to Cath Lab where they found a young man 100% blocked. They placed two stents. They told my husband they did not know how I was progressing because I did not have a wrist. 1 day later I woke up in the active treatment department with a ventilator and one a heart pump. About an hour after I woke up I was taken from the ventilation. I did not remember anything but that I had been in the emergency department for a week, a few days on the floor, receiving active therapy in the department. A few months ago I had an ultrasound and was told I had recovered without damage . my heart I was restored without damage. The doctors told me that it was actually a real miracle that I was still alive and doing great . Now I am doing great, I run and swim again like never before. Well, that is my situation.

After being told my chest pain was an acid reflex, I read the interventional cardiologist from the medical cardiologist’s report and suggested he treated me as if Francis was spelled (the male version of the name). He said, “we are going to take a look” . Stent’s report finally stated that I had a “man from the north”. Today we know why this is called a widow. Women are not treated with the same respect as heart Patients. They are telling us: “We have other symptoms.” We have been saying that for generations. We believe we were once the only ones in the hospital. heard Get a copy of the memo. Read it carefully. And work for your own good. There is no God in medicine.

Is there any way to get a clear EKG and X-Ray and still have a blockade?


Retrieved from ” https: // www. msn. com/nl-us/health/medical/here-s-why-epeppemen-comy-in-gyms-un-how-to-prevent-it-happening-to-you/ar-aa12sh4rr
https: // www. medical-network. com/whats_a_widowmaker/article. htm
https: // www. webmd. com/heart-disease/widow-maker-eart-attack
https: // www. MedicalNewstoday. com/ article/327332
https: // www. Healthline. com/health/widowmaker-heart-attack
https: // myheart. net/ article/the-widowmaker/

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].