Facial flushing May indicate a number of tasks, such as food allergies or food intolerances. As a general rule, if there is some excitement in the expression, additional review is required flushing field only way to resolve the problem is to first certify the primary cause. The physician usually finds all other symptoms that can be experienced to make a correct diagnosis.
What causes blushing after eating?
Drinking hot water or using passion products can fill the belly with heat and lead to facial blushing. flushing The fields of the skin, of blood blood vessels near the plane of the skin. In the subsequent sweating, you can still feel warmth. This usually depends largely on what you eat, but social anxiety and certain medications can still be culprits.
1. nutritional triggers
You are probably dealing with informal care flushing After a meal, eat something appropriate with raw inger, chilies, curry powder, large amounts of onions and garlic. Following carbohydrates, rich meals could be the reason you are afflicted flushing Veldetze Foods strongly demand more energy during digestion and actually cause peak in blood sugar levels. Changes in in blood Sugar has a direct impact on you blood You depart with a vascularity and a red face. Items that must be ignored in this case include pasta, delicious delicacies made with refined white flowers, and bread.
2. drinking triggers
Hot drinks accompanied by caffeine, such as tea, coffee, cocoa, etc., have every occasion blood Sample. Literally, for example, the inclusion of herbal teas or energy drinks has the opportunity to get rid of the hippopotamus. to flushing After drinking a lot of good drinks with caffeine you can face facial flares. Drinking passionate liquids still has the opportunity to work as a trigger, as a result of others. Your red personality could be the result of the use of fermented alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and sherry. Mainly because these drinks contain histamine and tyramine.
3. food allergies
Some people develop allergies to facial flushing after using products containing the sugar substitute aspartame. Almost all other food additives can cause allergic reactions and stain the face. flushing ……. You can also get allergic reactions after using the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG) or anything containing the preservatives sulfite and sodium nitrate. Sulfites are formed during the fermentation of wine, but some foods are considered natural sources of these preservatives. They are usually found in frozen shrimp, canned meats, fried foods, desserts, and bottled salad dressings. Check labels before purchasing these foods.
4. seasoned foods.
Foods with chili peppers have a good chance of flushing . This is mainly because peppers usually contain an amalgam called capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation in the mouth. Your brain can respond to this sensation by releasing endorphins, which can cause dizziness. and flushing .
5. sensory triggers
Facial flushing With the same triumph, you may worry about what the outcome will be. For extraordinary impressions, there is an opportunity to forget the reddish face. If you feel embarrassed or excited, you may notice that your neck is covered with dirt. The same thing happens when you are stressed, angry or sad. Reddish spots may occur on your face while you are crying. You blood blood pressure is still increased due to powerful impressions, but the expression flushing not directly related to your face. flushing .
What can you do about it?
Pay attention to your personal menu to solve your facial problems. flushing After meals. I suggest drinking caffeinated teas to reduce the redness of your face. Switching to “white” spirits such as gin or vodka can also help. It is especially helpful if used with a sugar free mixer or water. Note that all forms of alcohol can contribute to a red face.
If it is quite passionate, you still have the footprints to ignore the use of food. Let it cool down at first. Look for spicy foods and include cooling foods on your personal menu such as spinach, blackberries, melon, cherries, and blueberries. Use of cooling herbs such as tarragon, lemongrass, mint, thyme, and rosemary can also help.
During a visit to the doctor
While facial flushing is not a medical Emergencies can indicate a significant headache. A visit to the doctor is recommended to determine the primary cause of the facial problem. flushing Especially if the problem does not go away and there are other symptoms, such as diarrhea.
Your doctor will ask for other symptoms. He/she may also ask about the duration, frequency, and location of your symptoms. They will get a chance to see you again. medical Situation to make the correct diagnosis. Inform the physician about additional signs such as surface breathing, diarrhea, and hives. Then allow them to determine the best treatment option. Sometimes a psychoanalyst must be used, especially if the face is flushing for psychological problems.
How can I prevent blushing after eating?
There is no single medication that prevents it, though. flushing Many precautions can be taken to control the load. For example:
- Avoid or limit alcohol intake to prevent the face flushing Alcohol can cause redness on the face if alcohol does not have a key enzyme to break down the alcohol.
- Avoid spicy foods and limit the use of spices from the Capsicum family.
- Avoid walking in direct sunlight or exposure to extreme temperatures.
- Do not exceed 18 mg of niacin intake; anyone taking more than 50 mg of niacin must eventually be dealt with flushing .
- Learn how to control your impressions. Consider meditation, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.