Many readers are interested the following Subject: why do you hold your breath after eating? Our makers are pleased to see that you have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a broad answer based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
I feel unhappy breathing. following Food can sound serious, but it isn’t always. You can experience this sign when you digest very lightly or get very large amounts of food. However, it can also be related to something more serious, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or bronchitis. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor in order to find the correct cause of the problem.
Common Causes of Shortness of Breath After Meals
For all kinds of reasons, one cannot feel comfortable after a meal. Some of the most common causes are addressed below.
1. eating very large amounts of food or very quickly
Eating large amounts of food or swallowing food quickly increases the abdomen. You can also have a bloated sensation. This is usually the result of swallowing large amounts of air while eating. As your bloated stomach presses against your diaphragm, you experience discomfort and you have difficulty breathing well. The diaphragm then has less room to turn off, but must still provide the same amount of air to the hull, making it difficult to breathe.
To prevent this problem, simply eat evenly and swallow slowly.
2. food allergies
Eating something to which you are allergic also causes shortness of breath. When your immune system over-suppresses a food or a substance in it, you suffer an allergic attack. You can be allergic to all kinds of foods, but in most cases eight foods are considered culprits. This list includes nuts, peanuts, test rounds, wheat, milk, fish, shellfish, and soybeans. Some seeds, such as mustard seeds and sesame seeds, are more likely to cause allergic reactions.
Limiting exposure to these allergens or products will most likely prevent shortness of breath.
3. difficulty breathing or breathing difficulties
If you have problems with your non-breathing, you may experience shortness of breath after meals. A hidden airway due to mucus or mucus makes it difficult for air to enter the smaller airways, giving you the sensation that you are not breathing. breathless . You may also feel breathless When there is an asthma attack. Using a distance device on a simple asthma inhaler can help you ingest medication precisely in the small airways to simplify symptoms.
Non-weight bearing or inflammatory irritation of the lungs is likely to cause coughing and shortness of breath. Medications are a way to deal with such ailments. If you already have COPD, shortness of breath may indicate that your condition is in order. Other serious causes of emotion breathless he tumor of the digestive tract, windpipe, etc.
Consult your own doctor to rule out the possibility of an inevitable problem.
4. gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gerd can be the cause of shortness of breath, even after eating. This is a condition in which the lower lobes of the digestive tract are very often or always partially open. This allows stomach acid and food to flow back into the digestive tract from the stomach. It is not of such nature that you have to take it seriously sometimes, but you are a GERD patient as acid reflux acting more than twice a week. This disease can cause a number of symptoms including shortness of breath, especially after eating. You can also suffer from dry cough, voice ho, asthma, stuffiness in the lower chest and central abdomen accompanied by swallowing problems.
A combination of medication and lifestyle changes can certainly help keep symptoms under control.
5. heart arrhythmia
This is an irregular heartbeat. The condition is common but usually innocent. It can cause all sorts of symptoms, including shortness of breath right after eating. In the absence of a serious heart rhythm disorder, you may not notice anything, but a serious heart rhythm disorder can cause unique symptoms such as fatigue, heart palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, and fainting. Rarely, cardiac arrhythmias can also lead to cardiac arrest or cardiac arrest.
Treatment options include medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes.
6. anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders are forms of mental disorders characterized by paranoia, anxiety, concern, and panic. These symptoms of anxiety disorders make it difficult to function rationally. You can perceive a variety of symptoms in all types of anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and generalized anxiety, but shortness of breath is usually a well-known sign. If your fear is related to weight or other nutritional tasks, the way you eat can lead to shortness of breath and cause other signs such as lightheadedness, dizziness, chest pain, and intense fear. Anxiety disorders often occur in combination with other disorders – this list includes aversion and other psychological disorders such as bulimia, depression, and overeating.
Your healing options depend on the severity of your symptoms and can include a combination of medications and other healing methods.
If, in addition to shortness of breath after eating, you experience other symptoms such as coughing, creaky breathing, or fever over 101 Fahrenheit, you should seek medical help. Call 911 immediately or have someone take you to a clinic. Do not drive if you experience any of these symptoms.
You will find tips for dealing with shortness of breath the following video: