Many readers are interested in the upcoming content. Why should I poop after dinner? Our makers are pleased to say that we have already done research on current studies on the subject you are interested in. We will provide you with a detailed answer based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating for more details.
Stool after a meal is perfectly normal, but if it happens often, it can indicate a significant illness. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can lead to this problem, but other factors may also play a role. If you have other symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, etc., it is important to consult a physician.
Is this normal?
The stomach stretches after eating. As soon as he is full enough, the nerves in the stomach tell the large intestine that it must prepare to remove some of what you have eaten. This results in colonic contractions and stool muscles. This usually means that if you have to poop all over after eating, you usually don’t have to worry. In most cases this is not a bad thing.
It is worth noting that almost everyone faces the same task but manages to resist the temptation to go to the bathroom. However, it is not advisable to cancel the signal because it can lead to many complications. If you have the urge to empty your bowels every time you eat something, go to the doctor. This could indicate a problem with the intestinal system.
Why do I have to poop after dinner?
There is quite a bit to it. Here are some possible reasons for the urge to poop after you eat.
1. intestinal complaints
When the mucosa is inflamed or irritated, the intestines are overactive. As a result, transit time is reduced by the intestinal tract. The stomach content moves faster and after dinner, you probably have to go to the bathroom. This movement is called per animal and begins in the gastrointestinal tract and then spreads to the rectum. Disorders of the intestinal tract may aggravate these movements and lead to urges. to poop after you eat.
2. inflammatory diseases of the intestinal tract.
IBD refers to inflammation of the intestinal tract, which can take two forms, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Inflammation can be recurrent with defecation per day, abdominal pain, abdominal pain after meals, and blood in the stool. You can still have a sharp need for defecation to poop Ulcerative colitis affects only the colon, whereas Crohn’s disease can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract.
3. 3. GAL Acidry Dirarhea.
Why do I have to poop After dinner? This is bile acid diarrhea. Studies show that people with bile acid diarrhea are often misdiagnosed with IBS. Your galleries isolate bile acids that help digest fats. It is essential that these acids be taken up again by your body. Otherwise, they will lead to a decrease in your colon. This can lead to diarrhea. The cause is not yet clear, but it could be the result of a disease involving the pancreas, the bile system, or the small intestine.
4. lactose intolerance
If you have lactose intolerance, your body is unable to digest a particular sugar called lactose, which occurs in milk and dairy products. This means you get bowel movements (diarrhea) after using dairy products. The use of a breath test can help prove the diagnosis.
5. celiac disease
When celiac disease is present, the immune system reacts to the consumption of gluten, a protein that occurs in rye, wheat, and barley. After eating wheat, diarrhea occurs, but the stool may float instead of own death. Because celiac disease requires medical support, it is important to consult a physician if you suffer from diarrhea after eating wheat. Otherwise, it can lead to many complications.
6. bill cancer
Why do I have to poop After dinner? It can cause colon cancer. Colon cancer develops when cells in the rectum or colon begin to grow unnaturally and affect the normal function of the intestinal tract. This type of cancer can be cured in 90% of cases, especially if the diagnosis is made early. In addition to the urgent need to poop You can still feel pain in the abdomen and lower abdomen. Changes in the volume or form of defecation, blood in the stool, and persistent diarrhea are other symptoms of colon cancer.
7. microscopic colitis
This is different from ulcerative colitis. Cells of the digestive mucosa become inflamed but are visible only under a microscope. The cause of this condition is not yet understood. With desire. to poop It can also have other symptoms such as periodic or persistent diarrhea.
What can I do to help?
“Why do I have to poop After eating? Your doctor can best answer this question. You should make an appointment, especially if you have other symptoms. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice so that you can better control your condition than anyone else. This is something else. It is possible.
- Eat smaller portions more frequently rather than in large quantities three times a day. May ignore fatty foods such as fatty beef, freshly baked ambrosia, and rich gravy.
- Use relaxation exercises. This can help the brain and intestines. Learn to cope with stress, as it can be one of the many things that cause diarrhea. You can try progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises to keep stress under control.
When Should I See a Doctor?
Usually, if you have diarrhea or other gastrointestinal complaints you do not need to worry, but if you have to go to the bathroom after every meal it is a good idea to go to the doctor. Here are some stories of when it is time to go to the doctor
- Have diarrhea that does not pass after 3 weeks
- You have diarrhea and fever that exceeds 102F.
- You have diarrhea and severe rectal or abdominal pain.
- You have dark, bloody, or gray diarrhea.
- You feel symptoms of dehydration, such as dizziness, mobility, or helplessness.