Why Do I Bruise So Easily

Beth Krietsc

Beth Krietsch is a freelance welfare and nutrition beltist and holds a Master in Social Health Nutrition. She focuses on movement and tables and is well being for birdies.

For Birdie edited by Olivia Hancock

Olivia Hancock is the editor of Byrdie and has over 3 years of experience in written digital media platforms.

Nicole Sweiner

Swiner is an expert in the field of family medicine/general medicine, involved for example in a wide range of medical and psychological health. She prefers to deal with the whole family – from cradle to grave. Her interests include the well being of minorities, women and pediatrics; as a wife and mother of two boys, she uses her real skills and knows clearly that the key is to be at your best, for mind, body and heart. She is considered the creator of How to Avoid Superwoman ensembles.

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Woman raised her hand

Ever wake up with a bruise And you certainly do not know where it came from? This apparently unusual occurrence is actually quite common and has happened to most of us. Bruising occurs when blood vessels tear under the skin and blood flows into the surrounding area. This is usually caused by some form of trauma, such as a fall, a confrontation with a door, or a blow during exercise.

However, if you notice almost any of bruises out of reach of a serious injury, you can get a bruise. easily This can happen for several reasons. Keep scrolling for some of the reasons you may bruise easily .

See a specialist.

    Dr. Vanessa Coppola, FNP, is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and a plastic surgeon at Johns Hopkins,
  • Vanessa Coppola, FNP-BC Certified Nurse Practitioner and Professional Nurse Aesthetician. She is certified in New York by Dr. Los Angeles.


Different medications make people more susceptible to bruising. According to Art, Anthony Kouri, an orthopedic surgeon at Johns Hopkins, aspirin and other blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, rivaroxaban and dabigatran are involved in blood changes that can lead to bruising. to bruise easily (as in herbal supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba and Hyneng). They do not contain steroids. These include prednisone and hydrocortisone, which have every opportunity to lower the skin and bring you down. to bruise easily If you are concerned about your medications contributing to bruising, I suggest you consult your physician.


It’s normal to bruise more easily As we age, our skin becomes tighter and less elastic. The fat layer, which provides some protection against bruising, also formalizes aging.

‘Blood vessels close to the skin’s surface are least protected from bumps and are more likely to be damaged and formed. a bruise says Michelle Lee, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Usually they are. bruises Hands, feet, forearms, and legs.

Your diet

Plate with food

Lee says one of the most popular reasons people are eating bruise easily food is that they eat for lunch. And we’re not talking about painful foods here either. Says Lee, “Healthy ambrosia like garlic, raw inger, ginkgo, green tea, green tea, salmon, and turmeric will reduce blood and make you more likely to suffer bruising.” That’s why I tell all my patients to stop eating these foods two to three weeks before an operation to reduce their risk of bruising.”

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Vitamin Deficiency

Sometimes bruising is caused by a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin C is important for the healing and formation of collagen; without it, bruising can occur. to bruise easily .

Weak collagen leaves the walls of blood vessels further apart. easily That can make bruising easier,” Kouri says. Vitamin K deficiency may still contribute to bruising because vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. Among all the tasks that assure people to bruise easily For example, it is not widespread; Kuri says vitamin K deficiency is rare in adults and more common in young children. However, it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet, accompanied by plenty of vitamin C, vitamin K, and other calorie-rich preparations.

Bleeding disorders

Many genetic disorders of all kinds can affect blood clotting and ensure that you bleed. to bruise more easily Kouri explains that these blood disorders can also cause significant internal bleeding. In addition to bruising, people with bleeding disorders usually experience other symptoms, such as a bloody nose or bleeding gums.

One of the most common bleeding disorders is Willebrand disease, which affects only 1% of the population. In people with Willebrand’s disease, the Willebrand-Beld protein, which is important for blood clotting, is absent or defective. Another bleeding disorder that sometimes contributes to bruising is hemophilia.

Low platelet counts.

Plaggi are tiny blood cells that aggregate into clots and help minimize bleeding after injury or trauma. If the platelet count is low, or if platelets are not functioning properly, they may not continue to minimize after injury or trauma. may bruise easily Ali explains it. Doctors can determine platelet counts with a simple blood test.


Note: Your caregiver and your siblings are not genetic. bruise easily Too many? Sometimes there is a tendency to bruise In families and women, there is a tendency to have too much blood. to bruise more easily Then man. There’s still an opportunity for a purpose shell. bruises I’ll make it more indisputable. For most people in this story, for whom there are no other signs of a bruise easily problematic, nor are they associated with serious health issues.

Intense Training

Woman training with weights

Sometimes bruises seem to occur out of nowhere after heavy athletics or another intense workout. Coppola says that very much weightlifting, aerobics, or running can cause increased intravascular pressure and shear forces on muscle tissue. a bruise Furthermore, it is unacceptable and rather uncommon.

‘If someone is often suffering bruises as a result of strenuous physical exertion, this should be immediately evaluated by a physician to rule out any other kind of significant cause.”

Too Much Time in the Sun

Too much sun exposure can break down and weaken the skin, weakening the walls of blood vessels and making them more susceptible to bruising. This bruises sun damage is usually accompanied by virtually no pain or soreness.


One of the more serious causes of bruising is anemia – cancer of the blood cells. Generally, platelets help your body minimize bleeding, but if your platelets are low because of leukemia, you are more likely to bruise. Only a doctor can determine leukemia and can make an appointment if you have a problem.

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Liver Disease

Liver disease is another important health issue (only a doctor can diagnose it) that could end up in the hospital. to bruise easily The liver makes important proteins that help our bodies minimize bleeding. Therefore, if you have a health problem with your liver, may bruise more easily than usual.

Malfunction of normal liver function can lower the levels of this protein,” says Ehsan Ali, a physician with a Los Angeles credentialed diploma.

Bruising is nothing to worry about, but it can be a symptom that something is wrong in your body. If you have more bruising than normal and are concerned about your health, it is always a good idea to speak with your own doctor. They are experts in understanding what is going on with your body and know what symptoms you need to watch out for to see if your bruises are normal enough or if you should be concerned.


It is important to note that diabetes itself is not considered a direct cause of bruising. Says Dr. Pozia, “Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels rise, and if not fully controlled, the constantly nurtured blood sugar can damage blood vessels while flowing through veins and arteries.” easily And given their inadequate circulation, healing of severe wounds.”

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is known as a group of genetic connective tissue disorders characterized by generally polite and fragile skin tissue, excess animal joints, and excessive skin enlargement,” says Coppola. “As a result of ED events, people with this genetic disorder are more susceptible to non-serious contusions due to their delicate skin tissue and connective tissue disease.”

She advises people suffering from ed to take precautions in their daily lives to protect their skin and joints from injury. Preventive measures may consist of “participation in low-impact muscle strengthening programs, a role in joint rebuilding events, and development of joint rehabilitation programs.” easily Boundaries and exposed areas such as elbows and knees. people in the ED should ignore medications that increase the risk of bruising, such as aspirin and NSAIDs, if their care providers do not prescribe them.”

Cushing’s Syndrome.

Different medications make people more susceptible to bruising. According to Art, Anthony Kouri, an orthopedic surgeon at Johns Hopkins, aspirin and other blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, rivaroxaban and dabigatran are involved in blood changes that can lead to bruising. to bruise easily (as in herbal supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba and Hyneng). They do not contain steroids. These include prednisone and hydrocortisone, which have every opportunity to lower the skin and bring you down. to bruise easily If you are concerned about your medications contributing to bruising, I suggest you consult your physician.

Studies show that Cushing’s syndrome is caused by the long-term effects of high circulating cortisol levels. Excess cortisol can lead to bruising,” Dr. Posnia says.

Byrdie makes every effort to apply quality information, in the sense that it is peer-reviewed research and supports the precedent of the memo. For more information on how to keep your content clear, credible, and reliable, read our editorial advice.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Willebrand Field Disease (VWD). updated April 1, 2021.

My Health Status. Alberta. learn about Zonnepurpura. updated July 2, 2020.

Chaudhry H. S., Singh G. Syndrome Van Cushing. statpearls Proceedings. statpearls Publishing House; 2021.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].