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Breastfeeding women are more likely to develop fungal infections during pregnancy. nipples Also breast infection as breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding and suffering from pain nipples or breast pain, you should talk to your own doctor during this period.
Why do my nipples hurt? A midwife explains 8 reasons why your nipples hurt
There are two texts that can shrink all women together nipple Pain. Discomfort near the nipples can be confusing and uncomfortable – affection, pain, discomfort. If this happens, you probably ask, “Why are you doing this?” You can’t think about anything else except. my nipples hurt?
Tbh, your nipples It is hyper sensitivity (after all, it is the root zone at its best). If this sensitivity turns into pain, do not worry. Spencer McClelland, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist in Denver, Colorado, says
The good news is that inconvenience is usually not considered a reason for special concern. ‘In most cases , nipple pain is an innocent cause and there is no noticeable skin change or abnormal discharge, there is no reason for concern. nipple Isolation means it is not a reason for immediate concern,” she says. Practice!
Different lifestyles and welfare configurations have every opportunity to contribute to pain. to nipple Pain, and fortunately, most of them are easily eliminated (e.g., by finally not sitting down and giving up sports bras).
For serious prerequisites, nipple Separation, thickening, or alteration of the color or texture of the breast skin. If you have any of these symptoms and sore nipples, go to an obstetrician-gynecologist.
To help you understand what you can deal with, here are 8 reasons you may feel pain and what you can do about it. nipples And what to do about it.
Meet the Expert: In particular, Spencer McClelland is considered the leading physician at the Women’s Health Clinic at the Denver Physicians Office. He is interested in women, pregnancy, and the reproductive organs of the family.
Jenna Sassy, M.D., is an obstetrician-gynecologist with Women’s Healthcare Associates in Houston, Texas. She is considered an Associate Fellow of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Institute of South America and is a member of the Houston Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Gynecologic Laparoscopy Society.
Alyssa Dweck, M.D., a gynecologist in Westchester, N.Y., is skilled in minimally invasive surgery and has a clear focus on women’s sexual wellness and medical sex therapy; New York Magazine and Westchester Magazine have named her “Top Doctor” and named her.
1. there is an infection nipples .
Yep, your nipples 2. has huge pores and follicles.” the nipple Jenna Sassy, Arts OB/Gyn at Women’s Healthcare Associates of Houston, says, “I have a huge pore and follicle infection, and I’m not sure what it is.
Believe it or not, the possibility of infection is a fungal infection in your body. nipple (Yes, those yeast infections.) According to Dr. Sassy’s text, they usually appear under the breasts where sweat accumulates, but women who regularly wear bras of non-breathing material may be more susceptible to yeast infections because yeast thrives well in moist black environments and skin. nipples too.
Molluscum contagiosum is another picture of fungal infections passed on by babies to breastfeeding mothers. Fortunately, these infections can be cured with antibiotics for both you and your baby and breastfeeding.
This is often the case for breastfeeding mothers, but others are still at risk for these infections, such as those with diabetes. As the skin of the nipple thin, red, and shiny, you are probably infected.
Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist and clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology in Westchester, N.Y., says nipple piercings can lead to infection, especially if not performed with good technique or not carefully cared for afterward. Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Finally, if you are considering applying your own virgin device, do your research and find an influential tattoo and piercing salon.
Other symptoms of a nipple Infection can include itching, swelling, pain, and fever. and nipple Isolate according to the condition of the sinai.
2. “Runners” are available. nipple .”
It is not so rare to regularly train or prepare for endurance events such as marathons, sanding, sports bras and other garments – to be honest, it is almost an initiation ritual.
Dweck recommends wearing a good-fitting, high-quality sports bra and applying a covering oil such as Body Glide to prevent discomfort.
Invest in balms with resistance to bodyslip and other nipple stimulation while running.
But you don’t have to be a “jogger” runner. nipple This can happen even with everyday clothing.” I also have a bad pattern of getting sick in bras the nipple All day long,” says Dr. Sassy.
In that case, it might be worth going through the fashion blades and seeing if these beautiful but very itchy bras are really worth keeping.
Other signs of joggers nipple include increased discomfort after running and bleeding. nipples According to the Sports Injury Clinic.
3. feel hormonal composition.
One of the first things you want to look for when you first feel pain in your breasts is whether you have a position. Says Dr. Sassi, “Sore nipples can be considered the first symptom you would expect.”
So if you are not using birth control pills, of nipple stimulation, then it is not unreasonable to take a pregnancy test immediately.
There are still opportunities to blame you for your stage of nipple Sensitivity. Almost all women experience pain in this area “as a result of hormonal changes and as a sign of their menstruation, usually combined with remaining annoying pain in the chest,” explains Dr. McClelland.
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Progesterone and estrogen production peaks a week before your period. This can often cause breast and mammary gland … Finally, if you have nipples And both breasts are sore, it is probably a symptom of menstruation. If menstrual symptoms decrease, as they should. nipple pain.
If a patient has annoying symptoms related to hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle–whether it is now nipple breast pain, mood swings, or menstrual migraines, Cormon contraception can change the story,” says Dr. McClelland.
Even if you have stopped or started on a new birth control method or pill, you can still suffer from breast pain if you are planning to start the phase or are dealing with hormonal anxiety such as menopause. and nipple However, literally annoying pain is usually nothing to worry about.
Other signs of hormonal changes, according to the Cleveland Clinic, are constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, irregular menstruation, and acne.
4. you are breastfeeding.
Unfortunately not all: experiencing pain while breastfeeding in Leiden is not bad, for several reasons – your milking machine does not fit, you clogged the milk duct, you nipples cracked, or your baby is difficult to lay. Nipple creams such as Medela’s Soft Care and Lanolin often have a good chance of helping a fresh mother gain enlightenment.
Mastitis can cause flu-like symptoms such as fever, pain, and fatigue.
However, as with mastitis (also called inflammation of breast tissue), pain is present when breastfeeding is not common. Signs of mastitis are painful or warm breasts, breast swelling, thickening of breast tissue, or breast lumps. Pain or burning sensation during breastfeeding or during normal daily activities; redness of the skin, according to a South American Midwives Institute and Gynecologists text.
Says Dr. Sassi, “If you feel pain while breastfeeding, also feel a fever or chills, or generally feel sick, it is imperative that you visit your own doctor.”
5. allergic reactions.
If you feel itchy or unhappy after using fresh fragrances, soaps, lotions, or even detergents and fabric softeners, it is only the result of an allergic reaction. nipple Pain can be the result of an allergic reaction.
If you have recently switched and identified it as the cause of your pain, chances are great that you will return to your old winner or you will find an odorless or hypoallergenic version of the product. Consult your own health care professional for cream or ointment recommendations.
6. you started with a drug or adjusted it.
‘Some medications have side effects of sensitivity nipple Sensitivity or isolation the nipple This can be with herbal supplements, prescription drugs, and even psychiatric medications. If you believe this to be the case, consult your physician.
On the other hand, “a systemic allergy, like a drug, would be a pretty impossible source of of nipple pain,” says Dr. McClelland. If so, you will notice other signs, such as “skin rashes, facial swelling, nausea, and breathing problems.
If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, treatments such as surgery or radiation can still cause chest pain, says Dr. Dr.
OB-Gyn recommends talking to your doctor about deductibles for medications that are not problematic and see if you are a candidate for those with the lowest side effects.
7. eczema.
According to Dr. McClelland’s book, your pain could be a byproduct of a skin disorder such as eczema, although this is not the most common.
Discomfort with a rash on the chest may indicate eczema on the skin nipples . The Cleveland Clinic reports that in such cases, the itchy rash and dry skin may make it impossible to drive, dress, or nap.
Avoiding products containing fragrances and perfumed detergents can help prevent this. To treat this condition, moisturize the area with an unscented lotion or Vaseline. In more severe cases, the use of drugs such as corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and itching may be the key to pain relief.
8. possible breast cancer.
This is one of the least popular reasons, but worth mentioning. Sore nipples can be a sign of breast cancer, along with flattening or inward bending of the nipple. the nipple And swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. According to the Mayo Clinic, reddish, purple, or pink discoloration or bumps on the breast skin are still not uncommon and are considered a sign of anxiety that needs attention. Most people describe it as a burning sensation or pain, but because pain caused by breast cancer often develops gradually, it is of utmost importance to seek medical attention if you suspect breast cancer.
Treatment usually consists of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.
CONCLUSION: Nipple pain is very common and is usually not a cause for concern. However, if you have other annoying symptoms such as breast shape. or nipple Then consult your physician to make sure nothing serious is going on.
Emily Benton is a freelance writer and editor living in Houston. She has published on wellness, fitness, and happiness in magazines such as Women’s Health, SELF, Prevention, Healthline, and the Houston Chronicle, in addition to Runner’s World. She still runs 11 marathons, is a USATF Value 1 certified running coach, and is considered a concrete traveler.
Eight causes of nipple pain
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There are many reasons of nipple Soreness is as frequent as allergies to detergents or ill-fitting bras. Sore nipples are also common in those who are menstruating, pregnant, or breastfeeding.
There are more serious causes. of nipple Thus, pain from infections, cancer, etc., is essential to go to the doctor for a good diagnosis and cure.
As a symptom, nipple Pain varies from person to person. Some people are more likely to feel them nipples and sensitive to pain, while others experience sharp aches and pains accompanied by itching.
In this post we will look at some possible causes. of nipple pain:
1. friction
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Friction is a common reason the nipples You are glued to your bed. Friction can occur if you are the nipples You wear shirts or tight-fitting bras during sporting events such as running, surfing, basketball, etc.
Friction on the nipple This can often cause pain or a burning sensation. The skin can also dry out or crack.
Additionally, longer training periods are on average prolonged periods of friction. Those sensitive to friction have the opportunity to take extra precautions, such as wearing surgical tape. nipples during exercise.
2. infection
Nipples that are already damaged by friction, allergic reactions, or cracked or bleeding nipples are at increased risk of infection. If the baby is breastfed, the potential for infection is even greater.
You can get a fungal infection the nipples It is a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. This can be the result of damage to surrounding tissue, recent medication use, or if someone has a history of fungal infection.
Yeast infections, also known as thrush. the nipples Often feels like a burning hot pain that never goes away as the friction informant goes low. The nipples Can be bright pink and the areola is red or folded.
Many women who feed will brush the sketch like a sharp, hot pain immediately after feeding. Symptoms of infection are most likely still in the baby.
If milk comes out of the milk channel, mastitis can occur during pregnancy. Bacteria have a good opportunity to grow and spread in the channel. This infection pattern can cause swollen, red, painful breasts. and nipple .
Mastitis should be treated with antibiotics. If not treated, abscesses may develop. Everyone checks for the right symptoms as nipple And chest pain must be referred to a physician:
- Fever or chills
- Chest that feels warm
- Redness of the skin on the chest and nipple
- Irregular breast floaters
3 Allergy or Atopic Dermatitis
Pain or discomfort with unstable, scabbed skin or blisters may be a symptom of an allergic reaction or atopic dermatitis (eczema).
There are a number of products that can irritate the entire family the nipples or can cause existing skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis. These include
- Body lotions
- Detergents
- Soaps
- Shaving gels
- Textile softeners
- Perfumes
- Substances
Other symptoms of allergic reactions include redness, cracking, and continual itching of the nipple and skin around the nipple. the nipple and nipple areola and constant itching. In some cases, a rash may develop.
Mild cases can be treated with topical anti-inflammatory creams, but if the rash or redness increases or spreads or does not respond to over-the-counter treatments, a physician should be consulted.
4. sexual contact
Sexual arousal can also cause of nipple Pain. Physical friction and sexual arousal associated with sex can cause pain. the nipples May cause pain. This pain is usually short-lived and is often treated simply by the nipples time to heal.
Using moisturizers or nipple guards minimize the amount of friction and help prevent the board from moving to its worst side.
5. hormonal changes
Even the normal hormonal configuration of a woman’s menstrual cycle can still cause breast pain. nipple and cause breast pain. These signs are usually felt just before the onset of menstruation. At this time, the breasts feel swollen due to the increase in fluid in the breast caused by the increase in estrogen and progesterone.
The pain associated with hormonal changes usually subsides once this phase begins. If this pain persists for more than a few days, a woman may consult her doctor.
6. cancer and paget’s disease
Some nipple Tumors usually do not cause pain, although pain and other symptoms may be symptoms of these problems, such as cancer. Nipple pain caused by cancer often affects only one breast. and nipple .
Paget’s disease is a rare manifestation of cancer. the nipple It usually occurs in combination with a tumor in the same breast. People with Paget’s disease or breast cancer are more likely to experience other signs, such as
- Flat or inverted nipple
- Yellow or bloody discharge the nipple
- Itching or tingling sensation
- Reddish, wrinkled, crunchy or flaky crust around the crust the nipple and areola
Paget’s disease and breast cancer are diagnosed by examining the affected cells. Paget’s disease is rare, but anyone unsure of their signs should consult a physician.
7. sore nipples during pregnancy
Nipple pain may be even more common during pregnancy and lactation. The breasts may become cold and bedridden. The nipples The nipples may darken and become more painful, and there is a greater chance of small bumps forming around the nipples. the nipples .
The perfect supportive bra can reduce friction and relieve pain. Some pregnant women find it necessary to wear supportive bras when they sleep at night, as you can see here. Sleep braces can also help reduce nipple chest pain after the birth of a baby.
Cooling gel packs like these still have ample potential to relieve the aches and pains nipples caused by breastfeeding.
8. breastfeeding
Wrap breastfeeding is considered a common cause of of nipple pain. This is mainly due to the technology that the baby is holding If the baby does not have enough breast in the mouth, the nipple It is the opposite of a hard palate with gums. The baby is obligated to attach itself deeply to the chest the nipple behind the throat.
If mom is using a milking device, it can still cause pain. nipple cause pain. Pain can be caused by too much suction or by using a breast shield that does not fit properly. a nipple Shields that do not fit well. Places the milker in a more favorable position. nipple Silden has every opportunity to help reduce discomfort.
Infants who get young teeth are, of nipple pain, because they have the opportunity to change the way they lie down and chew. the nipple Women who breastfeed have the opportunity to try to encourage their babies to keep more of their breast in their mouths.
If a baby presses the nipple There is also the option of restricting blood flow by working between the gums and the roof of the mouth. the nipple This can lead to what is called vasospasm, which adversely affects blood flow. the nipple Then snow white, reddish, and purple.
Sore nipples due to friction, which can be prevented by wearing well-fitted sports bras, smooth synthetic materials, or using protective products such as rash and nipple Shields. Some creams and ointments can help reduce friction.
Breastfeeding mothers are encouraged to consult a lactation consultant to help their babies develop good eating habits. Almost all health insurance policies cover this care need.
If you want to buy nipple Cream, during this time, has a great selection on the Internet with thousands of customer reviews.
Nipple pain caused by hormonal changes during menstruation or pregnancy may respond well to heat or narcotics such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Breast cancer is often treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Treatment of small cases of Paget’s disease usually consists of removal the nipple Radiotherapy is applied to the affected breast. In some cases, all breast tissue may need to be removed.
In most cases, there is pain the nipples This is elementary and will become apparent after the cause is removed. All persons checking for persistent signs should go to a doctor to discuss diagnosis and correct healing.
Latest medical survey on November 12, 2018.
- Body Pain
- Breast Cancer
- Women’s Welfare / Gynecology
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- Asaadi, N., Kariman, N., Shahrahmani, H., Galandari, S., Khodakarami, N. (2017, September 20). Routine clinical studies on healing of Zwelen nipple and nipple pain in lactating women [Abstract]. Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility, 19(6), 22-33 http: // eprints. mothers. Exchange. ir/1809/.
- Buck M. L., Amir L. H., Callinein M., and Donat S. M. (2014, February 24). Nipple pain, injury, and vasospasm in the first 8 months of the following family members. Breastfeeding Medicine, 9(2), 56-62. http: // Online. liebert Pub. com/doi/full/10. 1089/BFM. 2013. 0106?
- De Luca J. F., Adams B. B., & Josipovic G. (2012). Skin conditions in athletes participating in the Olympic summer games: the correct duty of noble physicians towards sports medicine. Sports Medicine, 42(5), 399-413 http: // atnj. org/sites/default/files/skin_manifestations_of_athletes. pdf
- Khan, T. (2014, January). Well – known difficulties in breastfeeding, Part 3/3: Nipple pain + infection. http: // www. FamilyDocs. org/f/14. cme_. Spotlight.Jan_. Breastfeeding. pdf.
- Paget’s Disease (April 10, 2012) https: // www. cancer. gov/Type/BREWS/PAGET BREATH-FACTSHEET
Why are my nipples Disease?7 probable causes.
Medical Literacy by Carmen Pope, Bpharm. Last updated September 1, 2022.
Official Answer.
From drugs. Cartoon.
Sore nipples are considered a common complaint, even in pregnant, menstruating, or breastfeeding women. But there are other causes as well for nipple pain.
Some people feel pains they describe as sharp or mushy. Others say they feel them nipples Pain, condition, sensitivity only. Any nipple pain accompanied by a nipple Separation, nodules, or changes in the color or texture of the breast skin should be examined by a physician immediately.
The following are the more known conditions for nipple pain:
- Duration
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Infection
- Cancer
- Sanding during exercise
- Allergies (for powder or detergent)
1. menstruation
Hormonal fluctuations that occur during a woman’s normal monthly cycle often cause nipple cause sore and painful breasts. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise just before a woman begins menstruation. Both hormones cause the breasts to engorge and become swollen and painful. Estrogen causes the breast channel to build up and progesterone ensures that the mammary glands are swollen. Sore nipples are now considered a phenomenon.
Often the symptoms reach a maximum just before menstruation and disappear again during menstruation. The symptom burden may vary from woman to woman, but in most cases it is more of a complaint than a responsible medical problem. However, if you notice separation during the period. the nipple Go to a doctor, especially if the separation is brown or bloody.
2 Pregnancy
Pregnancy causes many breast and nipple related disorders, e.g.:
- Nipple pain and sensitivity
- Darkening of the nipples areola (skin around the nipple) nipples )
- Enlarged areola (nipple) and nipples , and nipples Tend to protrude more
- Small glands in the areola (Montgomery’s tuber) field may turn into raised bumps
- Growth and enlargement of the udder
- Dark veins and breast image due to elevated blood supply to the udder.
- Thick yellowish separation from the udder (this is called colostrum).
3. breastfeeding
It is not uncommon for nipples Pain after breastfeeding; especially in the first few minutes when the baby takes the breast for the first time. However, nipples need not be painful or bleeding for a long time.
If your nipple If the pain is severe, long, or recurrent, it may be caused by technical problems during the removal process. Technical problems include
- Baby grabs the nipple badly. the nipple
- Fixation problems
- Incorrect positioning
- Poor maternal reflexes
- Inverted nipples
- Baby falls asleep sucking at the breast.
- Pulling the baby’s mouth maw away from the mouth without disturbing the sucking
- Short banded baby (the band is the tissue that ties the tongue to the bottom of the mouth), still commonly referred to as “cros s-tongue”
Modified lanolin, cool compresses, hydrogel compresses, and bibs all help reduce pain. However, you should always seek further advice from a breastfeeding consultant or physician who can help with breastfeeding techniques.
4. infection
Yeast infections (also called Thrush) are the more common infections. nipples . Around your nipples There are huge pores and follicles that are most likely to be invaded and infected. Yeast infections are more common in places considered moist where sweat accumulates under the breast, for example. However, women who carry bras with non-breathing material may still ingest yeast infections. nipples too.
Breastfeeding women are more likely to develop fungal infections during pregnancy. nipples Also breast infection as breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding and suffering from pain nipples or breast pain, you should talk to your own doctor during this period.
Infections still have a chance to show up in men and women nipple piercing, especially if the piercing is not set with good technique and then do not worry about the right
5. cancer
Paget’s disease is a picture of cancer with the ability to cause pain. nipple It causes pain. It usually only affects one nipple And sometimes with the same breasts. There is still every opportunity for other signs of existing in that amount.
- Upside down or flattened. nipple
- Yellow or bloody discharge from the nipple
- Nipples itching or tingling
- Skin changes such as red, droopy, calloused, or flaky skin around the the nipple and areola.
If any of the above are signs of nipple pain, consult your own doctor.
6. friction
Irritation of the nipples from friction is considered a simple incident during running or other intensive exercise. Especially with men wearing rough cotton shirts or women wearing bras or bras with patterns or cotton.
Sweating further softens the skin and the sweaty salts have the opportunity to crystallize, guaranteeing a key to new stimulation. In the direction of long-term or training nipples Rub on bleeding.
Rape usually causes tourniquet nipple pain, and the skin still has frozen or cracked options. Rugs that are closed to your skin with synthetic substances, in fact that sweat nipple lubricants or treatments against entanglement can be applied to reduce tangles the nipples for sports. Pipelines the nipples With surgical tape or a nipple cover still have the opportunity to help.
7. allergies
If the skin around your nipples grows, becomes lack, blisters, there may be an allergic reaction or atopic dermatitis (eczema). Nipple allergies may develop:
- Body lotions
- Textile softeners
- Substances
- Washing powder
- Perfumes
- Shaving foam or coarse facial hair nipples .
If the nipple Pain occurred at some point. Remember to work hard in case something changes, for example, fresh washing powder, body lotion, perfume, etc. Remember to apply in the direction of one week and see if it makes sense only for you. the nipple soreness.
Anti-inflammatory topics can help for a few days, but if the pain persists or worsens, consult your doctor.
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