When to Go To Hospital in Labor

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Pregnancy is a happy time, but as the due date approaches, former mothers begin to worry about the beginning of their pregnancy. of labor . This is because there are many different symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy. labor Some are potentially misunderstood, while others are very obscure to understand. Women expecting a new addition to their family need to be aware that if they are carrying a baby to term and the water cycle has not yet stopped, the proper cues will help them understand when to begin. to hospital in labor .

Know the birth process.

All mothers need to be concerned about what is to come. of labor And there are several guidelines that can help you better recognize this.

How does it begin?

Between 38 and 42 months of pregnancy, the amount of estrogen in the body increases. Then, two other hormones, oxytocin and prostaglandins, cause the body to contract. The size of the uterus and the pressure of the baby’s head on the cervix all affect delivery. get labor started.

Interestingly, the urge to put things off and the tendency to feel distant or dreamy are signs of something that may be coming. labor It may be coming. There is also a good chance that mucus will be produced in abundance.

Two Stages of Childbirth: False Birth and Real Birth

During the last few months of pregnancy, a woman experiences labor pains. She may become convinced and anxious that she is beginning to feel contractions. labor and head to the hospital Only to realize that these are Braxton-Hicks contractions, a way of preparing the body for the big event. Generally, there is no real rhythm to this pattern of decrease and it does not occur at regular intervals. During this phase, try to rest and let the body make what it needs. This is because the body is preparing the body and the baby growing inside it to get through history. labor and delivery.

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If the contractions become more intense and continuous, there is a good chance that they are symptoms of a real labor labor Getting started. Be alert for contractions that are 15 to 20 minutes apart. This interval will gradually shorten to as little as 5 minutes and labor will begin in the near future.

To find out if you are having false labor contractions labor or true labor Then decide when to go. to hospital in labor Note the right thing to do: the

Offer a reduced amount

False birth

Real Birth


Whether it is irregular in the neighborhood

Timing up, takes 30-70 seconds and can get closer with time

His movements as he?

Stops when walking or resting and may delay if you change position

Continues regardless of where you are or where you walk around


Weak, will not get stronger. Can be stronger and weaker

Increased strength

Elbow pain

Feels abdominal and pelvic

Starts in the lower back overflowing in front of the abdomen

When you go to the birth clinic

There are many symptoms that tell you: it is time to go. to hospital Beld these difficulties include

1. if you have strong, systematic contractions

It is difficult to determine what actual misery looks like, especially if this is your first pregnancy. and labor Fielder no less, the main opinion produced is whether they are considered to last as a rule about a minute, and whether they are varied. including those whose size ranges from the size of a 30-minute direction to 4 minutes. Then, put in a break of 10 minutes, it is Braxton-Hicks and generally not hospital worthy.

  • For those having their first baby, going is a good idea. the hospital If there is a reduction within 5 minutes, or discomfort of labor is the smell of the house.
  • If you have two kids, it is a good idea to go out the hospital 1. when the reduction from buddy to buddy lasts about 7 minutes.
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2. if the membrane breaks

If you notice moisture running past your feet, it is time to compress. If this compression is very wet or has a blood stain or greenish color, these are symptoms of a membrane. This is not a bad time to contact your doctor or midwife and think about your baby’s family. If the membranes are broken, work cannot begin immediately. It is advisable to organize the baby with the medical staff to make sure everything is still going well. Then, if you can start, you can wait! labor .

Comment. By the end of pregnancy, vaginal discharge can be quite simple. She can be milky white in color, walk down her legs or wet her underwear completely. Therefore, if it happens and dries as protein, is not considered a symptom of membranes.

3. other signs you cannot wait

Other symptoms of when to go to hospital in labor immediately are:

  • If the date is running
  • If there is bleeding similar to menstruation
  • When there are twins or multiple births
  • When you are pregnant with a baby
  • If you have had a baby before and the first labor Lasted 2 to 3 hours
  • Group B Streptococcus and antibiotics if you need flattering test results
  • If you are very concerned about your condition . labor

This video explains the auxiliary signs. of labor Answers the question of when you should go to the hospital. to hospital in labor :

What you can expect when you arrive at the hospital.

The first thing that happens when you arrive at the hospital is that a nurse investigates you. the hospital The nurse will examine you and then determine important characteristics such as fever and blood pressure. A monitor is then attached to your stomach to check your baby’s vital functions. Next, a vaginal exam will be done to see how you are accessing the It’s a matter of preference. and hospital As a general rule, it means a long wait. As a general rule, it could mean a long wait.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].