Many readers are interested in the content to come. In fact, to do well after sex does well. Our makers are happy to report that they have already done research on contemporary studies on the subject you are interested in. We provide detailed answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Find out more.
Even if you are over 40, you can still enjoy the best sex of your life. After all, you are experienced and you literally understand what you want and are not shy in formulating it. But even the ability to just leave is actually a necessity to go to the bathroom after sex or nudity. This is something that takes footprints to remember, so your sexy life can get a chance to continue on its absolute course.
What to do after sex
1. pee.
After sex, it is time to go to the bathroom and pee. But there is no need to rush right away. It is advisable to go to the bathroom to rinse out any digestive bacteria that may have infected your urethra while making love. This will certainly help prevent urinary tract infections, also known as UTIs, which can affect your sex life. This often makes intercourse painful until the infection is treated with prescription medications.
2. consider how you feel
After having intercourse, take time to think about what you experienced and how the sex made you feel. Focus on the details and remember what really excited you. Share these thoughts with your partner immediately. Don’t wait until the sensation is gone. But if it is not your best sex, forget it in peace. Instead, turn around and look in a different direction of habits with your own partner after sex. Studies have proven that this leads to more successful relationships.
3. watch out for unusual discomfort.
Pain appears during intercourse. It is a simple case of. There are many reasons for this, including muscle cramps, poor lubrication, constipation, and the sexy partner contingency of the ovaries. However, not all pain is considered normal. Especially when it occurs repeatedly, it is stored long after intercourse and cannot be explained by daring sex games. You should discuss this discomfort with your doctor because the pain can be related to important diseases such as cervical, uterine or ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine salts, comprehensive, and sometimes cancer.
4 Be careful with soap when wiping.
If you are thinking about what you must make after sex, remember to wipe the genital area carefully. It is not uncommon for bacteria to be transferred from a partner’s mouth and fingers or from lubricants. This can lead to bacterial or fungal infections. Wipe with a warm hand towel using only water. The fragrance may disturb delicate skin and should be ignored. Just wipe from front to back. Your body has its own personal way of cleaning the inside of the vagina.
5. drink water
Sex is a physical strength, literally like jogging, walking, or any other kind of exercise. It is essential to stay hydrated later, so take the time to drink water after you have sex. If you dry out, not only will your stomach dry out, so will your vagina. If possible, keep water next to your bed. If you stay hydrated you can also pee more easily after the bacteria is flushed out of your urethra.
If you are thinking about what you have to make after sex and you have time, take a bath. If you feel good, why not ruin yourself? Not only does it purify the vaginal area, it also moisturizes the skin. Consider adding a mild oil to your water as a moisturizer supplement. Coconut oil or baby oil for sensitive skin is not a bad variation. A warm bath can help relieve swollen genitals caused by your sex.
7. biological food snacks
Sex often triggers an appetite. After all, you have burned a lot of calories. The use of probiotic products such as fermented charcha, kimchi or yogurt have properties that replenish good bacteria in the vagina. This has the potential to lower your chances of getting a yeast or bacterial infection.
8. sleeping naked.
If you are thinking about what you must make after sex, remember that one of the funniest things snooze is naked. After sex, you want the vaginal area to be dry. This reduces the risk of UTI infection, yeast, or bacteria. Think you are afraid of being naked? Then wear cotton pajamas that are loose to ensure air circulation.
What to do after sex
Do not use wet wipes
Wet wipes are full of chemicals, odor, glycerin, and oil. These components have the opportunity to cause considerable discomfort in the vaginal area. Immediately after sex, when the skin underneath is more sensitive, this can be quite difficult. This can lead to genital dryness, itching, sensitivity, and irritation. You are never obligated to use it under wipes.
Do not sleep in sexy underwear!
When thinking about what to make after sex, make sure it is not your sexy underwear nap. The vast majority of underwear is made from substances that retain water. Beware of clothing made from polyester and region. This type of material does not breathe well enough to allow the vaginal area to get out. This can lead to fungal infections. Wear cotton underwear or sleep naked.