What Is Sugar Alcohol

But too much sugar alcohol in your diet can have unpleasant side effects. Bissell tells us what we need to know to reap the benefits and avoid the drawbacks.

What You Should Know About Sugar Alcohols

man daughter reading food label in market

If you’re health-conscious or have diabetes, you’re likely a pro at reading food labels. But what about products that use sugar alcohol as a sweetener?

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“Sugar alcohols may have a slight influence on your blood sugars, but overall, they’re safe to include as part of a balanced diet,” says registered dietitian Tegan Bissell, RD.

But too much sugar alcohol in your diet can have unpleasant side effects. Bissell tells us what we need to know to reap the benefits and avoid the drawbacks.

What is sugar alcohol?

The term “sugar alcohol” is misleading: It’s neither sugar nor alcohol. “Sugar alcohols are a type of carbohydrate and have a chemical structure that’s similar to sugar,” says Bissell.

Food manufacturers use sugar alcohols to sweeten their products while reducing calories. “They stimulate the tongue’s sweet taste buds, adding flavor without extra sugar or calories,” explains Bissell. “Food companies can market their foods as low-carb, sugar-free or diabetes-friendly without sacrificing taste.”

Common sugar alcohols include:

Sugar alcohol vs. sugar

Bissell says that while some sugar alcohols come from fruits and vegetables, most are artificial. Sugar is 100% natural — exclusively coming from fruits, plants, vegetables and milk.

One difference? “Sugar is also digested easily and used for energy in the body,” says Bissell. “Sugar alcohols, on the other hand, are not absorbed or digested fully.”

Bissell notes that sugar alcohols have some benefits over regular sugar, including:

  • Fewer calories: Unlike sugar, which has about 4 calories per gram, sugar alcohol has just over two. “They taste almost as sweet as sugar with about half the calories,” says Bissell. “If you’re conscious of your caloric intake, you could benefit from eating foods made with sugar alcohols in place of regular sugar.”
  • Easier blood sugar management: Unlike regular sugar, sugar alcohols don’t cause sudden blood sugar spikes. “They are considered a low glycemic index food and may cause only a slight rise in blood sugar levels,” says Bissell.
  • Less dental risk: Sugar alcohols don’t contribute to tooth decay as sugar does. “You may notice xylitol in your toothpaste, which helps make it taste better while cleaning your teeth.”
  • Fewer carbs: “If you’re on a low-carb diet, you can have sugar alcohols. They are much lower in carbs and have a lower glycemic index than regular forms of sugar.”

Sugar alcohols vs. artificial sweeteners

Though they’re both manufactured, sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, are not the same thing. Unlike sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners are chemicals that provide an intense level of sweetness and no calories. You can also buy artificial sweeteners as a sugar substitute for baking and cooking.

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Is sugar alcohol bad for you?

Bissell says sugar alcohols can be a safe addition to your diet — in moderation. Studies have shown 10 to 15 grams a day of sugar alcohols are safe. But there are three potential sugar alcohol side effects:

1. Gastrointestinal side effects are possible

Because the body can’t fully digest sugar alcohols, you may experience some unpleasant GI symptoms soon after you eat them. In a 2006 British study, researchers gave participants doses of sugar or one of two types of sugar alcohol (xylitol and erythritol). Those taking xylitol reported bloating, gas, upset stomach and diarrhea. Erythritol appeared to have milder effects on the stomach, only increasing nausea and gas when given in large doses.

“If you eat foods with sugar alcohols several times a day, you could wind up with some tummy troubles,” notes Bissell. “If you notice this happening, use caution or find another sweetener option.”

2. Sugar alcohols are not a weight management silver bullet

It’s still possible to gain weight when eating foods that contain sugar alcohol, especially if you eat them in excess. They’re low in calories and carbs, but not free of them.

3. Sugar alcohols tend to have a laxative effect

This effect is more common in children and people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Instead of absorbing sugar alcohols in the stomach, they can linger in the intestines and ferment. Doctors even prescribe some types as laxatives.

How can you tell if a food contains sugar alcohols?

Just as sugar lurks behind different terms on food labels, sugar alcohol also has many names. When you see one of these products on a label, here’s what you are getting:

  • Xylitol, often used in gum, is about as sweet as sugar. It comes from wheat straw and some cereals. Food makers produce it from corncobs.
  • Maltitol is about 75% as sweet as sugar and comes from corn syrup.
  • Erythritol is 60% to 80% as sweet as sugar. It comes from things like pears, soy sauce and watermelon. Manufacturers make it by fermenting corn.
  • Mannitol is 50% to 70% as sweet as sugar. Naturally, it occurs in carrots, olives and asparagus. Manufacturers make it from seaweed.
  • Isomalt is about 45% to 65% as sweet as sugar. It comes from beet sugar.
  • Sorbitol is about half as sweet as sugar. Naturally, it’s in apples and pears. Food manufacturers make it from corn syrup.
  • Lactitol provides about 40% of the sweetness of sugar. Manufacturers make it from milk.
  • Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates range between 40% and 90% as sweet as sugar. Manufacturers produce them by mixing different sugar alcohols.

Besides reading the ingredients on food labels, Bissell says you can identify products containing sugar alcohol by looking for:

  • Baked goods, candy and gums labeled “sugar-free.”
  • Labels that state: “Excessive consumption can cause a laxative effect.”

The bottom line: As with most foods, it’s best to consume products with sugar alcohol only in moderation. However, if you are mindful of sugar alcohol side effects, it can help reduce your carbohydrate intake when you eat it as part of a healthy diet.

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What Are Sugar Alcohols?

What Is Sugar Alcohol

Sugar alcohols are sweeteners that have about half the calories of regular sugar. They occur naturally in certain fruits and vegetables, but some are man-made and are added to processed foods.

Many foods labeled “sugar free” or “no sugar added” have sugar alcohols in them. You might see these names on the ingredient list:

  • Erythritol
  • Maltitol
  • Mannitol
  • Sorbitol
  • Xylitol
  • Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH)
  • Isomalt

Food companies often combine sugar alcohols with artificial sweeteners to make foods taste sweeter. If you’re trying to lose weight, you might benefit from swapping sugar alcohols for sugar and other higher-calorie sweeteners.

Besides being lower in calories, sugar alcohols don’t cause cavities, which is why they’re used in sugar-free gum and mouthwash. Sugar alcohols also create a cooling sensation when used in large amounts, which works well with mint flavors.

You may see sugar alcohols as ingredients in many lower-calorie and sugar-free foods like energy bars, ice cream, pudding, frosting, cakes, cookies, candies, and jams. And in spite of their name, sugar alcohols aren’t alcoholic.

How They Work

Your small intestine doesn’t absorb sugar alcohols well, so fewer calories get into your body. But because sugar alcohols aren’t completely absorbed, if you eat too many you might get gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Foods that have mannitol or sorbitol in them include a warning on the package that eating a lot of these foods could make them act like a laxative.

Check the Label

To find out if a food or beverage contains sugar alcohols, check the Nutrition Facts Label on the packaging. It shows the amount in grams (g) of total carbs and sugars under Total Carbohydrate and the Percent Daily Value (%DV) of total carbs per serving.

Food manufacturers sometimes include grams of sugar alcohols per serving on the label, but they don’t have to. The specific name may be listed, such as xylitol, or the general term “sugar alcohol” may be used. But if the packaging includes a statement about the health effects of sugar alcohols, manufacturers have to list the amount per serving.

If You Have Diabetes

Sugar alcohols can be part of a healthy eating plan when you need to manage diabetes. Unlike artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols are a kind of carb and can raise blood sugar levels, though not as much as sugar.

You’ll need to count carbs and calories from sugar alcohols in your overall meal plan. Foods labeled “sugar free” or “no sugar added” might seem like “free” foods you can eat as much of as you like, but overeating them can make your blood sugar levels very high.

If you’re counting carbs and the food has more than 5 grams of sugar alcohols, subtract half of the sugar alcohol grams from total carb grams. For example, if the label lists “Total Carbohydrate 25 g” and “Sugar Alcohol 10 g,” do this math:

  • Divide sugar alcohol grams in half = 5 g
  • Subtract 5 g from Total Carbohydrate: 25 g – 5 g = 20 g
  • Count 20 g of carbs in your meal plan

One exception: If erythritol is the only sugar alcohol listed, subtract all of the grams of sugar alcohol from Total Carbohydrate.

If you need help creating a meal plan or managing carbs, ask your doctor or dietitian for guidance.

Show Sources

FDA: “Sugar alcohols.”

National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health: “Nutritional Recommendations for Individuals with Diabetes.”

Mayo Clinic: “Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes,” “Uses for sugar alcohols.”

Cleveland Clinic: “Nonnutritive sweeteners.”

Joslin Diabetes Center: “What Are Sugar Alcohols?”

Diabetes Teaching Center, University of California: “Counting Sugar Alcohols.”

Diabetes Forecast: “What Are Net Carbs?”

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].