What Is A Roofie

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Some drugs used by predators are not so well known. Etizolam, clonazepam, and other chemicals investigated are increasingly seen in cases of rape.

Dating drugs: it is no longer simple rape.

Rape is considered a serious criminal act, possibly with serious and long-term consequences for the victim’s life. Rape means that you sexually penetrate another person without his permission, it means that you have sex with an inconsistent or unconscious person. Some perpetrators attempt to simplify their aggressive attacks by using drugs to deceive their victims.

The term “date rape” refers to anyone who forces a person to engage socially, romantically, or casually in sex without mutual consent. Often the image of rape is sketched as a predator who first drugs the victim and then sexually abuses him or her. However, it sometimes happens that in date rape the perpetrator often abuses the special qualities of the chosen victim. Maybe they are celebrating with friends and are drunk a lot, or they unknowingly mixed certain drugs so they can no longer work. In all scenarios, the rapist abuses this very unexpected position and replaces the victim’s life forever.

It is very important to remember that rape is never the victim’s fault, regardless of whether the victim herself decides to use drugs or is unknowingly exposed to them. Unanimity must be clear; do not say “no” or “stop.” A person who is not calm cannot consent to sex!

Alcohol is involved in almost half of all attacks 1, 2, and 3, but prevalence estimates for other sedating agents are not generally available. Some of the drugs used to numb are very popular, such as Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), GHB, and ketamine, while others are less well known (Clonazepam, Etizolam, other fresh substances).Aristocratis These drugs are dangerous You may have to distinguish between past and expired.

Dangerous you know.

Some date rape drugs are relatively popular. These include:

  • Rohypnol (“ roofies ”).
  • Ketamine (“Special K”).
  • Gamma hydroxybutyrate (“GHB”).

All of these substances have similar depressant effects, but each of them, especially in combination with alcohol, actually affects something else something else in the way these substances are administered to the victim (e.g., drinks).


A woman gets dizzy from drinking.

Rohypnol (generic name: Flunitrazepam) is often referred to by its street name. It is found in

  • Rooftop.
  • Forgetting tablets.
  • Circles.
  • La Rocha.

Rohypnol is a powerful benzodiazepine prescribed in some countries for the treatment of insomnia. In the United States, however, this product is considered illegal because of its strong consequences and reputation as a rape drug. However, in the United States, this product is considered illegal because of its strong consequences and reputation as a rape drug.

Rohypnol tablets are tasteless, tasteless, dull 4, 5 and simply dissolve in water, allowing the assailant to carefully eliminate the possibility of victimization. The fresh version of the product has a blue center that can turn a clear drink blue, but the joint version can still be dull in liquid and is not safe to disguise.

Only shooting caused Rohypnol sensation 4:

  • Sedation.
  • Decreased agitation.
  • Decrease in muscle effort.

Effects have every opportunity to begin 30 minutes after the method of administration and have a peak towards 2 hours. Doses up to 1 mg have an effect for up to 8 hours.

When used in combination with alcohol, the effects of Rohypnol increase to unsafe values. Both drugs have a calming effect when mixed in union. Symptoms of roofied include extreme drowsiness and amnesia. This means that the person does not remember what happened while under the influence depending on the amount used.


Ketamine is considered a solid dissociative anesthetic with some hallucinogenic effects.6 It can be obtained in colorless water and white powder. Both are simply mixed with a drink, but both have a final bitter taste.

The powder can be cut and snorted with other powdered drugs such as cocaine, MDMA, and amphetamines, and added to joints and cigarettes to narcoticize a person who does not know him or her. Ketamine is often indicated by the appropriate name.

  • Special K.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Kitty.
  • Kit cat.
  • Valium for cats.

The effects of ketamine occur immediately and are usually felt within 1 to 30 minutes after administration and are maintained until 1 hr 7 o’clock. Depending on the dose, the effects can range from sedation and pain relief to amnesia and dissociation, where the person feels removed or loses control of the individual’s hull 6.

These strong effects contribute to its role in date rape, as many of the highest doses of ketamine have every opportunity to make a person unpredictable or undriveable.

Gamma hydroxyboteric acid (GHB).

GHB is an abbreviation for gamma hydroxyboteric acid, a central nervous system (CZS) depressant; Xyrem (sodium oxygen) is a prescription drug used to cure a condition commonly known as cataplexia and to control excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy; GHB’s Brand Name.

GHB is generally suitable with newer names.

GHB occurs naturally in the body in small amounts, but it is still possible to synthesize it in the laboratory.8 Fake GHB is usually found online and on the street and is regularly cut with various corrosive chemicals used in illegal and production quantities, including sodium hydroxide (e.g. Lye-some drainage can be found in vacuum cleaners).GHB is in demand by recreational users for CNS suppression (i.e., calmness, drowsiness, confusion, and memory loss but with some degree of increased likelihood to forget 8 relax).

GHB is available in both powder and water forms, and both dissolve easily in water. It is pale and tasteless and contains a small salty taste. It is easily masked by a strong aroma. Effects probably occur within 10 to 20 minutes and last up to 4 hours at 9 pm. Combined with alcohol, the suppressed effects are intensified, leading to extreme sedation and memory problems, ultimately making one vulnerable to attack.

What about alcohol?

Alcohol is a product with a variety of popular applications. Almost all have reduced effects, but unfortunately some use it to abuse others. In almost half of all attacks, alcohol is used by the perpetrator or victim 1, 2, 3, but this is no excuse.

Remember, a drunk person cannot consent to sex.

Less well known threats.

Some drugs used by predators are not so well known. Etizolam, clonazepam, and other chemicals investigated are increasingly seen in cases of rape.


Etizolam (also called “Etizzy”) is an unpalatable drug related to benzodiazepines and not approved for medical use in the United States. This product is available in both pill-shape and powder form and provides a sedative agent that covers 10

  • Sedation.
  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Amnesia.
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Animal studies have found 10 to be more potent than Valium 10. roofies Ketamine and GHB, etizolam’s effects are enhanced when combined with alcohol, and it has gained a reputation as a rape drug.


Clonazepam (trade name: Klonopin) is a benzodiazepine comparable to Rohypnol. It is usually indicated by the name “kpin” or “pin”.

Clonazepam dissolves fairly easily in water and does not really taste good enough – even somewhat tasteless and subdued. Effects include

  • Extreme drowsiness.
  • Memory problems.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Loss of coordination.

All of the above effects are enhanced by the use of alcohol and therefore would likely make the substance unsafe in the hands of a rapist 11.

Research plan.”

Many drugs with similar effects, such as this dated rape drug, are being developed every day. Sometimes labeled “research density,” these substances are developed every day, and their formulations are changed to avoid regulation.

The composition of these substances varies widely, but most cause confusion, disorientation, and memory problems with drug additives.


Rape is never the victim’s fault – the fault lies with the perpetrator. However, there are some precautions that can be taken to stay safe and avoid drug use

  • Beware of the people in the room; they may be the ones who are at fault for the rape. This also means you need to be aware of other possible victims and people who appear not to care or seem oblivious to the environment. If someone appears suspicious or predatory, be clear and pay attention to how close they are to the person or drink. If you feel yourself drunk at a particular moment, ask for a measure of assistance to get home safely. Likewise, offer support to those who appear to be very intoxicated and in danger.
  • Be aware of which medications you and others are using. Also be aware of taking medications (including drinks) from people you do not understand. However, we do not endorse the illegal use of drugs for entertainment, in case you are in a story where the drugs were obtained from someone you do not know at the moment, you can look at the possibility of testing using a test kit, materials and what they actually release to you To avoid lying to you about the Some drug compositions have a chance to be debilitating, such as benzodiazepines, alcohol, cocaine and ketamine. The best way to prevent this, however, is to not take the drug. Test kits can help you avoid unsafe drugs and cut down on medications.
  • Always watch your drinks! It may not be safe for a predator to just put drugs in a strange drink – they only want the distraction phase. Even if that is difficult, keeping the drink on hand or stored in the background is the best way to make sure nothing is going on. Additionally, do not drink once from a stranger if you are not sure it is ready and being brought to you. If someone invites you to buy a drink for you and you take it over, take it independently with him or her rather than trusting that he or she will return it to you.

If you see someone in an unsafe story, especially if you see someone being drugged, using, being attacked, intervening, helping him or her. This may mean that you take immediate action or that you ask others in the community for help. Seeing each other is the best way to create a safety net because everyone must work together to prevent rape.

What to Do If You Think You Are Being Drugged

First take the time to remind yourself that whatever happened, it was not your fault.

Note that you are in a big city and at some point you are considerably drunker than you think you should be. Pay attention to your own personal safety, especially if you are hanging out or talking to fresh people. If you notice something is wrong, tell someone – a friend, a bartender, a security guard. Or call a cab to take you home. If you are taking drugs, you must get to a safe place as soon as possible or make sure someone is keeping an eye on you.

If you do not remember what happened the night before and suspect someone raped you, take time to remind yourself what happened.

Vague memories of the night and extreme signs of a hangover may indicate that you took drugs. Here is the baggage you might ask yourself as you give one of your best insights, whether you are drugged or not:

  • I feel something happened to me, but I don’t remember it?
  • Are there any marks on my body that could indicate sexual pressure, such as bruises?
  • Were my clothes caught?
  • Do I seem to be experiencing stronger consequences than expected?
  • Did anyone make me feel unusual or uncomfortable?

A rape victim can only be notified 12 hours later of what happened. Since almost all of these substances are processed by the body during this period, there is no way to know that drugs are involved. Regardless of whether the substance has disappeared from the body or not, it is important to seek help immediately by going to a clinic or rape crisis center. If possible, ask a trusted friend or family member to drive a clean bag to the hospital/center so you understand who woke up for evidence.

To preserve as much evidence as possible, you should not pee, do not reconcile yourself, do not wash your hands, do not brush your teeth, do not have a snack or drink before going to the clinic or crisis center. This time phase is difficult because the doctor must make sure that everything you may have is checked.

Therapist comforts woman.

Call the police from the clinic or crisis center. They will force you to take in your memories of what happened and will probably try to gather supportive evidence in the environment where you think the attack happened – also drink a glass or body water in bed with subsequent research. Make sure you tell the police everything you can and remember that nothing you create justifies sexual violence.

As soon as you leave the clinic, look for comfort help. Counseling and treatment are invaluable to those dealing with sexual abuse. If you call a crisis center or hotline for substance abuse, you can get in touch with someone who understands how to help rape survivors overcome all the emotions and changes that are the result of such skills.1-800-656 Hope’s state sexual assault hotline is a sexual considered a great source for people recovering from violence.

Rape recovery is never easy, but taking all possible steps to ensure that the rider is caught, convicted, and gets the involvement, help, and possibilities they need will certainly help you heal.

For more information on drug healing, check your insurance

Click on the links below to find out if your insurance covers drug rehabilitation and healing.


Examples of these services have been mechanically selected from all sorts of online news sources to implement the current text.” roofie Opinions embodied in the case do not reflect the views of Merriam-Webster or her editors. Please send us your review.

Word History

Probably by way of reduction and composition of the product’s trade name “Rohypnol”.

First known use.

1994, in the above sense.

Tim e-Raveler
The first known use of roofie was in 1994

Nearby dictionary notes roofie

Please cite this item as.

“Lucy”. merriam-webster Lexicon. com, merriam-webster, https: // www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/ roofie . from February 10, 2023.

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plural roofies
Illegally administered pill flunitrazepam.
https://merriam.atlassian.net/browse/MWSITE-9211 –>
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rohypnol, better known as” roofies It is “not approved for use in the United States. Last but not least, like other benzodiazepines, DEA is labeled as a Schedule IV substance, indicating that it has less potential for abuse than other drugs, many of which are legal. Medical Applications.

Roypnol, along with GHB, is considered one of the most popular medical treatments for rape. Without considering the relatively low planning, it is often abused for its own calming qualities.

What is it?

Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) and other benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium, etc.) act as CNS depressants (CNS). Blood is said to be 10 times stronger than Valium and is widely used in other countries, including Europe and Latin America, to treat anxiety and sleep disorders.

Rohypnol as a rape agent.

Numerous cases of unintended use of Rohypnol are known. In the college-age direction, one in four women has been raped or attempted to be raped, and it is estimated that these drugs, such as Rohypnol and alcohol, have been implicated in a significant number of these conflicts.

Rohypnol was first synthesized for medical use in Switzerland in 1975. Soon cases of abuse were reported throughout Europe. Sexual predators began applying the introduction of Rohypnol, putting a shrinking pill into someone’s drink without that person knowing it. The pill was then quickly resolved and consumed, and then the law of laws could be used to fluent the unsuspecting victim who took the pill.

Rohypnol is found in most cases as tasteless as Snow White, making it literally impossible to detect when the drink is put in. Some manufacturers have reformulated it in greenish pills that turn the drink blue when mixed, making it easier to recognize. However, both pills are still made and cases of date rape associated with consumption of the product are still considered a problem in the U.S.

How is blood used?

Rohypnol tablets are often swallowed with water or alcohol, chewed and then dissolved under the tongue (under the tongue). Typically, tablets come in doses of 0.5 to 2 mg, but users can take larger amounts to maximize effectiveness. Some users crash and sniff the remaining powder, smoking it like marijuana and sometimes injecting it.

Additionally, those who use heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, or LSD have the opportunity to use blood to enhance positive results or reduce the side effects of these substances. Rohypnol and alcohol are, unfortunately, considered well-known sad compositions at clubs and parties. As soon as Rohypnol penetrates the body, the effects last less than 20 minutes and may last for 12 hours or more.

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Origins of Rohypnol in the United States

Doctors do not prescribe Rohypnol in the United States, but there is considerable demand for the stock, which is often smuggled across the border. Drug trade sites on the Internet have illegal drugs that are ordered and sent to U.S. addresses so they can be purchased by finding them in clubs or black nets.

In 1996, the Drug Induced Rape Prevention Act increased restrictions and punishments associated with the introduction of the product. Possession of Rohypnol can lead to a fine and up to three years in jail, while importation for distribution could be punishable by 20 years.

Symptoms of Rohypnol Abuse

Some people, especially adolescents and young adults, abuse Rohypnol in an attempt to overcome associated psychological disorders such as anxiety or insomnia, or to calm the mind that Rohypnol produces.

If someone abuses Rohypnol, you may notice some warning signs that can make a good connection.

Effects of Rohypnol Abuse on the Brain

Rohypnol decreases brain function and central nervous system strength. It has a significant dimensional effect and almost all users describe it as “paralyzing”. This dramatic reduction in brain and body strength is exacerbated when combined with alcohol.

This numbing effect helps explain why people who put the product in their drinks without permission become vulnerable and incapacitated. When alcohol is involved, deaths from Rohypnol overdose are much more common.

Other intelligent side effects of Rohypnol include

Physical Effects.

The sleep-inducing effects of Rohypnol are considered both physiological and psychological. Brain energy slows down rapidly, and bodily functions still respond similarly. While some of these effects may be distinct to other effects, some are internal and may only be noted if they lead to immediate medical assistance.

Physical side effects of Rohypnol have a chance to go well:

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Rohypnol Addiction and Withdrawal Symptoms

If someone begins abusing Rohypnol on a regular basis, he or she soon finds that the addiction is hard enough to stop. Mental and chemical bondage characterize Rohypnol addiction. These situations appear more on both sides of the same medal.

Psychological bondage is tracked when someone begins to participate in intrusive drug-seeking behaviors to satisfy sensual needs. This addiction pattern can literally occur when using psychoactive drugs, e.g., marijuana. Rohypnol, like cocaine and heroin, can lead to what is called chemical or physical dependence.

When a Rohypnol abuser stops using the drug, he or she may face annoying withdrawal symptoms. This effect is considered the result of the body’s aggressive response to the sudden unavailability of the product and is considered a symptom of the fact that the person is chemically dependent.

Withdrawal symptoms of Rohypnol addiction often have the opportunity to be contained.

Trading Rohypnol can cause attacks up to a week after the last use. Rohypnol treatment usually consists of a prolonged detoxification period, which often means a gradual decrease in dosage over several months.

Many cases of addiction occur because the user tries to avoid the basic withdrawal symptoms. If you recognize signs of Rohypnol abuse in yourself or a loved one, you must seek help as soon as possible to prevent further compulsion and the many risks of this behavior.

Get Help for Rohypnol Addiction

If you or a loved one is suffering from an addiction to Rohypnol, other drugs, or alcohol, the best way of recovery is professional treatment. This road includes detoxification, followed by an elective inpatient or outpatient program.

By using an extensive treatment program, Midwood Addiction Treatment invites support for those who are motivated to recover from resource abuse. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease that can be treated more effectively using an integrated approach that includes treatment and medication, as well as holistic components such as good diet and exercise.

Our team of addiction specialists uses evidence-based suggestions related to the recovery process, including psychotherapy, counseling, outreach, and aftercare planning. We are committed to providing people with the tools and resources they need to become sober, prevent relapse, and live a full life without drugs or alcohol!

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].