What Is A Heel Spur

A heel spur is the elevation of the bony bone under the heel bone of the foot.Hielspoor occurs when a soccer tire is mounted. The majority of people do not know if they have a heel spur until they seek help for heel pain.Hielspoor does not have a chance to heal. Health care providers recommend nonsurgical healing to alleviate heel spur symptoms.


What is a heel spur?

A heel spur, or bone rail, is a bony elevation that extends from the bottom of the heel and connects the heel to the ligament (fascia) that runs between the heel and the ball of the foot Hielspoor occurs in 15% of individuals.

Hielspoor develops over time. Most people know they have a heel spur when they seek help for heel pain. Although heel spurs have every opportunity to be removed using surgery, medical professionals advise non-surgical healing to simplify the symptoms associated with heel spurs.

Are heel spur and fasciomyositis the same thing?

Although Hielspoor and fasciomyositis are related disorders, they are not similar. This is how the two disorders overlap.

  • Fasciitis plantaris occurs when the fascia plantaris, the ligament that runs between the heel and the ball of the foot, is a ligament that stretches. If you have plantar fasciitis, it probably occurs during the day and you experience severe pain in the heel. The pain will lessen as soon as you walk a little, but it will lessen when you sit down and then stand up again and continue walking.
  • Hielspoor can occur in response to stress and inflammation caused by foot fasciitis. Over time, your body responds to stress by forming auxiliary bot material. This auxiliary material is created by the heel. The majority of people do not experience heel pain, in which case the pain is comparable to the pain of foot fasciitis.

Symptoms and Causes

What Causes Heel Spur?

Hielspoor is your body’s reaction to arouse stress and tension in the ligaments and tendons. For example, if you develop foot fasciosis, your body reacts to stress by forming heel spurs.

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If you have repeated cracks in the pavement that pass through the heel or a gait disorder, you can still get heel spurs. (A gait disturbance is when a disease or condition affects balance and coordination, you cannot walk as you normally would.

Diagnosis and Testing

How does a health care provider perform a Hielspoor Diagnosis?

Medical staff typically examine the foot to find physiological forces that may be causing heel pain. Ultimately, x-rays are considered one of the more common studies used by health care providers to determine heel spur.

Management and Treatment

What is the treatment of a heel spur?

Medical health care providers treat heel spur the same way they treat foot fasciitis. This is a result of the fact that heel pain is suspected and actually caused by plantar fasciitis. Healing of the signs of plantar fasciitis may simplify the pain associated with heel spurs. Common healing includes the following

  • Resting the heel. Running or jogging at intervals can help with heel pain.
  • Use of cold packs or ice cream. ‘Cooling’ the bottom of the foot can help relieve heel pain.
  • Take oral anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Wear shoes or insoles that support your arches and protect your fascia and soften the bottoms of your feet.

Do you need heel manipulation?

Although it can be emphasized as part of the myofascial inflammatory behavior, a medical professional may perform surgery to remove the heel spur.

Does the heel track without surgery?

Once formed, heel tracks are permanent. The only way to make a heel spur disappear is through manipulation. Since heel spurs are generally harmless, healing the condition that caused the heel spur goes a step further in helping to alleviate heel pain.


What are the risk points for heel pain?

Different moments increase the risk of developing heel spur. Some can be changed immediately and others over time. Others cannot be changed.

You can make changes immediately

  • If you run or jog, choose a softer surface such as grass or a path instead of a hard surface such as a sidewalk or road.
  • Wear shoes that fit well and provide arch support.
  • If you are walking on hardwood floors or tile, wear slippers or shoes.
  • Adjust the way you walk so that there is less pressure on the heel.

Changes that can be made over time

  • Lose weight so that there is less pressure on your feet.
  • Change your own daily routine so that you are not on your feet.
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What You Cannot Change

  • As you get older, your myofascial fascia becomes less flexible and more sensitive to damage, increasing your chances of developing plantar fasciitis.
  • You will slowly lose the natural dampening in the fat cushion in your feet day to day.
  • You have thicker feet or best arches.

Outlook / Prognosis

What can I expect if I have heel spurs?

Other disorders usually cause heel spur. Surgery is the only way to treat heel spur, although there are treatments that can relieve the pain of these disorders. Ask your doctor if surgery is a good treatment for heel spur.

Living with it.

How can I take care of myself when I have a heel spur?

When you have a heel spur, the heel is always with you. Fortunately, heel spurs are not usually damaged. However, you must think about healing the signs of a heel spur. Here are some steps you can take

  • Reduce activities that increase heel pain.
  • Make sure you have proper sitting footwear that supports the arch.

When Should I Go to My Doctor?

You should consult your own physician as a healer of heel pain. However, heel spurs do not always hurt. Persistent heel pain can be a symptom that it is time to try other healing methods or investigate other possible problems.

What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor?

  • Why do I have heel spur?
  • What can I do about my heel spur?
  • Does my heel spur go away automatically?
  • If a heel spur does not cause heel pain, what does?
  • Is there a good chance to fix the problem that caused my heel spur?

Note from Cleveland Clinic.

Hielspoor occurs when stress and effort impair the fascia, the ligament in the bottom of the foot Hielspoor is not generally considered a heel pain condition. When looking for support for heel pain, you probably heard about heel spurs. While heel spur was not the cause of your heel pain, taking care of your heels is still the same. If you have heel pain with certain activities, talk to your doctor about additional measures you can take to reduce heel pain.

The last evaluation was left by Cleveland Polyclinic Care Provider on 19. 10. 2021.


  • American Orthopaedic Surgeons. Plantar and Bone Traces of Fasciitis (https: //orthoinfo. aaos. org/nl/diseasesconconditions/plantar-fasciitis-and-bone-spurs). consulted on October 28, 2021.
  • American Home Physician. Plantar Fasciitis and Other Pretreatments for Heel Pain~: text =%20account%20частая%20прина%20%20OCILSLEж jet 50%20%20%20%20%201ованноunder%20ч¯ to cell.) Access completed 28. 10. 21.
  • American Doctor. Diagnosis and Healing of Heel Pain (https: /www. aafp. org/afp/2018/0115/p86. html). consulted October 28, 2021.
  • Kirkpatrick J., Yassai O., Mirjalili S. A. Plantar Heel Spurs: An Overview of Anatomy, Histology, Etiology, and Key Relationships (https: /www. NCBI. NLM. NIH.) Anat. 2017 June. 230(6): 743-751. . accessed 28. 10. 2021.
  • Breck Guide. Plantar Fasciosis (https: /www. merckmanuals. com/home/bone, -joint, and muscle-disorders/foot-problems/plantar faciosis #v26371392)) 28. 10. 2021.

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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].