“Sometimes all I want to do is sleep Almost everyone relates to the same story. If you are one of them, you begin to take it seriously and try to work it out. The main causes of excessive sleepiness are numerous and can lead to discomfort in yourself and in your social life. A more common cause of excessive sleepiness is depression, which still usually causes a lack of motivation to be present and determined. See how you can change this story, become more active and involved in your own daily life.
I am just trying to sleep! What is the reason?
A: Hypersomnie.
It is a medical A condition characterized by extreme sleepiness. Hypersomnie is usually caused by lack of sleep. sleep Other causes can be reactions to medications or illnesses, due to changes at work, at home, in social life, research, etc.
People report difficulty sleeping in the direction of 12 hours or more in hysomnee and therefore want to sleep during the work day. In these cases, sleep and naps are not very helpful. And you can certainly feel sleepy; Hypersomnie patients can be disturbed sleep without knowing.
During the day children may have a variety of causes:
Those who use alcohol, calming agents, caffeine, and sleeping pills may complain that “everything is just as bad.” I want to do is sleep ”during the day.
Spending endless hours at the office can affect your well being and lead to extra sleep during the day. If you are young and want to get up on the weekends then you can be sleepy this week too.
If you work at night then you can feel sleepy at night. sleepy During the day, irregularities in circadian rhythms can cause sleep problems. The problem can be caused by changes in the body’s biological synchronization.
Your sleeping place can be disturbed by almost any cause in the environment, such as a snorer, a baby waking in the middle of the night, room temperature, or an uncomfortable bedroom.
Your body’s biological clock causing regulation. the sleep On a bicycle, responding to the configuration of the surrounding area can be affected by the Flow Hik.
Extreme intensity and excitement can ensure that you wake up at night and do not feel sick. sleepy during the day.
Some medical The situation may still cause additional cravings to sleep including hypothyroidism, digestive reflux, acquired disorders, and asthma.
B: Depression
All “if you are intelligent. I want to do is sleep In the direction of the day, depression will probably be the culprit.” I noticed that cuckoo scientists don’t observe a normal sleep cycle is considered an important indicator of depression. Some patients suffer from depression sleepy Some people have difficulty falling asleep during the day; others have difficulty falling asleep at night. Individual cases may vary, but drowsiness is common during the day.
C: Sleep Disorders
During the day, when your mind begins to scream, “The whole I want to do is sleep begins to scream, you have the opportunity to find one of the following disorders sleep disorders:
If you suffer from insomnia, you may or may not want to doze off. This causes people to still be tired and not feel fresh when they wake up. An absolute evaluation by a physician is necessary because insomnia can be one a sleep disorder or be a sign of another condition.
With sleep apnea, you save and pants and pants while sleeping and at some point do not wake up. You will end up exactly with a breath of fresh air. This reduces the air supply to the brain.
In this story, you will feel the urge to move your legs when you lie down; you will experience leg emotions such asraw, cramps,raw, etc. Another variant of RLS is called periodic limb movement disorder, whereby the muscles repeatedly coalesce or shock, causing restlessness It can cause. sleep .
With narcolepsy, you can fall asleep at any time of day, even at work if you operate difficult machinery. You can still suffer from muscular impotence, but worse this is the main cause of the fall. People with narcolepsy still suffer sleep paralysis, emotional anxiety, dramatic dreams and hallucinations.
D: Signs of Pregnancy
During early pregnancy, women begin to suffer from sleep problems. sleep Velddit is the result of excess progesterone and forces an exhausting experience.
Symptoms of early pregnancy are lethargy, fatigue, and extreme sleep. Pregnant women want Do not lie on the couch all day or leave your own bed. This is due to pregnancy hormones using a lot of energy to build the placenta. This is the basis for keeping the baby alive.
I am just trying to sleep! What can I do about it?
For you sleep You can follow in the footsteps of these services to create patterns.
- Relax your routine to prevent nighttime anxiety.
- Stop smoking and obviously reduce your use of caffeine and alcohol before you go to sleep.
- To prevent the risk of nutritional deficiencies, you must make sure you are balanced.
- Keep your personal BMI up to date and move regularly.
- during noncompliance. sleep For example, consider altering the sleeping environment by placing a television outside the bedroom.
- Keep the temperature in the bedroom fairly comfortable, generate and store
- Set a fixed bedtime for some time so that your corpse is addicted.
- Do not always lie in bed. sleepy .
- Arrange and increase small offenders to pay attention to the direction of the day. Absorption can affect the night. sleep Usually not recommended to be good. At least a little sleep has the ability to help when you need to concentrate on work or perform normal factual actions.
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