What does it mean if your nipples are sore?

Many readers are interested in the right subject: if your nipples cause pain, what does it really mean? Our manufacturer is pleased to have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We can provide you with a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Find out more.

Having painful nipples It is a general fascination that almost every woman has. Terminology. nipple pain sketches a picture of all of the painful discomforts that the nipples Various causes abound. A more possible cause is considered a small friction on the surface of the breastfeeding force to exercise (e.g., jogging or dancing). But what does that mean? What can you do to relieve the pain?

What does it mean if your nipples are sore?

If you feel pain in your breasts or nipple pain, you must qualify the cause so that you can find a conclusion. Here are 12 cumulative causes of nipple pain.

1. hormonal changes

Throughout life, the female body undergoes significant changes in reproductive hormone levels.

  • First, the hormonal changes of puberty guarantee that breasts will become larger. and nipples They can be sensitive and painful.
  • At ovulation, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, an increase in the value of estrogen and progesterone has the opportunity to make the breasts sensitive and painful. the nipples sore.
  • Conversely, just before menstruation begins, a decrease in excess estrogen and progesterone can cause painful menstrual periods. nipple pain.
  • During menopause, hormone levels vary widely, leading to almost all physical and emotional problems, including pain. nipples .

2 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels increase, leading to increased mammary gland size and possibly to sensitive and painful breasts. and nipples . You may also get nipple Pain during breastfeeding. To reduce pain during breastfeeding, the baby should be allowed to feed with a wider mouth. When done, remove it from his or her mouth. nipple Gently move his or her chin down to stop sucking.

3. dry skin

What does this mean in your case? nipples hurt ? It means that your skin is dry. Loss of moisture in the the nipple area can ensure that the skin the nipples is dry and cracked. This can be exacerbated by constantly wetting and then drying again nipples after feeding. Moisturizing creams can be used to simplify regular drying.

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4. friction and goats

Cracked nipples or “joggers”. nipple “, is pain in the nipples Result of friction during exercise, e.g., running. Female surfers with no one nipple guards may still be susceptible. The material has skin rubbing properties, especially if the woman is wearing a tight-fitting bra or no bra at all. This can lead to dehydration, irritation, pain, and bleeding.

To rub you down. nipples Choose a well-fitted sports bra made of synthetic material, not cotton. You may also apply certain protective products such as waterproof bandages, surgical tape, or sports rashes. If there is already damage to the skin on your body, you can use specific protective products such as waterproof bandages, surgical tape, or sports rashes. the nipples Further damage can be prevented with nipple shield or barrier cream.

5. chest injuries

Any form of trauma to the chest can hurt your nipples can be very sensitive and painful. For example, during a tragedy or unexpected laceration, a seatbelt can become lodged in the chest. nipples During a tragedy or unexpected tear. This type of nipple The pain subsides over time and there is an immediate reduction in redness and swelling.

6. allergic infection

If you have. nipples hurt ? ” is an allergy. Nipples are very sensitive and react to their surroundings. Symptoms of hypersensitivity or allergy such as redness, itching, and swelling may occur. Allergic reactions can be triggered by warm or cold temperatures, soaps, shower gels ? creams, lotions, detergents, and some fabrics such as wool.

7. inflammation

If the skin on your nipples If sore or broken during a meal, it should disappear within a few days. Last but not least, inadequate feeding methods may cause the breasts to become bedraggled or tender. Airline Inward Facing the nipple Breast infections and abscesses can lead to blocked breasts and frozen breasts. This requires medical intervention. Bleeding or deep fissures may indicate a bacterial infection. The breasts may remain inflamed due to trauma or a tight bra. Д.

If appropriate symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention from a health care provider as soon as possible.

  • Symptoms of Influenza
  • ~Secretions or bleeding from ~. the nipples
  • Dosing, tearing or fatigue
  • New or unusual breast lumps or lumps that have changed over time
  • Fever or redness the nipples Or flatness of the breast
  • Scars or painful open cracks in the breast the nipple or areolar surface
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8. milk or candidiasis

Milk or candidiasis can still cause nipple Pain. Hammertoe due to Candida fungal infection often occurs after several months of breastfeeding. It causes a burning, burning, or shooting pain in one or both breasts that may last for an hour or more after breastfeeding. Breasts may still be sore, broken, or cracked nipples Candidiasis White spots around the baby’s mouth may be caused by candidiasis. If an infection is diagnosed, it can be treated with antifungal creams, gels, or oral medications.

9. eczema and contact dermatitis

Eczema can develop when, the nipple irritation or allergic reaction. Most women who feel this way used to suffer from atopic eczema. The place looks like a burning feeling. the nipple Areola or sometimes another part of the breast surface.

To simplify the signs of eczema, the skin must be tensed or cut everything that causes allergic reactions and the area must be completely moistened. The physician can prescribe an anesthetic and a corticosteroid cream in time.

10. Raynaud’s syndrome

This condition is characterized by nipple Pain immediately after feeding, especially when the area is the nipples exposed to a cool environment. Raynaud’s syndrome is associated with decreased blood flow in the chest and may be exacerbated by increased adrenergic fencing that narrows blood vessels. Gentle massage of the breast using warm compresses can promote blood flow to the breast.

11. breast cancer

The most well-known sign of breast cancer is a lump in the breast, which can still cause pain. nipples If you do not know why you have pain in your breast. nipples And the same goes for pain. Go to a doctor for professional advice. It may be disturbing, but the earlier the breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of healing.

12. paget’s disease

Your last comment, “What do you mean by that? nipples hurt ? Is it Paget’s Disease? It is a rare condition with an unknown cause. It causes pain. nipples It is strongly associated with breast cancer. In fact, Paget’s disease causes 1% of all cases of breast cancer. In the early stages of the disease, there is redness and crust formation on the breasts. the nipple Later signs are tingling, itching, excessive moments, and a burning sensation in the breasts. Paget’s disease is usually treated with surgery consisting of radiotherapy, mastectomy, or structural mastectomy, depending on the degree of rad.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].