1 Becoming a mother can be an exciting experience. But for many, it is still accompanied by some common concerns: when am I going to give birth? What do contractions will it feel and hurt?
Don’t worry about turning things upside down a bit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with worrying about taking your infant into the world. Here’s some important information about contractions of all kinds of contractions and how they feel.
What are contractions ?
When the muscles of the uterus are short and tight, power is generated. But they are considered a necessary part of the delivery process. contractions That does not necessarily mean your baby is on the road. There are many contractions. of contractions .
Some contractions It is the body’s way of preparing the uterine muscles for delivery. These uterine contractions shift the baby in proper condition before birth.
Some contractions Help the birth progress. They can still help through family channels. This contractions will become more active and buddy to buddy as the pregnancy progresses.
Other contractions Help your trunk recover from the birth. They have the option to stop for a few months.
How do contractions Feelings: all kinds of recognition
For first-time pregnant mothers, it is very common to ask themselves. how contractions To feel? All the different types of contractions spectrum of emotions can be evoked. é way contractions Emotions can still vary from person to person.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions They usually occur during the third trimester of pregnancy. They are a way of practicing work. You will probably experience them in the afternoon or evening. They become more persistent as your own due date approaches.
This type of contraction They do not get sicker, longer, or closer to your buddy. They will not cause cervical uterus.
What are you interested in early on? contractions Feel, here are some popular signs:
- You will be able to feel the strengthening of your abdomen.
- These are usually painless.
- You will probably feel them in your stomach.
- They have every opportunity to force discomfort on you.
Prongrum Work.
Pronglum work is considered a precursor to full and intensive delivery. It involves systematic time intervals, stopping each day almost simultaneously. Pronght labor is often confused with real work. Almost all mothers eventually go to the clinic. Because they think they are ready to give birth.
The majority of women feel pioneering work. This varies from person to person, but the pioneering work may begin one month before birth.
Many people confuse projectile contraction with Braxton-Hicks. contractions There is no nonsense difference between the two field marls:
- Braxton-Hicks contractions are practice contractions Poleprodromal work helps prepare the body for functional work.
- Braxton-Hicks contractions They can cause discomfort in the abdomen. However, they are never a disease. For many women, pioneering work can be painful.
- Brixton-Hicks contractions It is irregular and not considered saturated. Pioneering work follows a certain pattern of footprints.
- Braxton-Hicks contractions Do not stroll the neck of the uterus. Pioneering work may dilate the cervix.
Labor contractions
Labor contractions It is the most intense contractions experience during pregnancy. This contractions dilates the cervix up to 10 centimeters. Labor contractions Indicates that you have little time to give birth.
Here’s what labor contractions feel like:
- You will feel them in your back before they pass through your body. You can still feel them in your lower abdomen.
- Your legs will ache with amp flexion.
- Some women describe contractions Strong menstrual cramps, etc.
- Slight dizziness and vertigo in your head every chance you get. the contractions .
- You can suffer from tremors, vomiting, flatulence, stools, hot flashes.
Labor contractions These last 45 to 60 seconds, with intervals of 3 to 5 minutes. 7 to 10 centimeters off, the contractions These take 60 to 90 seconds. Keep in mind, however, that every woman’s skills are different.
Post-birth contractions
You might think that once you give birth, your body is ready. contractions But it is not.
Experiencing contractions Of course, after family. During pregnancy, your uterus grows to 25 pieces over its original size and must now return to its pre-pregnancy amount. After growth contractions part of this process. This contractions they also prevent post-family bleeding. And if you have not completely removed the placenta, they certainly help with that.
These cramps will be more intense in the first day or two post-family orientation; around day 3, they will certainly freeze intensely and frequently. Your uterus may need 4 to 6 months to return to its pre-pregnancy amount.
What You Should Do contractions
There are different ways to overcome the annoying pain of different species of contractions Can be placed with or without medication.
Braxton-Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks pain can be simplified by contractions by:
- drink plenty of water
- eat a lot
- Relaxing
In most cases contractions It disappears when you exchange conditions or tasks. For example, if you were walking it the contractions happened, remember to rest. Or, if you were resting it the contractions Start, you can walk.
Labor contractions
Ways to heal pain without drugs include opportunities to help the girl give birth contractions . These includes:
- Listen to music
- Massage
- Soft yoga
- Shower or bath
- Walking
- Change position
- Games or counting to distract from the pain
If these drug-free methods do not work, these painkiller interventions have every opportunity to provide relief.
- Spinal anesthesia can certainly help you block pain altogether.
- Painkillers can reduce pain, but still allow you to move your muscles.
Post-birth contractions
Post-birth contractions This can be quite uncomfortable. If your doctor confirms it, one of the techniques to soothe them with a cool pack.
Power is actually experienced when the body is preparing to give birth. They can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Your doctor or midwife can give you advice on how you can best overcome the inconvenience.