Many readers are interested in the right subject: why do your hands go to sleep at night? Our makers are pleased that we have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating it to make sure you have all the details.
Sometimes you wake up with a tingling feeling in your hand. The feeling disappears after a while and is not considered a symptom of a blood circulation or neurological disorder. However, if the feeling becomes a recurring problem, it can be a sign of a heart attack or elbow nerve pain. You should seek medical help and watch for other symptoms.
Causes of Hands Falling Asleep
1. sleeping for long periods of time on your arms
You will feel a tingling sensation in your arm or hand after sleeping for a long time. Your body authority puts pressure on your nerves and does not respect the blood flow to your arms. Sleeping on your arm has the ability to narrow your arteries and restrict the supply of drugs in your blood to your arm tissue. Therefore, your arm will not send signals to your brain or accept signals from your brain. Your arm or hand is gone. asleep during sleep until normal blood circulation resumes.
2. vitamin B deficiency.
Vitamin B deficiency can be the result of an unhealthy or poor diet. The consequences of this deficiency are often overlooked and include persistent fatigue, pale skin, and drowsiness. Other symptoms are tingling and tachycardia in the legs and arms, especially at night.
3. work in the direction of the day
Manual tasks such as sewing, typing, using scissors and other tools can overload the wrist and affect the nerves in the hand. Impaired bending and movement overloads the wrist and leads to pain when the wrist relaxes at night. Tendons and nerves exert positive pressure when relaxed.
4. damp accumulation
Excessive water absorption due to a sick diet and inaccessible exercise has the opportunity to cause swelling in the arms and legs.Waterhik causes this swelling. Tingling sensation is active at night. This is thought to be the result of decreased blood circulation and the resulting pressure leads to a tingling sensation.
5. urinary nerve crush.
Prolonged pressure on the ulnaris nerve in the arm prevents nerve function and causes the arm to become paralyzed. If the patient sleeps with the elbow bent, the nerve at the elbow is pinched. If you suffer from elbow nerve entrapment, your symptoms will worsen. You wake up with a tingling arm or hand. There is not always a chance that the basis for the grinding of the nerves in the elbow can come in. The main cause of this condition is swelling of the elbow, which can be the result of a bone, arm violation, cyst, or arthritis.
Statistics show that one in seven strokes occur when the patient sleeps. A stroke is an obstruction of blood flow to the brain. This barrier may be the result of bleeding in one of the cerebral arteries or blockage of an artery giving blood to the brain. Signs of a heart attack include slurred speech, headache, tingling or numbness, disorientation, and inability to speak. If a tingling sensation in your hand is accompanied by these heart attack signs, you should seek medical help immediately.
7. carpal tunnel syndrome
The nerve is pressed against the center of the nerve. This nerve gives the fingers feelings, guess the muscles of the hand and arm, and allows you to hold an object between the index finger and thumb. Numbness, tingling, bumps, or assorted things in the middle of the nerve can cause pain in the fingers, hands, and forearms. The first sign is that the fingers finger at night asleep or numb at night. Numbness and pain may spread to the forearm and sometimes to the shoulder.
8. other causes
- Diabetes mellitus ensures that hands, arms and legs fall off asleep even when people are awake and relaxed.
- Hand manipulation and arthritis damage or nerve damage.
- Other conditions of numbness are spinal cord, ganglion, Raynaud’s disease, syphilis, amyloidosis, acquired alcohol consumption, Lyme disease, HIV/AIDS, peripheral neuropathy, Gillan-barre syndrome, lobar muscle, vasculitis and cervical spondylitis.
How to deal with it
When hands fall asleep While you are sleeping you can apply the right way
- Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil before going to bed.
- Take ginger tea to promote blood circulation.
- Fill the bathroom sink with water and ice cubes and place your hands on it.
- Eliminate sour drinks and salt from your menu.
- Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. Drink artichoke drinks to prevent water.
- Make sure your diet is rich in vitamin B. Green vegetables, potatoes, bananas, and tuna should deliver this vitamin.
- If necessary, wear compression bracelets and paint your wrists and hands for long periods of time.
- Do exercises to strengthen your arms, windows and neck.
- Take anti-inflammatory medications to simplify signs of tendon inflammation or carpal tunnel.
- Place your arms on your core to wake up.
- Do not place your back on your arms. Note that you are curling your hands or sleeping on your fists.
- Sleep on your back and use a soft cushion.
- Do not sleep with your hands under your head or pillow.
- Use night braces for your hands and wrists. These look like tires.
It is important to know why your arms fall asleep While sleeping. If you experience numbness for a long time or if it spreads to other parts of your body, you should consult your doctor.
When should you seek the medical help you need?
Call 911 or seek help immediately if the numbness occurs all at once and is accompanied by discomfort, dizziness, paralysis or weakness, difficulty speaking, or a severe, sudden annoying headache.
In case of numbness, plan a systematic visit to a health center.
- 1 Lobe of the arm
- Spreads to other parts of your body
- Is associated with periodic movements in a particular activity or task
- Irregular
- Retains or worsens over time
- Both sides of your body