Ways to Deliberately Sprain Ankle or Fake It – TSMP Medical Blog

Many young people are absorbed ankle at a particular moment. This often happens during exercise, but sometimes elementary can occur without noticeable condition. This applies even more to those who have separate ligaments in the ankle , as a sprain This occurs when these ligaments are stretched or torn.

Most sprained ankles It is very painful, but it heals quickly with relatively little consequence – just a little time on the foot and some hassle. Another twisting rain ankles can be quite serious and can lead to problems that require urgent walking or surgery.

Some people will try to sprain their ankle Intentionally. Why? They want to get out of something, to attend high school, for example, or to attend a conference or sporting event.

How to intentionally stretch yourself.

Remember, it is impossible to intentionally hurt yourself. Stretching. ankle can lead to serious consequences such as significant pain, weeks of annoying rehabilitation, and even surgery. Pulling ankle Not a good way to get something really intentional! But if you do decide to arrange something similar, at least understand what you are starting with.

Ankle twisting raine: understanding how the ankle is twisted raine

The most common sprain of the ankle It’s called inversion. sprain . This happens when the ankle The foot is thrown in such a way that the sole of the foot is in authority of the body can be uncomfortable. and ankle External stretching or cracking of ligaments.

Medial ligament sprai n Collar when the leg is turned to the opposite side. This means that the joint band is torn from the inside. This is much more serious. sprain and much rarer because it takes a specific trauma to cause this type of injury. of sprain .

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How to Twist an Ankle

If you are determined to recognize your way out to sprain your ankle Specifically, there are all kinds of methods that have had the opportunity to work here. Be aware that the damage you cause could be significantly more insurance companies than you expected.

  1. Wear elegant rubber shoes, deliberately Walk on itchy or wet floors with a plan to fall off. When doing this, keep your feet facing up. This will often a sprain .
  2. Jump from a chair no more than 2 meters high, with the plan to land awkwardly. Land your designated foot inside to put pressure on you to land. ankle .
  3. Numb your ankle First, have ice cold water if it will certainly help arrange this.
  4. Walk around the support and do not look down on it. You will eventually fall off the beam and the pressure will have a chance to lead to a sprain You can still make it on the curb.
  5. Jump from the plane best in high-heeled shoes. Place the landing point that high heels carry closely. Almost always ankle give way and you will fall. a sprain .
  6. This rotary power will. sprain your ankle .

How to pretend to have a twisted ankle rain

If you are elementary looking for care, but don’t want to overcome uncomfortable pain or a pretty real chance of self-drugs, you can pretend you have a twisted rain ankle. ankle . Understanding how to sprain your ankle This is an important part of learning how to pretend. You can pretend to fall carefully down stairs, walk down the street, fall on the floor, or twist your ankle rain. and deliberately Pretend that you fall on the floor or trip over something. During this time, it is as if the elementary school is hurting you.

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Want to make it more authentic? Here it is:

  1. Remember that your ankle The intention is that you collapse quite violently, especially when you move. Complain of a fairly sharp pain when you move your leg or put weight on it. If you are seen by a doctor, arrange an explosion point ankle .
  2. Do not tell your measurements that you are pretending. If they are angry with you for any reason, they have an opportunity to tell the truth to someone you want to aristocratize as a mentor and want to give you serious difficulty.
  3. Put sharp granite in your own shoes. It will hurt every time you take a step, and remind you that you will indeed be seriously injured. You will remember it too. ankle You will certainly be injured, and you will pay for it in a satisfying way.
  4. Speaking of LaMeness, you will have much to do with it.
  5. Move the “injured” ankle Much less than the pain. ankle Especially when he is asked by the doctor to determine the extent of the decision.
  6. Get a crutch and a plaster and wrap it up. the ankle And make sure it stays impressive for a few days. You can still go to the school nurse and ask for anesthesia to keep the farce going.
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].