Many readers are interested in a pertinent subject: warming up. Our makers are happy to report that they have already researched contemporary studies on this fascinating subject. We can provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Find out more.
Warm up exercise Before you begin is fundamentally important before you start the actual training. Why do you ask that? Well, there are quite a few conditions, the most important of which are all exactly the same. Because creating better air circulation and muscle flow, increasing body mobility, reducing the risk of injury, getting the best reaction time from the body, helping you do more training, etc. than anyone else. Of course, there are still many reasons that will work for your interests and you can google them. For now, however, we will focus only on the best workouts.
Best Warm – Up Exercises for Your Body
The exercises The following exercises are suitable for most age groups and people of different trunk flexibility. Choose the one that is more advantageous for you.
1. skips
Good for! A slight warm-up of only 5 minutes can already get the job done. Body temperature and heart rate will increase rapidly and the body will burn fat more easily. if 5 minutes seems very large, start at 2 minutes and slowly power up from there.
2. gluteal bone bridge
If you want to work on your back this is great. All you have to do is lie down on the mat with your knees up and slowly and gently lift your legs. Your feet are at rest. Today you can do this in two ways
- 20 repetitions up and down one after the other.
- Stand up, hold this position for 3 to 5 seconds, descend and repeat the process. 10 repetitions are sufficient.
You can create a creative layout and experiment with difficulty as soon as you feel comfortable. exercise .
3. Sapodi Hurkit
These warm up exercises It is very popular among sports enthusiasts and for good reason. Not only are they enough to get your muscles working quickly, they can also help strengthen your lower body. If that is not enough, they also work on the core muscles of your chest and abdomen.
The picture speaks for itself. Try not to bend forward. If your squat is new, get support from your instructor.
4. variation only
The ankles are often considered the most neglected part of the body and stretching them is fundamental. In addition to the ankles, these are so warm up exercise Still working on the back, arms, hamstrings, and hips. Begin by placing the body on the quad. Then alternate placing the left leg on the right ankle and vice versa. start with 20 reps and work up to only 20 reps if you feel you can do it.
5. baby breathing posture
The picture speaks for itself. The only thing you have to worry about is your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. Then breathe slowly through the nose until all air is removed from the nonstress. Repeat this process at least 15 times. Try not to breathe into your mouth the entire time.
6. internal hip stretch
This stretches the inner leg, abdominal, and groin muscles. Sit in an elementary school, stretch your legs as far as possible, then push forward and forward with both hands. Walk as far as you can. Remember to support your forehead and touch the mat if possible. This will ensure extra pressure on the abdominal muscles.
7. center of the push-up
Of course, you can arrange push-ups if possible, but if you are a beginner to warm up exercises Then start with half push-ups. The only difference between a push-up and a half push-up is that in the latter you place your knees on a mat, a tool for the body, or more directly forming your own back. Exhale as you push and breathe when you fall.
8. rising knees
This is a variation of the traditional thrust. The ultimate thrust works primarily with the leg muscles, but the knee thrust also works the abdominal muscles. Additionally, it strengthens the core and improves posture and body balance.
When performing these thrusts, press your knees into your chest. The more you lift your knees, the more calories you burn. One lunge on each leg = 1 repetition.
Make sure to do at least 15 repetitions. Therefore, do 15 repetitions on both legs.
9. high knee thrusts
This exercise Looks like knees – high thrusts do not. This warm up exercise should be done especially before heavy training. This is because the heart rate and body temperature rise fairly quickly. Stand up and begin to lift your knees in a continuous motion. Make sure to jump or hop – your whole body must come together. Lift your knees, making sure they are perpendicular to your stomach each time. Do this for 1-2 minutes
10. back rotation
This is one of the best warm up exercises For your back. Standing on your hands and feet, place your right hand behind your head. Lower your honest elbow and touch your other arm. Of course, you can’t actually touch it, just create this movement before you take your footprints. Next, pull outward and assume you are touching the ceiling with your elbow. Repeat this with the left arm. Do at least 10 repetitions of each.
11. Triceps warm up
Once you have your hand behind your neck, make sure your shoulders are straight and not leaning to the side. Next, touch your elbow with your other hand and push down. Do this for 2-3 seconds and then do the same with the other arm. Both arms extend = 1 repetition, so try to do at least 10 repetitions. For the back< Span>. Standing on hands and feet, place right hand behind head. Lower your honest elbow and touch your other arm. Of course, you can’t actually touch it, just create this movement before taking the footprints. Next, pull outward and assume you are touching the ceiling with your elbow. Repeat this with the left arm. Do at least 10 repetitions of each. to warm up your triceps.
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- Preventative Healthcare. Including cardiovascular screening, mental health and cancer checks;
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