Women in the modern world are very special in their appearance and how their bodies look in unusual dresses. Thus. waist training Many people were fascinated, especially after seeing Kim Kardashian’s beautiful modifications and her dramatic waist gender in a perfect hourglass figure. Encouraged by this amazing transformation, some people began to believe that quickly removing fat is a costim the waist fat. But some others believed that it waist training could jeopardize the entire internal structure of the body. Read on for the details. waist training , before And the consequences of this message.
Does Waist Training Work?
Waist training It is a way to get what you want. waist Wear a size, tight sitting underwear or corset, initially in the direction of 3 to 5 hours a day, progressing up to 12 hours a day. The corset narrows the lower rib bone the waist area is actually made firm as the goal is reached process. This still tightens the stomach somewhat so that most people saturate early and have the least appetite for food. Sweating helps keep the weight down. Plus, it highlights an added advantage in improving your own attitude.
This idea is not a new edition, though. It is a transformation of the method used by women of the weaker sex in the 19th century, when elastic garments were worn for hours on end. African women have used this technique for decades, especially after pregnancy, to recover their figures with little or no training.
But health experts believe it waist training It has not been medically or scientifically confirmed. It only shifts the fatty tissue around the waist on top, as soon as the user stops wearing the garment, the fat returns to his own original room. What is actually even worse is that the periodic wearing of corsets can destroy internal organs and make serious medical problem with the long-term option.
Before and after photo waist training
This is how some women use it waist trainers Tell us about their experiments:
Waist Training with Training
At first, it was quite a challenge to endure the daily exercises. For example, it was summer and I had to sweat profusely for the waistband. Go weightlifting train. trainer Fortunately, it undoubtedly helped and I was able to reduce a significant amount of fat after only a month and a half of effort. of waist Fat after only a month and a half of effort.
For example, no significant results. Experienced inconvenience.
For example, I had two c-sections and I had a rather deformed corpse, so it was a slow start for me. my waist training Such corsets are perfect for me. However, after a few days I began to experience a lot of discomfort in my stomach. It was precisely at that time that I realized that the corset was only unsafe for my internal organs (probably my kidneys) and that my body fat was not safe. In fact. my waist Fat, I saw no significant difference between waist training before and after. “
Waist Training Combined with the Healhty Diet
“I give credit to the waist training in reducing my waist range. But at the same time, I believe that I was still one of the members to stick to a good diet. One thing I would like to mention is the improvement in my attitude after applying this. Of course, I can suck my personal tommy and work upright.
Is waist training bad for your health?
Waist training Like most, it is associated with serious health problems as well! medical Experts. Corsets put a lot of pressure on the body’s organs, which is not safe. Here are some of the possible side effects
- The blood Reduced flow to the heart, leading to freezing attacks.
- Disruption of the faithful expansion of non-osmotic substances causes mis-oxygenation of lung tissue and inflates susceptibility to a lower respiratory basis tract infections.
- The digestive organs have an opportunity to lock together. This means that food cannot flow through the intestinal tract, leading to constipation and acid reflux.
- Corsets can strangle muscles and restrict movement of the rib bones. Even after stopping the waist training Internal bleeding can occur under the skin or under the muscle.
Healthy ways to lower the hips
Although almost everyone differs in their waist size between waist training before And it is recommended that you reduce excess weight in healthier ways. There are all kinds of natural ways to help you the waist fat.
1. do regular aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise is brick walking, running, or cycling for at least 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week. In addition, endurance exercises using free weights or machines still help if someone does them two to three times a week.1. make each resistance exercise no more than three sets of 10 repetitions.
2. work on the abdominal muscles
Training the abdominal muscles is still important for burning visceral fat and smoothing the stomach. Fitness. trainers It is recommended that you apply 5 to 10 different exercises in 8 to 12 movement rounds to form and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Watch the video below to learn how to trim your own lower back through training.
3. eat well
In addition to exercise, nutrition plays a simple role. A fully balanced, sturdy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and unsaturated fats, contains the senses that are critical to retaining a smart person. Being fully hydrated is considered the key to a healthy routine and weight loss.