Traitor Collins syndrome is considered a genetic disorder that causes abnormalities in facial appearance. It occurs in approximately 1 in 50, 000 children born. It can cause mild to severe physiological limitations, but usually does not affect the degree of intelligence. This condition is also known as Franceschettis. syndrome It causes deformed bones and tissues of the face. There are no complete cheekbones. The jaws are small and clefts occur frequently.
This disease can run in families, but sometimes occurs without history. the syndrome This message certainly helps to understand what it is and how it can be treated.
What Causes Surecher Collins Syndrome?
Surecher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the TCOFI gene. This gene may help regulate a protein called melas. This is supposed to help facial bones and tissues develop in a healthy way. Scientists still do not doubt the protein’s absolute role, but realize that it is very important for facial development, both in utero and after birth. Mutations can cause a reduction in the number of cheap proteins and alter the cells that form the features.
Traitor Symptoms of Collins Syndrome
Symptoms of traitor syndrome are often evident on ultrasound during pregnancy. It usually causes deformed and underdeveloped facial features and jaws. The lower eyelids are affected and the cheekbones, jaw, and ears may be absent. Children and babies with this condition may have difficulty breathing and hearing. Drawing is specific to the affected area.
Jaw and teeth
- Segmented palate (deformed palate)
- Irregular invention of the mouth
- Gaps between teeth
- Jaw
- Corners
- Absent brow bone
- Absent or small cheekbones
- Eyes tilted
- Lower eyelids, dangling
- Enlarged mouth
- Small ears
- Missing ears
- Missing ear canal
- Ears very low in the neck
General Symptoms
- Swallowing problems
- Problems seeing
- Hearing loss
- Dyspnea
- Speech problems
- Non-for-form in the hands
Some children with traitor Collins syndrome:
Meet Juliana Wetmore.
(Thanks photo:
Juliana Wetmore was virtually “born without a face”. She lacked more than 40% of the bones that characterize a normal personality. She underwent more than 45 surgeries at the tender age of 11. She needs hearing aids, breathes through a tracheotomy, and is now beginning to babble. She has above average intelligence and tells her caregivers that she is now happy with her future. She is a normal high school student. Juliana currently looks as follows.
(Photo courtesy of What Wetmore)
Meet Jono Lancaster.
(Photo courtesy of spokeo. com)
Jono Lancaster was adopted at 36 hours old. He has no cheekbones and his lower eyelids need to be removed. He has hearing aids with bone implants to help with his hearing. Jono still has a lot of growing to do, but has overcome all obstacles. In real life, he is a great advocate for boys with facial deformities and travels the world to make a positive impact in the name of Traiter Collins Syndrome.
Here is a photo of some of the boys with Traitor Collins Syndrome.
Treating Traitor Collins Syndrome
Babies born with syndrome Suacher-Collins can be associated with breathing and eating difficulties at birth. Doctors usually work quickly to make sure these two bags are functioning before proceeding with major surgery. A feeding tube will need to be placed, probably because there is no opportunity to breastfeed or bottle feed the baby. If the airway is compromised, an immediate tracheostomy may be necessary. This may include placement of a tube in the neck/throat.
Prior to discharge, caregivers are usually advised about nutrition, subsequent weight gain, and breathing difficulties. The hospital will perform a special hearing test prior to discharge. In the near future, children may need to visit an audiologist to evaluate their hearing and an otolaryngologist to examine the internal structures of the ears and larynx.
Once the baby with traitor Collins syndrome has stabilized, surgery is scheduled to repair problems with the cleft, eyelids, and cheekbones. There is a good chance that bone grafts will be used to help the cheekbones form. Some surgeries will be delayed until the child is at least five years old. Doctors will continue to perform surgeries to correct all types of jaw and dental problems.
Prognosis and Life Expectancy of Collins-Treater Syndrome
Babies born with Collins-Treater syndrome syndrome This affects their breathing and they may die soon after birth. In severely disabled babies, a tracheotomy (cutting at the throat) can be performed immediately so they can breathe. Doctors can perform an operation in which the jaws are moved shortly after birth so that the baby can breathe. This improves the life expectancy of newborns, which is considered more serious.
In less serious cases, people with Begrayer Collins syndrome usually have the potential to lead completely normal lives. The biggest problem with the syndrome social adjustment. Children often see or find themselves with other children.
It is important to realize that those suffering from Collins Traitor Syndrome have a 50% or greater chance of their babies the syndrome Verdete’s conclusion depends entirely on the person with the fear and the opportunity to help a genetic specialist.
The average life expectancy of people with Begrayer Collins syndrome is the same as all others if all the maladies are tackled in the early stages. This means that all breathing problems need to be corrected, as well as nutritional, hearing, and facial problems. They have a good chance of a normal mind and a productive life.