Many readers are interested in the right subject: the 10 best techniques for preventing colon cancer. We are pleased to report that our manufacturer has already done research on current studies on your fascinating subject. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.
Also called colorectal cancer , colon cancer Polyps of the rectum chamber ornamentals occur or colon become malignant. Colon cancer It is one of the most common cancer typing, but can recognize mannerisms to prevent colon cancer Precancere Polyps are detected early. It should be noted that if not detected early, it can lead to life-threatening consequences. In fact, that is the second reason of cancer Death in the United States. Learn more about it.
How Colon Cancer Occurs
Identifying these precancerous polyps can increase the chances of healing. More than that, you can take steps to reduce your risk of getting these mouths in the first place. Here is what you can do
1- Pay attention to your weight.
In addition to smoking, being overweight is the biggest risk factor. for cancer You can create 11 different fields. of cancer if you are obese, and colon cancer Below that. in De Standaard you are obliged to draw as much as when you were 18 years old. For example, the first task should not arrive anymore, although it is not a major criterion. Then you can combine diet and exercise projects to help you lose kilos.
2. stop smoking
If you smoke, consider taking steps to stop now. Do not smoke in one of the best things you can arrange to keep you awake. Not only does it increase your risk of heart attack, cardiovascular disease, and emphysema, it also increases your risk of 14 of everything! of cancer Veldje can see how to quit smoking with their doctor.
3. have an active lifestyle
Eager to learn how to prevent colon cancer ? Well, you need to focus. To stay healthy, you need to stay physically focused. This will protect you from many nonsense diseases, including heart conditions and colon cancer Working regularly guarantees an intellectual boost and improves your mood. You do not need to spend hours in the gym; a 30-minute walk is sufficient. Cycling, solid walking, gardening, and dancing are all good options.
4. watch your drinking.
Generally, you do not need to drink at all, but it certainly helps if you can limit the amount you drink from time to time. Drink in moderation and you have the option of providing excellent mental and vascular qualities. Drink in very large quantities and you increase your personal risk! of colon and other types of cancer Women are obligated to eat no more than one drink per day, while men are obligated to limit consumption to two drinks per day.
5. increase the intake of vitamin D and calcium
Too little calcium and vitamin D on the menu further increases the risk. of colon cancer You should consume at least 1000 mg of calcium daily and at least 1000 mg of vitamin D daily. If you live in the upstate, have additional privileges, or have darker skin color, you should check your vitamin D levels regularly.
6. stay away from red meat
Research has shown that eating red meat is not good for your gut well. When you think about how you … to prevent colon cancer This is a study on how you can best eat red meat. Red beef and a diet full of salted, processed, salted, or smoked meats like sausage, bacon, and hot dogs may still increase the risk of intestinal disease. cancer Veldt really must eat red beef. Do not eat more than two 4-ounce portions per week. Additionally, choose lean cuts and omit fat. Do not fry beef on the grill.
7. include black raspberries in your diet
There are several studies that suggest that including black raspberries in your personal menu can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fruit and vegetable intake in general can protect against intestinal disease. cancer Veldzorg endorses eating at least five portions of all types of fruits and vegetables each day.
8. know your family situation
In case of colon cancer Heredity plays an important role since more than 20% of patients have of colon cancer family members have the same disease. If someone in your family has has colon cancer or has been treated for Precancere polyps, many tests can be done to prove that you do not have the same one. Also look at the age at which the diagnosis was made. If a baby or a sibling or sister (one time family member) is diagnosed, screening should begin at age 40. colon cancer before age 60.
9. increase fiber intake.
Wondering how to prevent colon cancer ? There are many things you can do to lower your risk of colon cancer Increase fiber intake. Despite conflicting studies, if fiber plays a role in lowering risk, it is still worthwhile to include adequate fiber in menus. colon cancer Risk, it is still worthwhile to include more fiber in an individual’s menu. This helps keep digestion healthy and improves overall health. Some good fibers are grains, fruits, plums, vegetables, jolly fruits, coffee list, and legumes. Fiber supplements are available to increase fiber intake. Methylcellulose and plantain are good ones. Remember to increase intake slowly. to prevent Gas and Abdominal Complaints.
10. screen systematically
If the average risk of colon cancer For example, you may be screened shortly after your 50th history. of colon cancer should consider screening at a younger age. There are many different types of tests to choose from, but you should discuss with your health care provider the superior quality and deficiencies of each option.