Syphilis tests Used for screening and diagnosis syphilis fieldsyfilis is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD). It is a bacterial contamination spread through vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse with a person containing the contamination. It can be transferred from a person who is still pregnant to their child.
Syphilis usually occurs in stages. Each period includes a variety of symptoms and signs, all of which have the opportunity to last months, months, or even years. Initially, signs and symptoms may be subtle. You may not even notice them. Eventually you can. syphilis And don’t consider it. You can tell someone else about it.
Syphilis is easiest to treat in the early stages of infection. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to the well if it develops in advanced stages. Healing still helps, but does not undo the damage. Rarely, untreated syphilis also leads to death.
Syphilis tests When treatment is easiest, it helps to determine the infection in its early stages. Early investigation and treatment of the infection can still prevent its spread. of syphilis to others.
Other names: Fast Plasmaatraactie (RPR), Venteric Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), Fluorescent Cartilage Antibody Recording (FTA-ABS). test Agglutination Test (TP-PA), Dark Field Microscopy.
What are they used for?
Syphilis tests Screen and diagnose. syphilis Look for specific antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system when it finds a harmful drug in the body.
Syphilis testing usually consists of two steps. In most cases, the first step is considered screening test to check for antibodies associated with the a syphilis infection. However, other baggage can encourage the immune system to produce these antibodies, such as autoimmune diseases, other infections, and vaccination.
Screening tests for syphilis usually include:
- Rapid plasma action (RPR) is considered a blood reaction. test .
- Venerian Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL). test This can be performed with blood or spinal fluid.
Screening results test Indicates that you have an antibody-associated to syphilis infection, so a second test is needed test To prove whether your syphilis .
Usually, the second test looking for antibodies that your immune system produces only to fight off syphilis If you have these antibodies, this means you have a syphilis Infected at this time or have a syphilis treated infections in the past. In general tests to check for syphilis antibodies include:
- Treponema pallidum sublutination Test (TP-PA).
- Fluorescence treponema antibody recording (FTA-ABS) test
- Microagglutination test for antibodies to T. pallidum (MHA-TP)
- T. pallidum hemablutination test (TPHA)
- T. pallidum enzyme immunoassay (TP-EIA)
- Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA)
In some cases, suppliers of medical products may a test look for actual syphilis bacteria instead of antibodies. This tests can only be performed in designated laboratories and is used less frequently.
Why do I need a syphilis test ?
You should get tested for syphilis If symptoms are present of syphilis or if a sexual partner has recently been diagnosed. syphilis Field symptoms are usually noticed about two to three weeks after infection and include
- Small painless sores in the genitals or mouth (chanr), posterior anus or rectum
- Coarse reddish rash, usually on the palms of the hands or bottoms of the feet
- High fever
- Headache or muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Swollen almonds
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Hair loss in place
Even if you have no symptoms, get tested Regularly, if you are at high risk of getting it syphilis Increased likelihood of field get syphilis if you have:
- Multiple sexual partners
- Multiple sexual partners and partners
- Unprotected sex (sex without a condom)
- Sexually active with HIV vesmet
- Another sexually transmitted disease is go disease
- Sex with men who have sex with men (MSM)
Frequently ask your own doctor get tested .
You will also need a syphilis test If you are pregnant. Passing it on to your baby can cause serious and sometimes fatal health problems for the baby.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all pregnant women a syphilis test During their first prenatal visit. Pregnant people with a high likelihood of infection syphilis should be tested of pregnancy again 28 months and with their families.
What happens during a syphilis test ?
A syphilis test is usually a blood test . During a blood test Health professionals take blood from a vein in the arm with a small needle. After the needle is placed into a small amount of blood, this is then placed into a a test tube or bottle. Some pressure can be felt when the needle is in and out. Usually takes less than 5 minutes.
At any stage, syphilis If you sign it, it may affect your brain, spinal cord, nervous syphilis May affect your brain and nervous system, your doctor can order a syphilis test your cerebrospinal humidity (Alcoholic Beverages Cerebrospinalis, CSF).
CSF is a colorless fluid found in the brain and spinal cord. To obtain a sample of the moisture, the caregiver performs a function called lumbar pain, also called spinal cord. During the procedure:
- You lie on your side or squat research food.
- Your doctor will clean your back and spurt anesthetic on your skin so you feel no pain during the procedure. Your doctor can spread a discouraging cream on your back for this injection.
- After the back area is completely petrified, the physician brings in a delicate and perfect needle between two vertebrae into the lower spine. The vertebrae are the small soil that forms the backbone.
- Your physician will examine you by ingesting a small amount of spinal water. This will take approximately 5 minutes.
- You must remain fairly immobile while the fluid is being taken.
- Your doctor may ask you to stay on your back for an hour or two after the procedure. This will prevent you from having a headache afterwards.
You must arrange something to prepare for the procedure. the test ?
No special preparation is necessary. a syphilis blood test If you have an epidural, you will be asked to empty your urine and intestinal tract before the procedure. the test .
Risks. the test ?
Blood is not a sufficient risk test The area where the needle is inserted can be mildly sore or bruised, but most signs disappear quickly.
If you have an epidural, you can have pain or sensitivity behind where the needle is inserted. You can still have headaches after the procedure. Headaches can last from a few hours to a week or more.
What does the result mean?
If your screening test The result is negative (normal). This means that you probably do not a syphilis There is an infection. However, after an infection, it may take several months for antibodies to become active again. For example, you may need to be screened again test if you think you have been exposed. to syphilis Your doctor can tell you if you need it. test .
If your screening test If the results are flattering, it means you have antibodies that have a chance of getting then a syphilis contagion. You need another test To prove whether your syphilis .
If your follow-up test confirms you have syphilis will probably be treated with penicillin, a type of antibiotic. The cure will heal most early stages syphilis of the infection. Later stages syphilis will also be treated with antibiotics, but this treatment does not have the option of reversing the damage. the syphilis caused.
If you have questions test results, or about syphilis Then talk to your own Internet provider.
Is there anything I really need to know? syphilis tests ?
As a diagnosis. syphilis Should I tell everyone with whom I have had sexual contact so that they can treat you if necessary? get tested so that they can treat you if necessary. Perhaps you need to repeat the following syphilis screening tests to see how well your healing works. Avoid sexual contact with others until tests show that you are being treated.
You can run a self-control test kit for syphilis stores or online for other sexual disorders. These kits allow you to use a blood sample at home and send it to a lab to be tested. They are alone. test for antibodies to the syphilis bacteria. If you need such a kit to prove your diagnosis. test To prove your diagnosis. Consult your own internet provider and be aware of self control. test is right for you.
Certain areas of the world have bacteria closely related to disease-causing microorganisms. syphilis Veldteze other bacteria are usually spread through contact with the infected person’s sore and sexual skin. They have a great chance of causing diseases called Lynx, Pselsic, and Pinta. Blood tests I don’t see a difference between them and the syphilis corresponding bacteria. However, your doctor can make a diagnosis by looking at your skin ulcers and learning more about your medical situation and your travel conditions.
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