Swollen Ankle After Running

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Runners and athletes are more likely to get injured ankle by being active. You can still get your ankle running on uneven surfaces without the necessary stretching or overload. You. ankles And there is less chance of swelling ankle After Exercise.

Causes of ankle swelling after running

Swollen ankle

1. vasodilation

There is vasodilation during and after physical exercise. When this occurs, vasodilation is often considered the first requirement. When you want to exercise, blood flow increases and the feet, legs, hands, arms, fingers, and character appear swollen and slightly nurtured. These swollen areas return to normal life.

2. a single disease

Stretching is considered the most common cause of swelling ankle after execution. If you are ankle , your ankle in and out, you can also bend in the opposite direction. In this case, the spare tire that connects and supports the bone is, the ankle torn or overloaded, causing swelling. ankle .

3- Achilles Tendon Inflammation

The Achilles tendon is at your end. ankle sometimes inflamed after running, this condition is called Achilles tendon inflammation. Swelling ankle is a common sign of Achilles tendon inflammation.

4. stress fracture

Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone caused by periodic tasks such as running or jumping. For example, this position usually affects the lower leg or foot because of the bone weight in these areas. When this happens, the area around the injury has the opportunity to spend so, ankle .

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Home remedies for swelling only after running

if the ankle is swollen. ankle You can try one of these home remedies If you have an important condition. you must consult a physician in the last place.

1. r. i. s. e.

Swollen Ankle After Running

r means “peace” and it means you must rest ankle after the trauma. This gives you time to heal well. Often you need to walk around as little as possible and keep the pressure low. ankle It is uncomfortable, but it certainly helps you heal much faster.

For example, I am in favor of “ice cream”. ankle Can be used for cool packs, bags of frozen peas, or ice cubes with handbag rolls. Grind as soon as possible and place ice on injury for 15 minutes.

c means “compress” and it means the end of your ankle Context. In this way you give the area firm and tight and at the same time reduce pain and swelling. Make sure the bandage is not so impenetrable. Otherwise you have the option of interrupting the blood circulation. Compression socks can still have the same effect.

e stands for “elevate” (raise), it means you ankles slightly higher than the height of your heart. In benchmarking, you are obligated to arrange this after ice and compression. For you, place it on the ground or a smooth surface, such as a couch or bed. ankles It is comfortable and reduces swelling and pain.

2. massage

If you are suffering from an injury or intoxication. ankle Massage can help remove swelling. Gently rub this area, blood circulation in this area will increase and inflammation will be reduced.

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3. parsley


When your ankle swelling, this may indicate that you have excess fluid in your body. Parsley is considered a natural diuretic because it can reduce water in the body and increase urine production. As a result, consuming it can remove excess water in your system and treat swollen spots. ankle after running.

4. grapefruit essential oil


Grapefruit essential oil has many anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce tumors. Simply mix it with a carrier oil and apply to the swollen area, then pour into a warm bath to soak the skin. ankle .

5. dandelion

Swollen Ankle After Running

Dandelion contains nature’s most potent rehydrating f agents. The absolute flavonoids, polyphenols, and potassium will certainly help get rid of swelling, as dandelion tea will certainly help expel excess water from your body.

6. rose


Ruth is more than a delicious incense. Her petals are considered a strong diuretic and her leaves act as antioxidants and inflammatory. drink Regenboogchai or apply the oil to the affected area. ankle to reduce swelling.

7. moisturizing

Swollen Ankle After Running

Despite the fact that excess water is considered a swollen skin condition. ankle It may still need to be rehydrated. If your salt content is very high, this may lead to water retention. Drinking extra water will allow you to rinse your own salt and toxin system and decrease swelling.

8. non-prescription medications


There are plenty of resources freely available with every opportunity to help with inflammation. Ibuprofen is considered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that illuminates pain and reduces swelling. Aspirin is a product used to reduce pain and prevent swelling due to injury.

Comment. Medical assistance should be sought immediately if swelling persists for 3 days or if excessive pain and discomfort is experienced.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].