Sun Poisoning: Symptoms and Treatment

Jasmine Gomez Posted on February 5, 2020

There are many things more exciting than a sunny hot day, the beach, and the chance to take out that sun dress. But if you’ve had to deal with the irritation of sunburn, you know very well that a very large piece of bad baggage has bad opportunities for you.

These pictures show what sunscreen looks like an intestinal infection

Excessive sun exposure can also cause much more pain and injury than a normal sunburn, says Elm Ilius, a Montgomery dermatologist and skin doctor. Skin plays an important role in temperature control. When a cadaver overheats, the skin’s ability to regulate temperature is reduced. Not a great thing. When this occurs, you run the risk of thermal shock or heat exhaustion. symptoms Ilias art texts such as desire, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, dehydration, nausea, loss, sudden heartbeat or breathing.


Unfortunately, it is not the only thing you risk. If your sunscreen is pretty much nonsense, we are talking about blisters, shedding, rashes, etc. symptoms Like fever and cold shivers, you can actually suffer by what is called sun poisoning .

Although you can usually treat sunburn at home, sun poisoning you may need to go to the doctor to replenish water and medications for any open wounds caused by a sunburn that is no longer serious and severe. If you wonder what your daily tan insulates you from sunscreen, these experts have explained it. sun poisoning Let these experts explain.

Signs and Signs of Intestinal Infection Through the Sun

The symptoms of sun poisoning Can be brassy and radical

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Blistering and shearing of the skin
  3. Severe red skin
  4. Extreme fatigue
  5. Dehydration
  6. Confusion
  7. Dizziness
  8. Fainting
  9. Headache
  10. High temperature
  11. Pain

Solar intestinal infection

Follow sunscreen premises:

  • Wear a “broad spectrum” sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on the label. That is, it protects against the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Let sit for 15-30 minutes before going into the sun. Repeat this at least every 2 hours and repeat when sweating or in water.
  • Limit sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Remember that water, snowfall, and sand will likely increase the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Wear sunglasses, a hat, and protective clothing.

Find your own medication. Ask your doctor if what you use can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. For example, some acne medications, drugs, antidepressants, diuretics, heart medications, and birth control pills can make skin more sensitive. For example, bacterial medications and odors that come in contact with the skin.

Symptoms of sun poisoning

Sun poisoning On the other hand, it is important to be worse than a mild tan. In addition to a simple tan. symptoms You can suffer

  • Blister formation or shedding of the skin
  • Severe redness and pain
  • Fever (and sometimes cold shivers)
  • Dehydration
  • Confusion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting

The term “sun poisoning For example, it can be somewhat misleading because it is expected that you are somehow poisoned ‘Due to the effects of the sun. Sun poisoning In fact, it refers to severe burning due to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This can occur because you have been exposed to the sun for too long without wearing sunscreen or because you forgot to take special precautions when the risk of sunburn increased.

You will still be able to run the risk of bloating sun poisoning if you:

  • White skin
  • A family member has that skin cancer.
  • Take antibiotics.
  • Oral contraceptives will be taken.
  • Use certain herbal supplements such as pure white Johannes star.
  • Citrus oils on the skin due to sun exposure
  • It lives near the equator in areas
  • It lives at great heights (e.g. in mountainous areas)
  • For example, often go to the beach because the sunlight reflects more aggressively from the sand and water
  • Participate in systematic snow holidays in winter – the sun also reflects snowfall.
  • Use alpha hydroxy acids (AHAS). These are chemical peels.

If you think you … sun poisoning must go to a doctor immediately. They may be able to help you treatment from skin damage and related aggravations such as severe dehydration.

In some cases, especially if you are dry or have the flu, you need to go to the emergency department. symptoms For example, fever or muscle aches.

At the emergency services, your doctor will examine your most vital organs and sun strain.

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Your doctor can treat sun poisoning With cold water or compresses. Applying lotion to wet skin will help cleanse the skin and conserve as much water as possible. Additionally, drinking water has every opportunity to help supplement the water extracted from very dry skin.

Sun poisoning It can also be done

  • Intravenous (IV) water for dehydration
  • Steroid creams for sunburn outbreaks
  • Oral steroids for pain and swelling
  • Narcotic prescription drugs in case the freely available versions do not provide illumination
  • Topical medications to prevent infection

Sun poisoning If treated promptly, they will heal over time. In the most serious cases, people can sun poisoning be transferred to the burns department of an outpatient clinic.

When left untreated, sun poisoning This can lead to potentially life-threatening complications. Because dehydration can occur quickly, it is important to drink water and electrolytes after going to the sun.

Infection is still a possibility. This can occur if the skin is pricked by a burn wound or blistering outbreak. Have the skin peeled off. If you notice a leak or red streak, go to the doctor immediately. This may indicate a more serious infection that has spread to the bloodstream and may require oral medication.

Another complication. sun poisoning May be noticed only after burning. The blisters and pain have disappeared. People who walk around tanning are at increased risk of getting premature wrinkles and skin spots at a later age. The risk of developing skin cancer may still be increased.

Sun poisoning This is a significant exacerbation of sunburn and can worsen if not treated immediately.

Typical smooth sunscreens heal within a week. Sun poisoning On the other hand, you can borrow for several months to stop altogether – it all depends on the extent of the damage to your skin.

Best Prevention Methods sun poisoning Minimize unnecessary exposure to UV light. First, you should wear sunscreen every day, whether it is a warm, sunny day or a cool, cloudy day. The Vanderbilt Institute recommends a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Make sure the product you use protects against UVA and UVB rays for better protection. If you sweat or swim, you should apply sunscreen again – preferably every two hours in these cases.

Wear a hat and cool cotton clothing to reduce overexposure. If this is not included, the possibility of staying inside should be checked when the rays of the sun are present at their highest level, from 10:00 to 16:00.

The latter is the physician’s point of view, revised on October 24, 2017

Natural treatment of intestinal inflammation caused by the sun: 6 Treatment

1. stay away from the sun

According to the Mayo Clinic, “In serious cases, avoiding the sun may be enough to sign for a few days … and symptoms . In our benchmarking, we had the opportunity to avoid the problematic effects of the sun. the poisoning First of all, however, is a great noble that there is an opportunity that staying away from the sun will be enough for a few days symptoms fade away.

2. protect your skin

What happens if you have an allergic reaction to the sun but cannot avoid being outdoors in the direction of a few days?Use a natural broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

3. remember phototherapy (exposure to actual sunlight)

Instead of artificial origins of UV light, some physicians can help you use controlled exposure to natural sunlight to improve your sun allergy. When this is done correctly, repeated, controlled exposure to sunlight can lead to sun desensitization.

Repeated sun exposure “paves the way” or is known to naturally desensitize the skin to sunlight. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Allergy to the sun is seen primarily in the spring and early summer. Constant exposure to the sun during the summer months minimizes the possibility of sun allergy as “the skin becomes stuck.

4. elimination of possible external and internal causes

Are you currently using medications or supplements that are likely to increase your sensitivity to the sun? Then look at the possibility that what you take is the cause of your overreaction to the sun’s rays. For example, the bright white star of John is considered a known natural means of increased sensitivity to the sun. Frequently used medications such as acne. treatments From allergic substances, medications, antidepressants, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are known to cause sun exposure.

The same is true for locally used products such as perfumes, lotions, peels, and sunscreens. Anything you use on your body can have synthetic or natural ingredients that increase your sun exposure.

You can destroy your symptoms 4. after you stop using degrading topics or oral products.

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5. use natural moisture input

As with sunburn, it is fundamentally important to keep the problem areas hydrated to reduce the amount of sunburn. symptoms Applying natural products that are considered anti-inflammatory and cooling, such as pure aloe vera gel, is still a good idea. Coconut oil is a beautiful natural moisturizer you already have on hand.

6. beware of citrus fruits!

While you heal (and if you want to prevent it symptoms If you plan to spend some time in the sun in the future, remember to eat citrus fruits. Eating large amounts of citrus or bags of oranges and grapefruit can be arranged and sunburned sun poisoning Before. Why? Citrus fruits have been shown to contain connections that make the skin more sensitive to light. Therefore, if you eat a lot of citrus and sit in the sun, it is even more important to close your clothes and use sunscreen.

How to Prevent Intestinal Infection Through the Sun

Just as you can prevent sunburn, you can also prevent sunburn! sun poisoning For example, by protecting yourself from the sun by

  • Wear protective clothing and a hat
  • Wear broad spectrum sunscreen on exposed body parts
  • Move back into the sun
  • Limit the effects of the sun for a few hours between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. When the sun is at its strongest
  • Also use sunscreen on cloudy or cold days, especially in water, sand, or snowfall.
  • Avoid ingesting virtually any medical products (such as drugs or diuretics) or supplements that can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.
  • Check in time products, as almost all skin care ingredients are still likely to make your skin more sensitive to the sun… Read product labels carefully for warnings about increased sun sensitivity.

Go to a doctor or dermatologist if you have skin rashes on most parts of your body, including areas covered by clothing, or if you have itching that does not improve with use. treatment Also seek medical assistance if there is unusual bleeding under the skin when exposed to sunlight.

If there are symptoms of a non-potent allergic reaction that may be connected but are not limited to skin bumps, swelling around the lips or eyes, difficulty breathing, or problems, immediate help is warranted.

Final thoughts.

  • Severe sunburn often results in one sun poisoning , but true sun poisoning in fact, an allergic reaction to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
  • Common symptoms of sun poisoning This includes small reddish bumps caused by sun-affected skin areas.
  • Spending extra time in the sun without sunscreen can lead to severe sunburn, but does not necessarily sun poisoning . At the same time, poisoning can occur after a few minutes of exposure to UV rays, as it is the result of an allergy to the sun.
  • How long does sun poisoning The last? It depends on the nature of the sun allergy, so you symptoms .
  • how natural it is to maneuver:
    • Avoid exposure to extra sunlight in the direction of a few days
    • Use a natural sunscreen that is considered broad spectrum and contains an SPF of at least 30
    • Try natural light therapy under the guidance of a physician.
    • Avoid using medications, supplements, or body healing products that may increase your exposure to the sun
    • Use caution when consuming citrus fruits and juices if you plan to spend time in the sun
    • Apply natural relieving moisturizing methods such as centipede or coconut oil

    What is sun poisoning and what are the symptoms ?

    So, sun poisoning Although it is not an official medical term, it is an arc form way for patients to outline scenarios in which they find sunscreen difficult with the help of UV rays. symptoms ,” says Dr. Ilyas.

    Those additional symptoms (In addition to the pain, skin heat, tenderness, and irritation felt from the sunburn itself, according to a text by Marisa Garcik, a physician published in a medical journal) – you may feel fever, dizziness, lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness Of breath.

    How to prevent sun poisoning

    Certainly, limiting sun exposure may prevent sunburn, especially if sunburn is a problem. sun poisoning In particular, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends limiting sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun is strongest.

    Above all, however, Dr. Zamperla stresses the need to use the right sunscreen at the right frequency. One of the best practices for people with any sun sensitivity is to use sunscreen,” he says. “Make sure it is broad spectrum to protect against UVA and UVB rays. Photosensitivity is caused by UVA, and the SPF of a sunscreen should only be considered as protection against UVB. This is because sunscreens need to be purchased every two hours.”

    With so many sunscreens on the market, it’s hard to know where to start. See the top sunscreens here and re-register your dermatologist.


    https://www. pulse. Com. gh/ lifestyle/ women’s-health/ this-is-sun-poisoning-appearance-and-reality-what-to-do-if-you-have/pts4pc
    https://www. snickering-me. com/what-does-sun-poisoning-look-like/
    https://www. web MD. com/skin-problems-and-treatments/ sun-poisoning
    https://www. healthline. com/health/ sun-poisoning
    https:// drax. com/health/sun-poisoning-mptoms-treatment/
    https://www. womenshealthmag. com/health/a30691658/sun-poisoning-pictures/
    https://www. prevention. com/beauty/skin-care/a21987495/sun-poisoning-symptoms-signs/

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].