Many readers are interested in the right subject: sore throat medications. Let me report that our manufacturers have already done progressive research on the subject that fascinates you. They are based on the latest information. medical We give extensive answers to digestion, contemporary research, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.
Strep throat Contagious bacterial infections the throat It is caused by a bacterium, the streptococcal bacterium. The picture is pain. throat Swelling and inflammation of the membrane that holds the back of the almond. and throat . Strep throat medicine Surround anesthesia with all kinds of medications; the first helps to worry about the infection so that aggravation does not occur; the second facilitates facilitating the infection during healing; the third helps to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body; the fourth helps to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.
The heaviest medications are antibiotics.
1. how it helps
Antibiotics help by killing or stopping bacteria to give the immune system a chance to help fight the infection. Without medication, the immune system struggles to fight the infection, and aggravation can occur.
2. as needed.
You need to take strep throat medicines if:
- You have a positive strep Culture and flattery fast. strep test;
- You have symptoms of strep throat For example, fever, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, dirt, or a white layer of almonds. or throat ;
- You had a rheumatic fever and were near someone who had rheumatic fever has strep ;
- It will repeat itself. strep Infection in the family.
3. choose the best antibiotic
The main antibiotics for strep throat are listed below:
- Penicillin. Most popular treatment. for strep throat Verdin in the form of water or pills, should be taken 3 times a day. Penicillin solution used for boys is not sufficient. Penicillin spray can continue to be used. Injections, although possibly painful, are suitable for infection and save pills.
- Amoxicillin. This is also usually used medication for strep throat Velddit should be taken twice a day. It is basic to take amoxicillin in the direction of healing for only 10 days. the strep throat does not return.
- Cephalosporin. This is an antibiotic image called very suitable for treatment. of strep throat Especially for those who are allergic to penicillin. This will inhibit the rise of bacteria as this gives the immune system a chance to destroy them all.
Another drink you will need is a painkiller.
Painkillers are medications such as acetaminophen, paracetamol, or non-steroidal inhibitors (NSAIDs). They help relieve the pain that causes aches and pains. by strep throat Lidocaine can be used as a local anesthetic for pain. Aspirin can be used in adults, but should not be used in boys because of the risk of Reye’s syndrome. Additionally, steroids are likely to reduce pain but are generally not recommended. for strep throat .
Cautions about medications to relieve sore throats
Almost all medications have mild or severe side effects. Special attention should be paid to the appropriate side effects when taking them strep throat medicines :
1. joint side effects
When taking strep throat medication Side effects such as diarrhea, drowsiness, nausea, and rash may occur. These are usually limited spontaneously and disappear when the medication is discontinued.
2. Call for medical help
If swelling occurs, call or visit your physician. the throat of the tongue, tongue, face or lips. You should continue to medical feel lightheaded, faint, or hives after taking the drug. the strep throat medicine .
Your doctor has the following options the medication or choose to reduce the dosage. You are never obligated to do so. the medication unless your doctor certifies that it is not dangerous.
Please note: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to gain weight, you do not need to take it. any medicines You may continue to wear it if your doctor does not consult you. Because some medications can be harmful to the baby, your doctor can help you determine which medications are safe for you to take.