During pregnancy The female body undergoes many changes. While some of these changes are welcomed, others are not welcome at all. One of the unwelcome changes to pregnant women is an increase in the number of hair of colors throughout the trunk and even darker bodies. hair The Verdine you must own in appearance is not the only one, in fact many pregnant women also have the same problem. This unnecessary change in principle becomes noticeable in the third month. of pregnancy . A hairy stomach in pregnancy Something you certainly did not expect?
What causes a hairy belly during pregnancy ?
A hairy stomach during pregnancy Or black sub vertical jobs stomach usually called Linea nigra, is worrisome. It is hormones that cause this change. Like almost everyone else, your body flows in the direction of this period. Typical, the hair growth in many parts of your body. During the day pregnancy the hormones change degrees and become higher than normal, often to the maximum amount hair growth, and even more black and fat body. hair Of course. of pregnancy And you have nothing to worry about.
Will the hair disappear? How does it disappear?
As mentioned earlier, you have nothing to worry about. As soon as the baby is there, your body will return to its simple position as it was for conception. The hair on your stomach Or it will disappear.
You will need to hold out until the end. the pregnancy and just live with a hairy stomach and the black track along your stomach. After the pregnancy hormones return to their normal levels, and your body will hair Re acceleration cycle, which means all the extra hair that you have had. pregnancy will fall off.
If you feel uncomfortable and want to remove the hair from your belly as well. pregnancy If you do, that is perfectly fine. At the very least, it means that bleaching is not recommended. pregnancy FieldYou can be present in this extra hair Remove it using the most harmless method that is in the direction of a few months or Shaving is a harmless way to remove unwanted body hair If not continue for several months. Remember to apply moisturizing creams and lotions as soon as shaving is finished, especially when you have sensitive skin.
Some natural methods you can try
Here are many natural techniques to dispel the shallowness of shaving hair during pregnancy Velddaarom makes sense to first consult a doctor about protecting your pregnancy .
you naturally. for hairy stomach in pregnancy Next, mix turmeric with milk. Apply this turmeric to the stomach and withdraw until completely depleted. Next, wash with warm water. You can add semolina to the mixture in case you are hair It is thicker than simple.
Raw papaya
Raw papaya is one of the many natural ways to get rid of excess body fat. hair . It works by breaking down the hair Follicles and stops new hair from growing. The hair least noticeable in the abdomen. During this process, the abdominal skin acquires a smooth texture.
A mixture of sugar and lemon
Lemon has a whitening effect the hair and is less noticeable. Sugar, on the other hand, is considered an excellent scrub, and mixing and combining these two ingredients gives the best results in the fight against skin a hairy stomach in pregnancy The following is an example of a scrub that is used to combat skin problems. Mix lemon juice, sugar and water. Apply the mixture the stomach and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Gently rub the mixture on the abdomen and wash.
Egg mask
Mix egg whites with sugar and cornstarch and apply stomach . Allow the viscosity to dry. As the mask forms, gently pull it along with the unwanted torso to remove the mask. hair .
Potato Lentil Ayurveda.
To make this paste, soak and grind the moong dal overnight. Grate the potatoes and squeeze to remove the juice. Add potato juice, lemon juice and honey to the dal and apply this paste on top. stomach Then let it dry. Rub the paste with your fingers and wash the abdomen with water, rinsing it thoroughly.
Banana oatmeal
If there is a problem, the hairy stomach in pregnancy Mix ripe bananas with oatmeal to help.
Sugar syrup
If you like unwanted. hair from your stomach You can mix molasses and lemon with sugar.
Can you tell the sex of the baby from the thickness of the hair on the belly?
In fact, as soon as you think you might be pregnant, the question generally arises whether you are having a girl or a boy. According to my grandmother, there are certain symptoms that can help you recognize the sex of your baby. The hairy the belly can you tell the sex of your baby? Apparently, when it is dark. hair The symptoms of a boy in the abdomen appear. This may not be true. The best way to recognize the sex of your baby is by ultrasound.