Stages Of A Wart Falling Off

A secondary infection developing in the site of cryosurgery is uncommon. The symptoms include:

What to know about freezing warts

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Cryosurgery, or cryotherapy, is a common way to remove warts. It involves freezing off the targeted cells and tissues.

Warts are noncancerous tumors that develop due to human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. There are several different types of wart, and various strains of HPV can cause them. This virus passes on through skin-to-skin contact .

Most warts are painless and harmless, and many go away on their own after a few weeks or months , though they can last years.

But depending on the location, size, and type of a wart, a person may wish to have it removed. In this case, cryosurgery is an option. A dermatologist can perform it, or, for a smaller wart, a person might try an over-the-counter freezing kit.

In this article, we explore cryotherapy, including the procedure, the reasons that people have it, and how effective it is.

A dermatologist usually begins by scraping dead skin cells from the wart with a scalpel. This exposes more of the surface skin containing the virus to the freezing agent, which is liquid nitrogen.

In some cases, the doctor may instruct the person to perform this scraping at home the night before the appointment.

They may also recommend applying salicylic acid gels, creams, and bandages beforehand. These products are available to purchase online.

Next, the dermatologist uses a probe, cotton ball, dipstick, or a tool called a cryostat gun to deliver a dose of liquid nitrogen to the wart. Preferences and methods of application vary, but all in all, the liquid nitrogen is typically in contact with the skin for 10–20 seconds.

Within 24 hours of the procedure, a blister forms around the wart. After about 1 week, it may be possible to remove this blister along with the wart.

Current guidelines recommend having two cryosurgery sessions for wart removal, but more may be necessary, depending on the size of the wart.

A 2011 study found that leaving 2, as opposed to 3, weeks between cryotherapy sessions may reduce the risk of the wart regrowing and minimize any adverse effects.

Liquid nitrogen-based removal is safe for most healthy people. A dermatologist may recommend a different approach, however, depending on the person’s age and the overall state of their health.

It is not always necessary to remove warts through cryosurgery. They often resolve without treatment, especially in children.

As people move into adulthood, they may find that warts require medical intervention, especially if they:

  • cause discomfort or pain
  • cause friction or pressure
  • have persisted for more than a few years
  • cause or contribute to low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression
  • keep a person from walking comfortably or gripping objects, or cause any other impairment
  • are plantar warts, which form on the soles

It other cases, health issues make it important to see a professional. The American Academy of Dermatology recommend that people with any of the following see a dermatologist for wart removal:

  • diabetes
  • a compromised immune system
  • multiple warts across the body
  • warts that bleed, itch, or hurt
  • warts on the face or genitals

Though many doctors remove warts with cryosurgery, there is limited research to support using this procedure rather than concentrated salicylic acid treatment.

However, cryotherapy may be the most effective approach to certain kinds of warts. For example, a 2012 review found that the procedure had a 60–86% success rate as a treatment for common and genital warts.

A retrospective study from 2015 placed the success rate for common wart removal at 75% and found that it took an average of 1.18 sessions to remove warts with cryosurgery.

A 2019 study found a slightly higher success rate for the cryosurgical removal of genital warts: 79–88% . The researchers also found that it was safe during pregnancy.

Plantar warts tend to be both the hardest to treat, as they grow inward due to pressure on the feet. Large warts can also be difficult to manage.

It is important to note that cryosurgery, or cryotherapy, does not cure the underlying HPV infection. Currently, no treatment can do so.

Warts may heal and regrow. In other cases, the body may rid itself of the virus by destroying any remaining HPV cells after wart removal.

No over-the-counter wart removal product contains liquid nitrogen. Instead, they contain a mixture of dimethyl ether, propane, and sometimes isobutane.

Home freezing products may not be as effective as cryosurgery. Though they contain the same acids that doctors use, the acids are at much lower concentrations, and their freezing chemicals are also less powerful.

Home care products may be able to remove small warts, but they may only temporarily reduce the size or appearance of larger growths.

People sometimes use other methods, such as applying duct tape to the area for several weeks. However, these approaches have no or very slim scientific backing.

Most people experience minor pain during cryosurgery and a burning sensation when the skin thaws afterward.

During and immediately after the procedure, the treatment site may change color and swell. There may also be soreness for a few days.

About 24 hours after the procedure, a blister forms around the wart, and it resolves within 2 or 3 days.

The entire recovery typically takes around a week, and it is important to keep the area clean, dry, and free from friction or pressure throughout this time.

Any additional risks and complications depend on the type, size, and location of the wart.

Usually, plantar warts, large warts, and those in areas with a lot of pressure or friction tend to cause the most pain and complications, such as scarring or tissue damage.

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • a prolonged healing process and the development of ulcers
  • temporary nerve damage near the site
  • a permanent loss in skin coloration
  • scarring
  • skin lesions that keep returning
  • hair loss, according to one review

Dermatologists can reduce the risk of complications by limiting contact with liquid nitrogen to under 30 seconds.

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A secondary infection developing in the site of cryosurgery is uncommon. The symptoms include:

  • swelling
  • pus or white, yellow, or brown fluid from the blister
  • a fever
  • increased, throbbing pain
  • no signs of the area healing after a few days of care

Anyone with symptoms of a secondary infection should contact a doctor, who may prescribe a topical antiseptic or an oral antibiotic.

Many w arts disappear without treatment. It may also be possible to remove small warts with over-the-counter products.

If warts are large, numerous, or persistent, it may be best to have them professionally removed. This is particularly beneficial for people with certain chronic conditions or weakened immune systems.

To remove a wart, a dermatologist might use cryosurgery, or cryotherapy. This involves briefly applying liquid nitrogen to the skin. The healing period is about 1 week, and complications are rare, though they can occur.

Cryosurgery does not treat the underlying HPV infection that causes warts, and warts may regrow, in the same spot or elsewhere.

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Last medically reviewed on January 9, 2023

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What are the signs that wart removal is successful?

Warts are harmless growths that often appear on the hands and feet. Some warts go away by themselves, but others may persist until a person gets treatment. People looking to remove warts can self-treat them at home or consult a doctor.

If a person has a weakened immune system or an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, they should check with their doctor before removing any warts.

This article looks at the different types of warts and the treatment options. It also explains how to know when wart treatment has been effective.

A healthcare professional wearing a green glove and holding a device to remove warts.

Warts are harmless skin growths that vary in appearance depending on their type. They can occur anywhere on the body but commonly affect the hands.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes warts, which can readily spread between people in close contact. If a person comes into contact with the virus, it can infect the surface layer of the skin, creating a wart. Having cuts or other damage to the skin makes this more likely to occur.

Some people have a higher likelihood of getting warts than others, including:

  • children and young people
  • people with a weakened immune system
  • individuals with a skin condition that affects the skin barrier

As there are about 100 strains of HPV, the virus can cause many different types of warts. Types of warts include:


Common warts have a rough, cauliflower-like texture and may appear as single warts or in a cluster. Their size ranges from 1 millimeter to more than 1 centimeter, and they usually occur on the backs of fingers or toes, around the nails, or on the knees.


Plantar warts, which grow on the soles of the feet, look like calluses, have a hard surface, and contain small, black dots. They can appear as single warts or in clusters.

These warts may feel tender under pressure, and a person may feel as though they have pebbles in their shoes when walking.


Plane warts are flat, skin-colored warts that commonly grow on the face, hands, and shins. People usually have multiple plane warts. Shaving may be responsible for spreading the virus on the face or legs.


Filiform warts look like threads or fronds coming from the skin. They appear on the face, particularly around the eyes, nose, or mouth, and usually grow quickly.


Butcher’s warts look like common warts, and they can also appear on the hands, often as multiple warts. However, they occur due to a specific strain of HPV and affect people who live or work in cold, moist environments.

Wart treatments work by removing the wart rather than curing HPV. Due to this, warts may reoccur after treatment because the virus remains.

About two⁠–thirds of warts resolve by themselves over 12⁠–24 months, leaving no scarring or side effects.

However, if this is not the case, or a person wishes to remove warts quickly, various treatment options are available.

Salicylic acid

People can choose from many over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid that they can apply topically to a common wart. Daily treatment with salicylic acid removes warts within 12 weeks in 70% of cases.

Duct tape

There is no clear evidence that duct tape wart removal is effective and no guidance on how long it might take. The idea behind this approach is that applying new duct tape to a wart every few days may gradually remove layers of the wart.

A person can try this method easily at home, but it is important to note that it may not work and that some people may experience side effects, such as skin reactions and bleeding.


Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart, which causes the surface layers to peel off.

People need regular treatments every 1⁠–2 weeks to prevent the wart from growing back. After 3⁠–4 months of treatment, cryotherapy effectively removes warts in about 70% of cases.

However, cryotherapy can cause blistering, which can last up to several days or weeks. It can also cause permanent white marks on the skin and may lead to temporary numbness in the treatment area.

Electrosurgery and curettage

Electrosurgery and curettage use heat to burn away the base of the wart. This type of treatment can treat large warts that have not responded to other treatments, but there are some downsides:

  • The wound can take 2 weeks or more to heal.
  • In 20% of cases, warts can reoccur.
  • Electrosurgery and curettage can cause permanent scarring, which can be painful.

Other treatments

Other treatments for warts include:

  • laser treatment, if other methods are not effective
  • injection of bleomycin (Blenoxane)
  • immunotherapy, such as imiquimod (Aldara), to encourage the immune system to fight the virus

How to get rid of warts

Warts are generally harmless and often disappear on their own over time, but they’re unsightly, and some, like those found on the soles of the feet, can make walking and exercise painful. Wart removal can be a challenge, but fortunately, the most effective treatments are the least invasive.

Wart anatomy

illustration of skin with closeup of wart

Warts grow in the epidermis, the upper skin layer. A typical wart has a raised, rough surface. (Some, like those on the face, may be smooth and flat.) The center of a wart may be flecked with dark dots; these are capillaries that supply it with blood.

What are warts anyway?

Warts occur when skin cells grow faster than normal because they are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Among the 150 strains of HPV, about 10 cause cutaneous (skin) warts, including common, plantar, and flat warts (see “Common types of skin warts,” below). Certain other strains cause anal warts and genital warts. Some sexually transmitted types of HPV are implicated in cervical and other genital cancers, but the strains that cause skin warts have rarely been linked to cancer.

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All of us come into contact with HPV repeatedly — when we shake hands or touch a doorknob, for example — but only some of us develop warts, and that’s hard to explain. Children and people with immune system abnormalities are particularly vulnerable. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear, so are people in certain occupations, such as meat, fish, and poultry handlers. But the most likely explanation is that some people are simply more prone to warts than others.

Skin warts aren’t highly contagious. They can spread from person to person by direct contact, mainly through breaks in the skin. Theoretically, you can also pick up warts from surfaces such as locker room floors or showers, but there’s no way to know how often this occurs. Warts on one part of the body can be spread to other areas, so it’s important to wash your hands and anything that touches your warts, such as nail files or pumice stones.

A wart virus infection is different from a bacterial infection such as strep throat, which can be caught, treated, and eradicated because it progresses in a distinct, reliable pattern. The ways of warts are much less predictable. According to dermatologist Dr. Suzanne Olbricht, “The wart virus resides in the upper layer of the skin, and who knows where or when you picked it up? The virus could have been there for years. Then it makes a wart for reasons we don’t understand. And when the wart goes away, you can still find the virus in the epidermis.”

Common types of skin warts




Raised, rough surface, sometimes with dark specks; light-colored to gray-brown.

Found mostly on the hands, but may appear anywhere. Those under or around the fingernails and toenails can be hard to treat.

Rough, spongy surface kept flat by walking; gray or brown with dark specks.

Found only on the soles of the feet. Clustered plantar warts are called mosaic warts.

Flat or slightly raised; smooth and pink. Smaller than other warts.

Found mostly on the face, hands, and shins. They’re less common than other warts, but when they do appear, it’s often in large numbers.

Treating warts

Studies indicate that about half of warts go away on their own within a year, and two-thirds within two years, so “watchful waiting” is definitely an option for new warts. But some experts recommend immediate treatment to reduce the amount of virus shed into nearby tissue and possibly lower the risk of recurrence. If you prefer not to wait it out, you have several treatment options:

  1. Salicylic acid. This is the main ingredient in aspirin, and it should usually be your first choice. According to one study, salicylic acid is the only topical treatment (treatment applied directly to the skin) that clearly outperforms a placebo. (The study, in the August 2011 issue of the British Journal of Dermatology, combined and reanalyzed data from a number of previous studies.) Salicylic acid costs little, has minimal side effects, and comes in various over-the-counter preparations, including liquids, gels, and patches. Concentrations range from 17% to 40% (stronger concentrations should be used only for warts on thicker skin). To treat a wart, soak it for 10 to 15 minutes (you can do this in the shower or bath), file away the dead warty skin with an emery board or pumice stone, and apply the salicylic acid. Do this once or twice a day for 12 weeks. Warts in thick skin, like the bottom of the foot, may respond best to a patch that stays in place for several days. Continuing treatment for a week or two after the wart goes away may help prevent recurrence.
  2. Freezing. In this treatment, also called cryotherapy, a clinician swabs or sprays liquid nitrogen onto the wart and a small surrounding area. The extreme cold (which may be as low as –321 F) burns the skin, causing pain, redness, and usually a blister. Getting rid of the wart this way usually takes three or four treatments, one every two to three weeks; any more than that probably won’t help. After the skin has healed, apply salicylic acid to encourage more skin to peel off. Some individual trials have found salicylic acid and cryotherapy to be equally effective, with cure rates of 50% to 70%, but there is some evidence that cryotherapy is particularly effective for hand warts.
  3. Duct tape. Although findings have been mixed, anecdotal evidence suggests that this low-risk, low-tech approach may be worth a try. In one study comparing duct tape with cryotherapy, subjects wore duct tape patches over their warts for six days. Then they removed the patches, soaked and filed the warts, left them uncovered overnight, and reapplied the tape in the morning, leaving them in place for another six days. They followed this regimen for two months or until the wart disappeared. In this study, duct tape was about 45% more effective than cryotherapy. Two other studies found no benefit, but those studies used clear duct tape rather than the standard silver type, which is stickier and has a different kind of adhesive. Given this limited evidence, if you plan to try duct tape, it makes sense to use the silver kind. Why duct tape works isn’t clear — it may deprive the wart of oxygen, or perhaps dead skin and viral particles are removed along with the tape. Some people apply salicylic acid before covering the wart with duct tape.
  4. Other agents. Warts that don’t respond to standard therapies may be treated with prescription drugs. The topical immunotherapy drug imiquimod (Aldara), a standard therapy for genital warts, can also be used to treat skin warts. Imiquimod is thought to work by causing an allergic response and irritation at the site of the wart. In an approach called intralesional immunotherapy, the wart is injected with a skin-test antigen (such as for mumps or Candida) in people who have demonstrated an immune response to the antigen. Other agents that may be used to treat recalcitrant warts are the chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil (5-FU), applied as a cream, and bleomycin, which is injected into the wart. All these treatments have side effects, and the evidence for their effectiveness is limited.
  5. Zapping and cutting. The technical name for this treatment is electrodesiccation (or cautery) and curettage. Using local anesthesia, the clinician dries the wart with an electric needle and scrapes it away with a scoop-like instrument called a curette. This usually causes scarring (so does removing the wart with a scalpel, another option). It’s usually reserved for warts that don’t respond to other treatments and should generally be avoided on the soles of the feet.

When to see your clinician

Some skin cancers resemble warts at first. If you have a wart that doesn’t change much in size, color, or shape, you probably don’t need to see a clinician. But if you’re in your 50s and develop new warts, consult a dermatologist. Be suspicious of any wart that bleeds or grows quickly.

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Stages Of A Wart Falling Off

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Secondary infections in the area of cryosurgery are considered rare. Signs include the following.

What is aristocratic freezing? warts

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Cryosurgery or cryotherapy is a common method of removing cancer warts Fields This involves freezing motivated cells or tissue.

Warts are noncancerous tumors caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many different types of wart and all different strains of HPV are fully capable of causing them. The bacteria are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.

Most warts They are painless and harmless and almost all disappear spontaneously after a few months, but may persist for years.

However, it depends on the location, amount, and type a wart Can someone remove them? Cryosurgery is an option in this case. The dermatologic surgeon has the option of performing it or performing it in a shorter period of time. wart There is also the option of trying an over-the-counter cryo kit.

This article explores cryotherapy, its benefits, why people do it, and how effective it is.

Dermatologists usually start by scraping off dead skin cells. the wart With a scalpel. This exposes the more superficial layers of skin, which contain microorganisms, to the freezing agent that provides nitrogen water.

In some cases, the doctor may teach the patient how to perform this scraping the night before the appointment.

They will still most likely recommend the use of salicylic acid gels, creams, and bandages in advance. These products can be purchased online.

The dermatologic surgeon then administers a fixed amount of nitrogen water to the site using a device called a probe, swab, stylet, or cryostat revolver. the wart Preference and use varies, but typically the nitrogen water is in contact with the skin for 10 to 20 seconds.

Blisters appear about 24 hours after treatment. the wart Field In a week or so, this blister may heal along with the blister. the wart .

The current major basic principle recommends two cryosurgery sessions. for wart They are removable, but more may be needed depending on the size. the wart .

A 2011 study showed that the interval between cryotherapy sessions should be 2 months, not 3 months. the wart And minimize side effects.

Nitrogen-based water removal is not dangerous for most healthy individuals. However, a dermatologist may recommend a different approach, depending on a person’s age and general condition. state of their health.

It is not always necessary to remove warts through cryosurgery. Often, especially in children, they heal without healing.

As a person grows into adulthood, medical intervention is more likely to be needed. warts Medical intervention is especially necessary if

  • Causes discomfort or pain
  • Causes friction or pressure
  • Lasts for more than a few years
  • Causes or contributes to low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression
  • Prevents someone from walking or grasping objects comfortably or causes a variety of other impairments
  • are plantar warts that actually form on the soles of the feet.

They may also be the result of health problems that require medical attention from a specialist. The South American Academy of Dermatology recommends the use of one of the appropriate for wart removal:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • A compromised immune system
  • multiple warts across the body
  • warts Bleeding, itching, or pain
  • warts On the face or genitals.

Almost all doctors, though, warts As for cryosurgery, there is limited research to support the use of this procedure in place of concentrated salicylic acid therapy.

However, cryotherapy may be a more effective treatment for certain types of itching. of warts For example, a 2012 study found that the success rate of this procedure as a treatment for joints and genitalia ranged from 60-86%. warts .

A retrospective study in 2015 found higher levels of anger toward the general population. wart It found that the removal rate was 75%, with removal taking an average of 1.18 sessions. warts with cryosurgery.

A 2019 study showed slightly higher disturbance rates for cryosurgical removal of genital lesions. warts : 79-88%. Scientists also found that pregnancy is not dangerous

Plantar warts Generally, they are the most difficult to heal because they grow almost inward due to pressure on the legs. Large. warts Can be difficult to manage.

It is important to note that Cryochurgy or cryotherapy does not address major HPV infections. In real time, healing does not have the opportunity to do this.

Warts have every opportunity to heal and grow again. In other cases, then, the body has the opportunity to rid itself of the microorganism by destroying the remaining HPV cells. wart removal.

No over-the-counter wart Removal products have watery nitrogen. Instead, they contain a mixture of dimethyl ether, propane, and sometimes isobutane.

Homemade products may not be as effective as whine. However, they contain the same acids that doctors use, the acids are present in much lower concentrations, and the freezing chemicals are even greater.

Home care products have the opportunity to do smaller things. warts But they only have the opportunity to reduce the size or external picture of a larger increase.

People may use other methods, such as using adhesive tape in areas in the direction of months. However, these solutions have little or no scientific help.

Most people experience little pain between the crying and the burning sensation when the cry is peeled off and then released.

During and immediately after the procedure, the healing area can change color and swell. It may also be painful for several days.

Blisters appear about 24 hours after the procedure. the wart It is then determined in the direction of 2 or 3 days.

Full recovery usually takes a week. It is essential to keep this time on hand, dry, and free of friction and pressure.

Additional hazards and charges depend on the species, amount, location the wart .

Usually, plantar warts , large warts And those in areas with a lot of pressure and friction usually cause the greatest pain and aggravation, including scarring and tissue damage.

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Long-term healing process and ulceration.
  • Temporary nerve damage close to the location
  • Permanent loss of skin color
  • Scars
  • Skin lesions that return
  • Hair loss according to one evaluation

Dermatologists can reduce the risk of complications by limiting contact with water nitrogen to less than 30 seconds.

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Secondary infections in the area of cryosurgery are considered rare. Signs include the following.

  • Swelling
  • Pus or whitish, yellowish, or brownish fluid from blisters
  • Fever
  • Increased, throbbing pain
  • No symptoms to heal the area after several days of care

Anyone showing signs of secondary infection should contact a physician who can administer important disinfectants or oral antibiotics.

Much of the art will disappear without healing. It is very possible to still have small warts products that are freely available.

If warts Given the huge, myriad, or definitive, skillful removal can be something more than anything else. This is healthy for those with certain acquired disorders or weakened immune systems.

To remove a wart The dermatologic surgeon has the possibility of applying cryoablation or cryotherapy. This involves applying short-term watery nitrogen to the skin. The healing phase takes about a week and deterioration is rare, but chances are good.

Cryochurgy does not heal the underlying HPV infection. warts , and warts It can appear in the same or another location.

  • Connection to nitrofreeze
  • Warts
  • Dr. Scholl Freezes Warts Removal

The last licking of the doctor on January 9, 2023

  • Dermatology
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What are the signs wart Is the removal successful?

Warts are innocent growths that often occur on the hands and feet. Some warts leave alone, but others may continue to exist until the person is healed. People want to warts heal independently or consult a physician.

For example, if someone has a weakened immune system or an underlying medical condition, he or she should first consult a physician before removing to a doctor. any warts .

This message discusses the different types of warts and healing options. It also explains when wart treatment has been effective.

A healthcare professional wearing a green glove and holding a device to remove warts .

Warts are harmless skin tumors that look different. They have every opportunity to occur in every room of the body, but generally strike the hand.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) caused warts HPV (human papillomavirus). It can spread simply among people in close contact. When a person comes into contact with the microorganism, it can infect the superficial layers of the skin and cause skin lesions. a wart The presence of cuts or other skin damage makes this better.

Some people have greater chances warts then others, in what numbers:

  • Children and young adults
  • People with weak immune systems
  • People with skin disorders affecting the skin barrier.

Because there are HPV tribes within the 100 tribes, the microorganisms have the option of causing numerous different types. of warts . Types of warts include:


Common warts it has a brutal, cauliflower-like texture and can appear as a solitary individual warts or within a cluster. They range in size from 1 mm to over 1 centimeter and are usually found on the backs of fingers or toes, around fingernails, or around the knees.


Plantar warts Plantar ulcers growing on the soles of the feet look like calluses, have a hard surface, and contain small dark spots. They can appear solitary. warts or in clusters.

These warts They can be sensitive to pressure and have the opportunity to experience that there is actually a stone in the room while someone is walking around.


Plane warts Flats, warts They usually grow on the face, hands, and shin feet. People usually have a certain number of surfaces warts . Shaving is a condition that spreads the microorganisms to the face or legs.

Wire type

Filiform warts They look like threads or leaves coming out of the skin. They occur on the face, especially around the eyes, nose and mouth, and usually grow fast.


Butcher’s warts look like common warts They may also be seen on the hands, often in some form. warts . However, they appear through certain tribes of HPV and meet people who live and work in cool, wet conditions.

The cure for warts is to remove them the wart instead of treating HPV. Because of this, warts embryos remain and the warts may return after treatment.

About two⁠–thirds of warts The warts are treated autonomously in the direction of 12 to 24 months without leaving scars or side effects.

However, if this is not the case, or if the person wishes to have the lesion removed quickly, there are a variety of options available. warts Healing options of all kinds are readily available.

Salicylic acid

People have every opportunity to choose from a multitude of freely available products, including salicylic acid, which can be used topically for cumulative disease ailments. wart The following is a list of the most common products that can be used topically Daily treatment with salicylic acid eliminates warts within 12 months in 70% of cases.

Scotch Tape

There is no conclusive evidence that duct tape wart removal is effective and does not indicate how long it will take. The idea behind this calculation is to stick to fresh duct tape a wart Every few days a little layer can be removed. the wart .

It is important to note that while one has the opportunity to simply try this method, there are others who have the opportunity not to catch it and have every chance of side effects such as skin reactions and bleeding.


Cryotherapy uses watery nitrogen to freeze the skin. the wart This uses up the surface layer.

People need constant healing for one to two weeks to prevent their the wart climb. after 3 to 4 months of healing, cryotherapy is effective in removing warts in about 70% of cases.

However, cryotherapy can cause the formation of blisters that may last for days or months. This can also lead to permanent white patches of skin and temporary numbness in the healing area.

Electrosurgery and curettes

With electrosurgery and curettes, heat is used to burn the base of the lesion. the wart The heat is then used to burn the base of the lesion. This healing method allows us to heal great things. warts Who are those who have not responded to other healing methods but have some defects?

  • Healing of wounds can take more than two weeks.
  • In 20% of cases, warts can reoccur.
  • Electrosurgery and Scraping have every opportunity to cause irreversible scars with every chance of being painful.

Other treatment options include

Other treatments for warts include:

  • Laser therapy if other methods are ineffective.
  • Bleomycin (Brenoxan) injections
  • Immunotherapy, such as imiquimod (Aldara), turns on the immune system to fight microbes.

How to get rid of warts

Warts are generally harmless and often disappear spontaneously over time, but they can be unsightly, and some warts, such as those on the soles of the feet, can cause pain when walking or exercising. Warts can be difficult to remove, but fortunately there are less invasive ways to treat them.

Anatomy of a Wart

illustration of skin with closeup of wart

Warts grow in the epidermis, the top layer of skin. Typically wart Have a rough, relief-like surface. (Some areas, such as the face, are more likely to be smooth and flat) Center. a wart May be speckled with black dots. These are capillaries that supply blood.

What are warts anyway?

Warts occur when skin cells grow faster than normal due to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) microorganisms. 150 HPV strains within 10 cause skin (cutaneous) warts What is the number of common, plantar and squamous warts (See “Common Skin Types warts “, below). Several other strains cause anal warts and genital warts What are some of the common HPV strains that cause anus? Some HPV types of sexually transmitted infections cause cervical and other genital cancers, but HPV strains that cause skin cancer are rarely associated with cancer. warts It is rarely associated with cancer.

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We all come into frequent contact with HPV, for example when we shake hands or touch doorknobs, but only some people develop HPV, and it is not easy to attribute this to HPV. warts And it is not easy to determine. Babies and people with weakened immune systems are even more at risk. The same thing happens to people in certain occupations, such as workers in the meat, fish, and poultry sectors, although the reasons are not entirely clear. A more likely explanation, however, is simply that some people are more susceptible to the disease. to warts than others.

Skin warts It is not that contagious. There is every possibility that these are transmitted from person to person by direct contact, primarily through skin lesions. On a theoretical level, we still have a choice. up warts impact from surfaces such as locker room floors or showers, but we cannot admit how often that happens. Because warts on one part of the body can spread to other areas, it is important to wash hands and everything else that touches the body. warts For example, nail files and pumice stones.

A wart Viral infections are different from bacterial infections such as acute pharyngitis, which can be detected, treated, and eradicated, because they develop in a precise and reliable pattern. Path. of warts It is far less predictable. Based on a text by dermatologist Dr. Suzanne Olbricht, wart The virus lives in the top layer of the skin and no one knows when or where it was transmitted. The species has been there for years. And it will be for all those years. a wart For reasons we are not aware of. And when the wart it’s gone, it’s still possible to detect the microorganisms within the epidermis.”

General Skin Types warts




Noble, rough surface, sometimes with dark spots. Clear to gray – brown.

Occurs with the host in hand, but can occur anywhere. Under the fingernails and toenails people are difficult to heal.

Rough spongy surface that stays flat when walking. Gray or coffee – with dark spots.

Occurs only on the soles of the feet. Clustered sole. warts are called mosaic warts .

Flat or slightly raised; smooth and iridescent. Smaller than others. warts .

Occurs in large numbers on face, hands and shins. They are less common than others. warts But when they are seen, there are often more.

Treating warts

Studies show that they are within half of warts offline in the direction of one year and 230% offline in the direction of two years, so “watchful waiting” is certainly an option! new warts However, some experts advise immediate healing to reduce the number of microorganisms that end up in adjacent material and reduce the risk of recurrence. If you do not want to wait this out, there are a variety of healing options

  1. Salicylic acid. This is the most important component of aspirin and should usually be the first choice; according to one examination, salicylic acid is considered a single area treatment (especially treatments used on the skin) that is clearly superior to placebo. (An August 2011 Journal of Dermatology study combined and replicated data from many earlier studies.) Salicylic acid is not expensive, has the fewest side effects, and is available in all types of freely available drugs, including liquids, gels, and plasters. Concentrations vary from 17% to 40% (it may only be used on thicker skin) for warts (thicker skin). Treatment. a wart Soak for 10-15 minutes (can be done in the shower or bath), let the dead warty skin with a board or pumice stone of interest and apply salicylic acid. Make this once or twice a day in the direction of 12 months. Thick skin warts, such as soles of feet, are more likely than not to respond to the plaster stays Sit in place for a few days; continued healing after a week or two the wart vacation may help prevent recurrence.
  2. Freezing. With this treatment, also called cryotherapy, the doctor gives swabs or sprays nitrogen into a watery nitrogen the wart and a small surrounding area. Extreme cold (as low a s-321 F) burns the skin, causing pain, redness, and usually blistering. You will be free from the wart Thus, three to four treatments are usually required, one per two to three weeks. It is probably more useless. After the peeling has healed, salicylic acid is applied to make the skin more cleansed. Some individual studies have shown that salicylic acid and cryotherapy are identical, with cure rates of 50% to 70%, but that cryotherapy is more effective. warts .
  3. Scotch tape. Despite the fact that results are mixed, anecdotal evidence suggests that this low-tech, low-risk treatment is worth a try. In one study comparing adhesive tape to cryotherapy, subjects wore the tape for warts for 6 days. Then they removed the locations and soaked them in the the warts they found at night, pricked the tape again in the morning, and left the tape in place for 6 days. They were in this regime for two months or until they the wart disappeared. In this study, the tape was about 45% more effective than cryotherapy. In these studies, colorless tape was used instead of the usual silver image, although in the other two studies there was no advantage. This is considered tacky and contains a different adhesive pattern. Given this limited evidence, it is important to use the silver tape type of tape if you want to try it. Reasons why the tape does not work – no one may be the wart oxygen, or perhaps dead skin and virus particles are removed by the tape. Some folks use salicylic acid before coating. the wart with duct tape.
  4. Other implications. Warts that do not respond to normal therapy have every opportunity to be treated with prescription products. An important immunotherapy product Imiquimod (Aldara), a commonly used therapy for genital war flaccidity. warts It can still be used to cure the skin. warts Imiquimod is believed to work by causing allergic reactions and discomfort on the spot. the wart A therapy called pathogenic immunotherapy, the wart Injected skin tested on a person who had an immune reaction to the RH factor (for example, in cases of mumps or candida). Other means likely to be used to cure repeat cases. warts he chemotherapy drugs used are fluorouracil (5-FU), in the form of cream and bleomycin, injected into the skin. the wart All these curative methods have side effects and their surgical proof is limited.
  5. Share and Cut. The technical titles of this treatment are electrode agglutination (or burn uterization) and curette. By applying local anesthesia, the physician dries the wart with an electronic needle and crushed with a crushed scoop type device. This usually causes scarring (as well as removal of the the wart (There is a scalpel, another option). It is usually reserved. for warts It does not respond to other healing methods and usually follows a trail that ignores the sole.

When should I go to my doctor?

Some forms of cancer are similar warts In the beginning. If you have it. a wart It does not firmly change in volume, color, or shape, so you probably do not need to go to the doctor. However, if you are over 50 and have . new warts you need to consult a dermatologist. Depending on your suspicions any wart It bleeds or grows quickly.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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