Slynd Birth Control Reviews

Compare all 271 medications used in the treatment of Birth Control.

User Reviews for Slynd to treat Birth Control

Slynd has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 282 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 43% reported a negative experience.

Slynd rating summary

5.2 /10 average rating

282 ratings from 293 user reviews.

Compare all 271 medications used in the treatment of Birth Control.

Reviews for Slynd

Christa · Taken for 1 to 6 months · September 13, 2020

“I know there’s lots of ups and downs with Slynd reviews, mainly complaining of bleeding. I have finished my first pack and I have to say, I haven’t experienced anything truly bad at all. I wanted to try an estrogen free option and a different kind of progestin. Drosperinone is actually anti-androgenic and not derived from testosterone, so it has been counter acting my symptoms of my PCOS so far. My period is gone for now and my PMDD symptoms have cleared up noticeably, even after the first week. I have noticed headaches but that may just be my blood sugar as once I grab something to eat, I feel much better. Haven’t noticed any hair loss, weight gain, or pain. If anything, the number on the scale has suddenly started to go down after a year of no movement. My mood is absolutely more even and stable and my intrusive thoughts due to PMDD are so much more manageable. Will update after a couple of months!”

8 / 10
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Drina · Taken for 1 to 6 months · November 30, 2021

“I said I would write my experience good or bad. I am about to start my 3rd pack tomorrow making it month 3. I have had some breakthrough bleeding when I near the inactive pills. Other than the bleeding I have had absolutely no side effects. I was previously on a combination pill and it was making me absolutely mental and my diastolic blood pressure was high so I was taken off it and put on this. Drospirenone is somehow related to spironolactone a blood pressure medication that is used off-label to treat patients with acne. It works by suppressing the hormones that overproduce sebum (oil) anyone complaining of acne probably isn’t getting it from this pill. I suffer from anxiety from time to time and really have not been having any since taking this pill. Combination pills made me have anxiety. The best advice I can give is to try this. Every person is different and in my experience, people are more likely to write a review when they have a bad experience. Don’ let these reviews scare you”

9 / 10
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SanD · May 16, 2020

“I’m on month 4 of Slynd and was prescribed this due to extremely heavy/painful periods and anemia. I’m in my late 40s and have had these issues since I was a teenager. Over the years I have tried nearly every birth control pill available and stopped each due to varying side effects (migraines, mood swings, bloating/weight gain – you name it). I was hesitant to try yet another Bc pill and was actually going into my doctor to talk about getting a hysterectomy just to be able to get my quality-of-life back. I agreed to give this a try first since it doesn’t have any estrogen. First 2 months I had significant breakthrough bleeding (I think I bled for three weeks straight). That said, I am so glad that I stuck it out… Starting the third month all of the spotting and pleading went away and I have had virtually no side effects since then. Add to that, my period has pretty much disappeared over the past couple of months which is amazing. So glad I gave this a try. Life changing.”

10 / 10
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BWano · November 5, 2020

“I’m currently on my third month of taking Slynd and I would NEVER recommend this drug to anyone. I have been on birth control for 15 years and I have tried at least 10 different ones in that amount of time. I have never experienced symptoms as bad as I have on this. I was put on it because my BP at the gyno was slightly high that day (not normally high) so she wouldn’t give me a refill of Sprintec. The first month I didn’t get a period at all, which was concerning for me since I prefer to have a period so I know I’m not pregnant. The second period was a few days late, however, I have now been heavily bleeding for 16 days and it doesn’t appear as though it’s going to stop anytime soon. I cramp all the time and my legs have started to cramp too (assuming that’s from blood loss). I’m on the 2nd week of the third pack and I’m still bleeding from last month’s period. The only reason this pill is effective at preventing pregnancy is because you can’t have sex ever while you’re taking it!”

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1 / 10
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SBano · March 13, 2021

“I have tried almost every pill out there and have had side effects that I didn’t want to live with. My last hope was Slynd. While I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding in the beginning because I was switching from a combination pill, everything worked itself out by the third month. It’s important to give your body time to adjust! My mood is so much better on Slynd with a lot less anxiety and depression. I feel more energized and lost 8 pounds! I have some cramps but other than that I can’t complain. I also noticed less PMS symptoms. It’s a good option for those that don’t do well on the combined pill. I love that it is more forgiving than other POPs and I can be a little late and not have to panic. Also, my insurance didn’t cover it so I am using a coupon and am able to get three packs for $70.”

8 / 10
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Chris. · Taken for 1 to 6 months · August 1, 2020

“I am getting off of this Slynd pill. I cannot take any pills with estrogen, and most progesterone-only pills are too weak for me, so my doctor and I thought this one would be a good fit. I had light bleeding for the first three weeks, but it wasn’t too bad. A few weeks in to taking it I started to have a lot of emotional/mental health issues. I’d cry at the drop of a hat, get angry very easily, and then it turned in to significant anxiety and depression. I also wanted to eat constantly. I do struggle with anxiety normally, but usually not to this extent. I am not myself on this pill. I’ve had difficulty getting out of bed, thinking rational thoughts, etc. I am sure it can work well for others, but maybe not for people who already struggle with anxiety.”

User Reviews for Slynd

Slynd has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 293 reviews on 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 42% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Slynd

Christa · Taken for 1 to 6 months · September 13, 2020

For Birth Control “I know there’s lots of ups and downs with Slynd reviews, mainly complaining of bleeding. I have finished my first pack and I have to say, I haven’t experienced anything truly bad at all. I wanted to try an estrogen free option and a different kind of progestin. Drosperinone is actually anti-androgenic and not derived from testosterone, so it has been counter acting my symptoms of my PCOS so far. My period is gone for now and my PMDD symptoms have cleared up noticeably, even after the first week. I have noticed headaches but that may just be my blood sugar as once I grab something to eat, I feel much better. Haven’t noticed any hair loss, weight gain, or pain. If anything, the number on the scale has suddenly started to go down after a year of no movement. My mood is absolutely more even and stable and my intrusive thoughts due to PMDD are so much more manageable. Will update after a couple of months!”

8 / 10
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Drina · Taken for 1 to 6 months · November 30, 2021

For Birth Control “I said I would write my experience good or bad. I am about to start my 3rd pack tomorrow making it month 3. I have had some breakthrough bleeding when I near the inactive pills. Other than the bleeding I have had absolutely no side effects. I was previously on a combination pill and it was making me absolutely mental and my diastolic blood pressure was high so I was taken off it and put on this. Drospirenone is somehow related to spironolactone a blood pressure medication that is used off-label to treat patients with acne. It works by suppressing the hormones that overproduce sebum (oil) anyone complaining of acne probably isn’t getting it from this pill. I suffer from anxiety from time to time and really have not been having any since taking this pill. Combination pills made me have anxiety. The best advice I can give is to try this. Every person is different and in my experience, people are more likely to write a review when they have a bad experience. Don’ let these reviews scare you”

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9 / 10
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SanD · May 16, 2020

For Birth Control “I’m on month 4 of Slynd and was prescribed this due to extremely heavy/painful periods and anemia. I’m in my late 40s and have had these issues since I was a teenager. Over the years I have tried nearly every birth control pill available and stopped each due to varying side effects (migraines, mood swings, bloating/weight gain – you name it). I was hesitant to try yet another Bc pill and was actually going into my doctor to talk about getting a hysterectomy just to be able to get my quality-of-life back. I agreed to give this a try first since it doesn’t have any estrogen. First 2 months I had significant breakthrough bleeding (I think I bled for three weeks straight). That said, I am so glad that I stuck it out… Starting the third month all of the spotting and pleading went away and I have had virtually no side effects since then. Add to that, my period has pretty much disappeared over the past couple of months which is amazing. So glad I gave this a try. Life changing.”

10 / 10
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BWano · November 5, 2020

For Birth Control “I’m currently on my third month of taking Slynd and I would NEVER recommend this drug to anyone. I have been on birth control for 15 years and I have tried at least 10 different ones in that amount of time. I have never experienced symptoms as bad as I have on this. I was put on it because my BP at the gyno was slightly high that day (not normally high) so she wouldn’t give me a refill of Sprintec. The first month I didn’t get a period at all, which was concerning for me since I prefer to have a period so I know I’m not pregnant. The second period was a few days late, however, I have now been heavily bleeding for 16 days and it doesn’t appear as though it’s going to stop anytime soon. I cramp all the time and my legs have started to cramp too (assuming that’s from blood loss). I’m on the 2nd week of the third pack and I’m still bleeding from last month’s period. The only reason this pill is effective at preventing pregnancy is because you can’t have sex ever while you’re taking it!”

1 / 10
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SBano · March 13, 2021

For Birth Control “I have tried almost every pill out there and have had side effects that I didn’t want to live with. My last hope was Slynd. While I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding in the beginning because I was switching from a combination pill, everything worked itself out by the third month. It’s important to give your body time to adjust! My mood is so much better on Slynd with a lot less anxiety and depression. I feel more energized and lost 8 pounds! I have some cramps but other than that I can’t complain. I also noticed less PMS symptoms. It’s a good option for those that don’t do well on the combined pill. I love that it is more forgiving than other POPs and I can be a little late and not have to panic. Also, my insurance didn’t cover it so I am using a coupon and am able to get three packs for $70.”

8 / 10
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Chris. · Taken for 1 to 6 months · August 1, 2020

For Birth Control “I am getting off of this Slynd pill. I cannot take any pills with estrogen, and most progesterone-only pills are too weak for me, so my doctor and I thought this one would be a good fit. I had light bleeding for the first three weeks, but it wasn’t too bad. A few weeks in to taking it I started to have a lot of emotional/mental health issues. I’d cry at the drop of a hat, get angry very easily, and then it turned in to significant anxiety and depression. I also wanted to eat constantly. I do struggle with anxiety normally, but usually not to this extent. I am not myself on this pill. I’ve had difficulty getting out of bed, thinking rational thoughts, etc. I am sure it can work well for others, but maybe not for people who already struggle with anxiety.”

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].