Many readers are interested in a related subject: should we tell our partners that we have HPV? We are pleased that our manufacturers are already researching current studies on this fascinating subject. We can provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
The sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) is more common than you might think. Statistics show that one quarter of yanks have HPV, making it a more common sexually transmitted disease. Overcoming the disease is not easy, and lack of access to accurate counseling can lead to stress that is responsible.
Do I need to tell my partner that I have HPV?
Yes, you must. It is a fairly common disease and it is important to tell your partner. partner Together you can find the best way to deal with it. Understand that almost all stems of the microbe are not safe and have virtually no symptoms. However, it is important to pass the information on to your physician. partner Do not exist with guilt.
1. they have every opportunity to become dangerous
There are countless tribes of HPV. However, some are innocent and some are unsafe, especially patterns 6 and 11, which have every opportunity to cause genital warts. If you have these raised bumps, you may be fed up with your collisions as well. partner There are other types that have the opportunity to cause cancer of the anus, penis, vulva, vagina, cervix, and head, such as 16 and 18.
If you don’t have HPV for cancer, you usually don’t have to worry too much because the infection causes few signs and may disappear automatically. But it is important partner because you can pass it on to the next person who comes along. partners And they may eventually develop cancer. I have to say. my partner Do you have HPV? Yes, it is necessary and for several reasons:
2. unsafe sex does not always work.
If you don’t think you need to tell your doctor about your infection. partner If you think you don’t need to talk to your doctor about your infection because you are always on your guard for unsafe sexual practices, you are wrong. partner Therefore, due to skin to skin contact, barriers such as condoms and dental dams are not 100% effective. Barrier methods are effective against certain types of STDs such as go disease and syphilis, but they certainly do not help in the case of HPV, especially if there is a specific pattern of HPV transmission. Then everything else reports. partner Therefore, they have a chance to be vaccinated. This significantly reduces the risk of HPV.
3. men probably have not been tested for HPV
This means if he has HPV and sleeps with his partner. partner He can never prove that he is not infected with the embryo unless the genitals naturally cause genital warts. And even if you do not have cancer it does not mean partner that you do not get it. Therefore, you must inform him about your condition, especially if you have one of the highest risk HPV tribes.
What to report and how
Should I tell my partner Do you have HPV? Of course you must, but it is important to remember a few things to simplify the conversation
1. find out more about the infection
Even before deciding to cut the subject and consult a physician, it is important to know a few things to simplify the conversation partner You need to know as much as you possibly can about HPV. You. partner If you can clarify these issues right away, you will probably have more questions about this disease and more than any other. knowing about HPV will certainly help you overcome your condition better than all the others. 1. find out the actual details and be alert to the legends.
2. know that it is not your own fault
Under no circumstance in life are you obligated to blame yourself for an infection. You have done nothing wrong, especially in light of the precedent that most sexually intensive people face infection at some point. All already have the opportunity to possess it without knowing it. Because not all tribes cause symptoms. Keep in mind that infection is never considered a reflection on you, your values, or your character. partner It is seen as a confession. You are obligated to tell them only about their protection. It is also quite possible that you purchased it from them. partner It can be an effort that brings no noticeable signs. 3.
3. know about HPV latency
Knowing what HPV latency is certainly helps simplify the conversation, as it is never easy to literally show when you have been exposed to HPV. You could have been exposed to HPV months ago, or it could be years ago. A recent diagnosis does not always mean that someone is wrong, as symptoms can take years to develop.
4. understand the medical consequences
The medical risks of HPV should be noted. While these risks should not be overlooked, this does not mean that everyone with the infection will eventually develop a serious exacerbation. If the risk voltage is highest, it is imperative to report it. partner about it.
5. choose a favorable moment to speak
It is not fundamental that you announce partner I am not convinced that you will accept surprises. Choose when you are both free and there is nothing that can distract you. What you have learned about infection will certainly help answer your question. partner Listen, but if you’re going crazy, ask yourself. partner Go with them to the next doctor’s appointment. The doctor can help you attribute medical consequences and simplify both conclusions.
6. you decide your own future.
Certainly, there is virtually no reason to end your relationship when you have been partner You have been diagnosed with HPV; if you are infected with HPV partner upset, basically tell them that you have done nothing wrong. Don’t be upset if you don’t get the expected response. Tell them that your condition is curable and that the two of you can continue your relationship forever. Do not confine yourself to your own obligations and expectations for a healthy and normal life. Ask questions & lt; bread & gt; But if things get crazy, you can ask your own partner to go to the doctor with you.