Retainer After Braces

Many of our readers are interested in the correct topic of subsequent orthodontic appliance retention. We are happy to report that our creators have already surveyed contemporary research on your fascinating subject. We offer a wide range of answers, informed by the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Please repeat for further study.

This visit to your dental office was special because the dental office told us that this may be your last visit. It remains to be seen whether your braces will be extracted soon, but it is only a guess. according to your dental calculation criteria, the brace the extraction process may suddenly take longer. If you want to know how long the extraction will take. the braces The answer is “about an hour”. Oh, and don’t forget that most people have … retainer after braces Field Read everything you need to know to be ready as an aristocrat!

When do I put on my retainers after orthodontics?

Retainer After Braces

Orthodontic appliances usually remain on for 1-3 years. However, after they are removed, patients … a retainer In addition, they help to permanently anchor the new position of the teeth (otherwise, the slightest change in position could damage the entire work done so far). braces have done). The retainer They can be used for 6 months or more, but most are worn only at night.

What can I expect? How does it feel?

Some people are still excited when adverse signs appear. retainers and so on apply. It is important to recognize when to remove it. the braces There is no great pain, but some people may feel pressure. Literally, for example. of retainers Most patients report few signs, but some complain of mild pain, which can last up to an hour before the application is submitted. the retainers The orthodontist carefully removes the adhesive from the teeth and cleans them. He usually takes the shape of someone’s teeth, new retainer after braces removal.

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How long will the post-orthodontic retainer be worn?

After examining the teeth, the orthodontist will determine how long the braces need to be worn. retainer As a general rule, the appropriate period is 6 months, but the desired period may vary depending on the life span of the teeth, the patient’s age, and other anatomical and physical data. For example, some men , retainers toward just 3 months, while others may need to do it only at night.

What do retainers look like?

Retainers are made of plastic or metal. There is no set size. for retainers They are individualized because they are tailored according to the needs and requirements of each patient. They can have removable devices or wires attached to the teeth.

Here is a video explaining when and how they are worn retainers :

Why are retainers important?

There are several reasons you have them retainers after braces consider extracting. Many of them are listed below

1. teeth

The most common main reason for using a retainer is that it refines the tooth in the desired state, even after extraction. of braces In the field human body nature grows and as it grows, the teeth move autonomously. A retainer At the same time, it helps prevent and regulate these natural changes.

2. proper space between teeth

For some children, the space between the front teeth is visible. This allows the orthodontist to advise retainers Close or reduce these spaces to bring them closer together. See if the teeth will need to be closed. braces Usually not necessary as the work can be done. by retainers very well.

3. tongue Kooizetters

Tongue cage retainers Used to cure well conditions. This is a “tongue press” where someone sticks his tongue in his teeth during a conversation. Tongue retainers (or crib) prevents the teeth from coming between the teeth when someone converses. A small iron rod hangs from the roof of the mouth. This iron rod helps prevent tooth loss.

Subsequent retention brackets: adjustment and maintenance

After braces The bone and tissue structure of the teeth and the surrounding gums will change. Special attention should be paid when the bracket becomes braces removed because recurrence may occur. The retainer Brackets should be used until the tooth structure or base has stabilized. In case of recurrence. braces Should be used again to straighten the teeth.

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  • A retainer Placed over the teeth or mouth. For example, because each tooth has a different configuration of retainer In other words, they can look the same, but the shapes are different.
  • In the first instance, the orthodontist makes a mold of the tooth structure and the mold is prepared with the help of chalk water. The retainer Then installed, this is considered a quick movement. He is a little sore. the retainer confirmed, but disappears again within an hour. The orthodontist will ask for an adjustment if someone experiences persistent discomfort, pain in the teeth, or checks for cutting gums.
  • Patients experience discomfort when they first communicate the retainer mouth, it is recommended that the teeth begin a slow chat with the the retainer placed. You will feel satisfied with your mouth in a short time retainers And don’t let it disturb you or put pressure on your daily affections.
  • In some cases, there is still excessive saliva with small gaps running with menstruation.


A retainer placed in the oral cavity, where bacteria, dental sculptures, and dental granite still exist in the form of normal flora and components. Finally, maintenance is of retainer very important due to the fact that leaving your teeth behind a retainer standing up, taking every opportunity to exacerbate the risk of oral infection.

  • The proper method of retainer Cleaning is indicated by your orthodontist. It is important to ask your own dentist the right questions so that you do not all retainers need to brush with toothpaste.
  • Plastic retainers dry easily and need to be soaked in a cleaning solution daily, for example a gargle.
  • Do not put plastic in them. retainer in hot water immediately, as cracks may develop. of retainer (And they cannot be used).
  • For retainer Metal threads cannot bend in any direction, as small turns of metal are configured to change the shape of the connection. of retainer .
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].