Pictures Of Flea Bites

Symptoms to note: Lice bites are quite itchy, and an infestation can even feel like something is moving or tickling in the hair (which, to be honest, is what’s happening). This can actually cause trouble sleeping. Sores caused by scratching can also develop easily. The only solution is getting rid of the bugs ASAP.

15 Pictures of Common Bug Bites and How to Identify Their Symptoms

Whether you first notice a sharp pinch, a nagging itch, or a painful sting, discovering a brand-new bug bite—sometimes instantly, but often only days later—is no fun. Some ache, some beg to be scratched, and the worst of the bunch do both. And often, you haven’t the slightest clue which critter could have been the culprit. Have a nasty bite you can’t attribute to a specific house bug or outdoor pest? We’re sharing bug bite pictures to help you properly identify the offender, and how to best treat the wound.

Unfortunately, experience shows us that almost all bug bites look strikingly similar. In fact, experts say that it’s hard to positively identify the offending insect unless you actually catch it in the act. Everyone’s immune system reacts to bug bites and stings differently, producing unique symptoms in each victim, from swelling to itching to pain.

Mild itchiness and pain are normal reactions to insect bites and stings, but if you experience anything more severe than these, including shortness of breath and swelling away from the original site, you should contact a doctor or seek medical attention immediately. It’s possible you could be having a severe allergic reaction, suffering from an insect-borne disease, or experiencing an infection.

You may notice that bug bites pick up in the summer, when you’re outside more often and exposing more skin, but they can occur any time of year—especially if you happen to be preyed upon inside of your home. (Spiders, bed bugs, and fleas don’t hibernate in the winter, sadly.) There are ways to deter the critters from coming your way, especially if you use insect repellent or bug spray, but there’s no perfect solution to ward off the pests.

Although it’s not always possible to know which bug is to blame for your latest bite (or bites), you can often get a pretty good idea based on your skin, the site of the sting, and a few other clues. Ready to get to the bottom of your bug bite mystery? Here are pictures of the most common bug bites to keep on your radar.

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Tick Bites

what do tick bites look like


What they look like: The best way to ID a tick bite is to find one of the insects attached to you—and they can linger for three to six days as they feed on your blood. Some leave a red spot about the size of a dime, but not everyone exhibits this. Tick bites often occur on warmer parts of the body, like the hairline, armpits, behind the knees, and groin.

Symptoms to note: Tick bites are pretty painless and a bit itchy at first, but dangerous, with more serious symptoms appearing days to weeks after a bite. A bullseye rash (pictured here) signals Lyme disease, but other tick-borne illnesses include ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and tularemia, although the risk for each varies depending on the tick’s species.

Spider Bites

what do spider bites look like

mia! / Flickr

What they look like: If you’ve got two tiny puncture marks on your skin (or see a spider crawling away), you are probably dealing with a spider bite. Redness and swelling at the site of the bite are also common. Thankfully, most spiders bite only when provoked.

Symptoms to note: Innocuous spider bites often cause mild pain (like a bee sting) and even itching. But watch out for brown recluses and black widows: The former can cause necrotic lesions, while the latter can bring on muscle spasms, tremors, and nausea. Seek medical help if you suspect a bite from either of these spiders.

Mosquito Bites

how to identify mosquito bite


What it looks like: Mosquito bites present as small, puffy, round bumps that are lighter or redder than the surrounding skin. Bites often center around ankles, hairlines, and the backs of knees and necks, and they’re likely to be isolated—not part of a cluster (unless you were hanging out in prime mosquito territory during dawn or dusk).

Symptoms to note: As you most likely know, mosquito bites are painless at first, then very, very itchy. Some people suffer from “skeeter syndrome,” which causes the bites to grow into painful, swollen welts. Mosquitoes do carry a risk of certain diseases like West Nile and Zika, so monitor for cold- or flu-like symptoms after a bite.

Bed Bug Bites

what do bed bug bites look like

JOEL CARILLET / Getty Images

What they look like: Often confused with mosquito bites, bed bug bites are small, red, puffy bumps that appear in lines or clusters, usually three or more. They can have distinct red marks at their center, and they often appear on exposed skin that touches the bed at night, including the arms, neck, or trunk of the body. With close examination of your room, you can often find the bugs (or their droppings) in your mattress, particularly around the corners, the head end, and the cord that encircles it.

Symptoms to note: Bed bug bites aren’t too painful, but they can be very itchy and swollen. The parasites don’t spread diseases like ticks do; however, they’re difficult to remove and won’t stop biting you until they’re eradicated from your home.

Head Lice Bites

what do head lice bites look like

KostaMumcuoglu / Wikimedia Commons

What they look like: Another too-close-for-comfort pest are head lice, which leave patches of red, abraded spots on the scalp and surrounding skin (like this one pictured). Although their bites are small, the body’s reaction to them makes them grow. You might not even see the bites first—the initial giveaway might be tiny lice eggs (a.k.a. nits) first.

Symptoms to note: Lice bites are quite itchy, and an infestation can even feel like something is moving or tickling in the hair (which, to be honest, is what’s happening). This can actually cause trouble sleeping. Sores caused by scratching can also develop easily. The only solution is getting rid of the bugs ASAP.

Flea Bites

what do flea bites look like

Michael Voelker / Flickr

What they look like: Like bed bug or lice bites, flea bites are red bumps that appear in lines and clusters. They’re distinctively small, and they often have reddish halos surrounding them. Fleas tend to bite around the ankles and in warm places like the knees, groin, and armpits—but honestly, they usually prefer your pets.

Symptoms to note: Flea bites are very itchy, and they might even become sore or painful, causing a rash around the affected skin. Scratching the bites could cause these symptoms to worsen or even lead to infection.

what do fly bites look like

Citron / Wikimedia Commons

What it looks like: There are a few major fly species that bother people in the United States, including deer, horse, stable, and black flies. Bites vary by species and person, but they’re often raised, red bumps or welts. Some might even bleed. Blackfly bites also might swell. (Pictured here is a horse fly bite.)

Symptoms to note: More often than not, fly bites are going to hurt. After the pain subsides, some may also become itchy, but most fly bites are innocuous. In rare cases, deer flies can pass on the bacterial disease tularemia (which can cause a painful ulcer), and blackfly bites can lead to a flu-like condition called “blackfly fever.”

Sand Fly Bites

what do sand fly bites look like

helovi Getty Images

What they look like: Sand fly bites are distinct from those of other flies. They can appear alone, but often present in groups of small, red bumps or blisters.

Symptoms to note: Sand fly bites are generally painful and may start to itch. In certain parts of the world—including the tropics, subtropics, and southern Europe–they can transmit cutaneous leischmaniasis, a parasitic infection that causes skin lesions and ulcers.

Chigger Bites

what do chigger bites look like

TimVickers Wikimedia Commons

What they look like: Also known as berry bugs or harvest mites, chiggers are those tiny, red mites that are almost invisible to the naked eye. Their bites take the form of flat, red patches or raised, red bumps, and they sometimes might even become blisters or pustules. Chiggers often bite the ankles, wrists, thighs, groin, and waist.

Symptoms to note: Contrary to popular belief, chiggers don’t burrow into your skin or suck blood—but that doesn’t make their bites any less itchy. The severe discomfort can last up to two weeks, but mites don’t spread disease, at least within the United States.

Ant Bites and Stings

what do ant bites look like

JodiJacobson Getty Images

What they look like: Some ants can bite and sting. If you’re dealing with an aggressive one, it’s probably a fire ant, which are more common in the southern states. Fire ants, because they’re so lovely, will actually bite you so they can hold themselves against your body—and then proceed to sting you with their backend. The result can cause a pimple-like pustule, although some people don’t react at all.

Symptoms to note: Fire ant stings are very painful due to the potency of their venom, and since ants don’t lose their stingers when they attack, you’ll probably end up with multiple wounds. The inflammation and pain can take days or weeks to go away, and sometimes checking in with a doctor is needed.

Bee Stings

bee sting on skin

stellalevi Getty Images

What it looks like: Bee stings vary from person to person. Some people exhibit only a small, light spot, while others get a larger, red welt. There also might be a white spot at the center where the sting occurred. In the case of a honey bee sting, the barbed stinger is often still attached—which will keep pumping venom into your body until you remove it.

Symptoms to note: Bee stings cause moderate pain, which should subside within a few hours. All insect stings can cause life-threatening allergic reactions, and bee stings are no exception. Monitor your symptoms after a sting and call 911 if you notice the signs of anaphylaxis, including swelling beyond the sting site, tightness in the chest or throat, or trouble breathing.

what does scabies look like

Cixia / Wikimedia Commons | Tim Kubacki / Flickr

What it looks like: Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a mite. Untreated, these microscopic mites can live on your skin for months. They reproduce on the surface of your skin and then burrow into it to lay eggs. This causes an itchy, red rash to form on your skin. The extremely itchy rash may be pimply, made up of tiny blisters, or scaly.

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Symptoms to note: After the initial exposure to scabies, it can take 2 to 5 weeks for symptoms to appear. If you’ve had scabies before, the symptoms usually develop more quickly, often as soon as 1 to 4 days after exposure. The hallmark symptoms of scabies include a rash and intense itching that gets worse at night. Continuous scratching of the infected area can create sores that can become infected. If this occurs, reach out to your doctor; additional treatment with antibiotics for the skin infection may be needed.

Wasp Stings

what do bee stings look like wasp

borchee Getty Images

What it looks like: Wasp stings can be uncomfortable, but most people, without wasp sting allergies, recover quickly and without complications. Typical wasp stings present as sharp pain, redness, swelling, and itching or burning at the sting site. Often, a raised welt will appear around the sting site. A tiny white mark may be visible in the middle of the welt where the stinger punctured your skin. Usually, the pain and swelling recedes within several hours of being stung.

Symptoms to note: More concerning reactions to wasp stings, that may indicate some level of allergy to the venom, include extreme redness and swelling that increases for two or three days after the sting. Nausea and vomiting can also occur. Most times, these reactions will subside on their own in about a week. You should let your doctor know right away if you have a more concerning reaction after a wasp sting.

Some people with more severe allergies to wasp stings may go into anaphylactic shock, which can be life threatening. If you experience any severe swelling of the face, lips, or throat; hives or itching in areas of the body not affected by the sting; breathing difficulties, such as wheezing or gasping; loss of consciousness; nausea or vomiting; or weak or racing pulse, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Yellow Jacket Stings

bee sting on human skin

HAYKIRDI Getty Images

What it looks like: Similar to wasps and bees, when a yellow jacket stings you, it pierces your skin with its stinger and injects a poisonous venom that causes sudden pain. After being stung, you may also experience swelling or redness around the sting for a few hours. Fatigue, itching, and warmth around the injection site are also common symptoms people experience after a sting.

Symptoms to note: Some symptoms warrant emergency medical attention. These may include: coughing or wheezing; problems breathing or swallowing, or having tightness in your throat; changes to your skin, such as breaking out into hives; feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or passing out; or vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms may indicate a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. If you or someone near you exhibits these symptoms, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Brown Recluse Spider Bite

brown recluse spider bite

K2sleddogs / Flickr Creative Commons

What it looks like: The brown recluse spider, or violin spider, is about 1-inch long and has a violin-shaped mark on its upper back. It is often found in warm, dry climates and prefers to stay in undisturbed areas such as basements, closets, and attics. It is not an aggressive spider, but will attack if trapped or held against the skin. When the brown recluse bites, it is often painless—then skin reddens, turns white, develops a red “bull’s-eye,” blisters, and becomes painful. Venom from the brown recluse spider usually causes local tissue damage.

Symptoms to note: Moderate to severe pain and itching at the site of the bite is typical and usually occurs 2 to 8 hours after the spider has injected its venom. Rare complications include fever, body aches, nausea, vomiting, hemolytic anemia, rhabdomyolysis, and kidney failure. These bites can be deadly in rare cases. If you suspect that you’ve been bitten by a brown recluse, seek medical care immediately. If you can, bring the spider with you for positive identification.

Jake Smith Jake Smith, an editorial fellow at Prevention, recently graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in magazine journalism and just started going to the gym.

Madeleine Haase Madeleine, Prevention’s assistant editor, has a history with health writing from her experience as an editorial assistant at WebMD, and from her personal research at university.

Flea Bites

Flea bites are small, discolored bumps on your skin that come from fleas feeding on your blood. Fleas are small insects known as vectors (living things that carry diseases between animals and humans). Vectors often carry infections through blood.

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Flea bites on a person’s ankle look like small, red bumps.

What are flea bites?

Flea bites are small, discolored bumps on your skin that come from a flea feeding on your blood.

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects. They are dark brown or black and have flat bodies. They have six legs, strong claws on the bottoms of their legs that allow them to hold onto a host and mouthparts that pierce your skin and feed on your blood. Their hind legs are longer and stronger than their legs in the middle and the front, allowing them to jump over 12 inches.

There are more than 2,500 flea species in the world and more than 300 species in the United States.

Flea bites rarely cause any lasting harm. They cause mild annoyance and irritation for a short period. However, flea bites can be dangerous because they may spread diseases that can be serious or even fatal.

Where are fleas found?

Fleas are most active when the weather is warm. Outside, fleas prefer cool, damp areas with a lot of shade. They live around trees, leaves, tall grass and shrubs. Fleas hop onto animals when they walk by these areas.

On dogs, cats and other animals, fleas live around the ears, neck, back and belly (abdomen). Once inside your home, fleas may jump off an infested animal and hide. They often hide in carpet, furniture, bedding and cracks in the floor.

Why do fleas bite?

Male and female fleas feed on blood. Female fleas lay eggs after feeding on blood. In some flea species, especially the species that commonly bother dogs and cats, baby fleas (larvae) feed on blood-rich adult flea poop (feces). Flea poop is also called flea dirt.

Do fleas bite humans?

Fleas bite humans. However, the flea species that commonly bother dogs and cats don’t live on humans. Dogs and cats have much more hair than humans. Fleas like animals with a lot of fur because fur allows them to hide easily.

What happens when a flea bites you?

Fleas have strong claws on the ends of their legs that they use to hold onto a host. Their mouthparts include a tiny needle (proboscis) that pierces your skin, sucks your blood and secretes saliva into your bloodstream.

Why do flea bites itch?

When a flea secretes saliva into your bloodstream, your body registers the saliva as an allergen. Your immune system then sends the chemical histamine to the area where the flea bit you to remove the allergen from your body. Histamine is what causes your flea bites to itch and swell. Most people have a flea bite allergy.

Who is at risk of being bitten by a flea?

Fleas prefer to bite animals. If there isn’t an animal in the area, fleas will bite anyone. The following factors attract fleas:

  • Body heat.
  • Breathing (carbon dioxide or CO2).
  • Movement.
  • Vibrations.

Symptoms and Causes

What do flea bites look like on humans?

After a flea bites you, a small, discolored bump forms. A discolored ring or halo may appear around the bite. Flea bites may appear in a straight line or a cluster of many bites.

Flea bites most commonly occur on your legs, especially your feet, calves and ankles. Flea bites rarely appear above your knee, unless you spend a lot of time sitting or lying down.

What causes a flea bite?

Male and female fleas bite. They feed on your blood as part of their diet. Female fleas lay eggs after feeding on blood. In some flea species, flea babies feed on adult flea poop, which contains blood.

What are the symptoms of a flea bite?

The symptoms of a flea bite vary. If the flea has a disease or an allergic reaction occurs, the symptoms may be more severe.

Common symptoms include:

  • Itchy and irritated skin.
  • A discolored ring around the bite.

More severe symptoms can include:

  • An allergic reaction (hives, rash, shortness of breath and swelling).
  • Infection of a disease carried by a flea (fever, headache, body aches, rashes, nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss, dizziness and weakness can accompany various diseases).

Diagnosis and Tests

How can you tell if it’s a flea bite?

Flea bites are slightly more unique than other common insect bites. After a flea bites you, a small, discolored bump typically forms. A discolored ring may form around the bite. Flea bites don’t swell to the size of mosquito bites.

Flea bites are also unique because of their bite pattern and location. Flea bites often appear in a straight line or a cluster. Fleas are more likely to bite you on your legs, especially your feet, calves and ankles.

It’s important to examine your pets. If your pets are scratching more than normal and restless, it’s a good idea to check them for fleas. If your pet has fleas and you have bites on your legs, you likely have flea bites.

Management and Treatment

How are flea bites treated?

Flea bites typically don’t need treatment. Over-the-counter anti-itch creams or ointments and antihistamines can relieve itchy skin and discomfort. However, see your healthcare provider if more severe symptoms develop after a bite (allergic reaction, fever, headache or body aches).

How do I stop flea bites from itching?

Don’t scratch your flea bites. You risk breaking your skin and exposing yourself to infection. If you accidentally break your skin, keep the area clean by washing it with soap and water and covering your flea bites with a bandage. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have an infected flea bite.

Flea bites only last a few days. However, there are many over-the-counter products or home remedies that can stop flea bites from itching.

Home remedies are safe for most people. However, it’s a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before trying some of the following options to get rid of your flea bites. You may be at risk of developing an allergic reaction on your skin.

  • Antihistamines: Antihistamines are a popular flea bite treatment. Histamine is a chemical created by your immune system. Your body releases histamine after it encounters an allergen. Histamine is what makes flea bites itch. You can take an antihistamine as a pill, or you can apply it directly to your flea bite as a cream or ointment.
  • Hydrocortisone: Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid combined with an anesthetic pain reliever. It relieves itching and swelling. You can apply it directly to your flea bite as a cream or ointment.
  • Ice: Ice can slow down the amount of blood that flows to an area. It reduces inflammation, pain, swelling and itchiness. Apply an ice pack covered in a light towel over the area for at least 10 minutes for flea bite relief.
  • Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a succulent plant. The gel in its leaves contains salicylic acid, which relieves itching and pain. You can apply aloe gel directly to your flea bite.
  • Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea contains dried chamomile flowers. The dried chamomile flowers contain terpenoids and flavonoids, which are natural chemicals that have antioxidant and antihistamine properties. To treat a flea bite, add a chamomile tea bag to water. Let the tea bag steep for at least 20 minutes until the water is a rich gold-brown color. Remove the tea bag from the water and squeeze the tea bag to remove excess water. Press the tea bag to your flea bites for at least 10 minutes, and then wipe your bites with a clean towel. Put the wet tea bag in a container in your refrigerator so that you can reuse it on your bites throughout the day.
  • Honey: Honey has many properties that relieve itching and pain. Honey contains an enzyme called catalase, which provides relief for minor inflammation. Put on enough unprocessed honey to lightly cover your flea bites. To avoid accidentally creating a sticky mess, you can also put a bandage on top of your honey-covered flea bites.
  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal contains properties that can soothe itchy flea bites. The best way to use oatmeal to treat your flea bites is to grind it into a fine powder (colloidal oatmeal) in a blender or food processor. Mix the oatmeal powder with warm water until it becomes a thick, sticky paste. Apply enough of the oatmeal paste to completely cover your flea bites. After at least 10 minutes, wipe off the paste with a clean towel.
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How do I stop getting bitten by fleas?

To stop flea bites, you must get rid of the fleas. Fleas are more likely to bite your pet. Check your pet for fleas around their ears, neck, back, and belly. Part your pet’s fur and look around its skin. If you find fleas, here are some removal options:

  • Flea comb: The tines on a flea comb are very close together. When you brush your pet’s fur, fleas get stuck in the tines. If you see fleas in the comb, dunk the comb in a bowl of soapy water.
  • Flea shampoo: Soak your pet in warm water and thoroughly apply a flea shampoo. Avoid getting shampoo in your pet’s eyes and mouth.
  • Medicine: Give your pet over-the-counter or prescription flea medicines. Some medicines are oral (taken by mouth). Other medicines are topical (put on the skin).
  • Wash the bedding: Wash your pet’s bedding in hot water every few days. Wash your bedding in hot water, too, especially if your pet sleeps with you. Dry the bedding on the highest heat setting.
  • Vacuum: Use a strong vacuum to thoroughly clean your carpets, rugs and fabric furniture. When you finish, immediately empty the vacuum’s contents into a bag, seal it and throw it away outside.

Bed bug bites vs. flea bites

Like fleas, bed bugs feed off your blood and secrete saliva into your bloodstream. Bed bug bites look similar to flea bites. However, bed bug bites often exhibit a distinct line or zigzag pattern. Bed bugs are active at night, and they’ll bite your exposed skin while you’re sleeping, including your face, hands, arms, feet and legs.

Flea bites vs. mosquito bites

Mosquitos are small, flying insects. They also feed off your blood and secrete saliva into your bloodstream. Mosquito bites look a little different than flea bites. After a mosquito bites you, a small, raised bump forms. The raised bump may change colors, and you can sometimes see a small, dark spot in the center. The dark spot is where the bite occurred.

Living With

How do fleas spread disease?

Fleas spread disease through their bites. Fleas are vectors (living things that carry diseases between animals and humans). Vectors often carry infections through blood. Many of the creatures classified as vectors are bloodsuckers. Other vectors include ticks, mosquitoes and sandflies.

In rare cases, fleas can spread tapeworms and other parasites to animals and people. Parasites can spread if a person or animal were to swallow an infected flea accidentally. In houses with a flea infestation, young children are more likely to get a parasite than adults. Young children spend more time on the floor, and fleas like to hide in carpets and cracks.

What types of diseases can be spread by flea bites?

Fleas sometimes carry diseases that can infect humans. Some of those diseases include:


Plague most commonly affects small rodents in Africa, Asia, North America and South America. Most human cases of plague in the United States occur in the western part of the country, especially in rural New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, California, Oregon and Nevada. Infected fleas can transmit plague to humans. Humans can also get plague after handling an infected animal. Symptoms of plague include:

  • Flu-like symptoms like fever, aches and chills.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Bleeding under the skin or other organs.
  • Weakness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain in the chest and/or abdomen.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.

Endemic murine typhus

Endemic murine typhus commonly occurs in warm coastal areas in tropical and subtropical regions. Most cases in the United States occur in southern California and Texas. Infected fleas transmit endemic murine typhus to humans through flea poop. Infected flea poop enters your body through broken skin — typically from scratching a flea bite — or by inhaling it through your mouth or nose. Symptoms of endemic murine typhus include:

  • General discomfort.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in your muscles and/or joints.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Fever and/or chills.
  • Rash.
  • Cough.

Cat Scratch Disease (CSD)

CSD commonly occurs throughout the world. In moderate climates, more cases occur during the fall and winter seasons. In tropical climates, cases occur throughout the year. Fleas pass on the bacteria _Bartonella _to cats. Fleas can sometimes pass the bacteria to dogs or other animals. Infected cats also pass the bacteria during fights with other cats. Cats — especially kittens — pass the infection to humans through a bite or scratch. Symptoms of CSD include:

  • A small, discolored blister or pimple near the scratch or bite.
  • Swollen, painful lymph nodes.
  • General discomfort.
  • Fever.
  • Night sweats.
  • Weight loss.


Tapeworm larvae and the larvae of other parasites sometimes infect fleas. Infected fleas can spread parasites to animals and humans. Animals and humans must swallow an infected flea to acquire a parasite. Animals may swallow an infected flea while grooming. Humans rarely acquire parasites from infected fleas. Most cases involve children, who spend more time on the ground around places where fleas hide. Symptoms of parasites include:

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Weight loss.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.

When should I see a healthcare provider?

You should see a healthcare provider if you experience an allergic reaction to flea bites or develop symptoms of a disease or parasite carried by fleas.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Flea bites are an itchy, annoying problem for you and your pets. In most cases, flea bites are ultimately harmless. But you shouldn’t scratch your flea bites. You can relieve your itch with many over-the-counter or home remedies. Contact your healthcare provider if your bite symptoms last longer than a few days or if you develop an allergic reaction or other symptoms.

What do Flea Bites Look Like – Flea Bite Pictures

Flea bites on human

Flea bite pictures

If you are suffering from flea bites, you may be experiencing what you see on the images. These flea bite pictures will help determine if you have been attacked by these little monsters. Please note that other issues, like allergic reactions or other bug bites, can also look like flea bites. If you’re unsure of the cause, you should have your doctor look at it. So what do flea bites look like? Take a look at the pictures below.

Flea bites on humans

Fleas often attack the feet, ankles and legs as they are easy targets, being close to the ground. These photos show what flea bites on the feet can look like.

flea bites on childs leg

Flea Bites Feetflea bites feet

Don’t scratch the bites as they may get infected and look even worse. Avoid big scars once the wounds heal.

flea bites footflea bites legs

After the feet, naturally, the fleas will start moving up to your ankles. The itching and scratching continues.

flea bites ankleflea bites ankle

Every case is different, depending on the extend of the bite area, so your bites may look slightly different.

So what do flea bites look like on the legs? These images show some unlucky people who have been bitten in this common area.

flea bites legs feetflea bites legs

As you can see on the next couple of flea bite pictures, the fleas have reached the stomach area. Some people get bitten here without having bites on the feet or legs first. If you have a pet that sleeps in your bed, this is a common problem. Be sure to treat your pet every month to avoid this.

flea bites stomachflea bites stomach

The next image shows what an arm can look like after a flea attack. Fleas can bite any part of the body.

flea bites arm

Treating flea bites on humans

Flea bites close up

Flea bites can be very annoying to some people and others may have no symptoms at all. This is because some people are naturally immune to the bites. In others, the body produces histamine in reaction to the protein and enzymes in flea saliva. This causes itchiness, swelling, redness and other symptoms. Here are some steps you can take to treat flea bites and get relief from pain and inflammation:

RECOMMENDED: Here are 10 effective products that can help you get rid of fleas quickly.

  • Wash the skin (bitten area) with cool or tepid water.
  • Apply mild antibacterial soap.
  • Pat the skin dry gently.
  • Apply some Calendula ointment or lotion on the blisters.
  • If nothing is available, you can also ice the skin. Wrap the ice cube in a thin, clean cloth and gently press it on the bitten area. Ice the region for at least 20 minutes. The cool sensation will reduce pain and prevent swelling.
  • You can also apply soothing Aloe vera gel on the bites. Aloe vera is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. This reduces pain and prevents secondary infections.
  • For very severe bites, you can apply hydrocortisone cream that is available over-the-counter. This will reduce itchiness and redness. Do not use steroidal creams for more than 3 days as they get absorbed by the skin and could have adverse side effects.
  • If you have been bitten all over the body, you can soak in a tub bath filled with warm water added with a cup of colloidal oatmeal. Oatmeal soothes the itch and inflammation. You can also use Aveeno colloidal oatmeal body wash to soothe the skin.
  • As far as possible, do not scratch the bites. This could lead to secondary skin infections.

What do flea bites look like on dogs?

If you suspect your pet has been bitten, this next image illustrates what flea bites on dogs can look like.

Flea bites on dog

This last photo shows how fleas usually get to you and inside your home. If you have found fleas, act now before the flea infestation gets out of hand. Here are 10 easy ways to get rid of them.

Flea on dog

Treating flea bites on pets

Flea bite allergy is painful and irritating to pets. It causes severe itchiness and in some cases, hair loss. The good news is that you can prevent all these complications by treating your pet with a flea product such as flea drops. For existing bites and allergic reactions, use the following remedies:

  • Bathe your pet with a mild shampoo containing soothing ingredients like Aloe vera, witch hazel, rosemary essential oil, lavender oil, or oatmeal.
  • You can apply some Aloe gel directly on the lesions.
  • Alternatively, dab on some Calendula or Calamine/Caladryl lotion on the bites.
  • Witch hazel is also soothing and can calm the irritation and pain.
  • Coconut oil can help reduce dry, flaky scabs.
  • Feed your pet homeopathic supplements with Sulphur 30c potency. A few pellets can show results in a short time – simply place the pellets in your pet’s gums. You can administer the medicine 2-3 times a day safely.
  • Some vets also recommend a multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement to dogs and cats. This makes them immune to flea bites. Discuss this with your vet first. In general, pills with Vitamin B1 can be beneficial. Vitamin C acts as a detoxifier and immune builder.
  • Brewer’s yeast is also effective. It is rich in B-vitamins and makes pets more immune to flea bites.
  • Pets prone to flea allergy dermatitis can also be given Evening primrose oil or Vitamin B5 supplements.

Herbs for flea control in pets

Herbs for flea control in pets

I am a big proponent of natural, herbal treatment and prevention when it comes to our pets health. Here are some effective natural solutions:

  • Make a flea collar with eucalyptus oil. The strong scent of the oil is repulsive to fleas. Re-treat the collar with eucalyptus oil every 3 days.
  • Juniper, cedarwood, Citronella, germanium, lavender and eucalyptus oils are great for flea control in dogs. For cats, only use lavender oil. All essential oils mentioned here should be diluted and are for external use only. Never use Pennyroyal oil on or near cats as it is toxic to felines.

I hope your question as to what flea bites look like has been answered. Read more about flea bite treatment.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].