Please note that a dying wart still has the potential to grow if treatment is not continued until it is completely eliminated. You should be sure your skin is totally free first before ending the treatment.
How to identify types of warts
Warts are a type of non-cancerous skin growth. They may appear as bumps on the skin or skin tags, or they may grow on stalks. Some show as calloused skin with black specks. The appearance of warts can vary widely, depending on the type.
A 2019 article indicates that warts can occur on numerous parts of the body. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), warts are typically rough and skin-colored, although they can also be dark, smooth, and flat.
Although warts can be itchy, painful, tight, or cause a feeling of pressure, they do not usually produce any other symptoms. Different strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) cause warts.
This article will look at the different types of warts, as well as causes, treatments, and how to prevent them.
The location of the wart and its appearance will determine which sort of wart a person has:
Common warts
According to the AAD, common warts often develop on the fingers, nails, toes, or the back of the hand. Sometimes, common warts develop on the knees.
Common warts usually occur in areas of broken skin, such as around bitten fingernails or where someone has pulled a hangnail.
Common warts are rough in texture and can vary in size from a pinhead to pea size. Some common warts contain tiny, seed-like black dots.
A common wart that resembles a cauliflower in appearance is known as a butcher’s wart.
Plantar warts
Plantar warts usually occur on the feet or ankles. Doctors often refer to plantar warts that grow on the soles of the feet and toes as verrucas.
Plantar warts resemble thick, calloused skin, often with black dots on the surface.
Because plantar warts tend to develop on the soles, they are often flat, and a person can push them inward as they walk. This inward growth can cause pain and create the feeling of a pebble stuck in the person’s shoe.
According to a 2019 article , mosaic warts appear in clusters, usually on the ball of the foot or the toes. However, mosaic warts can cover areas anywhere on the sole of the foot.
Mosaic warts are paler and flatter than plantar warts.
Flat warts
Flat warts, or plane warts, are slightly raised and smooth in appearance. Flat warts can be light brown and develop most often on the forehead and cheeks. However, flat warts can also develop on the hands, lower arms, and legs.
Filiform warts
According to the AAD, filiform warts are long and spiky and often appear around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Filiform warts grow quickly.
Periungual warts
Periungual warts grow around the finger and toenails, usually spreading underneath the nail. According to an article in Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, the location of periungual warts can make them difficult for a person to treat.
Genital warts
Genital warts are a form of sexually transmitted infection (STI). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that genital warts usually cause no additional symptoms. However, depending on the size and location, they can cause pain or itchiness.
Genital warts range in color from pink to dark brown and can be flat, bumpy, or grow from the skin on stalks. A 2015 article notes that genital warts can occur in the following locations:
Warts caused by the same strain of HPV can also occur on the lips or inside the mouth. These warts are called mucosal warts.
The HPV strain that causes genital warts can also cause certain types of cancer. For this reason, a person who thinks they may have genital warts should see a doctor immediately.
What Does a Wart and Verruca Look Like When it is Dying till Completely Dead and Gone?
You have been treating warts for some time, but you are not sure if your treatment has worked or not.
How do you know when a wart or verruca is dying, or completely dead?
It is important to know when your treatment has been sufficient so you can stop further application, and what you should do to prevent your warts from coming back to haunt you.
What do HPV Warts Look Like in the Beginning Stages when they Start?
Warts don’t usually cause any painful discomfort, so you can’t use that as an accurate means to tell if they are dead or gone.
During the start of a wart on finger or foot, it usually appear rough on the surface or smooth over the top. Sometimes, it is possible to spot the tiny blood vessels through which warts get blood supply.
In the case of genital warts, there is no definite description based on size because it widely varies.
A cluster of little bumps measuring about 2 cm or slightly bigger, usually in the skin color.
Video and Pictures: What are the Telling Signs of a Dying Wart?
Plantar warts can die off on its own after a while as the body’s natural defenses come to aid, or if you have applied some treatment on it. For instance, natural extracts from Japanese mushrooms known as AHCC show proven results in treating HPV wart and boosting human body immune system.
The appearance of plantar warts below your feet can be a source of discomfort as well. You need to move around and this will not be possible without troubling warts. It is a good idea to know if your wart is dying, this way you will know if the treatment is being effective and when to stop.
A dead wart falls out of its position. It leaves a hole which will be later sealed up as the skin heals but the wart falling off does not mean the viral content has been destroyed. Viruses can survive in the plantar warts hole for a while, so it is important that it should be sealed to prevent it from spreading.
So what does a wart look like when it is dying?
One way you can tell if a wart is dying is if it is shrinking. Reduction in size means the wart is dying off. This is a good sign. The wart will begin to fall apart; a little rub with your fingers can cause some parts to fall off.
The brief video below contains pictures that show what does a wart look like when it started forming and developing in the beginning stages – and the appearance when it was dying, healing, till completely dead and gone after cryotherapy freezing treatment.
How to Tell if a Wart is Completely Dead and Gone?
Okay, now you have confirmed your wart is dying, are you thinking of stopping the treatment?
Please note that a dying wart still has the potential to grow if treatment is not continued until it is completely eliminated. You should be sure your skin is totally free first before ending the treatment.
There are also cases where individuals use very harsh methods to kill off their warts, causing bruises and some damage to the surrounding skin. In this case, you might actually get rid of the wart but remember, it contains a virus which might have affected the broken skin around it.
How can you confirm that there is no trace of HPV warts and verrucas after treatment?
We already know that a wart looking shrunken or if it has fallen off doesn’t mean it is completely dead. In this case, treatment can continue but it is important to know when all traces of warts have been eliminated, at that point treatment can be discontinued.
Many individuals also stop treating warts on their feet when the pain stops. The absence of pain doesn’t mean warts have been killed off permanently. It can still grow and spread.
We have listed out some notable signs that indicate the warts is dead and gone:
Typically, dead warts drop off from their position on the skin, leaving behind a hole. The absence of a bump or dark spots usually indicates the wart is completely removed.
Below is another comprehensive video with photos / images that clearly demonstrate how did a dying common wart on finger progress to be a dead wart, until it has gone.
How to Prevent HPV Warts from Coming Back to Haunt You?
While the complete elimination of warts cannot be confirmed by only one of the signs above, you should investigate the affected spot with more than one method to confirm that it is completely gone. If all the tests turn out correct, the warts are dead. However, we suggest that treatment should not be immediately stopped to prevent a recurrence. Careful observation should continue alongside treatment until you are finally convinced all traces of warts have been eliminated. Even after your warts are completely gone, there are many cases that show wart can come back. With our body immune level is the first line of defense against the HPV wart virus, people with weakened immune systems are at greater risk to have recurring warts. As such, it is important to keep your body immunity strong.
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