Normal blood glucose levels in children

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Given the rapid growth rate of children, there is no doubt that their bodies need a constant supply of glucose to function at a healthy pace. a normal What very healthy blood! sugar levels in juveniles are always higher than in adults. If your baby’s blood levels are higher or lower, you should consult your doctor. sugar Since each child has different glucose requirements, you should consult your doctor to determine if the levels are considered healthy for your child. You should check to see if the blood glucose level is high or low. sugar This level may indicate diabetes. For this condition, you must first obtain clear information about the problem. the normal blood sugar For children, try to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

Normal blood glucose levels in children

Normal blood sugar Your child’s levels will vary widely depending on age and other factors. The following table will certainly help you get the best idea regarding normal blood sugar for boys of various ages.

Normal blood glucose levels for children (in mg/dl)

150 and above

150 and above

Symptoms and causes of abnormal blood glucose levels in children

Normal blood glucose levels in children

Because young children may not be able to communicate their feelings to their caregivers, caregivers should be aware of certain signs associated with abnormal blood glucose levels. sugar .

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1. signs and causes of hypoglycemia

Low blood sugar, also called hypoglycemia sugar occurs when blood glucose levels fall below the levels needed for the body to function properly. More common signs of hypoglycemia sugar include pallor, irritability, tremors, drowsiness, lethargy, slowness, slurred speech, poor coordination, excessive sweating, discouragement, and possibly decreased reaction time.

The most common conditions of hypoglycemia are not eating enough, taking large amounts of insulin, or skipping meals. Intense physiological exercise is still likely to increase blood sugar levels quickly.

2. signs and causes of hyperglycemia

Also called hyperglycemia, the most common symptoms of hyperglycemia sugar include fatigue, frequent urination, excessive thirst, irritability, headache, dehydration, nausea, and loss of appetite. Some babies may still suffer from abdominal pain and visual disturbances.

Diabetics suffer hyperglycemia when they miss doses of insulin or other diabetes medications. Skipping exercise, overeating, and stressing are other known causes of hyperglycemia.

Testing Blood Sugar in Children

To keep normal blood sugar It is important that children learn how to get blood sugar themselves to do it. Below are a number of agreements that are in their own footsteps in the form of

1. when testing

You need your child’s blood worth sugar Determine the level at a specific time.

  • For a meal before bedtime.
  • When the baby’s blood sugar is considered low.
  • Before and after physiological activity.
  • A few hours after meals.
  • When the baby is not feeling well.

2. how to test?

You can test the number using a glucometer of sugar with a blood sample. That is how it works:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with water and soap. Make sure your fingers are dry before taking the blood sample, as wet fingers can alter the results.
  • Always prick the baby’s finger. If using a lancet, a hole can be drilled in the forearm. However, if the blood sugar content is considered low, do not puncture the forearm.
  • Take a strip and insert it into the meter.
  • Take a drop of blood and do this on the strip and read the results.
  • Make a note on the log.
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Treatment of abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetics

1: Treatment of low blood glucose levels

If your child’s blood sugar is low, steps should be taken to quickly increase its value. Arrange for a good

  • Give your baby something to drink or have dessert. It helps blood sugar Quick ups. You can give orange juice, regular gas water, glucose pills, cake water, or glucose gel.
  • Wait 10 minutes.
  • Test the baby’s blood. sugar Again, see if it comes back up. to normal .

If your child’s blood level sugar levels will be very low. You can consider giving him or her a glucagon infusion. Glucagon is a hormone used to make blood. sugar levels back to normal immediately. Discuss with your baby’s doctor the need to arrange for glucagon injections.

2 Treat high blood sugar.

Before you decide to take action to cure your hyperglycemia. sugar First, you need to learn more about the causes of high blood sugar. Your baby has the opportunity to eat more or eat a sedentary lifestyle. All of these can raise blood pressure. sugar levels.

Give the diabetic child 1 insulin to cure the elevated blood pressure sugar Level. A child with diabetes 2 usually needs both oral and injectable substances to cure

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].