Nexplanon vs Depo-Provera – Which Is Better?

Many readers are interested in the right subject: Nexplanon vs Depo-Provera What is better? We are pleased that our manufacturers have already researched current studies on this fascinating subject. We will give you a broad answer based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

This message highlights the differences between Nexplanon and Dep-Provera.


This contraceptive implant offers a small slim rod with matchstick volume; it contains 68 mg of etonogestrel. This hormone mimics the natural hormone progesterone. which Together with estrogen, it regulates the menstrual cycle.

This is a routine procedure which that can be performed by your gynecologist or primary care provider.

The implant releases hormones into your body, preventing you from getting heavy.

According to the producer’s text, it lasts for three years, but new research shows that it can be applied for up to four years.


This is a very effective contraceptive method given every three months. It contains medroxyprogesterone acetate, a derivative of progesterone.

The hormone is injected into the muscle, usually in the direction of the first 5 days of menstruation.

Side Effects


  • Depression;.
  • Bleeding short or much longer in the direction of menstruation
  • Acne; no bleeding at all during menstruation.
  • No bleeding at all during menstruation.
  • Headache; no bleeding at all during menstruation.
  • Intermenstrual observation;.
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings; mood swings
  • Changes in time between menstrual periods.

Problems with removal or insertion:

  • Implants may break, making removal difficult.
  • Pain, swelling, discomfort, or bruising in the entry space.
  • Damage to blood vessels or nerves in the arm during removal or insertion.
  • Scarring around the input orifice.
  • If the implant has been inserted or moved very deeply, surgery may be required to remove the implant.
  • Infection;.
  • Implants will automatically expire if infected or not fully inserted.
  • Scarring material may develop around the implant, making removal difficult.


Possible side effects include

  • Mood swings;.
  • Your period may change in ways that are intolerable to you.
  • Abdominal enlargement
  • Painful breasts;.
  • Acne; no bleeding at all during menstruation.
  • May be delayed up to 12 months after stopping the use of this contraceptive method.
  • Water retention;.
  • allergic reactions;.
  • Reduced attention to sex for depression-sensitive women.
  • Abdominal pain;.
  • Headache;.
  • Occasional weight gain.
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  • Use of this contraceptive during pregnancy may result in weight loss.
  • The manufacturer recommends long-term use (2 years or more) only if “other contraceptive methods are not suitable for you.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Warnings and Precautions


Talk to your doctor about the use of this contraceptive method if you

  • Allergies to drugs or medications used to cleanse the skin.
  • Diabetes mellitus;.
  • High blood pressure; or
  • High LDL cholesterol or triglycerides.
  • Depression;.
  • Headache;.
  • Kidney problems;.
  • gallbladder problems.

Do not use this contraceptive if you

  • Are allergic to anything in this medicine.
  • You are pregnant or think you may become pregnant.
  • You have breast cancer or another form of cancer.
  • had cancer which Are sensitive to progestin.
  • You have inexplicable vaginal bleeding.
  • Has a liver tumor.
  • Has liver disease.
  • Has blood clots such as clots in the non-injured (pulmonary embolism), legs (deep vein thrombosis), heart (heart attack), eyes (gross or selective blindness) or brain (stroke).


Unfortunately, this contraceptive method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

To reduce the chances of getting or distributing STDs, it is recommended to use condoms or female condoms when having sex.


Do not use this contraceptive if you

  • You have visual problems due to vascular disease.
  • Have breast cancer.
  • Have undiagnosed bladder or vaginal bleeding.
  • Plants a pregnancy in the appropriate months direction.
  • Has a history of cancer or will probably have which Depends on the progestan.
  • Is allergic to one of the different components of the drug.
  • Has liver disease.
  • Can become pregnant.
  • Have a history of stroke.
  • Has a blood clotting or coagulopathy situation.
  • Has a history of auras and migraines.
  • There is a history of psychiatric vascular disease.
  • There is a history of heart attacks.
  • Has risk points for blood clots (e.g., genetic changes). which (Blood clots, simple hypertension, severe cholesterol problems, over 35 years of age, smokers, diabetes lead to related vascular problems).
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Alcohol does not reduce the effectiveness of these contraceptives, but it does affect their evaluation and behavior.

Drug Interactions

Nexplanon can interact adversely with the following medications

  • Topiramate;.
  • Barbiturates;.
  • St. John’s wort; and
  • Bozentan (a dual endothelial sensor antagonist used to treat pulmonary hypertension).
  • Rifampin;.
  • carbamazepine;.
  • phenytoin;.
  • oxcarbazepine;.
  • Griseofulvin;.
  • Felbamate.

Depo-Provera may have adverse effects with appropriate drugs.

  • Eslicarbazepine;.
  • Acitretin;.
  • Enzalutamide (a nonsteroidal antiandrogen used in the treatment of prostate cancer).
  • Aprepitant.
  • Diabetes medications (glipizide, chlorpropamide, insulin, metformin, rosiglitazone, etc.);.
  • Aripiprazole;.
  • Dexamethasone;.
  • Azole antifungals (itraconazole, voriconazole, etc.).
  • Deferasirox.
  • Barbiturates (phenobarbital, butalbital, etc.);.
  • Dabrafenib;.
  • boceprevir (protease inhibitors used to treat hepatitis).
  • Cyclosporine;.
  • Bosentan.
  • Conivaptan.
  • Cobicistat.
  • Carbamazepine (sold under the trade name Tegretol);.
  • Clobazam;.
  • Clarithromycin.
  • Cholestyramine.



If breastfeeding, this contraceptive method may be used after 4 weeks have elapsed, e.g., during childbirth.


The risk of decreased milk production is smaller than with contraceptive methods.

Furthermore, it is well documented that its use during and especially after breastfeeding is not dangerous.

Conclusion Nexplanon vs Depo-Provera

Nexplanon is a brand name contraceptive implant that is inserted into the arm. The implant is placed in an unstable position in the exam room.

It is more than 99% effective, which This basically means that out of every 100 women, less than 1 in 100 will have a chance of becoming pregnant. nexplanon’s outstanding features include

  • Easy to undo.
  • Very convenient.
  • Estrogen-free.
  • Not dangerous to apply during lactation.
  • Economical in the long run, but the initial price is high.
  • Very effective.

Dep-Provera releases the hormone progestin into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy.

This injection thickens the mucus in the cervix, preventing sperm fusion and ovarian release.

If injected five days after the onset of menstruation, the effects begin to manifest 24 hours after the initial injection.

Approximately 3 out of 100 (3%) women will become pregnant using this contraceptive method. Some of its positive attributes include the following

  • May help with premenstrual symptoms for some women.
  • Helps relieve heavy, painful periods.
  • Does not affect other medications.
  • Works with each injection for 3 months.
  • Not dangerous to apply during lactation.
  • It is not necessary to remember to take the pills every day.
  • It is an option when estrogen-based contraception is not available.
  • Does not interfere with sex.

Image Source – Shutterstoc

Source: https://www. science-direct. com/ topics/ neuroscience/ nexplanon https:// Academic. Oh. com/humrep/article/3 1/11/2491/2274325
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].