Most Fertile Days After Period

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If you are trying to prevent or conceive a pregnancy, it is not uncommon to wonder the fertile days after period If you fully understand your menstrual cycle and have acquired a basic knowledge of the composition of your body going forward, it is not that difficult. Just keep reciting and you will know what you are capable of! fertile days.

The hottest time of the day after menstruation

The day when a woman is most fertile. fertile The day she ovulates. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days after the first day of menstruation. period , so the most fertile The day about 8-10 days after menstruation. period (if your period (lasts 4-6 days), but if the menstrual cycle is long, the day of ovulation will be later. Finally, considering the length of the cycle, the best day for ovulation should be considered. fertile That day accordingly. Here are some instructions on that the fertile days after period A normal cycle is 28 days.

Toward the Dawn

Fruitful Development








Actual ovulation occurs when the testes are ready for fertilization. This takes place only within 12-24 hours. Within 5 to 7 days because the sperm are capable of withstanding any harsh conditions in the woman’s body 3 to 5 days after sex and the testicles are available in the direction of the day of help period of the period you are in. are fertile .

Further techniques to predict the days of ill health after menstruation

Because not every woman’s cycle lasts exactly 28 days, and almost all women have irregular menstrual cycles, there are other factors to watch for in determining when ovulation occurs. This baggage, such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature, may literally help signal ovulation and, depending on what you are looking for, for example, can get you pregnant or prevent pregnancy.

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1. note changes in cervical mucus

2. the sequence of cervical mucus in the direction of the entire menstrual cycle. After you. period 5 day direction is 3 to 4 days if there is not enough cervical mucus. Mucus moisture increases daily. For example, the largest day is 9 days before the cycle. Mucus is easily recognized at this stage. It is colorless, elastic, itchy, and has the requisite protein image. This image of cervical mucus is necessary for sperm to penetrate the uterus. Ovulation usually occurs when there has been smooth mucus for one to two days.

2. record the basal body temperature (BBT).

In the case of ovulation, check in the morning before getting out of bed and your temperature will remain about the same. As you approach the moment of ovulation, your basal body temperature may drop, followed by a large temperature jump after ovulation. This temperature jump indicates that ovulation is present.

To determine the basal body temperature, a special thermometer must be used. Above all, make sure you understand what you are doing. fertile days after period Here you can read how to follow in the footsteps of the BBT thermometer.

  • Do not get out of bed for the morning before you take your temperature.
  • Use a special BBT thermometer that can detect subtle temperature differences. Your temperature will rise only about 0.4 to 1 degree during ovulation.
  • Note your temperature daily on a fertility rod list so you can see how your temperature develops over time.


The basal temperature method only really works well if you have the time and motivation to measure your temperature daily in the direction of a minimum of several months to understand what your body is preparing all month. Consider that baggage such as travel, illness, alcohol and drug use can affect your body temperature and make it difficult to take proper measurements. Insomnia can also make readings more difficult. Therefore, it is very important to sleep undisturbed for at least 3 days before obtaining a clear reading with the BBT thermometer.

3. use an ovulation-rowing kit.

This method can be expensive but is usually very accurate. It is available at most pharmacies. The test kit indicates the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. This method can determine the peak of luteinizing hormone, which is the moment of ovulation. The test kit is similar to a pregnancy test, but instead detects ovulation.

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4. watch for abdominal pain or bloody discharge.

Some women claim to ovulate because of pain in the pelvic area during ovulation. This can be a brief ache or pain that lasts several hours. Other women experience observation during ovulation, making it easier to determine when they are pregnant. fertile .

5. breast sensitivity is felt

Progesterone levels increase during ovulation. Due to the structure of progesterone, the breasts may become tender during and a few days after ovulation. This can occur from ovulation or after you have already ovulated. If you feel tenderness in your breasts, you are probably already ovulating or have ovulated at that time.

6. discover the neck of the uterus

The neck of the uterus can be examined to see if it is closed. fertile days after period During ovulation, the cervix is slightly more open than at ovulation. not fertile . Right after the period During ovulation, the cervix is hanging low and feels closed and hard. When you get more fertile cervix appears and feels much more sensitive than when infertile.

You can find your own cervix by making sure your hands are nice and dry. You will need to place it one foot on the toilet or in the bath. You can also sit in a squat to feel your uterus. This resembles a hill or a slightly unclosed ridge. It is easiest to find the cervix immediately after menstrual bleeding ends and more difficult when the cervix rises during ovulation.

7. increased libido

If you like sex, it may have to do with the fact that you are going to ovulate. During ovulation, libido increases among women. In studies, women maintained their personal luteinizing hormone and libidograad. This indicated that women are in a higher mood during ovulation, possibly due to the increase in LH.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].