Many readers are interested in the right subject: migraine during pregnancy. Our makers are happy to report that they have already done modern research studies on your fascinating subject. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Find out more.
Experts believe that at least one in five women suffers from a migraine headaches at some point in her life, and within 16% of them, feel them for the first time in the direction of their first trimester pregnancy but within two-thirds of women who already have headaches. migraines Suppose they find some illumination during their first pregnancy. pregnancy – This is true for girls a migraine Attacks to their menstrual periods.
What do migraineurs experience during pregnancy?
When the light pain comes on before sleep and head when it often turns into a prolonged, throbbing, pulsating pain. A migraine Attacks may last 4-72 hours and usually worsen with physiological power. You have the opportunity to. migraines other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, affection for sound and light.
Some migraine sufferers have migraines These signs as a visual configuration – called an aura. a migraine Aura. You will still suffer from blind spots, feelings of numbness, pins and needles, voice and helplessness. Surrounded by the a migraine aura, you will feel these symptoms at least an hour before they actually occur. a migraine headache.
Are migraines dangerous during pregnancy?
No, it is not safe and does not increase the risk of complications of pregnancy from complications. However, you need to remember that headaches can definitely be a symptom of serious health problems. It is absolutely necessary that you speak with your doctor migraine other symptoms of pregnancy, such as fever or blurred vision. If your headaches often return and last for hours, you still owe it to yourself to seek medical assistance.
What Causes Migraines During Pregnancy?
You can send it yourself migraines It is better if you understand the cause . But it is not that easy! a migraine Attacks by nerve configurations, blood flow to the brain or neurochemicals. Experts believe that overstimulated brain cells lead to the production of certain chemicals that stimulate blood vessels in terms of the brain. When these blood vessels swell, you feel a narcotic sensation.
You still have to deal migraine in pregnancy due to hormonal changes. You are likely to cope migraines your first three months. pregnancy This is because estrogen levels are at their peak. If estrogen levels are somewhat stable, notice the second and third trimester lighting.
Dealing with migraine headaches during pregnancy
You can take specific countermeasures migraine Makes attacks more manageable. Treating secondary causes of all types of headaches can help prevent these attacks. Taking the right steps will certainly help you better control your condition:
It is important to learn to relax your nerves and overcome stress! pregnancy This makes a lot of sense to keep headaches at a distance. You can look into the possibility of relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to help you overcome stress.
2. change your eating pattern
Instead of eating three large meals, you can eat less than other meals and often in the direction of one meal a day. This will certainly help you deal with early pregnancy Picture morning sickness, light in the head, nausea, etc. If you continue to suffer from morning sickness, your hunger may decrease and your blood glucose levels may drop. Lower blood glucose levels can cause higher blood glucose levels. migraine in pregnancy Therefore, eat and drink enough water frequently to avoid dehydration.
3-Maintain Active
Regular exercise improves your fitness and certainly helps reduce the severity of poremaiosis. of migraines Exercise helps by improving breathing, regulating blood sugar, and promoting the release of endorphins.
4. call acupuncture by memory
The healing potential can be seen through acupuncture. pregnancy Often proven to be very effective for migraines and morning sickness. Although in cooperation with experienced practitioners.
5. memorial massage
A complete body massage helps release muscle tension in the shoulders, neck, and back. Be massaged by a trained prenatal massage therapist. As a candidate, you can ask your partner to massage your head and back a bit to improve circulation and ease the effort.
6. use heat or cold
You can consider putting warmth or frost along your eyes, the sides of your head, and the back of your neck. the migraine in pregnancy You can buy cooling elements and heating or control it in your home.
Take care.
Along with the above. pregnancy Do not pay attention to medical drugs without taking precautions. Especially during early pregnancy, there is a chance that these and can be very harmful to the baby. Such is the footprint of using certain herbal remedies such as Liverfew. pregnancy Do not own a case! any pregnancy complications.