The male reproductive system consists of a set of parts and structures of all kinds that are similarly related. Task the reproductive system Male. male produces, stores, and cultivates sex hormones, semen, and even sperm cells. It is responsible for the discharge of sperm into the female body. reproductive canal and fertilization of the testicles. How. for male reproductive system , front side is not a large sum of money that is contested as a side for example. In this note, both external and internal parts are integrated. the male reproductive Anatomy. To learn more, keep reading.
Male Reproductive System – External Organs
When looking at the male reproductive system , front The lateral side is where the external organs are located. External Organs. the male reproductive The anatomy is the penis and scrotum.
1. penis
It is the male This organ is used during intercourse. The root, erectile tissue, and glans are the three main parts that form the penis.
- The root is attached to the abdominal wall.
- The body, still called the shaft, is cylindrical and consists of three round chambers composed of spongy tissue. These tissues have numerous large spaces, blood filled when the man is sexually aroused. The penis becomes hard. as blood filled and an erection occurs, which aids penetration during intercourse. The elasticity of the penile skin allows the penis to increase in size.
- The glans is the head of the penis and is folded into a conical shape. It is covered with the last flesh, forming a layer of impotent skin. Semen and urine are transported through the urethra at the tip of the penis.
2. the scrotum.
This is the pouch of smooth skin behind and slightly below the penis. NUMBER. of blood Blood vessels and nerves emanate from the scrotum, which still contains the testicles. The scrotum is responsible for keeping the testicles at a slightly lower temperature than the rest of the body, which is necessary for normal sperm formation.
Male Reproductive System – Internal Organs
For male reproductive system , front The auxiliary or external organs are involved, but they also have considerable significance. Let us now look at the internal organs.
1. testicles
Testicles are located in the scrotum. They are round in shape and are responsible for producing testosterone. the male Sex hormones are needed to produce sperm. The ductus deferens is the spiral tube that produces sperm in the testicle. Most men have two testicles: 1. the epididymis
2. epididymis
It is a spiral tube on the back of the test circle; the bijbal ensures the storage and transport of sperm and also allows them to mature, since the sperm produced by the egg are not mature and therefore cannot be used for insemination. Contractions during sexual arousal should cause sperm in va s-Ooshtraafons.
3. vas-sodferens.
This is a muscular tube that connects the vidivar to the pelvic cavity and emerges just posterior to the bladder. He is responsible for transporting ripe sperm into the urethra just before ejaculation occurs.
4. the urethra
The urethra is responsible for the removal of urine from the body. In humans, the urethra is also responsible for accumulation when orgasm is reached. During intercourse, when the penis is erect, the flow of urine into the urethra is blocked, allowing only sperm to evacuate through it.
5. middle blisters
These are bags that are affixed to the Vas Sophenes. They are responsible for the production of water, which consists of fructose. This fluid gives energy to the sperm in order to move on. The fluid obtained by the seed vesicles forms the bulk of the size of the ejaculate.
6. prostate
The prostate gland contains a form of walnut that exists in front from the rectum and from below the bladder. This gland is responsible for the production of water that feeds the sperm. The urethra runs straight down the center of the prostate.
7. the floral bulb gland.
These structures have a pea volume and are located on the sides of the urethra. They are responsible for creating the water that flows into the urethra. This fluid widens the urethra. It also neutralizes the acidity caused by the drops of urine still present in the urethra.
How does the male reproductive system work?
Now that we all male reproductive system , front know inside and out, we know how it system works. When a male reaches puberty, the hypothalamus begins to produce extra amounts of GNRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone). This leads to increased production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) by the pituitary gland. Release of LH the blood LH signals the egg cell to give up testosterone, key male hormone.
Both testosterone and FSH signal the egg cells to produce sperm; it takes 65-75 days to form one sperm and at any given time 300 million are formed; the test circle inside the test circle makes sperm, but the Bijbal stores them.
The Bijbal (Epididymis) flows into the Va s-eurfens which transports the sperm to the penis.
The penis becomes larger when the man is sexually aroused because the extra sperm flow and harden. blood It flows inward and hardens. Decreases ejaculation and results in the release of sperm.