Male Fertility: Normal Sperm Motility

Many readers are interested in a pertinent subject: male fertility: the normal mobility of sperm. Our manufacturer is pleased to report that we have already done modern research studies on the subject that will fascinate you. We will give you a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.

Fertility and fertility are influenced by a multitude of different things. Hormonal balance, menstrual cycle, and ovulation are all important nuances that affect women, but for men, the sperm extremely important. When you look at at sperm health, three factors need to be owned in the form of before: sperm count, sperm morphology and sperm motility (movement). Sperm motility affects fertility as the sperm It must pass through the vagina, through the cervix, swim through the uterus and reach the testicles to be fertilized.

Male Fertility: Normal Sperm Motility

What is the normal mobility of sperm?

When sperm motility If the ejaculation is greater than 50%. be normal . Even a lower motility 25% to 50% may not lead to problems. However, when the motility consistently less than 25% is the risk of fertility much greater of a problem. Usually fertility is very unlikely if the motility Consistently less than 10%.

  • Sperm mobility vs. number of sperm cells.

Even with a large sperm If there are more than 20 million sperm cells sperm /ml, there is still a possibility that the man fertility problems if the sperm mobility is insufficient. On the contrary, low sperm Counts in particular cannot be worrisome the sperm have good motility with 60% or more of the sperm the necessary forward momentum is indicated.

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How to recognize sperm mobility

Sperm studies examine whether a man has reproductive problems. the sperm motility . The tests include:

1. sperm cell count

1. sperm per sperm per ejaculate

2. sperm mobility

Proportion of sperm that have normal sperm motility

3. volume

4. volume of sperm in one ejaculate

4. sperm morphology

Proportion of sperm In specimens of normal shape

5. time to become liquid

Duration of becoming sperm ejaculating as a complete gel

6. the amount of sperm in one ejaculate

Check acidity/alkalinity of sperm

7. degree of fructose sugar

Percentage of fructose sugar in sperm

8. white blood cell count

Sperm should have virtually no immune cells

What happens if the results are abnormal?

There are several reasons for different results sperm test:

  • Poor practices during sperm triumph
  • Too long before getting references and laboratory tests.
  • Not waiting even after ejaculation before recording fresh steel
  • If the person has had a systemic disease in the past 3 months.

However, poor results do not necessarily mean you are infertile. Natural sperm count. new sperm If the first report returns abnormally, you should wait a while before repeating the test. To indicate a deviation, the physician strongly urges a certain number of abnormal results in the direction of 3 to 6 months.

How to Increase Sperm Mobility

Sperm production takes 10-11 months. The result, for normal sperm motility If you make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle type at this time, you can be certain that your results will improve within 3 months.

1. limit alcohol and tobacco use

Smoking and alcohol use are the two main reasons for blood pressure drops. sperm motility They have a negative impact on both. the sperm count and general sperm health.

2. eat a healthy diet

Sperm motility Nutrition can also help. For example, carnitine is found in red meat and raises blood pressure sperm motility By providing energy from fatty acids. Deficiencies in certain caloric substances, especially zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and vitamins A and C, are more likely to adversely affect the body. sperm quality and motility Therefore, make sure you get enough of these. Vitamin D increases testosterone, so increase intake in many fish, eggs, and cheeses. Ensure healthy exposure to sunlight. Additionally, there are specific supplements to increase testosterone. normal sperm motility .

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3. ensure a healthy body weight

Excess weight can seriously affect testosterone levels and overall well being. In this way, some advantage can be seen in losing weight.

4. strong physical activity.

While all physical fitness may help your well, a blast of the best and most aggressive exercise is considered optimal for increasing testosterone value. You will not see the same results with more moderate action.

5. reduce stress

Fear and stress lead to the release of cortisone, which inhibits testosterone isolation. To reduce stress, one should do more exercises or practice meditative methods.

6. go to certain vegetables

Scientists at Harvard School of sperm quality and motility According to scientists at the Harvard School of Social Health. Increasing beta – carotene (found in carrots, spinach and lettuce) and lutein (found in spinach and lettuce) values on a menu has been shown to increase beta – carotene (found in carrots, spinach and lettuce) values on a menu by sperm motility 6.5%. Consumption of large amounts of lycopene, a molecule that occurs in tomatoes, increased by 1.7%. in sperm motility .

7. keep cool.

To maintain cool temperatures for proper production, test circles are on the outside. sperm For example, avoid passion pools and bubble baths because they warm your balls. You are still obligated to balance your laptop on your lap. Exposure to computer heat for only 15 minutes may increase the temperature of the mucus by 2.5°C.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].