Many readers are interested in the appropriate subject: magnesium taurate – side effects (diarrhea), dosage, excellent properties (anxiety, sleep, heart palpitations, depression, AFIB). Our manufacturers are happy to report that they have already conducted modern research studies on subjects that are fascinating to you. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.
Magnesium taurate , also known as magnesium ditaurate, is the magnesium salt of taurine and mineral supplements.
Taurine is an organic merger first isolated from Rundergal in 1827.
It has been shown to have many health benefits. benefits Such as improved athletic performance and lower risk of disease.
Both magnesium and taurine It has a calming effect by inhibiting neuronal irritability throughout the central nervous system. effects .
Both stabilize cell membranes.
Benefits of Mnesium Taurate Supplementation
Reduces Your Fears
According to the Maryland Institute Medical Center, levels are low of magnesium can lead to a variety of symptoms, especially anxiety .
Generalized anxiety It is one of the most common disorders in our society and currently affects more than 40 million people over the age of 18 in the United States.
Sleep Well
An estimated 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from of sleep insomnia, 60% of whom have the acquired disorder.
Insomnia still has the ability to contribute to needed deaths worldwide.
Taking this supplement can help you sleep by translating the production of cortisol, the most important stress hormone.
Suitable for Diabetics
Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar (sugar) levels are very high.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are a total of 100 million adult Americans with diabetes or diabetes.
The effects Both of these diabetes supplements deserve special attention! taurine Mg may also decrease the risk of microvascular complications of diabetes and may increase insulin affection (a condition in which cells do not respond well to insulin).
Dynamic PIT
Heart palpitations Fast heartbeat or pounding sensation heart .
Common symptoms.
- Breaking;.
- Beating;.
- Fixes very quickly.
- Runs quickly.
- Skipping.
Heart palpitations Can be the sum of the correct criteria.
- heart failure;
- Atrium fibrillation;.
- abnormal heart rhythms;
- Thyroid problems.
In fact, according to the Food Supplement Administration, even a deficiency of MG in the body can lead to heart disease.
Preventing MG Deficiency
This mineral is needed for more than 300 reactions in the human body.
Most of it is found in skeletal structures.
However, 50 to 80 percent of people in the U.S. suffer from a deficiency. in magnesium .
Signs and symptoms of deficiency include.
- Osteoporosis; and
- Heart and blood vessel disease
- Hollow teeth
- Liver pain; and
- Eclampsia and preeclampsia.
- Alzheimer’s disease;.
- Insomnia and sleep problems.
- Migraine;.
- Impotence;.
- Muscle cramps and weakness.
- Recurrent bacterial or fungal infections.
- Mood swings
- Worsening of PMS symptoms.
- Anxious legs syndrome.
- Caloric deficiency.
Reducing Depression
Depression is a simple and serious medical condition that negatively affects one’s experience and behavior.
The causes of depression It is not fully understood. Among other things, it will be a difficult construct that combines psychosocial, environmental, biological, and genetic factors.
There are numerous studies indicating that MG deficiency may have a significant impact on mental health.
Preventable fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that can lead to stroke. heart heart failure, blood clots, and other cardiac-related deterioration.
AFIB usually occurs when abnormal electronic impulses begin to fire at some point within the atria (which are divided into right and left atria).
This location is most likely to be MG deficiency.
Several studies have found that MG has the ability to promote atrial fibrillation, and recent studies seem to confirm this conclusion.
Increases energy levels.
Mg is used to activate adenosine triphosphate molecules (the primary energy transmitters in cells) in the human body.
This basically means that without MG intake, you may not get the energy you need and may feel fatigued (physically, mentally, or both).
Additionally, low MG intake means that more air is needed during exercise.
Hypertension occurs when blood pressure rises to unhealthy levels.
When blood pressure is very high, it places additional (and unnecessary) strain on the body. the heart MG supplements can lower blood pressure by 2 to 4 mmHg.
According to an April 2012 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, MG supplements can lower blood pressure by 2 to 4 mmHg.
According to the Medical School Nutrition Council, the correct dietary intake is as follows for magnesium are:
- Breastfeeding women: 31+ years-320 mg;.
- Breastfeeding women: 19-30 years-310 mg;.
- Breastfeeding women: 18 yr and under-360 mg; Breastfeeding women: 18 yr and under-360 mg; Breastfeeding women.
- Pregnant: 31 yrs and older-360 mg;
- Pregnancy: 19-30 yr-350 mg;
- Pregnancy: 18 yr and under-400 mg.
- Adult: 31 years and older-420 mg.
- Adult: 19-30 yrs-400 mg;.
- Adolescents: 14-18 yrs-410 mg;
- Children: 9-13 years-240 mg;
- Children: 4-8 yrs-19 yrs-MG;.
- Children: 1-3 years-80 mg;
- Infant: 7-12 months-75 mg;
- Infant: 0-6 months-30 mg.
Stated. This supplement claim was not evaluated by the FDA.
More as MG sometimes causes diarrhea It is recommended to start small and gradually increase up to a daily dose of up to 350 mg MNE.
Mnes Tauraat Supplement Side Effects
Some minor side effects Supplementation:
- Muscle weakness;.
- Dizziness
- Sedation;.
- Vomiting; Diarrhea
- Nausea;.
- Warm/ bloated sensation.
Neuromuscular disorders; renal failure, heart obstruction or blockage of the intestinal tract, it is always necessary to obtain permission from the supplier of one’s medical suggestion before beginning the use of MG supplementation.
The primary adverse effect associated with taurine Supplementation is a negative nitrogen balance.
This puts a strain on the kidneys and reduces metabolic capacity.
Another side effect of the supplement is diarrhea or empty bowel movements. Sometimes this is accompanied by abdominal cramping and pain, but usually loose stools.
Diarrhea can occur because almost all MG supplements are not completely absorbed.
When Mg is not absorbed by the human body, this mineral flows into the colon and pulls water out. All this water in the colon results in loose stools. or diarrhea .
Note – Iron prevents absorption of Mg. So it is recommended not to combine them.
Overdose mg may cause more common side effects effects of upset stomach, diarrhea Drowsiness and other side effects. effects (e.g., extreme drowsiness, dizziness, blushing, fainting, loss of breath, or double vision).
More importantly, if a person has kidney function problems, he or she is at higher risk for Mg overdose and should be cautious.
Important Comments
As the best source of of magnesium your table, food supplements need not be your first choice with regard to increasing your body’s MG levels
Foods rich in magnesium include:
- Pure Chocolate – 327 mg/100g;.
- Palbut 1/2 File t-170 mg; and
- Cooked Spinac h-157 mg/100 g;
- Seeds, pumpkin, squash 1 ounc e-151 mg;
- Beans, pure 1 cup-120 mg;
- Mackerel, charcoal, tuna-97 mg/100 g;
- Okra, frozen 1 bowl-94 mg;
- Beans and lentils-86 mg/100 g;
- Almonds-1 oz-80 mg;
- Dark leafy vegetables-79 mg/100 g;
- Dried fruit-68 mg/100 g;
- Plantain, wet 1 Wed-66 mg;
- Nuts 1 oz-64 mg;
- Avocado 1 Wednesday-58 mg;
- Whole grain breakfast cereal 1 cup-56 mg;
- Sin t-Jakobs Shells 6 Larg e-55 mg;
- Rockfish 1 fillet-51 mg;
- 1/2 Head of Rice-50 mg;
- Oysters 3 oz-49 mg;
- 1 cup soy milk-47 mg;
- Brown rice, quinoa, bulgur-44 mg/100 g;
- Tofu 1/4 block-37 mg;
- Banana-27 mg/100 g;
- whole-grain breakfast cereal, ready-made-3/4 cup-24 mg;
- Whole bread, 1 slice-24 mg;
- broccoli, wet-23 mg/100 g.
Image source – Getty and Shutterstock
Source http: // www. efsa. europe. eu/sites/default/craffic Jams/scientific_output/traffic Jams/main_documents/947. PDF http: // journal. plos. org/ plosone/article?ID = 10.1371/ journal. Slow. 0180067.