Know Why Your 12 Year Old Has Grey Hair and How to Help – TSMP Medical Blog

Grey hair is usually one of the many symbols of aging. Melanocytes are responsible for the production of a pigment called melanin, but as we age, pigmentation slows. hair It appears more colorless or gray. If there is no melanin at all, you will see hair Does your skin look like Snow White? Some adults can turn gray. hair It is not uncommon to see gray in 12 year olds. hair Let’s look at what causes it.

What Causes Gray Hair in a 12 Year Old Toddler?

Children have great chances of gray hair. hair However, sometimes it indicates illness or massive anxiety. There are several possible causes

1. illness or anxiety

Sometimes babies can have this problem through skin disorders such as tuberous sclerosis, vitiligo, neurofibromatosis, and Waardenburg syndrome. These disorders carry a high risk of loss of hair Pigmentation. Children with these disorders can also have other signs such as hearing loss, seizures, tumors Underactive and underactive thyroid glands, such as Hashimoto’s and Grave’s disease, can also lead to early gray in children.

2. vitamin B12 deficiency.

One of the many causes of gray 12-year-old infants hair can be vitamin B12 deficiency. However, its important to mention that gray hair very rare due to nutritional deficiencies, as numerous vitamins are available from animal products. If the baby follows a vegan diet, this can definitely be an important cause of premature withdrawal. After certain surgical procedures, vitamin B12 cannot be properly digested. hair .

3. stress

Many people believe that stress can cause gray. hair However, scientific studies do not support this statement. However, there are indications that genotoxic stress may cause mobile or early gray.

4. genetics

Some experts believe that genetics plays a unique role here, determining the baby’s maturation timetable. This means that if a baby has a gray color, at age 12 there is an opportunity to acquire a gray baby. hair At age 12, someone else in the family may have the same problem. Sometimes gray hair genetics can still cause other problems such as tuberous sclerosis and neurofibromatosis.

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5. anemia.

Anemia in megaloblastoma can cause children as young as 12 years old with gray magnetic fields. hair Anemia may be the result of vitamin B12 deficiency. In this case the baby probably has a gray field. hair Your baby’s Fields Doctor can order the following blood Tests to detect current anemia.

6. thyroid disorders

Hyperthyroidism and other thyroid problems can affect melanocytes and lead power. to hair Discoloration. Loss of of hair pigmentation can be the result of skin diseases such as vitiligo. Following a viral disease, some children develop a condition named Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome, which leads to the production of antibodies that attack melanocytes.

Nutrition can help.

To correct the problem, special attention must be paid to diet. A healthy diet help Reduces the burden of the problem. Some experts believe that gray discoloration of the skin is the result of an incorrect diet. hair In children, it should be the result of a bad diet. Preventing nutritional deficiencies prevents the problem in the first place. Make sure your baby’s food contains adequate calories.

  • Vitamin A: Vitamins are important for stimulating a healthy scalp. It also promotes radiance. the hair Field babies can get enough vitamin A from dark green vegetables along with yellowish-orange fruits.
  • Vitamin B: It helps keep the hair Healthy and stabilizing oil isolates. Your child must eat green leafy vegetables to ingest vitamin B. It is also found in cauliflower, tomatoes, liver, breakfast cereals, bananas, and yogurt.
  • Minerals: your baby’s food should contain a good dose of minerals. Some essential minerals for a healthy diet are so hair iron, zinc, and copper. Good sources of zinc include chicken, red beef, and green vegetables. Dried apricots, meat, parsley, red beef, wheat, test circles are rich in iron. Your baby can get quite a bit of iron from egg yolks, seafood, and complete grains.
  • Protein: To stay healthy, your baby needs to remove enough protein from the menu. Protein gives the body its natural glow the hair and protects his color. Make sure your little one gets enough grains, complete grains, soy, and meat for his daily protein intake.
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Homemade ways to solve the problem

You can try family people and prevent gray. hair There are many species available:

  • You can apply curry leaves to help treat grey hair Take oil in a polem and heat it a little. Add the leaves and wait until dark. Apply the mixture precisely to the scalp and leave overnight. Turn something once a week to prevent gray hair .
  • Get up to include yogurt in your little one’s menu hair She should be forced to drink the yogurt along with a tablespoon of yeast to prevent gray hair .
  • Pay attention to good hydration. Make sure baby is drinking enough water daily hair discoloration.
  • Use Indian gooseberry to cure gray matter hair Take some field Indian gooseberry and add it to coconut oil. Then apply it specifically to your scalp. As candida, you can soak in it. hair Kruisbessenwater- leave overnight and done. Apply the same water in the morning.
  • Use a combination of lime juice or almond oil and Indian goose juice to straighten the problem. Massage the mixture into the scalp.

On the other hand, family m edicine is real. help It should be understood that in certain situations, grays are usually irreversible. hair It is usually irreversible. Following a balanced diet, there is no possibility of healing the gray. hair But it will definitely help Reduce the rise of fresh grays hair Make sure your baby does not turn gray. hair And do not hide the problem by using chemical colors.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].