Know Where Your Heart Is and How to Identify Heart Pain

Many readers are interested in the pertinent topic of where their heart is located and how to recognize heart pain. We are pleased that our creators have already surveyed the latest research on the topic that fascinates you. We provide a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample studies. Repeat for further study.

Cardiac muscle is one of the most powerful substances in the body. It is responsible for pumping oxygen-rich blood (obtained from the lungs) through the circulatory system to the rest of the body. Why is it important? heart Position? First, it helps systematize chest pain and other cardiac symptoms to get emergency treatment. Most people fear or worry about chest pain because they believe it is only related to a problem or ischemic injury. heart Myocardial problems or ischemic injury. Not all chest pain is related to myocardial problems or ischemic injury. the heart Field it is not something to be avoided, at least.

Where is your heart?

Some of you may be shocked, but hearts It is actually not on the left side of the chest. It is located between the left and right buttocks, in the middle of the chest, and slightly to the left of the chest.

The heart It is attached to the pericardium, which is considered a double layer. This pericardium is attached to the diaphragm, spinal column, and other components via durable ligaments. The interior, heart is empty and divided into four chambers. The upper two chambers are called the left and right atria, and the lower chambers are called the left and right ventricles. A muscular wall (also called a septum) separates the left and right ventricles from the atria. The left ventricle is a very powerful human video camera heart . In rare cases, the heart It is toward the right side. This position is called the right heart and is congenital.

When does uncomfortable chest pain occur?

Are you already very aware of the fact that it is where is your heart Convenience? is heart bound to it. Here we will discuss the different symptoms associated with chest pain. heart .

1. heart attack

A heart attack is caused by a blockage in a blood vessel supplying blood the heart Field patients may experience the appropriate symptoms

  • A feeling of fullness or pressure in the chest. This has the ability to persist and withdraw or persist for several minutes.
  • Chest pain can originate in the jaw, neck, or arms.
  • Additional symptoms such as difficulty breathing, vomiting, and nausea may occur.

According to the GP Association of South America, the pain radiating from the weapon is one of heart Attack. On the other hand, sharp pain is generally not considered a condition. the heart attack.

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2. angina pectoris

When the blood supply does not meet the demand for the heart sharp, this leads to angina pectoris. The pain of angina pectoris more or less resembles the pain of an attack. a heart Attack. The pain may be aggravated by physiologic load and may disappear during relaxation. This is a special feature of moderate angina and requires prescription medications such as nitroglycerin. However, it may also mean that there is unstable angina, which can increase the risk of attacks on a specific number of warehouses, even with pain or rest. of heart Attacks on a specific number of warehouses.

3. cardiac pain vs. non-cardiac pain.


Cardiac pain

Other chest pain

Duration of pain

How does the pain feel?

Deep, oppressive, burning, narrowing, burden, pressure, usually radiating to the back, arms, jaw

Local, sharp, real pain. Generally limited to one point and can be easily demonstrated.

What triggers the pain?

The most important trigger is overload or movement of the upper arm. Stress from extreme temperatures or difficult eating can still cause pain.

Generally, it happens autonomously and can cause heartburn after eating.

How long does it take?

As soon as the load is minimized, pain is suddenly recognized.

It goes out fast, sometimes it can take several hours.

How can I relieve the pain?

Avoid exertion. Aegina pain is worse during postponement. Seek medical assistance immediately.

Pain may be relieved by movement, exercise, or breathing. Pain may be relieved by stomach acid inhibitors, aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen. Wet or dry flare-ups may also help.

Watch out for.

1. chest pain may not be experienced when someone is one a heart attack. In these cases, the red flags can be inexplicable nausea, sweating, lightheadedness, and vomiting. If you do not understand how to simplify these symptoms, it is fundamental to call for medical assistance.

2. if chest pain or discomfort persists for more than 15 minutes, or if glyceryl trinitrate (nitrohicalin/GTN) or recreational activities are not allowed, professional medical assistance should be sought as soon as possible.

Other Causes of Chest Pain

Now you ” where is your heart Condition” contains a short idea of the situation. where chest pain is heart Related, you will be able to recognize the criteria for having chest pain not heart Related. Some of these are listed below.

1. digestive disorders

Chest pain can be the result of a good digestive disturbance:

It is a burning, painful sensation in the back of the chest that occurs because of the flow of stomach acid in the digestive tract.

Digestive disorders can be painful or difficult.

Inflammation of the pancreas or gallbladder, or the presence of gallstones, may cause pain in the abdomen and radiate to the chest.

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2. muscle and bone problems

Some chest pain is caused by structural problems in the chest wall, such as

It is characterized by inflammation of the cartilage and annoying pain (connective tissue connecting the breasts to the rib bones).

Some acquired pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, are more likely to cause muscle-related chest pain.

This is characterized by annoying chest pain as a result of broken or damaged rib bones.

3. pulmonary disorders

Chest pain can also be the result of other pulmonary disorders.

It occurs when a blood clot in the pulmonary artery obstructs blood flow.

Inflammation of the membrane lining the pulmonary arteries can lead to chest pain when coughing or breathing.

This condition is thought to be the result of air leakage into the area between the rib bones and non-inducible. Associated chest pain may occur suddenly and persist for several hours.

Hypertension of the pulmonary arteries can cause chest pain.

Four other causes

Chest pain can still result:

Panic attacks can lead to aggressive fear, chest pain, fast heartbeat, sweating, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and fear of death.

When the water cell embryo is reactivated, this often causes pain and tire of blisters from the back to the chest wall.


According to the Harvard Heart Study message, chest pain is the least likely be heart relevant, in case it is relevant to future explanations. However, there are circumstances not heart bounds, there are opportunities to request nonsensical medical guidance. For example, it is imperative to get a diagnosis.

  • Scissors or sharp pain that occurs when coughing or breathing
  • Sudden onset of pain in the direction of a few seconds
  • Pain limited to one side
  • Pain is limited to a specific location
  • Pain that lasts for hours or days without other symptoms
  • Pain that occurs when moving the body or pushing on the chest.

Where is your heart located? How can you identify Heart pain? Now you understand the whole answer.

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Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].