Jock Itch Healing Stages Pictures

Jock itch is a contagious fungal infection that causes different itchy skin problems in your groin area. An itchy, stinging, burning rash forms on infected skin. Treatments can stop the fungus from spreading and clear it up.

Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris)

Jock itch (tinea cruris) is a surface (superficial) fungal infection of the skin on either side of the body where the thigh joins the abdomen, known as the groin. It is often spread to the groin from tinea infection on the feet (tinea pedis or athlete’s feet).

Who’s At Risk?

Jock itch is very common around the world and is more of a problem in warm, moist regions, as the fungus thrives in these conditions. People who wear tight clothing for extended periods, share clothing, participate in athletics, or are overweight or diabetic are more often affected with jock itch. It is common in adult men.

Signs & Symptoms

Large round, red patches with bumpy, scaling edges occur in the groin and may extend down the inner thigh or onto the belly or buttocks areas. Jock itch is usually not present on the genitals. It is usually very itchy.

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Self-Care Guidelines

Check your feet and treat athlete’s foot if it is present, as it can often spread from there. Over-the-counter antifungal creams such as miconazole (eg, Monistat®), clotrimazole (Lotrimin®), or tolnaftate (Tinactin®) are very effective. Apply it twice a day until a few days after the rash seems to be gone, which usually takes about 2–3 weeks. You may still see flat, brown areas of discoloration for several weeks, but these do not need to be treated as long as there is no longer itching or bumps and scales in the area. Reinfection can be prevented. Keep the area cool and dry by drying the body thoroughly after bathing and wearing loose cotton clothing. Wash your clothing and linens in hot water. If you think you also have athlete’s foot, use a separate towel for your feet and try to keep your feet dry as well, by avoiding wearing shoes for long periods or wearing loose-fitting shoes. Clean your bath/shower with bleach and floors with an appropriate cleaner to kill any fungal spores. You should also avoid sharing clothing and wear footwear in public bathrooms/showers and gyms. Skin folds can be a continually moist environment that aids growth of this fungus. If this is a recurrent problem for you, it may help to lose weight.



Your doctor may do a scraping to look for fungus under the microscope or a biopsy if your diagnosis is uncertain. Antifungal creams or pills may be prescribed.

Visit Urgency

If you see no improvement after 2 weeks of self-care, see your doctor.

Trusted Links

  • MedlinePlus: Tinea Infections
  • Clinical Information and Differential Diagnosis of Tinea Cruris

Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris)

Jock itch is a contagious fungal infection that causes different itchy skin problems in your groin area. An itchy, stinging, burning rash forms on infected skin. Treatments can stop the fungus from spreading and clear it up.

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Jock itch causes a rash around your groin that appears irritated, scaly or flaky.

What is jock itch?

Jock itch is a common fungal (caused by a fungus) infection similar to ringworm. Jock itch causes an itchy, stinging, burning rash on the skin around your groin, inner thighs and butt crack (gluteal cleft). Tinea cruris is another name for jock itch. Tinea is another name for ringworm, and cruris means groin.

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With this infection, your skin may become scaly and cracked or develop bumps or blisters.

What does jock itch look like?

Jock itch can affect the skin around your groin, inner thighs and butt crack. Your skin may appear irritated (red, purple, gray, tan or white), scaly or flaky. Your skin may also develop small bumps or blisters.

Who does jock itch affect?

Jock itch affects everyone. However, adolescent and young adult men get jock itch most often. It’s uncommon in women. Men are three times more likely to get jock itch than women. It’s rare in children.

You may be more likely to develop jock itch if you have:

  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • A weakened immune system.

Can women get jock itch?

Women can get jock itch. However, it’s not common. In women, jock itch affects the skin around the groin, inner thighs and butt crack. It rarely affects the vulva (genitals).

How does this condition affect my body?

Jock itch commonly affects the skin around your groin, inner thighs and butt crack. It rarely affects your genitals (penis, scrotum or vulva).

Your skin may develop an itchy rash. Your skin may change color, crack, peel or flake. Sometimes, tiny bumps or blisters may appear along the edge of your rash.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of jock itch?

Jock itch can burn and itch. Your skin may appear irritated and change colors. It can also appear scaly or flaky. The rash may look like a ring, and the outside of the rash may have small bumps or blisters.

What causes jock itch?

A fungus causes jock itch. A jock itch rash is ringworm. Ringworm can look like circles. But an actual worm doesn’t cause ringworm.

Is jock itch contagious?

Jock itch is contagious. Jock itch is a fungus that grows on or in your skin. Fungi (plural form of fungus) need warm temperatures and moisture to grow. Tight underwear or pants trap heat and moisture around your groin. Heat and moisture create the perfect environment for jock itch to grow.

How does jock itch spread?

Jock itch commonly spreads through skin-to-skin contact or contact with an infected surface. You can get jock itch through sexual contact with an infected person. You can also get jock itch by sharing towels or clothing with an infected person.

In some cases, you can get jock itch if you have athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). You can spread the fungus by touching your groin after touching your infected foot. You can also spread the fungus from your feet to your groin through your clothing. When getting dressed, it’s a good idea to put on your socks before your underwear to prevent spreading the fungus from your feet to your groin.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is jock itch diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider can typically diagnose jock itch by examining your groin and reviewing symptoms.

What tests will be done to diagnose jock itch?

In some cases, your healthcare provider may remove a small piece of skin (biopsy) and test it in a lab. Several drops of a potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution dissolve the skin cells so that only fungal cells are visible.

Management and Treatment

Will jock itch go away on its own?

Jock itch doesn’t typically go away on its own. If it’s left untreated, it can spread to other areas of your body, including your:

  • Nails: Fungal nail infections can be more difficult to treat. They’re often more resistant to many treatments.
  • Hands: A similar fungal infection can spread to your hands. This happens when you scratch your infected groin with your hands or use the same towel to dry off both areas.
  • Feet: The same fungus that causes jock itch can also spread to your feet. It’s a condition called athlete’s foot. The fungus typically spreads from your groin to your feet through your underwear. It can also spread by using the same towel to dry off both areas.

How is jock itch treated?

Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription antifungal creams, ointments, gels, sprays or powders effectively treat jock itch. These products contain clotrimazole, miconazole, tolnaftate or terbinafine.

Some prescription antifungal medications are pills. These pills contain fluconazole, itraconazole or terbinafine.

It’s important to finish your full course of medicine. If you stop too soon, your jock itch may come back and be harder to treat.

What is the fastest way to cure jock itch?

The fastest way to cure jock itch is to use an OTC or prescription antifungal cream, ointment, gel, spray or powder. In more serious cases, your healthcare provider may prescribe antifungal pills to treat jock itch.

For faster recovery, it’s also important to keep the area clean, dry and cool.

Can rubbing alcohol cure jock itch?

Rubbing alcohol may help cure mild jock itch. Rubbing alcohol can prevent or stop fungal growth on the surface of your skin. However, rubbing alcohol can make your skin dry and tight, and it can make irritation worse.

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Are there any home remedies for jock itch?

In addition to rubbing alcohol, a few home remedies may help prevent or treat jock itch.

Some essential oils can prevent or stop the growth of bacteria. These include tea tree, bitter orange, peppermint and eucalyptus oils. However, they may not completely get rid of a fungal infection.

Garlic contains a compound called ajoene. Ajoene can prevent or stop the growth of bacteria. But, like essential oils, it may not completely get rid of a fungal infection.

If you’re allergic to essential oils or garlic, don’t use them to treat your jock itch.

How do I manage my jock itch symptoms?

Keep your groin dry, clean and cool. Use a powder or spray to absorb moisture around your groin, particularly after bathing or working out. Avoid wearing tight underwear or pants. Avoid scratching your groin. Scratching your groin may cause the fungus to spread to other parts of your body.

How soon after treatment will I feel better?

With proper diagnosis and treatment, your jock itch should go away in one to eight weeks. And, be sure to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions.

It’s also important to finish your full course of medicine. During the early healing stages, itchiness and irritation will fade. Even if your symptoms go away, you may still have jock itch. If you don’t finish your full course of medicine, your jock itch can come back and be harder to treat.


How can I reduce my risk?

There are many ways to reduce your risk of getting jock itch:

  • Thoroughly wash your groin with antibacterial soap.
  • Dry your groin after swimming or bathing.
  • Apply talcum powder or antifungal powder to your groin to absorb moisture.
  • Wear loose underwear and pants that allow the area to breathe.
  • Wear cotton underwear to absorb moisture or underwear made out of synthetic materials to wick away moisture.
  • Wash your clothes after use, especially the clothes you wear while working out.
  • Don’t share towels or clothes with others.

How can I prevent this?

If you have athlete’s foot or another type of fungus, there are many ways to prevent yourself from getting jock itch:

  • Treat your infected area with antifungal creams, ointments, gels, sprays or powders.
  • Use a separate towel to dry your infected areas, or dry any infected areas last.
  • When dressing, put on your socks before your underwear.
  • Avoid scratching your infected areas. If you must scratch an infected area, thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching any other parts of your body.
  • Wash your socks, underwear, towels and bedding in hot water.
  • Avoid sexual contact with anyone who has jock itch until it’s gone.

Outlook / Prognosis

What can I expect if I have jock itch?

With proper treatment, the outlook for people with jock itch is good. Be sure to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions so that you get rid of your jock itch quickly and don’t pass it on to anyone else.

Living With

When should I see my healthcare provider?

Call your healthcare provider if your jock itch:

  • Doesn’t improve or go away with treatment.
  • Looks infected (red, purple, gray or white skin; irritation and swelling).
  • Spreads to other areas of your body.

What questions should I ask my doctor?

  • How did I get jock itch?
  • How long is jock itch contagious?
  • What steps can I take to prevent jock itch from spreading to other parts of my body?
  • What steps can I take to prevent jock itch from spreading to other people?
  • What’s the best treatment for jock itch?
  • Should I avoid any medications or treatments?
  • What steps can I take to keep from getting jock itch again?
  • Should I look out for signs of complications?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Jock itch is an unpleasant condition. It’s itchy and annoying. It can also sting or burn. However, antifungal medications or home remedies will help you get rid of jock itch. Be sure you don’t scratch your groin, as it can spread the fungus to other parts of your body. It’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s treatment plan, too. If you don’t finish your full course of medicine, jock itch can come back. Ask your healthcare provider how you can keep jock itch from spreading to other parts of your body or other people.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/01/2021.


  • Brown S, Collins JN. Dermatologic Emergencies. In: Stone C, Humphries RL. eds. CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Emergency Medicine, 8e. McGraw Hill. Accessed 12/01/2021.
  • Ely JW, Rosenfeld S, Seabury Stone M. Diagnosis and management of tinea infections. ( Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(10):702-710. Accessed 12/01/2021.
  • Shinkai K, Fox LP. Fungal Infections of the Skin. In: Papadakis MA, McPhee SJ, Rabow MW. eds. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2021. McGraw Hill. Accessed 12/01/2021.
  • The Skin and Nails. In: Suneja M, Szot JF, LeBlond RF, Brown DD. eds. DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination, 11e. McGraw Hill. Accessed 12/01/2021.
  • Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch). In: Papadakis MA, McPhee SJ, Bernstein J. eds. Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2021. McGraw Hill. Accessed 12/01/2021.
  • Zeitany AE, McShane DB, Morrell DS. Skin Disorders: Groin and Skinfolds. In: Tintinalli JE, Ma O, Yealy DM, et al, eds. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e. McGraw Hill. Accessed 12/01/2021.

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