Is Quinoa A Carb

Carbs make up 21% of cooked quinoa, comparable to barley and rice.

Quinoa 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Although quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is prepared and consumed like a cereal grain, it’s categorized as a pseudocereal, as it doesn’t grow on grass like wheat, oats, and rice.

Quinoa has a crunchy texture and nutty flavor. It’s also gluten-free and can therefore be enjoyed by people who are sensitive to gluten or wheat (1, 2).

Quinoa seeds are flat, oval, and usually pale yellow, though the color can range from pink to black. Its taste can vary from bitter to sweet (2).

It’s usually boiled and can be added to salads, used to thicken soups, or eaten as a side dish or breakfast porridge.

The seeds can also be sprouted, ground, and used as flour or popped like popcorn. Quinoa is an excellent food for babies (2, 3).

The United Nations declared 2013 “The International Year of Quinoa” due to the seeds’ potential to contribute to worldwide food security (4).

Though quinoa technically isn’t a grain, it’s still considered a whole-grain food, according to the Whole Grains Council (5).

This article tells you everything you need to know about quinoa.

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Cooked quinoa comprises 71% carbohydrates, 14.6% protein, and 14.2% fat.

One cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa contains 222 calories.

The nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked quinoa are ( 6 ):

  • Calories: 120
  • Water: 72%
  • Protein: 4.4 grams
  • Carbs: 21.3 grams
  • Sugar: 0.9 grams
  • Fiber: 2.8 grams
  • Fat: 1.9 grams


Carbs make up 21% of cooked quinoa, comparable to barley and rice.

About 83% of the carbs are starches. The rest consists mostly of fiber and a small amount of sugars (4%), such as maltose, galactose, and ribose ( 6 , 7 ).

Quinoa has a relatively low glycemic index (GI) score of 53, which means it may not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar (8).

The GI is a measure of how fast blood sugar levels rise after a meal. Eating a low-glycemic-index diet may be linked to a lower risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease ( 9 , 10 ).


Cooked quinoa contains more fiber than brown rice and yellow corn (11).

Fiber makes up 10% of the dry weight of cooked quinoa, 80% to 90% of which are insoluble fibers like cellulose (11).

Insoluble fibers may be associated with reduced diabetes risk ( 12 , 13 ).

Plus, some insoluble fiber may be fermented in your gut, like soluble fibers, feeding your friendly bacteria and promoting better overall health ( 14 , 15 ).

Quinoa also provides some resistant starch, which feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut, promoting the formation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), improving gut health, and cutting your risk of disease ( 16 , 17 ).


Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins are the building blocks of all tissues in your body.

Some amino acids are essential, as your body cannot produce them, making it necessary to acquire them from your diet.

By dry weight, quinoa provides 16% protein, higher than most cereal grains, such as barley, rice, and corn (3, 6 , 18 ).

Quinoa is considered a complete protein source, which means that it provides all nine essential amino acids ( 7 , 18 , 19).

It’s exceptionally high in the amino acid lysine, usually lacking in plants. It’s also rich in methionine and histidine, making it an excellent plant-based protein source (1, 2 , 3).

Not all proteins are equally easy for your body to digest. The protein in quinoa is highly digestible, much like casein, the high quality protein in dairy products (3, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23 ).

Quinoa is gluten-free and therefore suitable for people who are sensitive or allergic to gluten.


A 3.5-ounce (100 gram) serving of cooked quinoa provides about 2 grams of fat.

Like other grains, quinoa fat is mainly composed of palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid (21, 24, 25).


The carbs in quinoa consist mainly of starch, insoluble fibers, and small amounts of sugar and resistant starch. This grain is considered a complete protein and provides 2 grams of fat per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).

Quinoa is a good source of antioxidants and minerals, providing more magnesium, iron, fiber, and zinc than many common grains (3, 26, 27).

Here are the main vitamins and minerals in quinoa:

  • Manganese: Found in high amounts in whole grains, this trace mineral is essential for metabolism, growth, and development ( 28 ).
  • Phosphorus: Often found in protein-rich foods, this mineral is essential for bone health and the maintenance of various body tissues (29).
  • Copper: A mineral often lacking in the Western diet, copper is important for heart health (30).
  • Folate: One of the B vitamins, folate is essential for cell function and tissue growth and is considered particularly important for pregnant people ( 31 , 32 ).
  • Iron: This essential mineral performs many important functions in your body, such as transporting oxygen in red blood cells.
  • Magnesium: Important for many processes in your body, magnesium is often lacking in the Western diet ( 33 ).
  • Zinc: This mineral is important for overall health and participates in many chemical reactions in your body ( 34 ).


Quinoa is a good source of several minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Quinoa contains many plant compounds that contribute to its flavor and health effects, including:

  • Saponin: These plant glycosides protect quinoa seeds against insects and other threats. They’re bitter and usually eliminated by soaking, washing, or roasting before cooking ( 2 , 35 ).
  • Quercetin: This powerful polyphenol antioxidant may help protect against various illnesses, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain forms of cancer ( 36 , 37 , 38 ).
  • Kaempferol: This polyphenol antioxidant may reduce your risk of chronic diseases, including cancer ( 39 , 40 ).
  • Squalene: This precursor of steroids also acts as an antioxidant in your body ( 41 ).
  • Phytic acid: This antinutrient reduces the absorption of minerals, such as iron and zinc. Phytic acid can be reduced by soaking or sprouting quinoa before cooking ( 42 ).
  • Oxalates: They may bind with calcium, reduce its uptake, and increase the risk of kidney stone formation in sensitive individuals (43).
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Bitter quinoa varieties are richer in antioxidants than sweeter types, but both are good sources of antioxidants and minerals.

One study concluded that quinoa had the highest antioxidant content of 10 common cereals, pseudocereals, and legumes (44).

Quinoa and related crops have even been identified as better sources of flavonoid antioxidants than cranberries, which are considered very rich in flavonoids (45).

Keep in mind that the antioxidant levels may decrease with cooking (46, 47 ).


Quinoa is high in many plant compounds, especially antioxidants. Some of the undesirable plant compounds can be eliminated by soaking, washing, or roasting prior to cooking.

Nutritious and rich in many minerals and plant compounds, quinoa can be a healthy addition to your diet.

Some data show that quinoa may increase your nutritional intake and help reduce blood sugar and triglycerides.

Lower blood sugar levels

People with type 2 diabetes are unable to use insulin effectively, causing high blood sugar levels and various complications.

Refined carbs are linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, while whole grains like quinoa are associated with a reduced risk ( 13 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 ).

A study in rats on a high-fructose diet showed that eating quinoa significantly lowered blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar, which are all linked to type 2 diabetes ( 52 ).

One human study compared the effects of quinoa with traditional gluten-free wheat products.

Quinoa lowered both blood triglycerides and free fatty acids. It also affected blood sugar levels to a lesser degree than gluten-free pasta, gluten-free bread, and traditional bread ( 53 ).

May aid weight loss

Quinoa has many properties that make it a weight-loss-friendly food.

It’s higher in protein than similar foods, such as rice, corn, and whole wheat ( 6 ).

Protein is considered a key factor for weight loss, as it boosts metabolism and feelings of fullness. In doing so, it may help prevent obesity and related diseases ( 54 , 55 ).

Fibers are also important for weight loss, promoting decreased calorie intake by increasing feelings of fullness and improving gut health ( 56 , 57 ).

Quinoa is higher in fiber than many whole-grain foods.

The GI value of quinoa is relatively low, and low-glycemic foods have been shown to prevent overeating and decrease hunger ( 10 , 58 , 59 ).

Quinoa is gluten-free

As a gluten-free pseudocereal, quinoa is suitable for people who are intolerant or allergic to gluten, such as those with celiac disease (3).

Research indicates that using quinoa in a gluten-free diet, instead of other common gluten-free ingredients, dramatically increases the nutrient and antioxidant value of your diet ( 60 , 61, 62 ).

Quinoa-based products are well tolerated and may be a suitable alternative to wheat in its original form and in products like bread or pasta ( 63 ).


Quinoa may reduce blood cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides. It’s weight loss friendly, gluten-free, and has been shown to increase the nutrient and antioxidant value of gluten-free diets.

Is Quinoa Low Carb (or Keto-Friendly)?

Many people looking to lose weight or manage chronic health conditions decide to restrict their carb intake ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ).

Although grains are normally off-limits on low carb and ketogenic diets due to their high carb count, quinoa is often considered a health food. Thus, you may wonder whether it adheres to either of these diets.

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Technically a pseudocereal, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is nutritionally considered a whole grain. A diet rich in whole grains is linked to a reduced risk of disease and death ( 3 , 5 ).

This grain is touted for its many health benefits and broad range of nutrients. It’s naturally gluten-free, comes in several colors, and often eaten on its own or in salads, stews, and porridges ( 5 , 6 ).

This article tells you whether quinoa is low carb or keto-friendly.

Quinoa is considered a fairly high carb food, as it contains 21.2 grams in a cooked 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving. This gives it roughly the same number of carbs as millet ( 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ).

Depending on the type of low carb diet you follow, a single serving of quinoa may exceed your daily carb allowance.

Net carbs

Since your body doesn’t fully digest the carbs from dietary fiber, subtracting the total fiber from the total carbs in a food tells you how many carbs your body breaks down.

This figure is referred to as net carbs.

As 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked quinoa holds 2.6 grams of fiber, this portion contains approximately 18.6 grams of net carbs ( 6 ).

Although this number is lower than the total carbs, keep in mind that it’s still significantly more than the 13 grams of net carbs in a single slice of whole grain bread — a food that’s generally off-limits on low carb diets ( 9 ).


Just 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked quinoa provides roughly 21.2 grams of total carbs, or 18.6 grams of net carbs — making it a fairly high carb food.

Many people want to eat quinoa on low carb or keto diets due to its rich nutrient profile ( 5 ).

However, serving size is key. If you’re planning on including this grain in your keto or low carb diet, you should only do so sparsely — not in full-sized portions.

For instance, on a strict keto diet that limits your carb intake to 20 grams per day, one full 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of quinoa exceeds your carb allowance because it boasts over 21 grams of carbs ( 4 , 6 , 10 ).

Even on a more relaxed keto diet that permits up to 50 grams daily, you would still have to carefully restrict all other carbs and stick to foods denser in protein and fat the rest of the day ( 4 , 6 , 10 ).

Although some low carb diets are less stringent and allow for more carbs, you should only eat very small portions of quinoa on low carb or keto diets — if at all.

For instance, you could sprinkle a spoonful on a salad or stew. This way, you could still enjoy quinoa’s signature crunch and nutty flavor without exceeding your carb allotment.

Preparation matters

How you prepare quinoa affects its overall nutrient content, making this grain especially important to limit — or avoid altogether — on low carb diets, including keto.

For example, quinoa prepared with sauces or dressings packs more carbs than plain quinoa. Other dishes, such as starchy vegetables and high carb fruit, also raise your meal’s carb contents.

If you plan to eat small amounts of quinoa on your low carb diet, be sure to prepare it plain and count the other carbs in your meal.


Quinoa fits low carb and keto diets only in very modest amounts. If you choose to eat it, consider it a garnish rather than a dish of its own — and be sure to avoid full-sized portions.

In general, low carb diets contain fewer carbs and more protein and fat than the typical Western diet ( 3 ).

These eating patterns promote lean meats, nuts, fish, and low carb veggies while limiting high carb foods like baked goods, desserts, certain fruits, and grains. Thus, if you follow a strict low carb diet, quinoa would automatically be considered off the table.

A typical low carb diet restricts carbs to 50–130 grams per day, which is higher than the amount allowed on the keto diet ( 4 ).

The keto diet is more restrictive

The ketogenic diet is a type of low carb eating pattern that’s moderate in protein and very high in fat.

It’s designed to help you achieve ketosis, a metabolic state in which your body burns fat instead of carbs as its primary energy source ( 4 , 10 ).

To maintain ketosis on this diet, you should typically consume 20–50 grams of carbs per day ( 4 ).


Low carb diets, including keto, have more fat and protein than the average Western diet. While low carb diets restrict you to 50–130 grams of carbs per day, keto limits you to a minuscule 20–50.

Although it’s considered a health food, quinoa is high in carbs and should be extremely limited on a low carb or keto diet.

If you decide to consume it, never eat full portions. Rather, treat it like a garnish for salads, stews, sandwiches, or porridge.

If you prefer to play it safe with your carb count, it’s best to avoid quinoa altogether.

Last medically reviewed on July 16, 2020

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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