Is 1 Mg Of Xanax A Lot

* When your doctor decreases your Xanax dosage, they will typically do this using a taper schedule, which is a slow decrease over a period of time. A taper is used to decrease your risk of withdrawal symptoms if your body has become physically dependent on Xanax.

Xanax dosage

Xanax (alprazolam) is a brand-name prescription medication. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved it to treat the following anxiety disorders in adults:

  • panic disorder
  • generalized anxiety disorder (short-term treatment)

Xanax comes as an oral tablet. It belongs to a drug class called benzodiazepines and contains the active drug alprazolam. Xanax is also available in a generic form.

For information about typical Xanax doses, including the drug’s strengths and how to take it, keep reading. For a comprehensive look at Xanax, see this article.

Xanax vs. Xanax XR

Xanax comes as an immediate-release tablet, which means all the drug is released into your body as soon as the tablet dissolves. It also comes in an extended-release tablet, which means the medication is released slowly into your body over time.

The extended-release form is called Xanax XR. It’s approved to treat panic disorder only. You’ll typically take Xanax XR once a day.

This article focuses on the Xanax immediate-release tablet. To learn more about Xanax XR’s dosage, talk with your doctor or see the drug’s prescribing information.

This article describes typical dosages for Xanax provided by the drug’s manufacturer. When taking Xanax, always follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Read below for information about typical (“normal”) doses of Xanax. Although the drug manufacturer sets a maximum dose of Xanax for each condition, your highest dose of Xanax and your lowest dose of Xanax will depend on your body’s response to the drug.

Xanax form

Xanax comes as an oral tablet.

Xanax strengths

Xanax comes in four strengths:

  • 0.25 milligrams (mg)
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg
  • 2 mg

Typical dosages

Typically, your doctor will start you taking a low dosage. Then they’ll adjust it over time to reach the amount that’s right for you. Your doctor will ultimately prescribe the smallest dosage that provides the desired effect. Your doctor will determine your dose of Xanax based on your body’s reaction to the drug rather than Xanax dosing by weight.

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The following information describes dosages that are commonly used or recommended. However, be sure to take the dosage your doctor prescribes for you. Your doctor will determine the best dosage to fit your needs.

Dosage for panic disorder

The typical starting dosage of Xanax for panic disorder is 0.5 mg three times per day. It’s also possible that your dose of Xanax may be lower than that.*

Your doctor may increase your daily dosage depending on your body’s response to the drug. They may adjust your dose over time, typically increasing it by no more than 1 mg every 3 to 4 days. Xanax prescribing information reports a maximum dosage of Xanax as 10 mg daily. However, the average dose of Xanax is lower than that.

Dosage for generalized anxiety disorder

The typical starting dose of Xanax for generalized anxiety disorder is 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg, three times per day. It’s also possible that the dose of Xanax you take will be lower than that.*

Your doctor may increase your daily dosage slowly, depending on how your body responds to the drug. They may adjust your dose every 3 to 4 days until you’re taking the dose that’s right for you. Xanax prescribing information reports a maximum daily dosage of 4 mg, split into three doses.

* When your doctor decreases your Xanax dosage, they will typically do this using a taper schedule, which is a slow decrease over a period of time. A taper is used to decrease your risk of withdrawal symptoms if your body has become physically dependent on Xanax.

Children’s dosage

Xanax is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat any condition in children. However, doctors may prescribe Xanax off-label in certain children. (Off-label use is when an FDA-approved drug is prescribed for a purpose other than what it’s approved for.)

If you have questions about off-label uses of Xanax, talk with your doctor.

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Long-term treatment

Xanax is not meant to be a long-term treatment. Your doctor will typically prescribe it for as short a time as possible.

It’s not known whether it’s safe or effective to take Xanax for longer than 10 weeks for panic disorder. And it’s not known whether it’s safe or effective to take the medication for longer than 4 months for generalized anxiety disorder.

If you and your doctor decide that you should stop taking Xanax, your doctor will decrease your dose slowly. Doing so may help avoid withdrawal symptoms* that can occur if you suddenly stop treatment.

* Xanax has a boxed warning about the risk of dependence and withdrawal. A boxed warning is the most serious warning from the FDA. To learn more about this, see the boxed warning at the top of this article.

I’m on Xanax 1mg 2 times daily. Is this considered a large dose? How to safely come off the med?

I’ve been on Xanax 1mg twice daily for 6-8 years , is this considered a high dose? I tale 1mg on the morning around 6am, the second 1mg tab. about noon. Then I’m good until the next morning around 6am again. Whats the fastest and safest way to get off these little monsters, I’m sick of these pills.


WildcatVet 28 July 2020

Hi, guy!
Xanax may be prescribed up to 4mg/day and in some special populations even higher so, no, you’re not taking a huge dosage. But it’s high enough and you’ve been taking it long enough that your metabolism is likely to be habituated to it.
It’s very difficult for most people to discontinue benzodiazepines, especially Xanax. Follow massos’s advice and do not attempt to do this yourself because you need professional supervision and a reducing dosage schedule to follow.
Assuming you’re taking it for an anxiety disorder you may also want to talk with your health care provider about some safer alternatives such as the antidepressant/anxiolytics and a medication called buspirone which is often indicated for these disorders.
Best regards and I wish you a safe and comfortable withdrawal.

Votes: +1
masso 28 July 2020

You should talk to your Psychiatrist in order for him/her help you with a discontinuation schedule and follow it under his/her supervision. You must stop this benzodiazepine gradually in order to avoid withdrawals.

Votes: +1

Related topics

Further information

  • Xanax uses and safety info
  • Xanax information for Healthcare Professionals (includes dosage details)
  • Side effects of Xanax (detailed)
Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

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