Inguinal Hernia Anatomy

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An inguinal hernia It occurs when meaty tissue attaches to the muscles of the abdomen. The fleshy material becomes part of the intestinal tract or fleece (omentum) around the abdomen. Irregularities can be very painful, especially with large objects, coughing, or bending forward. It gets worse if you stand up and lie down and feel sick. If left untreated, it can lead to strangulation. This refers to the history of irregularity reducing blood supply to the LOB of the intestine.

Anatomy of gro fractures: direct and indirect.

Inguinal hernia There are two types: indirect or direct. More information on both types can be found here.


You have direct inguinal hernia When penetrating the fascia of the abdominal wall. The bag is usually inside the lower abdominal barrel. Both men and women can meet, but men are 10 to 1 more prone to develop this type. of hernia . A direct inguinal hernia It comes from the area of the transverse fascia of Hesselbach’s triangle. the anatomic The area at the end of the rectus muscle. The hernia Cannot extend into the scrotum – it comes out through the surface scrotum. inguinal ring.

There is a better opportunity to work on the rectum. hernias When your abdominal wall weakens as you get older . Some other risk points are coughing cough, acquired constipation, obesity, family history inguinal hernias , and prior episodes of hernias .

Indirect gro caliber fractures

An indirect inguinal hernia Occurs when deep inguinal After the egg has passed, the ring does not close as well As in others. hernias , indirect hernias It is also caused by shallow inguinal ring, leading to gro caliber. hernia Now that you have learned more inguinal hernia anatomy do you understand the true reason for the indirect reason. inguinal hernias .

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The boy has a jacket on his balls when he was passing through the the inguinal ring. This creates a temporary confluence called the loop vagina. After the egg completes its descent, this process is eradicated. The inguinal canal has the deep inguinal Call the first so that there is enough space for the sperm to pass through. If the opening is larger than needed for the sperm, this can lead to indirect ejaculation. inguinal hernia .

How can this be treated?

Your doctor will perform a physical examination to indicate whether you have inguinal hernia They still have every opportunity to interrogate you about certain signs and symptoms, as well as investigate the unevenness of your gro radius. There is a good chance you will have to milk them diligently to arrange yours! hernia more prominent.

Your doctor will see how large or small your gro radius hernia is. If it is small, your doctor will refer you to the “wait and see attitude” A small course does not require a small course. hernia However, it is important to have surgery to treat or cure a painful complaint hernia To prevent severe deterioration.

If surgery is necessary, there are two options Herniorrhaphy and laparoscopy.


Also called an open hernia The procedure is a repair in which a cut in the gro radius is made to return the superior colon or omentum to its original chamber in the abdomen. After this, the physician attaches the torn muscle with a weak spot, a very synthetic mesh. It is obligatory to try to drive as quickly and painlessly as possible. It may take up to 4 months or more to perform the normal operation again.


This is a minimally invasive procedure in which a fairly small piece is made of the abdomen. The physician repairs a small tube with a camera in a section. the hernia Because the procedure does not require a large incision, there is a good chance that normal work can resume early. Laparoscopy in case your case can be seen hernias You will return after the traditional hernia surgery. This is fundamentally important to ensure that auto-tissue is not created again. Your doctor may recommend laparoscopy if you are undergoing bilateral laparoscopy. inguinal hernias .

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Considering the inguinal hernia anatomy Some experts believe that laparoscopic repair carries an increased risk of complications. Therefore, it is essential to ask a professional and competent physician to carry out the position. Do not go for this position if you have a fairly large hernia pelvic manipulation in the past and cannot obtain joint anesthesia.

How to prevent gro radius fractures

With the knowledge of inguinal hernia anatomy Can you know what you can do to prevent it in the first place? You must realize that you can do little at all with natural deviations that increase your risk of developing a gro radius fracture. inguinal hernia There are several steps you can take that can be implemented to control your baggage.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight requires intensive and regular exercise. Talk to your own physician about what exercises you can or cannot do at a fitness center.
  • Work with a nutritionist or ask your doctor to help you put together your diet. It is imperative that you eat many vegetables, fruits and complete grains that contain fiber. It is fundamental to produce your stuff to prevent straining and constipation. hernias worse.
  • Mainly, avoid the greatest number of massive efforts. If you really need to lift, bend from the knees. Do not bend from the waist. Otherwise, your condition will worsen.
  • Smoking should be ignored. Because it causes coughing which can be aggravated. an inguinal hernia .

If you cough, you must remember that. inguinal hernias You cannot fix this history with supportive clothing designed to make you hernias in space. You must wear it, but if your doctor asks you to wear it shortly before surgery . & lt; pran & gt; You will need to work with a nutritionist or have your doctor help you put together a diet. It is imperative that you eat many vegetables, fruits, and complete grains that contain fiber. To prevent you press and constipation is fundamental

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].