Infected Septum Piercing – TSMP Medical Blog

Pavement cartilage between two nostrils or septum piercing It has gained great fame among the younger generation. Day. the piercing Sama-a umeetting ones, may borrow up to 1 year in the direction in which to recover, their footprints are obtained. an infection Priorities. The most important thing that concerns and hinders you it infected .

What causes an inflamed septum?

As with all other infections, bacteria and other pathogens are still considered the most important culprits here. They have access to the bloodstream. and infect the septum Because of poor hygiene:

  • There is no good hygiene inside. piercing as nonsterilized needles.
  • Bad aftercare.
  • Bad personal hygiene, like touching the space with dirty hands
  • Jewelry with wrong volume and wrong material (e.g., allergic to nickel).

What are the signs of an infected septum?

How are you? the septum has been infected ? Let’s look at some common symptoms

  • In case of recent piercings Redness around the jewelry that does not go away after 2-3 weeks.
  • Yellow or greenish pus-like separation the pierced area
  • Pain and sensitivity the pierced septum
  • Prolonged or recent bleeding piercing (extreme cases)
  • Bump or lump on the piercing site
  • Pain and swelling in the septum (which is good and usually in the first week)
  • Crust

How do you treat an inflamed septum?

Managing a septum piercing infection This can be difficult, especially because of its location. Following the service footprint below, the schlander can be reopened

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1. 1 week in salt water

This is a very well known treatment an infected septum piercing Salt from field salt mixed with warm water, the infected A cotton swab or Q-tip brings illumination. This is applied 2-3 times a day for 5-6 minutes in the direction of the Additionally, ensure that any bark or paved dirt is removed if this is contributing to a rise in bacteria.

2. apply the piercing solution

A piercing Often the solution is! the piercers This is actually very effective in treating septum piercings infection H2OCEAN solution and H2O sea salt spray are still effective in treating infected septum and other body piercing 2. home remedies such as chamomile bags an d-2 local lavender oil can still do wonders and give it a chance

3. take medications.

An infection This is done daily the hard way. For a good diagnosis and correct healing you should definitely go to the doctor. Oral medications and ointments are often prescribed when the disease the infection intensifies and begins to spread. Due to the fact that self-treatment is wrong, it does not come at the expense of medicine healing process and may affect the the piercing drainage and cause abscesses.

4. other methods

Once an infected septum piercing diagnosed and healing is required. But it is equally important to worry the infected septum and protection against later infection.

  • For example, do not remove scabs or gaps from the chamber with your fingers. This can make the bleeding worse. and infection ;
  • Do not play with the nose ring. Turn only about 4 times after cleaning.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol if it delays the healing process.
  • Do not use alcohol or alcohol cleaners the infected septum .
  • Do not remove housing decorations of infection Surgical treatment is ultimately necessary to numb the abscess, as this will result in a painful abscess.
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Negligence is not caused solely of infection However, it can lead to something as important as the destruction of the nose. Be sure to follow all instructions and guidelines that were set up at the time. of piercing .

How to Prevent Infected Septail Piercings

Whether it would be at your own hygiene service or not to be careful, precautions make a lot of sense with regard to keeping your hands clean. septum infections at bay.

  • Make sure your hands are clean before touching the affected area.
  • Do not touch your own hands. piercing ;
  • Always use odorless products and wash your face thoroughly.
  • Always get the septum pierced Use a professional and make sure you are using sterile equipment.
  • Make sure the jewelry you use is considered desirable and will not cause reactions, allergies, or wounds.
  • Avoid swimming till the piercing Heal pool water as it is considered a source of bacteria.
  • Tea tree oil and chamomile oil have every opportunity to soothe the area and reduce pain, but to prevent burning, tea tree oil should be diluted.
  • As far as bacterial mixtures are concerned, be careful to use a mixture with peroxide in the bottle because it not only kills the bacteria, but also the healthy cells that are essential for healing.

Watch the video to see how to care and polish the septum piercing :

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].