How the menstrual cups are used

Many readers are interested in the right subject: how to apply menstrual cups. Our makers are pleased to have already done research on current studies on this fascinating subject. We will provide a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample surveys. Keep repeating to find out more.

For years, women have used sanitary napkins and tampons to catch their own blood and protect their clothing from stains. A menstrual Cups invite new candidates for each of these classic methods, and while some of these cups are considered disposable, others are reusable and sustainable.

To understand how to use menstrual cups, you must first understand their construction. These cups are folded into a bell with a small “handle” protruding from the bottom. A menstrual The cups are made of average value silicone and are therefore resilient.

How the menstrual cups are used

The cup is inserted into the vagina, where blood is collected. At the end of the day you remove it, empty the cup, wash and rewind him. But it is the soil. There are details on how to do this. use menstrual It will help you prepare for the first introduction.

Step 1: Folding and holding

Wash your hands. Next, take the walls of the cup together and fold in a C-shape. For most women, this C is the so the menstrual the easiest cup. Note, however, that every woman has a slightly different anatomy and will feel more comfortable in this folded configuration.

Step 2: Relax the pelvic muscles

If the pelvic muscles are tense, bringing the cup in may be difficult or painful. It may be helpful to relax the pelvic muscles in the conductor, for example, when bringing the cup in, so that you can perform the cone exercise. Be patient and remember that bringing in the cup is difficult the first time. If you get frustrated, agree to a break and call again.

Step 3: Heel

For how to use a menstrual Now you try to find a state of comfort. Some women like them. menstrual cup while they are sitting on the toilet. Others like to squat in the shower or bath. You can still try to stand with your feet on the edge of the bath or toilet and squat with your back to the wall or lay your feet and knees together.

Step 4: Locate the neck of the uterus

Then you try to put your finger into the vagina to feel your own cervix. This is a smooth little piece that resembles the tip of your nose and has a notch exactly in the middle. This will help you find the neck of the uterus as you want to focus your own chalice. This will prevent you from accidentally having the neck of the uterus by applying the chalice or applying a spot of chalice to the neck of the uterus. If you cannot find the cervix, do not worry. It is probably sublime and will probably not cause any problems. You can still skip this step and elementary your goal. the menstrual Cup your little back.

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Step 5: Insert the cup

Now it’s time to really learn how to do it. use menstrual cup. You want to fold it over and pull it to one hand with the stem holder facing you. Spread your labia apart and use your other hand to find the vaginal opening. Thrust your cup out at a 45 degree angle toward the pubic bone, not straight up. You should keep the cup inside until it opens and feels comfortable. The base of the bowl does not need to pass through the vaginal opening.

Step 6: Make sure the bowl is not completely closed

If you feel or hear a prop, this indicates that the bowl is completely open. If you do not notice any of these things, you must go over the base of the bowl with your hand if it is around, or if you are around. If necessary, you can manually discover the bowl with your own hand or by circling the bowl, doing the cone exercise, or pushing the vaginal wall area out with your fingers. When doing this make sure the vacuum is placed in the chamber, including how to hold the cup.

Step 7: Do not use for more than 12 hours.

A great thing about the menstrual The cup can be used for up to 12 hours. Most women should empty the cup once during the day and once in the evening as well, but this varies from person to person. Depending on jet lag, you may have to empty it more often.

Step 8: Remove the cup

To remove the menstrual Begin by pushing the cup further down and using your muscles to remove it. Continue in the same manner until you can reach the stem, then you can shake it back and forth. If possible, grab the base of the chalice rather than the stem and continue pulling it out. Almost all girls find it easier to remove the chalice by breaking the vacuum and tightening the vase. When removing. the menstrual The cup is upright so there is less spillage. If the edges are too wide to comfortably remove the cup, fold the cup before removing it. Removing the cup over the toilet is perfect because it allows the cup to be removed from the toilet and the toilet to be removed from the cup. This is because you can let the contents behind you.

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Why use a menstrual cup?

Now you have a good idea how its a use menstrual cup, but what is it used for? Menstrual cups are useful in more ways than all other methods. They can help your bunion, your torso, and the environment around you.

1. more than all others for your body.

  • For example, they certainly help your hull because tampons have every opportunity to unbalance the pH value and humidity of the vagina. This is because they eat up 35% of your natural moisture and 65% menstrual Moisture. Menstrual cups do not interfere with this in the vagina.
  • A menstrual The cups still do not cancel the fibers in the vaginal walls, are not associated with toxic syndromes, and do not contain absorbent gels, deodorants, or bleach.
  • Since menstrual Cups are usually made using silicone with a honey value. They do not bother you and are suitable for women with allergies, eczema, thrush, and sensitive skin. Silicon is not allergenic and comes from silica, one mineral.
  • Finally, the bowls can help the hull without absorbing one of the natural defense mechanisms. This allows the mucous membranes to retain their own defense and cleansing functions on the vaginal walls.

2. more than everything else for your budget and environment

The menstrual The cup is certainly suitable for your budget and environment. Limit the number of waste and menstrual supply you use. Several studies have shown that the average woman throws away 125-150 kg of input sleeves, tampons, and sanitary napkins over the course of her life. Therefore menstrual Cups are reusable. They do not need to be frequently smelt or replaced.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].