Many readers are interested in the right subject: how feet touch. We are glad that our makers have already studied contemporary research on the subject that fascinates you. We give you a wide range of answers based on information from the latest medical reports, advanced research papers and sample surveys. Keep repeating to recognize more.
If you are uninjured but cannot touch your toes, this usually indicates low elasticity in the hips, hamstrings, or both. To recognize how to touch the feet, one must first understand specific ways to make the body more flexible. The best way is to regularly stretch the muscles. There are exercises that can help increase elasticity, touch your toes, and make you the most sensitive as possible. Keep repeating them to recognize them all.
Why Can’t You Touch Your Toes?
Many things not included in an injury can make it difficult to touch your toes. Here are some of the main reasons that provide one of the best realizations
Body shape: If you have a short upper body and relatively long legs, your upper body shape should go further. In other words, it is difficult to touch the toes if one has long for long legs.
Tight muscles: 1 trivial main cause for not being able to touch your toes is impenetrable muscles. If your hip joints are not flexible enough, you will not be able to touch your toes. This is because when you bend forward, they try to straighten them straight. Your leg flexor muscles work harder when you are not sitting all day or stretching often. Tighter leg flexors tilt your pelvis slightly forward, making it harder to bend and touch your toes.
How to Touch Your Toes
Now that we understand why we cannot touch our toes, it is easier to understand how we can easily touch our toes. Here are a few complicated steps.
1. pull the back
The back muscles run from the top of the backbone to the tailbone. All the rigidity of this muscle group makes it difficult to bend the body and backbone. Try the Camel Cat exercise to make the lower and upper back more flexible.
What to do: begin sitting on your hands and feet with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Push back up to make it and hold it for a count. Next, push the hips to the floor in an arc. This is allowed once. Perform 10 before touching the feet.
2. extend the leg
Tied to the flexible leg muscles while removing tension from the calf. Hip exercises with raised heels help increase the elasticity of the hamstrings and but muscles so you can touch your toes more easily.
What you are making: grab a firm heel weight (25 lbs.). Bend forward at the waist without losing any curvature in the hips. Slowly and practically behind the toes, pause and return to the beginning.Perform 10 repetitions and try to touch the feet. If you are experiencing problems, remind yourself of the correct exercise.
3. stretch the calf
If you do not know how to loosen your own calf, learning to touch the toes is a challenge. Try elevated toe joints to stretch the Achilles tendon and calf muscles.
What you will do: You will need to hold the ball of your foot on a 25-pound weight plate and bend forward at the waist. Stand and stop for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. This is a picture of a normal leg hinge as such
4. extend the hamstrings
If you want to bend and touch your toes, you can see that your hamstrings are stretched. This means that creating something to stretch the hamstring will make it easier to touch the leg.
What you should do: lie on the floor near a doorframe or corner of a wall and place the heel of your foot on the wall. Slowly extend your knees and experience a stretch in your own hamstrings. This is not intended to be painful, but. maintain your own deal with 30 seconds and return to the starting point. Do the same with the other leg.
5. stretch the leg
Most people are not fully aware that there are muscles on the day of the foot. They are called flexor muscles and play a major role in determining lower body flexibility. Remember this tennis shaft and freeze more flexibility.
What you are making: stand upright. Place your bosagga on the tennis ball and roll it slightly. Continue rolling the ball in the direction of the smallest fraction and repeat with the other leg. Remember to touch your toes again.
If after a few repetitions you still cannot touch your toes, you must continue these exercises for a few days to increase the elasticity of the joints and allow you to touch your toes.
6. yoga soothes the whole body
How do you touch your toes? Make your entire body more flexible! The motivational exercises above will certainly help, but at the same time, proper yoga posture will certainly give the best results.
- Active Squat: Stand upright. Keep knees and feet under hips as arms extend. Without lifting your heels, slowly sit in position. Exhale while you go through it. Hold the posture for three long thorough hugs then return to the starting position. Repeat three times.
- Kneeling Thrust: go to the basic thrust position and keep your knees bent. Grasp your hands on your front thighs and lower your pelvis to the floor. Exhale while you are doing this. While you are descending, bring your butt muscles with you and keep them squatting forward. Hold the posture five long and return to the starting point. Do the same on the other side.
- Pyramid: Keep your right foot between 18 and 24 centimeters and dive slightly away from your toes. The concave forms the foot, keeping the foot at its maximum. Slowly lean forward and place your hands on your front feet. Continue to stay low without encircling your back. Use your quads. Hamstrings should be fully extended. Suck thoroughly and thoroughly in each of the 5 postures.
- Extended baby attitude: stand in kneeling position and extend arms forward. Exhale while you are doing this. Slowly push your hips back onto your heels and place your forehead on the floor. Hold this posture for five long, thorough breaths.
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