Poor evaluative skills are something that many people suffer from from time to time at some point in their lives, and it certainly does not reflect a person’s psyche. When one is distracted or stressed for any reason, one’s judgment is usually inadequate. There is nothing to worry about. The universe does not stop here. All you have to do is you. parents to talk about it. Here are a few services for you.
Do you actually explain to parents who receive bad grades
1. prepare yourself
Don’t worry, don’t even think about hiding bad grades from your own students. parents For example, the story will only flare up. Start thinking about how and when you will tell your students. parents Then you can enjoy a walk or bike ride in the meantime to give you a sense that you are more than just another person.
2 Choose a favorable moment
You can’t try to tell your boyfriend that you are not happy with them, that you are not happy with them, that they are not happy with you. parents A bad announcement when they are stressed or just back from work. Wait until dinner or plan time with him or her and make the announcement in a measured routine. Do not look for apologies to postpone this moment any longer than necessary. parents The same day you made the bad decision.
3. be respectful.
How to tell your parents Do you have a bad grade? Never increase your tone when you speak with them. Remember, this will only stimulate the narrative. It brings them closer to you. parents Do not address them respectfully with appropriate texts or curses. Give them to you. parents time to speak even if you think they are being unfair to you.
4. be honest with them.
Think deeply about why you brought them to this point and do not look for excuses. You. parents greatly appreciate your adulthood and integrity. The most important thing is that you be honest with yourself, because whether the reason is that you had little training, or that you have a lot of housework or other things to do, or that you didn’t fully understand things; the most important thing is that you be honest with yourself. parents and with yourself.
5. keep things in perspective comparatively.
Remind your parents That you are usually a good student and that it is not uncommon for you to get into trouble at school. Reassure them that you are willing to do everything to make up for this. If problems arise at school, this is the time to tell them and ask for their support.
6. create real learning projects
Textbooks alone will not enable you to do this. parents Therefore, create a research project. For example, you are going to study for an hour or two a day without distraction. And if you are really struggling and don’t get it, you can improve your numbers by taking some private lessons.
7. listen to your caregivers
How to tell your parents Are there any bad grades? For example, is it possible that you told them what they should do?
If you do not doubt that you have fully explained yourself and told them what your intentions are for improving your future views, let you parents speak freely with you without communicating with them. They have the opportunity to lecture you angrily, but you owe it to them to listen. Remind them that they want the best for you, and if they think you are ignoring your own school work they will no doubt worry about your future.
Avoid conversations about being cocky or disrespectful to yourself. parents I don’t think your history is being taken seriously. However, if you feel you are being psychologically or physically abused, it is advisable to inform your teachers next to your family or the authorities.
8. offer and accept the sanction they have given you
We recommend that you offer the appropriate sanction, one that is actually yours parents can offer to you. You can ask them to lift the TV for a few days, go to a big party or study in your room that night. In this way you will! parents Are you willing to improve the aristocracy of the wrong person?
You must accept all the punishment parents You can give. Sometimes you will. parents The suggestions you give them may be so that they have the opportunity to choose something completely different according to what they consider advantageous to you. You must ignore all arguments and negatives. Fear the downfall of the house, fight sanctions or be disobedient.
9. improve your future personal evaluation skills
How to tell your parents Do you have bad grades? You already know the answer. Here are a few recommendations that can improve your own future personal evaluations
- Process what is important in the classroom and then reread your high school home. This is a very effective way to improve your numbers.
- Start learning to anticipate your research and arrange your essay with the time you need in advance. Beware of the urge to make everything up at the last minute.
- If you are struggling in class or find it difficult to understand something, talk to your teacher and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Do not copy your classmates’ assignments. If you do, you could get caught and have to do even worse, and you ask for none of it.
- Join a research group. Sometimes someone your age will be able to understand baggage like others described in more measured life.
- If you are struggling in school and notice that your numbers are not good let us know. parents Knowing. They will have the opportunity to speak with your teacher or arrange a private lesson for you. Don’t wait until it is too late.