How do I recognize if a Burthartmark is a Burthirmart?

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In our daily lives there are certain direct tasks that must be performed on a regular basis, such as checking the air in our car tires once a week or changing the oil and oven filter every month. We do these things and keep our possessions running perfectly, but how many of us can claim to perform these steps for the health of our bodies? For example, we must check monthly for irregularities and skin cancer. Finally, how can we claim in case of birth marks? is cancerous ? Read the answer.

How do I recognize if a Burthartmark is a Burthirmart?

How do I recognize if a Burthartmark is a Burthirmart?

The birthmark contains the correct features in a simple case.

  • It usually contains a dye measuring coffee color. It can be found in a variety of colors, including dark, scar colors, iridescent, coffee, blue, bleach, and leather.
  • Has a round shape and is slightly raised or flat.
  • The same is included in the direction of several months.

If you want nobility, how to explain if a birth mark occurs. is cancerous The first symbol is the appearance of a new space or configuration to the existing birth mark. This can be in the color, shape, or volume of the birthmark. can follow in the footsteps of the ABCDE rule. This helps in recognizing the symptoms of melanoma.

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  • Asymmetry: The center of one birth mark is not the same as the center of another birth mark.
  • Borders: Restrictions were made irregularly. The sego has an ambiguous circumference and is gray or scarred. An ambiguous circumference occurs when pigment spreads to the skin around the blood.
  • Color: The color may be uneven, brown, coffee-like, grayish, reddish, broken white, pink, or blue pigment.
  • Diameter: Birth mark size varies or increases. They have every opportunity to become smaller, but are no more than 6 mm wide.
  • Evolution: Changes in the birth mark in the direction of months or months.

In addition, the correct signs and symptoms have every opportunity to become symptoms that the birth mark is becoming cancerous :

  • Pain: If you notice that the FIRST birth mark is painful to the touch and that blood or fluid comes out, investigate immediately.
  • Do not heal: regardless of the use of ointments or cleaning, if the birth mark does not heal over time, the birth mark is at risk of forming cancer.
  • Bleeding: if the birthmark is bleeding or itchy, dry and flaky, this should be investigated.
  • Heredity: skin cancer can travel if someone in the family has the disease condition.


  • It must be remembered that not all melanomas can meet the above characteristics. Every new birth mark must be investigated by a dermatologist.
  • Men usually have melanoma on the back and women have it on the shins.

The following video explains melanoma in detail

How to Determine if a Birthmark Looks Like Cancer

As soon as you understand how to indicate a birth mark is cancerous You can certainly get a certificate by going to a doctor who will apply the proper methods.

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1. screening for skin cancer

Screening can be done by a professional who occasionally looks from head to toe. This can also be done at home. At home you should see the difference between the appearance marks and freckles and the normal skin symbols. This can be done with a true length mirror and with a hand mirror to reach the slow zones. Make sure each part of the body is checked. For example, check the gro radius, scalp, the area between the toes, the soles of the shoes, and the area between the nails.

Sometimes screening by specific tissues is recommended or not. Talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

2. biopsy

Sometimes you can a cancerous look at the skin and find a mall, but a biopsy is needed to prove it. In a biopsy, the mall or a portion of the entire mall is removed and examined by a pathologist. A correct biopsy may be performed.

  • Punch biopsy: a round knife is pressed into the skin around the melanoma and a series of skin is removed for study.
  • Exceptional biopsy: the entire birth mark is removed, along with some of the surrounding normal skin.
  • Ointment: only a portion of the abnormal birth mark is removed and analyzed in the lab.

The type of biopsy will be determined based on your condition. Typically, the physician will want to perform a punch or removal biopsy to investigate the entire birthmark. If the birthmark is very large, a nuclear biopsy is performed.

Alex Koliada, PhD
Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are:

Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [];
Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct];
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].