There are many people that say BV can be cured with home remedies. In some cases that may true but that is a misleading statement. BV can be prevented by using home remedies. In some cases, it can be cured but head to your doctor just to be sure. They usually prescribe antibiotic medication which works most of the time, and they can make other suggestions for you. BV can also cause discharge from the vagina, so if you notice this you should immediately go to the doctor for a proper diagnosis.
What Causes Vaginal Burning, and How Is It Treated?
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Vaginal burning can occur due to irritation, infection, or other health conditions. You may also experience discharge.
Vaginal itching and irritation is common. It usually isn’t cause for concern. However, persistent itching, burning, and irritation may be a sign of infection or another underlying condition.
This includes discomfort anywhere in the vaginal area, such as your:
- labia
- clitoris
- vaginal opening
These symptoms may begin suddenly or grow in intensity over time. The burning and irritation may be constant, or it may worsen during an activity like urination or sexual intercourse.
Keep reading to learn more about the possible causes, as well as other symptoms to watch for.
Chemicals found in everyday products can irritate the sensitive skin of the vagina and cause irritation and burning.
- laundry detergent
- soaps
- scented toilet paper
- bubble bath products
- menstrual pads
Irritation can also result from certain garments, including:
- fitted pants
- panty hose or tights
- tight underwear
These symptoms may develop as soon as you begin using a new product. If the irritation is a result of clothes, burning and other symptoms may develop gradually as you wear the items more.
How to treat this
Avoid using any scented or perfumed products on your genitals. If symptoms occur after you use a new product, stop using it to see if the symptoms clear.
Be sure to take a bath or shower after you’ve been in a swimming pool or hot tub to wash away bacteria and chemicals that might irritate the tender tissue around your vagina.
Tampons, condoms, douches, creams, sprays, and other products you might put in or near the vagina can cause vaginal burning. These products can irritate the genitals and cause symptoms.
How to treat this
The easiest way to treat this is to stop using the product you believe is causing the irritation. If it’s a new product, identifying it may be easy. If symptoms go away when you stop using it, you know the culprit.
If your contraception or a condom is the source of the irritation, talk with your doctor about alternatives. Some condoms are made for people with sensitive skin. They may be better for your partner to use during intercourse. Extra water-soluble lubricant might be needed.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women ages 15 to 44 . It can develop when too much of a certain bacterium grows in the vagina.
In addition to burning, you may experience:
- a thin white or gray discharge
- a fish-like odor, especially after sex
- itching outside the vagina
How to treat this
In some cases, BV will clear up without treatment. However, most women will need to see their doctor for prescription antibiotics. Be sure to take every dose of your prescription. This can help prevent the infection from returning.
Almost 75 percent of women will experience at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. They occur when yeast in the vagina grows excessively.
In addition to burning, you may experience:
- itching and swelling of the vagina
- itching, redness, and swelling of the vulva
- pain when you urinate or during intercourse
- thick, white discharge that resembles cottage cheese
- red rash on the outside of the vagina
How to treat this
Infrequent yeast infections can usually be cleared with home remedies or over-the-counter antifungal medications. Medications typically include creams, ointments, or suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina. These can be purchased at a pharmacy over the counter.
But if you suspect you have a yeast infection and this is your first one, make an appointment to see your doctor. Many other conditions mimic the symptoms of a yeast infection. A diagnosis from your doctor is the only way to confirm it.
A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria get inside your urinary tract or bladder. It causes a feeling of internal burning and a painful sensation when you urinate.
You may also experience:
- an intense urge to urinate, but little urine is produced when you try to go
- the need to urinate frequently
- pain when starting the stream
- strong-smelling urine
- cloudy urine
- red, bright pink, or cola-color urine, which may be a sign of blood in the urine
- fever and chills
- stomach, back, or pelvic pain
How to treat this
If you suspect a UTI, see your doctor. They’ll prescribe a course of antibiotics that will clear the infection right up. Be sure to take every dose, even if your symptoms have subsided. If you don’t complete the antibiotics, the infection might return. Drink extra fluids during this time.
Antibiotics are not the only treatment option, and your doctor may prescribe other medications.
Trichomoniasis (trich) is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States. It’s more common in women than men. Many women with the infection don’t have any symptoms.
When symptoms do occur, they include:
- irritation and itching in the genital area
- thin or frothy discharge that can be clear, white, yellow, or green
- very foul-smelling odor
- discomfort during intercourse and urination
- lower abdominal pain
How to treat this
Trich is treated with a prescription antibiotic. In most cases, a single dose is all that’s needed. Both you and your partner will need to be treated before having intercourse again.
If left untreated, trich can increase your risk for other STDs and lead to long-term complications.
Gonorrhea is an STD. It’s especially common in young adults, ages 15 to 24 .
Like many STDs, gonorrhea rarely produces symptoms. In most cases, an STD test is the only way to know for sure if you have this STD.
If you do experience symptoms, they may include:
- mild burning and irritation in the vagina
- painful burning and irritation while urinating
- unusual discharge
- bleeding or spotting between periods
How to treat this
Gonorrhea is easily cured with a single-dose prescription antibiotic.
If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to serious complications, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility.
5 Best Ways to Stop a Vagina Burning Sensation
A burning sensation in the vagina is a common problem that can mean a lot of different things. As with any medical problem, there can be many causes for why you’re experiencing a vagina burning sensation. The only way that you can truly solve the problem is if you realize what is causing it. Below you’ll find a list of problems that can cause a vagina burning sensation so that you can compare these with your symptoms. It is always best to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
5 Ways to Stop Vaginal Burning
When you experience vaginal burning and irritation, there are a number of things you need to do, and we’re going to go through them all here.
- Find the cause. We go into a lot of detail of what could be causing your itching inside below. See if any of these are the cause for you, and read the recommended treatment options.
- Use a DHEA Cream Before Sex. This is an important recommendation because it can help prevent much of the discomfort you may be experiencing due to dryness, and it can help lubricate the area. Use of a DHEA cream leads to the improved synthesis of the estrogen sex hormone. This hormone is responsible for better lubrication, reduced burning sensation, improved sex drive, plus overall performance. We suggest trying out The Julva Vaginal Moisturizer . However, do note that if you actually have an infection, this cream should not be used to treat it.
- Use a Cool Compress to soothe symptoms. We love this tip because a cool compress can really go a long way in relieving symptoms of dryness and irritation that are not from an infection. This remedy can temporarily ease itchiness, burning and other symptoms associated with vaginal burning. This particular cool compress may be for eyes, but we suggest that it might be the right size for your lady parts.
- Stop using chemical ridden Body Washes and opt for an Organic Tea Tree Oil Soap Bar instead. Soaps, washes, and virtually anything that contains fragrance and chemicals has the potential to cause very uncomfortable situations. Chemical laden soaps do not align with vaginal pH, and this is a health problem. Use of chemical ridden body washes alters the normal pH of the vagina; as a sensitive and delicate part of the body, this change results in what you feel as burning or discomfort. Instead, try a Tea Tree Oil Soap!
- Avoid tight fitting clothes like Yoga pants and wear cotton underwear. This is an important tip because if you are always in tight-fitting clothes, you are susceptible to fungal infections, yeast infections, and other pathogens. The risk is even higher if you’re taking systemic immunosuppressants. It is healthier to opt for cotton clothing because they allow the skin to breathe, so the vaginal area does not get warm. Such an environment makes it difficult for any harmful microbes to overpopulate.
Causes of Vaginal Burning
General Irritation
The most common reason for a burning sensation in your vaginal area is because it is being irritated by a foreign substance. There are many thing that can irritate your vagina including both natural and synthetic materials. The most common irritant is the detergent that you use to wash your undergarments and clothes. Often, the substances that they use to make the detergent, such as the fragrance, bleach, or even color, can cause irritation in the vaginal area. The problem with this is that everybody is unique so something that is causing you irritation won’t necessarily cause irritation for someone else.
There is also the possibility of you being allergic to certain things. That allergy can cause rashes even inside of your vagina and cause burning sensations during the day, while urinating, or while having sexual intercourse. That is why it is important to note when you feel the burning sensation and what items you have used prior to the burning.
Other Potential Causes of Irritation
- Semen
- Spermicide
- Latex
- KY or other lubricants
- Topical or oral medications
- Rubber
- Hygiene sprays
- Resin
- Wax
- Scented soaps
- Bubble baths
- Douches
- Nickel products such as zippers or buttons
Treatment for Vaginal Irritation
The immediate treatment for irritation is to stop using such products immediately and switch to more natural alternatives. For all of the items in this list, you can find alternatives or you can avoid them completely without any adverse effects. The problem might not go away immediately after stopping use so it is best to wait and see. You can also try to use anti-irritants and anti-allergy medication to relieve yourself of the pain.
Prevention of Irritation
This might be the easiest thing to prevent if you realize what is causing the irritation or allergy. The most common allergy, latex allergy, can easily be prevented by using other forms of contraceptives. The female condom is an excellent alternative as it is hypoallergenic, which means that it doesn’t cause allergies, and is great at preventing STDs. You can also use lambskin condoms but they are not as effective and don’t stop all STDs.
As for scented soaps, cleaners, and baths, you should try to avoid them as much as possible. Try to use unscented products to provide yourself with some relief. The vagina produces self cleaning agents that make sure that you don’t have to spray scents on yourself down there. Plus most men prefer the natural smell so you should also think about that while you’re at it.
While we’re on the topic, the lubricants that you are using should be water based instead of oil based. Studies have shown that oil based lubricants are more prone to causing yeast infections as they are more liable to disrupt the pH levels in the vagina. It’s best to do thorough research into the type of lubrication that you use, as that decision can help you in preventing further problems. Treat yourself well ladies!
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is one of those problems that occurs in the vagina without any apparent cause. It is common in women from the ages of 15 to 44 and happens soon after sexual intercourse with a new partner. There are cases in which it has happened without any sexual intercourse, but that is incredibly rare. It is widely believed that BV happens because of the variance in the pH levels in the vagina. It is usually slightly acidic, which discourages the growth of harmful bacteria inside. If that pH level falls (or rises to be correct) to a more balanced level then it might result in the growth of that harmful bacteria.
Why this happens is still a mystery even though the problem is common. It can cause a burning sensation in the vagina especially during urination or intercourse. It is not considered an STD even though it can pass from person to person. It does not affect male sexual partners but can spread from one female to another through intercourse with the same male partner.
Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis
The most common cause is sexual intercourse with a new partner, but there are other potential causes for the problem. These include:
- Douching, or using a medicated solution to clean the vagina
- Taking a bath which has antiseptic substances in it
- Having multiple sexual partners. The varying partners make it so that you have a higher chance of getting BV, as it can spread from other people
- Smoking
- Using scented or perfumed bubble baths, deodorants, and soaps
- Washing underwear with certain detergents.
You cannot catch BV from toilet seats, swimming pools, beds, or from simply touching something.
Treatment for BV
There are many people that say BV can be cured with home remedies. In some cases that may true but that is a misleading statement. BV can be prevented by using home remedies. In some cases, it can be cured but head to your doctor just to be sure. They usually prescribe antibiotic medication which works most of the time, and they can make other suggestions for you. BV can also cause discharge from the vagina, so if you notice this you should immediately go to the doctor for a proper diagnosis.
Prevention of BV
Preventing BV would mean that you’d have to abstain from sexual contact altogether. Since that’s impossible for most people, it’s best to practice safe sex all the time. That can significantly reduce the chances of getting BV. Use condoms, especially if you have multiple sexual partners. You should also abstain from sex if you know you have it because it increases the chances that you can get other STDs. Get treatment before you engage in romps around the bedroom. You’ll find yourself enjoying yourself more when you don’t have to worry about the burning sensation or about spreading it to other people.
Menopause usually sets in around the age of 40-50 and causes a ton of hormonal changes in the female body. This happens when ovaries no longer release eggs because they have run out. Females are born with a finite number of eggs, and when they run out your body enters menopause. Hormonal changes during menopause include reduced levels of both estrogen and progesterone. During these changes it is easy to see why the body becomes alien and why instances, such as vaginal burning sensations, become common.
There is no cure for menopause, but there doesn’t need to be! This is a natural process a woman’s body will go through. However, there are many ways to make this experience much more pleasurable. If you do happen to notice a burning sensation in your vaginal area, then it might be best if you consult your doctor.
Causes of Vaginal Burning during Menopause
Burning sensations during menopause are not uncommon and mostly happen because of the hormonal changes that your body goes through. Menopause is still quite a mysterious process when it comes to the effects that it has on women, and everyone is very different in how they cope. People still don’t understand why these changes happen or why they are different in everyone. The only thing that you can be sure of is the fact that it happens to everyone. That’s why some people may experience a burning sensation when they are going through menopause and why some people don’t feel anything.
Treatment during Menopause
There is nothing you, or anyone for that matter, can do to stop menopause from occurring. You can treat the effects of it though, and prevention is key. If you’re feeling a burning sensation in your vagina when you pee, during intercourse, or throughout the day then it is worthwhile to seek out a doctor. They can prescribe you with proper medicine that can help you through this time and make it much easier to bear.
Apart from medication, you can also supplement yourself with hormonal therapy. Hormonal therapy usually involves the injection of hormones or the use of hormonal creams to meet the previous levels that existed in your body. Hormone therapy is a big decision though, and it should not be taken lightly. You should ask your doctor about it and if possible, consult someone that has gone through it. They can give you an apt description of it and let you know what you can expect.
Prevention of Vaginal Issues during Menopause
There is nothing that you can do to prevent menopause. It will happen whether you’re ready or not. You’ll often feel the changes happen and that will tell you when you have hit the stage. Other than that your doctor can perform a specific blood test that gauges the levels of estrogen in your blood. That will tell them if you’re going through menopause or not.
In addition to this, we recommend using a cream moisturizer, such as Julva Vaginal Moisturizer , that contains DHEA. Use of a DHEA cream leads to the improved synthesis of estrogen. This hormone is responsible for better lubrication, reduced burning sensation, improved sex drive, and overall performance. People aged 40 years and above can use DHEA to replace hormones. It combats the effects of aging and, not only that, it increases sex drive, and also relieves vaginal burning caused by irritations, aging, and hypersensitivity.
Yeast Infection
Yeast infections are also a common cause of a burning sensation in your vagina, particularly when peeing. Yeast infections happen because of a fungus in your vagina, or rather when it starts growing more than it should. The fungus is necessary for a lot of the body’s necessary functions such as maintaining healthy digestion, killing off unwanted bacteria, and generally keeping the body healthy. If it starts growing out of control though it can cause problems because that can disrupt the natural and very fragile balance of the vagina. A yeast infection is so common that three out of every four women experience it in their lifetimes. These women often have multiple episodes during the course of their life.
Causes of Yeast Infection
There are many things that can cause a yeast infection. The most common causes include:
- Antibiotic Use. Using antibiotics can disrupt the natural flora of the vagina and cause the imbalance that leads to a yeast infection. It can happen because of prescribed antibiotics so if you notice something after taking medication, you should let your doctor know.
- Pregnancy. When you become pregnant your body goes through so many changes that it can’t keep up. In the wake of a pregnancy it is very common to get a yeast infection. It’s easy to cure though and won’t affect the child at all.
- Hormonal changes. Anything which changes the hormone levels in your body can cause a yeast infection. That includes birth control pills and hormone therapy.
- Compromised immune system. A compromised immune system increases your chances of getting a yeast infection.
Treatment for Yeast Infection
If this isn’t your first time getting a yeast infection then you can just get an over the counter anti-fungal vaginal cream or suppository. There are times, though, when you should see a doctor about a yeast infection. You should see a doctor if:
- This is your first time getting a yeast infection
- You’re unsure of whether you have a yeast infection or not
- You develop symptoms that don’t relate to yeast infection
- Your symptoms don’t go away after taking medication
Prevention of Yeast Infections
It’s very easy to prevent a yeast infection even though it still might happen. You can use the following ways to reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection.
- Avoid tight underwear and leggings. These can constrict the vagina, make it more humid, and thus increase the chances of a yeast infection.
- Avoid douching. It’s a process that can kill a lot of the natural bacteria that is helpful for your vagina. This bacteria keeps the growth of the fungus in check.
- Avoid hot tubs and very hot baths. They can kill bacteria as well and become a breeding ground for yeast.
- Don’t stay in wet clothes too long. Wet clothes have a humid environment and can propagate the growth of a yeast infection.
- Avoid scented products especially for your nether regions. They can cause serious problems
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
There are a variety of STDs that can cause a burning sensation in the vagina when you pee, during intercourse, or just generally. The problem with diagnosing the STD is that there are a lot of them that have the same symptoms. Diseases like chlamydia, herpes, and gonorrhea all cause a burning sensation and it cannot be self diagnosed very easily.
Causes of STDs
The term STD can be misleading because it implies that these diseases can only be spread through sexual intercourse. That may be how they mainly spread but that is not the only way. They spread through contact of infected bodily fluids which includes semen, vaginal fluids, and blood. That is the root cause of such STDs and that is how they spread. So you can get them through intercourse with an infected person but you can just as easily get it from receiving blood from someone who is infected or from using a previously used syringe. That is why it is always important to stay as safe as possible and practice safe sex.
Treatment for STDs
Some STDs can be cured whereas other cannot. For treatment you have to consult your doctor because you cannot handle it yourself. They will tell you exactly what you need to do and will prescribe medication accordingly. As always we’d like to remind our readers to never self-medicate. Your doctor knows better and you should not be treating diseases by yourself. The information that we provide through these articles is so to give you a little more information so that you are better equipped to handle them.
Prevention of STDs
The best way to prevent getting an STD is to practice safe sex. Always use a condom no matter how great it might feel without one. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry and a moment of ecstasy may leave you regretting the decision your whole life. If your partner refuses to wear a condom then wear one yourself. Take charge, because you’re the only one that has to live with the consequences.
We hope this information helps in finding out why you’re experiencing vaginal burning. Although, to find out immediately you can visit your doctor and they’ll tell you exactly what’s wrong and how to treat it. It’s always better to see a doctor even if you are unsure whether there is something wrong or not.
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